! StLfHlK IXlKACilUu j 'Continued from page 1 rfifiCe Kupert Daily iNew; Thursday, March 29, 195! End Black woo on r save the day by going up with standing cards is a triple finesse, her ten of spades. In that case Like all other finesses it is a By Easley Blackwood uuiiiiny s queen wouia nave Deen devise used to improve your Mr. Dale knOWS it's not good Humanics to insist Played and Mr. Masters' king chances of winning tricks by en- on playing all the hands. But holding the South cards uid6 TTJZl h,gh ( on this particular deal he felt that a heart Contract over Mrs- Keen' jack-eight and In today's hand if Mr. Da!e Noranda or Flin Flon and at Trail where Consolidated was now recovering roughly from 300 : to 350 tons of .sulphur daily fro-n ;the smoke, this being ued for ; sulphuric acid and fertilizer products. Another quick source for sulphur could be Alberta's natural gas. ; 1 I "Of particular interest to j Prince Rupert is the Ecstaii 1 I River pyrite deposit, estimat- ; I ed at some four million tons. ' ' X r . , vw.,,' A v i , vaic vuiu anility nave mrv.- nau pitiyeu wif qut en on me en a second (and successful) first spade trick he would never have held his -spade lasers to three out- one. At no trump the enemy could have cashed five chu- fl"esk,e- , , , , . . r . , , . " ! A finesse against mond tricks at the start. ; X giving at least 1,500, OIH) tons of sulphur and a like amount I of iron residue," commented I Mr. Moore, suggesting the I possibility of a reduction plant ! at Prince Hupert to produce I sulphur from these pyrites. j Mr. Moore discussed the na- f Itching I Cancer Quota Set at $2,000 trick had to be lost in the spade j .suit in any case. j Giving himself every ctvance, Mr. Daie finessed dummy's nine ; spot. And it took Mr. Masters' j king to do'it. Now the ace and ; queen of spades in dummy were j both good and the contract was f home. i Note that Mrs. Keen could not i L South dealer Neither side vulnerable i (Mr. AIm-1) ! 8 A tl 9 3 i H 8 4 . ! D 10 0 3 C K C 5 3 i (Mr. Krcii) (Mr. Musters) ' 8 J 10 8 8 S K 7 i H 10 1 3 H 8 8 1 I D K Q 8 D-A 9 7 5 2 ) i C - Q iu 4 C J t 8 "t l I (Mr. Italr) I 8 4 u I ! H A K Q J 5 2 TITANIUM... Prince Rupert's cancer fund'tural gas and oil situation in' nnllseptic , clnn. itr.ii.'.e l:el! you th:.'i unytlimj; campaign will commence April 3 Canada with particular refer- j with a local objective of $2 00(1, 1 ence to the great oil poo re-' it was announced today by D. C. i sources of Alberta, also men- j Stev.-nscn, chairman of the local i Zoning the eventual possibilities1 cancer toclety. Mr. Stevenson.0 extracting oil from the tari It truuW' :,T o"'v' r("1,y pt,"'! U Hrili quickly; the magic moral . , . to mie it . . . . . . glossier . . . quick-drying . . . easy to wash . . greater in hiding power . . . for kitchens and bathrooms. L J 4 C A 2 will be campaign chairman, in-lianas ii) miles north of Ed art unit' , :,d in a sii. fiery Uchtni;. j h,,i!:tr!'jm' dividual canvassing will be car- swnton Iti.h. I ', ol BarucT: Speaking of metal price situa 9j ri-.'d out with Mrs. William Roth- n Ec. era: The bidding: South West Niirlh Kast 1 H Pass 1 S Pass 3 H Pass 3 NT Pass 4 H All pass , obtain Muiilii -s Emerald or -.Mi l)"Un' ' '"' nu)ri" t Is sale I" l LADY FLETCHER Fluent linguist and world traveller, is mming to Prince Rupert to speak next Wednesday to the Women s Canadian Club at an afternoon gathering. Lady Fletcher in 1949 engaged in several months of intensive study in East Africa and the subject of her discourse here will be "Strains and Stresses in East Africa." Before returning to Canada Lady Fletcher carried out a lecture tour of Britain. During the war, she served as chairman of the case committee of the Polish Relief Fund, and from 1941 was engaged by the British Ministry of Information as one of twelve national speakers. During this period she chalked up a score of over a thousand lectures. For two years following the war she went to Germany well organizing the canvassers. As a preliminary to .the cam-pni'-Ui. the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Cancer Society will be ht'ld April 6 when the good work of the Society during the past year will be reviewed in an tion In Canada, Mr. Moore said that, while metal prices had increased, operating costs had at least gone up correspondingly in some cases. The speaker discussed the search for uranium which would be encouraged by the Jl:f ' f -..(. frm'T.-w nou a (Hi 1Ll(E PHARMACY nual reports. This advertlsi'mrm is not published! or dl.-playod by the Liciuor f.'ontrol. a nntinn-ww. n hrn.rfrf twenty percent rise recently an ol liiMird fir by the Government British Columbia bv the Governor-General. Vis- and the price of urani- um ores. He pointed out, how count Alexander, at 4:45 p.m., Sunday afternoon, April 8 will mark the national opening of the campaign. ever, that uranium, having no past as a commercial mineral, was associated exclusivelv at .EALtiTATE INSURANCE' NCOME TAX URNS PREPARED t MORTIMER j3-3rd Ave. W. 11 ' SSfe-ftf.UI 1 Against the actual four heart contract Mrs. Keen opened the 1 king of diamonds. Noting Mr. Masters' play of the nine, she I continued with the queen and ! a n o t h e r diamond. Mr. Dale trumped the third lead and i paused to look the situation over. Clearly the success of the j hand depended on the lay of i the cards in the spade suit. So Mr. Dale took three rounds of trumps discarding a small club ill cm dummy on the third lead. ! Then he led a small spade on ! which Mrs. Keen played the six. 'At. this point he did not make j the mistake of playing 4 queen i from the board. Tnere was no hurray about that. If Mrs. Keen had the king, .the queen could ' be finessed later. Alter all, one 1 present with instruments of war 3 and Its future was obscure. Under the circumstances there JOHN H. BULGER Oj)lom clrisl ao tiM ITMDPi Ualf-ia "ffw..r Jii. Pc aSienneri misht be reluctance by private! anJ in Belsen anJ nd viduals or companies to n- olhor tont.entraticn camps. vest money in the uranium In- dustry. , ( ( ' Am' From Vancouver (Wednesday) Mr. Moore saw the present ksilor Mi. Payette ,M. C'ausland, Miss steel shortage as only Mack, G. Leurin, A. Phillips, ary. With an increase in canac- John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue G. Cip, Mr. Piton, Mr. Charon, ity of fifty percent n prospect L. Sabourin, W. A. Dale, A. K. as compared with 1910, he said' Cjliosl own that, in the event of actual war. ! I THE BEST! Ill Ql'ALITYk this increase would be fully Jus-' Mrs. Fred Thornton of Prince tified but, in the event of no Rupert recently visited Knott's xv 1 l"A 7 I" J war, there would probably be a Burry Farm and Ghou Town in Alwocd, J. Miller, A. Donze, D. Francis, Mr. Falls, D. Frascr, E. MeSjiei', Mr. Nagal, Mr. Sander.-btnry, n. Ezeard, J. Persona, L. Plaiii;, H. Hershaw, F. Boyles, C. Bole. T. Carlson, . Disaulniers, J. M.Coai, P. Kelly, L. Gauthria, F. Gyliu-tle. From Sandsplt (Wednesday) C. Pray. H U j) U P A V llVVUJ rm Meantime, however, any extra j There, like the forty-niners, capacity would never oe leit at;"11', mormon irjeu ner iuck i domestic level in Canada. j panning real gold in the ancient j Mr. Moore's address was heard ; sluice box at the old Gold Mine, with interest by a good at-1 Laur she visited the Wagon ! tendance of Gyro members and j Camp where In a huge circle Check bscr fcr yor r.;:re:r Bapco PainJ Dealer THOfAPSON HARDWARE To Vancouver (today i J. For- man J. McMurdic I. Murrav W 1 a 8"est was James Georgeson. real covered wagons were lighted President E. D. Forward was in Dy the nickering flames of a fir . . the chuir. Next week's speaker will be Col. C. E. Reynolds, chairman of Let Us Solve j large camp fire. From here, they 1 wandered through the Music Hall, General Merchandise Store, J the Covered Wagon Show, and Anderson, Mrs, Parkvold. R. G. HtMcy, J. Paul.'.on, C. Pray. 'ij fSsiid.-'plt Outlay S. Tudor. J. Wolsietilioliiie, Walt Du-bie. T i Stewart 1 today) Miss D Sti ph' n, Mrs. D. Mi Kennu. - Housewives Cash In On Savings from Superb New instant Coffee Printing Froblcms the Ontario and Northland Railway, who will be spending sev Instant Chase 4r Sanborn today! Enjoy its rich true-coffee goodness . . . and the extra convenience of making it right in the cup no messy pot, no grounds! FISHERMEN . many oiner rjuuaings ereciea Dy mom: eral days in the city in the Walter Knott as a monument to ; the pioneers of the early West. ourse of a western tour. "Something's got to be. done about the price of coffee!" housewives were saving. And Chase & t Printinq Co. St "Banborn's wonderful new Instant m i-V It P.UK K Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cornwei! and Barbara will leave tonight on the Pi June Rupert for three wveks' holiday wnh Mr. Corn-well s parents, Mr. and Mrs V.'. 111am Cornwell, near You'll never know how good instant coffee can be For eiimiili le overhaul -of you: Hitfh 8i ft tJa.oiine tnjjines, sec Kupi'rt Motors Ltd. We "ive the trained mechanics tp'i'ialied equipment to perlor n this work for you . . . fcUiJl '.lly and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the I u:.h is on, let us have that job now. I) B ( . P WKOI.I.S" Coffee has done It! Along with marvellous rich flawtr and grand convenience, this new "instant" brings sensational economy! New Family Size Nets Still Bigger Saving The 4-oz. jar saves you up to 40 on your coffee bills! And with the new big family size jar iric until you try S I "'JOVKHNMKNT I.IQ'iOH ACT" (.Serllnn 51 NOT'" r,y APIM.K'ATION FOR CONSENT TO THANSKKK Cl.ll) 1 H I- .JhK i O OTHER PltEM- NOTICE U hfTi'by given that on tlx fxplrallon of thin advent a nient thi iimleri limed jnti nils to apply i the I.Upn.r Control ItuarU for con?wn1 'o tninsfer Club l.teenre No. 21JK Issued in respect of certain premlse situine nt the corner of 2nt Aver'ic you get still bigger savings! JJ ST-: ?i Start saving with the new Rupert Motors Limited m jj- r -11 it "Packed in B.C ..'lorrasi( i'ilii!e.,non,: .rl,. !Up,.rt. m the Province ol lohrmly gixKl, Pacific I Bri,lh Columbia, upon lands tin-C'limiu !'i!i ;1 iw il.u'ioro ' crllxtl as Lots 1 and a. Block 20. Sec- vegetable'soup eefstocK. i 4 nJeMriAMS fimmi'i'.. i" 1 ! M"" Map VOi. Prince Kiix-rt Land lunmikiv Increased - R.mJn , , District.' t certain " '1,: ''l makes it a ' premises situate at 312 Third Avenue 0c build- 1 w ' 'n c'llv r Prince Hupert -Do. viry for r-rovince 01 uriti.sn t;oiumbia. upon lands dep.' Ibed as Lot No. lti. Block '"'uMhy bodies. Got !k t')!' :."'Ui- liaby today. ON OIL No. 20. Kcrlllon 1. Mud 92:1. Prince Hupert Lima Keslstratlon District, ill the Province of llrltlsh Columbia. VEGETABLE' DA rill ut Prince rtuncrt. British :ific Ml IK '4'dand IlonioRcni. e.l Columbia, thl 1st day of March. mm I H&l. SOUP THE ritlNCE RUPERT CLUE hacked by 85 years of - - LJ j I ' coffee experience i I Hi LIMITED (By Arthur Bruce Brown Sccret.ir"i mi YOUR FAMILY DESERVES AYIMER QUALITY USE BS. & W. CONDITIONER for Domestic Oil Stoves and Furnaces 1. Eliminates sluilfie and water in storage fuel tanks and lines. 2. Prevents soot and carbon in oil burning equipment. 3. Improves combustion and saves on oil. 4. No sputtering or smoky (ires. VOIR FLAME RRIGIITER YOI'R STOVE CLEANER 16-oz. tin $1,5(3 SOLE AGENTS GORDON & ANDERSON Paune SKOALS FRIDAY and CJ SATURDAY jh cider cm Chow Mcin NoOD CAFE MEN'S i a 'w orders Phone 133 NYLON SOCKS Ladies' NYLON HOSE FIRST QUALITY New Drapery Fabrics 42 f,o 4R Inches wid. New multi-colored prints. Heavy we'Eht. Fast colors. $1.25 Bubs. All new patterns. Short style, lastex tops. Sizes 10 to 12 PAIR Two new Spring Shades ROSE DUSK and HAZEL TAUPE' , 51 guaqe. Full fashioned daytime sheer Refr. no tn 2.95 yard. EXTRA SPECIAL YD. MEN'S Towels . " I i II l feS for SHORTS & SHIRTS $1.95 $1.00 $3.10 $1-59 pr. or pr. 0-EIUvirT.f BalbriKRun Shirts Shorts. Good quality. 1Jl8Pm., Chilcm.ln Small, Medium CiAKMr.N i- FiiiRer tip size. Eight shades. Fringed ends. SPECIAL ;$ POR LADIES' Is and and 8)v and and Law Large. 65c ;JESday. 12 Noon YOl'NC. MEN S BLACK AND WHITE DRESS SHEER 1 50 yards. 42 inches wide: YARD $ ,3 5 Children's RAYON & LISLE SOCKS STEWART AND SIMPSON C' " P.m. ISLANDS AGRICULTURAL LIME Now Is the time to give your garden and lawn a coat of lime. O- Prevents Acid Soil Promotes Growth Larger Vegetables More Beautiful Flowers 1 sack delivered $1.75 per sack Uo to 5 sacks delivered $1 .69 per sack Over 5 sacks delivered $1.50 per sack PHILP0TT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER - COAL CORD SLACKS Green, Wine. CJiey. Blown, Navy. Drop belt loops, zipper fastening, pleated front. Rayon Brief Panties Radio stripe. Pink, Blue, Mauve, White. Small, Medium, Large 2 PAIR for Sj.OO 9 P m. , illl'lM. Lastex toDS. Sizes 5 to 8V2 . Sizes 23 to 36.PAIR- $10.50 4 pr. for 1.00 Pinlt, Blue, White., Yellow ljlm. Mureh 23 A new shipment just arrived. 10 shades Cherry Red. Blonde, Beige, tee:?- 54in. "Celanese ' Satin Copen Blue. Brown. Reseda Green, Gold, Grey, Fawn, PT CJ Oyster, Rose. Also Black and White YARD W 11 Asent 'none 568 i