Prince Rupert Daily News Thiuxday, March 29, 1951 City Disposes ' 1 Of More Lots Twenty-two city-held lots were Wage Offer y English p f. Williams j sold to three people recently, Aid. wrong with this NERVOUS? OO It 'TMN-Hl fit!" with Jiimpy lVI "Hljljj jt to iron 4.-n.-unry. rw.w h w W. w Wvf ir hrti-rt i hem ev-fi Iwa otLcf ti mra turer, contractor, appraiser. ; 4. What does the'word "emanate" mean? 5. .What word beginning with d s means "cautious"! Answers r. Say, "was in good taste." "Arrangement" is the singular subject. 2. Pronounce lawn-derd, not lawn-drld. 3. Contractor. 4. To issue from a source. "Nothing but good can emanate from right thinking." 5. DLscreet. is The arrangement of T. B. Black told the city council Tuesday. Lots 19 and 20, Block 11, Section 5, were sold to J. Hipp lor $1150, subject to Veterans' Allowance. Lots 1-7 inclusive, Block 42, R. E. Rowe for $150, with the provision that the city would not be responsible for any services. Lots 17. 18 and 19, Block 29, Section 8, were sold to A. Strachan for $320. Use Classifieds for Results. lons were in gooa Is Refused The Civic Employees' Union and Firemen's Union are not accepting the city's latest offer of a 10 percent increase in wages. Their demand is for 12 percent. Mayor G. W. Rudderham, reporting "for the wage committee to city council Tuesday, airt the committee had met with ...i. ..j ..i.. ..j,. -1 i-v 4 circx I ij iir 1 lor tiilin rh"fTtul ntrv. it.'.re roHiil weep, mi ! taesUiU. ViiU vwy any ll 'lt Sestion 8, were sold to Mrs. the correct pronun- laundcred"? a one of these words Jd' Advertiser, lec i -urn i 0muFmmmmmmmmmm sociation and R. Forgie, provin- Suit Yourself ...with JSiCTi HOLLYWOOD Combination ciai government conciliation The city raised its offer from MONTREAL, March 29th When you're thinking of ways to pieiuge that man of yours... remember how vnirh be likes trinptinK, delicious Jell-O dcwortnl Then whin on up in a matter of minutes .. .just as sparkling and beautiful as you please t Yes, JKIX-O JKU.Y I'OWDKRS are real tmie-avers. And don't think -the family won't appreciate the gay and colourful salads that can be quii'kly and easily prepared, tool Those eeven b -,';;.,. 4. ;- ... . .y..-. : .fe!dLfc-ja ...-,.v.w.-ii Imvuurs make ieii-o one oi ine most vcrsame f nnkci-m on the market. Ye,t you can enjoy Jell-0 for less than 2c a eight to 10 percent increase to meet half-way the demand of 12 percent, he said. The firemen refused and hae applied for a conciliation hearing. Their present salary scaie is $235 a month and service pay CEU, both outride and inside workers, have refused the offer. Their salary range, for inside workers, is $125 a month and up; for outside workers, $1.15 to $1.62 an hour. Electrical workers, who also have been given the same increase offer, will reserve their decision until after their next meeting, April 3. r The Kitrhen when you're Spring Honseclcaning. Though (,1-iW-you-work every day, 1 know soinetlimg jjiiake it look like new! It ' that grand Lin-X i,S(( Pnhshinq H'nx (5fic). To make your i'loiik like a million" I know of nothing NIHILIST PROPAGANDA LesiK Wismtr, CCF member of the Ontario legislature, takes a c!oje look at two busts in the Toronto' Art Gallery he classed as ";uhi!ii;t propaganda." The subject, came up when the legislature wa-i Considering a $6,000 grant to the gallery. Mr. Wkmer objected to t lie acquisition with public funds of "Woman's Head," by Picasso, left, and "Head of a Woman," by Matisse. The pair cost the gallery S1.93G.73. "These things are hideous," said Mr. Wisin r. "These people (the Art Gallery) are using art and the taxpayers' money t:i assist nihilism in destroying democracy and Christianity.'' (CP PHOTO) flints because its principal ingredient is fJJ k ti world's most valuable natural wax. 01 ",.,,., secret" of Lin-X Paste Wax (h.k ). lU A,.r v,.nf hnrilwnrid floors. Yes. evcrv one of 8-X. -HOME HKIGHTENK11S are Spring Housecleaning hw A o Smwlie Furniture Pulish (43) cleans, polishes onii , -pv- - , . . . our furniture. Ask lor l,in-A at grocery, hardware or de-. stores everywhere! Alderman Pans There's A Package In My Pantry fpmething I put at the Id like to tell Bus Service you about. It i top of my sho(w ping 1H in a Aurry V wlien I w'e that ' 1 in ''running .out" my much-used "cook in it compan ...,...- .ii l'f'l 1 mi unit lilriilv muLA vnn A complaint that buses oper I Also manufacturers of bcl from the sprins up, with t ' this vcrsulili- liesl niori- siiriiis .' . ( .Pk . . . SI.O AN '8 17 f, I.INIMI'.NT. Yes, S i t0 i ated by Arrow Bus Lines are dirty, overcrowded and a haz ion QUA KKll CUHX MEAL. Yes, Quaker Yellow Corn Meal is not only delioious ard" was lodged . Tuesday by Aid. D. Gomez at city council meeting. The buses are so crowded at I . ' 1 . . . " ' i; fFfex-o-ltot A'iV------. n legs ami licadlsianl cmnbin- , , f t't , ti y ' '. ' c r . j y L ' , I " Liy N?; : J& ation. .hos- from a variety of r 1LkVn't''l!ttifiiftii ' miU ' : lfaiitifiiluii.lili'orulivi-1uHllKar,l8 , I " ' i 19 f) "' ti' $ - i I 'i '" ''" ' h-' all a famous Krslmorc Flrx-o- ' ' ' "' " L lalor and -,'' sjsi . ' ( -" spring-filled mullrpws, you'll 1 ''isSSf?3R ' , .-"''. 'diriin'ytiany Itave a sleep coinbinul bin that will f &! ' ''' " fu'nttMres 7 A ' il I Efj 7 "" you', far years. (Icanil a that I -55j V '. ' rTLTTTT J ' flr lel so easy lo move and store ..i times that there isn't even room to stand properly. This is away j beyond their capacity. "It ts dangerous because the' ' ' lw,l' 'i146 ' a have a bottle of f Sloan's Liniment In. When hoiwcleuning fy nuwles stiff 'n' sore jM.irch weatlier gives nie I nf rheumatism .. . that's li iih for .Sloan's! Yes, it jpr the most wonilerful ii pain eanseil by strains, r stiffness. It eases the , 'iiralma anil rheumatism, jut it on anil its gentle lei'iickly finks deep down frwvi the pain, tiloan'g reasonulile in j i very just 5tte for the small-i.iiiie Utle for llic larue. o!i' family will benulit i V-3 1 i tl II ti: Ask to nee Kehlmurc'n-Holljwood buses are in such bad shape. It -r? (v.., rrnnr'nr -..niM.,au. looks like they might roll over in dosens of dishes, it's better than bread or cmeker oruiuhs for breading Mi, cutlets or oysters. And when you pet your parkrgu of Quaker (,'orn Meal, you II discover three of my favourite recipes right on the outside. lf your family haven't yet had the flavour-treat of Hasty Pudding, Golden Corn Muffins Or hot, cnia'tv Com Bread made with Quaker Corn Meal... then they've Ixfn missing a real treat!' Yes, Quaker Cora Meal is a "niut'' when you're cooking. And, of course, with the famous Quaker name behind it, its no wonder this corn meal is "tops" in taste and quality 1 Soup Of The Errninf bce- any time. I LSk GVlrfee: The wax shine f bmUm M It A A A f.4T And they are in dirty con dition, he concluded. X r HiB I Aid. T. B. Black suggested the transport committee approach V- f' cleaning witn a mop i H the bus owners and loage tne "i--- u ) rurnnure 1.1a. complaint. buy" I 'They have no franchise, and t .1 not wash the snine awayi p jy v.rf Pkna 775 3?7 3rd Ave VrW 1 1 Wti Wry if you drop a bit of they are operating under ex r- fleck treme conditions," he said, but yootitul soup! . . . around w. ' l !... or illowed the service "lett much .o be desired." - . . iniii ii Mm mini mull mn.J.-H llJU'UutWU'JWIJQIIirwitlllJMMIIIIIUllMWf1 '.'""Uf - I "'T" I Ml" '.' """V' F"""'-y" wtmm means any one If the owners would not take i measures to rectify the condi iruiihf' on if fir-! It 'a Hi'U!!...llut :i vi have ' :t(i I N K of tbe delicious II K IN, rONDEXSKD KOLTSI There tions, it was contention of the council that complaint would oe 1 made to the Public Utilities) Commission. ' ', UlUiu:! ,iuH $u:n cm eveu llie moat ii liihrics (li-nl'r like j'! it's absuluU'ly hnrul- s.srfii rotit ;i no urids not '. rJ msi tnllow ilircct ions nud ; are aiany varieties to choose from j,-M of them just as dee-licious as 1 he Hems soup experts can make them. Don't wait another day to give your family the flavour-enjoy incut of these ileins Soups! rierv them as a first course or in dressingsmeat loa ves rarebits casseroles. Yes, I've proved to myself time and time again that Ileitis Condensed Soups arc the perfect bases for so many' templing, time-saving difliesl You A-rioto they're good because they're Huinsl Cayuga Due at Pearl Harbor its disappoar in & July li-iivmg ti'll-t:ilf rniiEH. . it he wit limit Kri'Tniue i fciMVMmfcMM- , ;'J yqtnc pruvtd lo yourself it wuttv itnil bol lir and wil'ills. ton! Ak fur it at flr-ji.'irttucnt store1! for a "f"'1 , SAN FRANCISCO (CP) The Canadian destroyer Cayuga, veteran of the Korean war, is due to arive Thursday at Pearl Harbor on her way to home due to arrive tcdsv at Fearl Ihmici" Fnr Dinner jn just two nnnules then work, hard m the kitch.n for me, too! That's M. E I OXXET MK;K1K in the new, handy 1 ellnw ougi Ye 1 love llluo lionmt's country-fresh flavour in my vegetables) . . . fm: seasoning cook. n, (kikiiis, pan and NOW that it conns in the Yellow Qmk Lag, 1 can co'niir it for Udde use, tool It's sc. cw(. Just press the ...j i i, kuiul the bag anil in areneeded now ' .tp-'A - W&W in the L id: Harbor last July 12 enroute to i Korea. She was relieved of duty i March 16 by the destroyer Huron and is on her way to Esquimau. She is due In Esquimau about April 9. luscious, golden- ..... , It t'finnct IS t -no 1 How. No dntv timing Imwis to wasn mi ! ill! And .mother thing I like about lilue linnet ,8 tiuii us I Fur A. Liu. i !-W. rnlnt is huh every month of the year. es i you p-i i -c hill, when you buv delicious, nutritious Mine Honnutl .. - . - f i;."t i , rrr, i i I W Say ".Verrr'! rerr't Aaaht Again ... ... I lore To Dare l.uests (even ym- 1 eJ 'A U If f I . . i i CMiectru um- 'J une was that I rcsnlvn! l-ud- mw !' p. SAUDWICUES . ner guest s) now that. I've discovered this "wiiik - quick", economical dinner dish . . . Better with In these times it is ttit.' duly of cM-ry Canadian to consider first the national safety of our country! H is the duty of every young man to do his part to stiet)t;theu our pi mjr was ,im-I1 y not for me. After my uni;-tccnth attempt ended in a mass CANNED wlicti- I v i V armed forces to meet agression' I of scrap-paper i J scribbling, n, " lull- on mv desk and no Hie bank, I swum olf .fur hie. 1 said. Tin n "a'lw,rtiM'iiicni, fr tlm MoNTItKAI.'d new '""jfll money control railed . '!' '''"'"'. The fresh ap-H't'niin me mi in 1 went ever and wherever it may strike! The Royal Canadian Air Force is expanding rapidly. More good men are needed NOW in all branches. Particularly is there need for men to PAT.MOX! Yes. !'v mado many a maivel'iiH dish in minifies with Canned .Salmon as the Star. He-cause Canned S.thnon combines so. wonderfully with so many basic dishes (easserolea salmis potatoes V rice), it can give ex-ci'in;; vmii ty' to your menus oa-ily anl itoiiotiiici;. Economically becuiisoMhcrc's no uiiisfc. All eook"d and ready to cat Canned Salmon is fi( food nutritious and appetising! I'm put-tina Caull-d Salmon at the top of my shopping list nu. How about ,,-'f"l,y ol the ea-v-to-reml '"' ' train as -'Oi?;V . i '..anil here I inn';',.,-.,,,,,,,; """''t .'il hn ing ji,. There '.1 , llllllelilt 111 inut tlm ICrPREPARED I STEAMER i '."'"I " s not dull either. "skilled aircraft technicians to maintain the Hying efficiency of Canada's military aircraft. . AERO ENGNE TECHNICIAN ' w-'imk. I'vi'iy inilv's plan "H', exclusively '""J'rsunal nee.l.i and wants. a young mani I rv yourself? I'iek W of "I'lillSOMAL lit vnnr tii.i.r,,l.,,K U' M blanch toduy." Jn The Spring d r e a m s are. wi'.rc than likely to lie about the prrttirsL girl he knows. And that's ?u wiien you look your loveliest, in W o 0 d b u r v's INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS AERO" ENGINE TECHNICIANS RADIO-RADAR TECHNICIANS SUPPLY TECHNICIANS VOUR ROAl CANADIAN AIR FORCE HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR MEN . IO TRAIN AS: To Itclierc tlnt any- W lrWli- ' ) - " S 9 ? V al Vl tanlalizinir flew ,!",1'"1 for "' ' - but '" " the l,,-"-tl. rich thaim-provoking, 1 JffWt ease fwie' acficMt. "h i -.X" ier.n.,-r it's iv - - - - - - r Prince Rupert RAILS FOIt Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. for KETCH iXAN YVEUNEsDAY MIDNIGHT Lu::ury at Low Cost i powder shade "COQCETTE". For "Co(iielte" is a delightful, Rolden vaclud shade warmly flattering to joii. And "Coquette" Pow-.k'r i3 BO gloriously fine and silken smooth. That's because it's : Woodbury wilh the unique creamy ingredient that, gives your skin the satin touch! And such M'oudciful crushcd-llower fragrance that lasts for hours 1 Kow that Spring's here better play" the temptress with Woodbury's tcntalijini! "Cop.elt)" or he'll (Irrain of nviilhrr woman who dot's.' Ask for "CouueUe" todu . . . iaat 'Jtlc, oiki'und CUc. . ,r. , '"".vCanaUians! ri V '""'-"'"I food for Ynu! t'V";'' ,Ir"n '"'"-"'"i rctl i.n,'. . I1 talcum and J'lnr--...."J";1" d. licient in these . .'""'J ju.-t Cue mimiles of ",",ot ".';.( b.cak- Royal Canalliii Air Force I R.C.A.F. KKC Kl lTIXG IMT, I Wallace Blilg.. 9921 101A Avenue KlilYIONTON, Alberta Phone 4:j8 I . rrdisr mail me, without obligation, full pitrliailtts regard- I hig enlistment requirements and openings now available in I tbe R.C.A.F. . NAME (Please Print) i street address:; CITY PROVINCE. ......L 5B1 Know -but i one of the P Ptiuarc! If V.. i.', ,L,. !...( ..nx'll llOI'A tlKen IV nr rinperiijts inai a wi.. ...... - Fo.' IlcscrvaUciio Wii'.e or Call. CTIY OR DEPOT OFFICE 1'ItINoiii KUPERT, " B.C. . sain.m.Ms new PlilU' l'MED 1)L ll A - in i. ii I M.,,,, Th ...mI Il BE PHYSICAtlY FIT BE A CANADIAN CITIZEN OR OTHER BRITISH SUBJECT. ' . BE BETWEEN 17 AND 40 . HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION OR BETTER "c 'a una new licit fully 11.11 KLCOller IS t. '.cn hip Ir.i,. .1... ' :.,l A.l II , ' . -.. .,-, e, Uy uu yUUr Han.ll ."I'm Ul '.l R..O ll.- . 4. " '. .1 I ..1....1... . '"v,.u lei, puoero saK'l Sl.a'l'o NEAREST R.C.A.f. a' T1''"1' It'n-Gliiss. Thev'r-i keve.l to Ji"r '''" wanlrobe glamourous -an nu l g;lla for , j pvenin.r. Anil of com SC. StE THE CAREER COUNSEUOR AT YOUR EDUCATION (by grade and prQ.vince).,.M....,.w I I I lm. r''iuer is nura-tVos.-. it lias that, famous Dura-C.loss RECRUITING CENTRE ...AGE. Lacqiior j'.ist 4."c ' , ,l"r Peifumcl Ilttvj-ritou Ki'il "Ula-t Iuct Nad Pnliih -list mm'mmm mfm m I ; at your iavoui;t- sojri'ij! ?' 01 i(. J,;""H'.!!t si- i." t time yn