Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. Mirrh 29. 1351 SPHERE OF ! Listed for Vancouver on the Bowman, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Prince Rupert tonight are Mr.Btrtch, W.'Blrteh, Mrs. W. 8.' and Mrs. A. S. Ntckerson and j Benwall and baby, M. Kresge,' son, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cornwell ; and infant, Mrs. Kresge and iand intant, T. L. Lambert, M:'s. two children, Mr. and Mrs. E. ! Keyes, Mr. Widen, Mr. Keo'Aii. 1 oaleskv I A. C. OJOd, I. Baxter, L. E. j , WSTRJag t..r X , CS9ETT. V rk , have bny&fc C.mi an k.-... 1 -L iMia lit. . Phillips, A. Butliman, S. iMillan, H. Compton,' Mrs. J. j. . it von y:-,!u. ru sell :. urlv..rt.lF irollowlni 1 hnrt m. rer-'. . k " that v i i , -jncne ana ti;.1 1 IVIC Centre m HEADING FOR BIG TIME? j Dave Abel Called for Try-out With Professional Ball Team Believed the first Prince Rupert hardball player in recent years at least ttitry out for the professional If- -T-- -tii irliit -1 iimr in mini " nift iir Tf This advertisement h not published or displayed oy the Liquor Control Board or by trie Government o British ColumbUt By request the Civic Centre Li showing this Friday night a film called "Family Outing," a 20-"nnnte color film showing a leapnes is David Abel. 24. who leaves t.ninni-rnu- hv tnnny holiday .in the public l.i..'.,.. .. u T),..,:..f i ' camping grounds of Banff Na- SEE OUR DISPLAY tional Park. The other pictuie tiianc ui uie i cuutuni uoimn giranip 01 Uie van fifi pi!. couver Capilanos. OF . 1 J rrV Manager of the Vancouver Caps, contacted Abel yesterday, requesting him for spring training as baseball catcher. C PORT JHOTC is entitled "Who Will Teach Your Child?" a 30-tninute film on the study of the teacher's vital rjlo in the child's- development. The film presents a challenge to prospective teacher, parent, the community as a whole for tru teaching profession to receive true recognition, and children salisluction of their needs to know. JEWELLERS Dave cautiously, "I'm just going THE HOME OF FRIENDA' SERVICE 993 522 3rd Ave W. SOX down for spring training. An lmpres,lve and C(jk)!.ful Abe worked out with the coast ceremony at the Nat; mal a t-teum while in Vancouver on his ium j,, New Eclni mark,d"llw holidays last August. He has ; tlc,!e of Ule A ia c,Jm,s played as catcher with cityicentlv Alter the ,,'. , VICKEES leagues neie iui pasi unee Prime Nehru t;ok tn" years. Square dancing will be h.'Hl in the Civic Centre Auditorium on Friday night and any new comers to the art of old lime dancing are being cordially invited. There will Ij three hours of fun and saw saluta as atfilete? frjm 11 p:u-tieipating r-ountvlt's march"! last in a eoli.riol pa 'eant lt d bv massed bands lut.scariet, bin-.' all those at- and gold. Afterward, th- Asian j emertainment. for Games flae; with the sun in th 1 tending. middle and 11 interlinked circles , unuer li. was levered am d ;i i E (,,- I - A"e. ( 1 -. IT rv .uporlo and no;v countries t)tKm of suns and th? to vli of the participating famous since 1750 He was on the winning teams, Abel & Oticiwes last year, and the Merchants the year before, under the management of his business partner John Odowes. Abel has had baseball ex-poru nee in . the East, playing with the Reglna Red Sox. - "LEGAL" BIGAMY LUANSHYA. Northern Rhodesia (CP) An African yho had left his wife f;ir, another woman told the court it was "pr-fsjUy legal" bscaire he had "transferred" his marriage certificate by the simple expedient of ctca-Uss out ens name and w il-In the other. 7V . LONDON URYiilNf I ft MEDAL which had burnt all through the progr?' 9 of the games, was ex -! tinguished. The flag and the torch were handed over to th! Chief Commis lont of D'liii : fcr sofe keet:!n" t.'ll th"y a'-e! wanted by the Piiillnpines. the host count y fnr the Escoijd A Man Game . !n 1955. The Maharaja of Patiala, President of the Federallun, then mounted the Tribune of Hono:- and declared the First As'.an Games clus.-d. In dim came unywhe e near them. The ord r was revels xt in tht' team events India leading with 52 point-, aiu Japan comin? second With 44 points. India won th t-events in all f jotfca'l, wat'r-p-.lo sr-i diving. The basketball championship was won by the Ph!H ipine, easily ar 1 tiu.v proved th-ir superiority in every department of the game. Th 'y also shared hon: s with Sln'i.t-po e in swiiiiminT. Iran ""ored a runaway victory in j iii w tun kmmm itmit em. 1 l.ti ilir Ml.MliiaJi - ;yr m g , DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 K VICKEKS' ION0ON DRY GIN is littillti ! dull lit listrililti h Calvert DitTiuntt (CANADA) UMITCD IPISJBBSBl i ( 1 I' x,tJ0..:tSfit - tw v.. jc-til cr7-c . rr. 1 i , a ! I 9j ' .l .. .v.w .-l:S ple tradition he ac'ied: "I .all 1 upon the youth of eveiy Asian I country t;j a.?emble. :n four I years at Manila, there to cle- iu.i( tiatui i,amd.ti.M.iri Everybodyls Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! This advertisement is not pulJished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board oi by the Government of British Columbia. 1 brut ? with the Sf rord Game, j of Asia. May they display i cheerfiilne1"; and concord ;,o --that th? spo-ts torch may be Alette ig&SSS, ED AG I I ri I I r i r I n I 1 t n COMPUTE WITH 10 CIUETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER! L3 mm mm i BIG $2.00 VALUE cairied tn with even greater (.aiicrne -3, courage and honour for the good of humanity ihr:ugh the ag?s." It va': p el -lou!1 t'ay for Jaioa:l the rurliir was rung down in "Aslad." V athletes w .n the majority of evenU, standin;; firt in "in- nf a fo'rten event.- of the programme. In in-div'tfjal ccenls Jaoan led with 100 p-int-, a'ld Inrtia w1? sporH v.i!h 11C ntints. Ja,-nn' cvcl'n For Only Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. PI use refrain from telephoning. Classific word per insertion, minimum charge !Uc. lilrlh Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, lirait ('uncial Notices, Marriage and Engagement AnnoiinceiiicnU $2W) SPECIAL DISPLAY. UJUHLE l'UICK JJERE'S the greatest bargain in shaving history! It's the new Gilletle Rocket Ra2or and the amazing Gillette Blade Dispenser, now packed in a permanent Styrene travel case. ' This razor changes blades instantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set-only $1.29. WAMtl) I UK SALE TENDERS i ml f U L Ml II TL .'NDERS will be arceptcd u PI IHlill ml " Die uiuier.sie.ned uu to and in- HE ESTATE OP NORMAN Mac- NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES WAN'I ED Halibut io - tjinn-oeit Sueetter Bnoveii; ence two vtJi's n Craties; Diamines; A u a in s Would like to wi itoau urauers; Littieloiu bios, j goin! to Area 4. V. BiacK lop Kvad ivlaintenance I Kucert bv the m cludinu ivlurcn il, iUji, ior tie r rMaica i r I -VX)D. DECEASED. TAKE KOTICK that as Admin 1-.-tratf r, duly appolntfd by the court, r-f the pstatti of Normttn MufLeod, sale ot one twu-slorev 0ui:d-nii locateu on Watson j.siund beiim the properlv ot Dominion Bruise Co.. LUi. Duilnm ' Kuuionieiu; ' U;eii Ciainsliell I AODlV Box ba. n I t-uch.-ls and Kock Urapole must be removed trom Colum-i Instant Blade Changing Real Shaving Comfort Double-Edge Economy but Cellulose Co. ljtd.'s properly as is, or can be Dismantled, whichever is .suilaole to purchaser ami at purchaser's exoen.;e. Terms, cash to be paid tv certified encode fur lud amoiinl, liuildiii': is ai- EXPERIENCED ster. expert typist with and booKKeeuins. t bv dav week or it Reynolds, Prime h tel. role iskvi T. t.. ijinilli Concrete Mixers; CiaiK KorKlilt Trucks; Netsuti Bucket Loaders lor ttocKpiie atul Hnnw Hemovui; Rice i'on,-able Centnluaal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers anil Buckets; National All Sleel trasoline ltoi.sis: N.lioiul Portaole Sawmills; National Rot 'try Screens and Convevoi . Full infoiinat:on Ironi National Mucin nerv Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. ' (tl) i "ho riled .at Prlncu Kuprrt, British ! Columbia, on the lath dny of De- cember, 1950, I require ail creditors i rn- others liavln; claims against the ; r,:;l J estate to send the same to Vne, j .rcp'r)y verirtt'd, at the address men-i tionetl below on or before the 30th ! day nf April, 1)51. after which dnto ,1 shall proceed to distribute the ts'ate to tho:;e entitled by law, having n-Kurd only to such claims of I whih I shall then have been rioti- fled. I And further take notice that all persons indebted to the said estate I ure required to pay their indebted This dvirtficmcnt t not publ htd ot dtipl.ytd by the Liquor Control Bord ot by th Ooirnmn ol Brrtiih ColumbU. n proximntelv 40' x 20' with cabled roof, containing ap-proximatelv lii.tllMl' .siniilan, s t u d d i n u and loists. 3:illu' j Donacona. 20' hot air furnace I ntui lofts. wa.sli hnsin. toilet..1 a d jroj-e&sionai luundrv tub and necessary . FOR SALEOne white enamel water nine and cast iron nine, j oil ratine with Kenmac blower electrical wiring on both floors I tvpe burner, like new. $lb(). Willi 8 globe l.vt" ll"ht shatle.s, Phone Green !95 or 8(!7 after switches und outlel.s, 8 doors,' 6. (74c) 16 windows brick cliininey . ,, fuil lit ieht of biilldlnu. hot- r OR SAI.E-Two-bv-fours. Eiht water healer and tank D i- ieet and over. $35.00 per tliou-minion Hrid'je Co.. Lid. llox 1 sand; under eiglit feet, $25.00 1308. Prince Rimert. 11C. I "T thousand. Prince Runert ness to me forthwith. Unfed at Prince Kuprrt, B.C., thlH 13th doy of March, 1151. O OR DON FRAHER FORBES, Otticiul Administrator, Prince' Rupert, B.C. (72p) uduteSS an KOKM F (sei iii.n r.s(d)) Mini k or ti'i'i ii t iniN top I'll I('.VI I:h F IMl'KOVKMI.VlS &:i-..piia ciuinis hik nun Bull No. 1 Hull No. b Bull No. (1 Jean lltich ' nitunte In: A Ll In Ml..lnR Division. FOR KENT-lwii piuiC ni. I'll"" ''' ter 0. FOR RENT-BmI! fast ii art luui'li oiili in. Blue Tlj. 41 U-DRIVE CARS. : Ml (iienviile Cauu WA PRICKS FA!0 I"' y sleel. brass 'omij;'-Honest grailiiis ' inenl niatle.; ronver, B. I- rl 6357. WANTED -Bv VOU'lH Willi no chili" auartmeiit or In'M in,, moms. J Prince Kui'rt H"' Warehouse. 75p i75c) Plumbing & Heating HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE I'l-RSONAI, FOR SALE - One Folev automatic saw filer complete: electric or hand power. Box 9, Burns Lake. B.C. (77c) Wiiere filtuated : . On the north side of River, near Tulseqnah, the Taku B. C. I ESI . MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, D C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 iTONE RUILDING CASH for scran cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators Phone 543 --call 029 6th W , KRAI. KSTATK . City. Ufl! Lawful holder: The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company ot Canada, l.lmlt.-d. Number of the holder's Free Miner's Certlllciitu: a&ns-K Take notice that James W. Donaldson, of Trull, British Columbia, oet- GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS FOR SALE Immediately, house, live rooms and bath, completely . furnished, centrally located, garden space: also 1-room furnished cabin in 1 3 NORTHLAND Dalrv muk delivered 24.- per quart. Why pay more? Phone 18 tor dallv deliver" service M-29i TASTY" IvXlWLLsTan he "obtained todav and every day at lhe Rupert. Bakery Ltd. Phone r 13 for orders. ( PHONE . BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 lng aa ardent fr the lawful holder, I Intends ut the end of OO days but I not lau r than one Jeur from the date of this notlee to pply to the Mlnlnft Recorder for Certificates ol I Improvements lor the purpose of ob- PHONES Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 URGEN FOR WIFE AND 2 A four or flve-r" or suite oi';, required by end Write Box 58. ! talning Crown RrantB of the above I j claims. j AND further take ntoten that HI J.I" WANT! H rear. 740 Fulton St. (75pi FOR SALE fl room house. 6th Ave. East. Close to .school and hospital. Phone Green 785. l7iic FOR SALE House near Mc-Hride Street. Lart;e bedroom, living room and kitchen. Bathroom. Basement with hot :iir heater. Price for cash, $3200 00. Prince Rupert Co. (71c) HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES ' RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Ouarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733-5th Ave. W. Black 503 MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONE Fnr Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. I action, under Section 85 of the J "Mineral Act." must be commenced I before the Issuance of such Ctill-; cates of Improvements. FOR SALE '39 Ford sedan de-1'verv. eood engine and rubber. Snap for cash. Phone Blue C70 before 4;30 p.m. (74p) n 4 SIDNEY C0N1CK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. .Ph. 212 II.. G. IIELGERSON LIMITED ' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 Dated this 17th day of January. AD. 151 JAMKS IV. DONALDSON James W. Donaldson, Aent for The Consolidated Mlnllip; and Smelttns Company of Canada. ' Limited. WANTED -J cream Ii"""! . B condition. Box nt: TO. Box 274 WANTED Want. Ails. Kure KpsiiIUsi I'.I !I,I)I RS & CONTRACTORS f TIMBlNn and TIKATfNO Sheet, metal work Tar nnc "ravel roolintr Call (129 fit h West Phrme 543. Letourneie and fio.ts '.f i REPAIRS JIT. BURNER SPECIALIST -Stove service and repairs. O D Ronson. Iliac.-- 503 t,fi tons CIMMU": ai)acitv; 0iv, FOR SALE 6 room house. 10 minutes to Post, Office. Snlen-did view, eoort location. Terms arranged. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (74c) FOR SALE 5 room house, fuil basement, 2 lots fenced in, beautiful gardens. Newly redecorated inside and out. Readv to move into. Applv 529 7th East. (79p) '"Sa N iroin , v hoat BnX OJ -- A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND. C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W.' Box 203 Phone 88 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC ' SHOE HOSPITAL scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 -3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 NOTICE URGENTLY "r rent. Dme 801- . !.., e :1VS '- T0INT from Rpgiilntiifri l.oniln nnrt Speeil the Northern Trillli-l'Mvlnelal llluhway t.M,l (( AV KAI'IDM to TVKK WftTCH REPAIRS -iYompt efficient service Oeorge Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction FOR SALE Large. 4 newly decorated. Full concrete basement. Terms. Box 60 Daily News (76p) Stone Buiidi'"'- II 1.1 P LOST RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 3&1 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branch 204 4th Street. Phone 655 colussi's music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 nil aites 2 years, The Undersigned, being a person authorised by the Minister of Public Works, In writing, to exercise the powers vested in the Minister In Part II of the "Highway Act." and being of the opinion that that portion of th" Northern Trans-Provincial Highway from Galloway Rapids to Tyee is Mali to damage through extraordinary traffic thereon, hereby makes the following Regulation pursuant to Section 35 of the Highway Act. The following Insrt find speed limitations are imposed on the ii 1 highway until further notice: No person shall operate an vehicle over the Northern Trans-Provlii-clal Highway from Galloway Rapids to Tyee having a maximum grosi weight or loading in excess of llfty per cent of that allowcl In the Regulations made pursuant to Section 3d of the "Highway Act" R 8 B.C. 1948. The speed limit of vehicles with pneumatic ttres is restricted to twenty miles p?r hour. Vehicles with solid tires are prohibited from nshis this Highway during such times as this regulation Is In force. DATED at Prince Rupert, DC, this 21st day of March, 1!1. L. B SMITH. Divisional Engineer, : Department of Public Works. tO 525 & ?nW LOST Kevs In tan leather kev case. Box 68 Daily News.(76c) POSITION WANTED WANTED By educated, experienced ladv. ex-nurse rxisition as housekeeper to widower or n motherless home Good home preferred to high wages. Address replies to Box 61. Dailv News Services available around April 20. References (74c FOR SALE FOR SALE In eood condition: h.ibv bii'tgy. iarge play pen with nad, enamel tuo. Nec.o electrie cooker, sealers, etc. Phone Red 983-1210 8th East. (75p) FOR KALE Trolling hont "Glacier." 34 ft. long. Full v eouioied Phone Green 894 after 6 n.m. ; (79p) FOR SALE New and used furniture, hardware, riot lies and loi?pinrr boot.s. National cash register Gilchrist lodging iacks and scores of other article at very low prices. B O. Furniture, 3rd Avenue W. (tf) BOOKKEEPINO, ein .. , a tor or experience "Burt' !!!!;?,',!:" Mart"'4 Fire and Frost Proof Storage for Rent Central Location Phone 422 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS - Phone Blue 970 Bo 1628 For genuine parts and wrvlce phone or write above. ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANQINO Phone Blue 901 Box 1819 241 West 5th Avenue lin Fisheries.. ROOM AND BOARD WANTEp-rlAfS 'ANTED raphe- and board. t70p FOR RENT Room Phone Black 890