a hazard ta to think of k J -t few ol the' Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Wednesday, March 28, 151 HERE and NOW Idon'tu,; them ' we 8og(1 j diking. AWlh, f fi'aT A Qki fit vMWHMHlh more .Independent daily newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince i Ruprrt and Northern and Central British Columbia. J SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ;1 A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, .jjLnrr. $3 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 U3 m Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. rV' "S t,. Eighth Aven average Uriver fc w quite wrefuanit VPlr,L' m ...... i " ,i, ffltotaai-' so many change, Waste f,ti Wy '. wl (It is the democratic privilege of the people in this country to express their opinions and views on matters which concern their community and country. Through this column, a new feature of the Daily News, the peopl of Prince Rupert will te given the opportunity to exercise this right by answering a direct question.) Protest Justified on your main sirir SOUTHERN LADY CITY MADRAS, India I FELL IX Jove with a beautiful lady today, and again it was at first sight. This time it was with a city Madras. When I landed at Delhi, I had '"8 at an inters see anv cars s: Stop pedestrians. Question of lbs day: "ATE CITY MOTOKISTS GOOD DRIVERS?" ZflfC Tru a feeling of anti-climax. colorful enough, ! the place was and there is a vast treasure house ; of human interest in the basajirs, j I with their teeming millions. j But somehow or other it was ' not till I got to Madras that I 1 felt that THIS was really the i India of which I had dreamed j SOAI Vondei W Wooll! THE STORK Sr: Answers: Mrs, A. S. Hamilton, !)40 Am-bro::i? Avenue, motorist, housewife "Yes, I think they are. The average driver sliows courtesy on the road and obeys the rules." Jim Warner, 4fi. Fulton Street, truck driver "Generally they aie, but there's always the fellow who doesn't use his heaii, and Is WHILE closing of the government agency at Stewart will further concentrate provincial administrative matters of the north country at Prince Rupert, we can sympathize with the people of Stewart in making their protest at the closing of the agency. Prince Rupert may stand to derive some small benefit from the fact that certain administrative and consultative business will henceforth have to be carried out from the local agency. At the same time, it may involve some inconvenience and loss of time and money for the people of Portland Canal district. p Closing the agency at Stewart, which has been located there since being moved from Anyox years ago, leaves Atlin constituency with only one government agency at Atlin in the far north. This, of course, too far removed and indirect of access to prove of any use to such communities as Stewart and Anyox which may increase in importance as mining centres. Few Bad Accidents ) Ca lUn JLICAI iLi Btrnpri) since I was a boy. I oOo I I HAD BEEN WARNED TO BE- ware of Madras heat. A genial young newspaperman frotu Madras had told me in Delhi: "In Madras, we have only three seasons: Hot, hotter and hottest." S Yet when we deplaned at about 2 p.m. there was a nice breeze ; blowing. They also have great THE POOR RELATION Ar;h Dale in fie Winnipeg Frte Press. (CP PHOTO) I I : . I - - 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i- , BEST OF FOOD m i LETTERBOX Navy League is Meeting Again LANDLORD AND TENANT FOR TAKE Ol'T ORDKRS PI10XE IN DROADWAY CAFE rows of shade trees in this lively ! city and. of course, as fine a stretch of sea beach as there is : anywhere on earth, j oOo IN MY BRIEF STAY IN ! MADRAS I met many fine people, j Cheesemen, a New Zealander i who works for our Canadian Massed-Harris, and who says that w hat India needs most of all is training in simple mechanics. Also J. A. Borron. an old-time British information officer, as j hard-bitten a character as I have met In a long time but unless I miss my guess, 100 percent hon- ,, of friends, that v. as jioiii;? a little ; An evening with the Navy will tv,ii v... The Editor, Daily Nes. . niht when be tomorrow , enjoyed ; 100 rar- e 'm '' yp 'PIe ,fi m m The article in Monday's paper another meatin(? oi lucd, the of the Pro- : to stay with us and that too was on postponement bsmch of lhe Navy League of vincial and Federal housing pro- , investigated to the extent of fol- Canada will be held to elect an . ject which was under considera- lowing our guests at night to see active executive with a view to j tion for Prince Rupert didn't where they went to sleep. Even reviving Prln:e Ruuert's "Cap-: exactly make things very hilar- gotng as far as to look In the 1 tain Cook" Sea Cadet Corps. As lous for those unfortunate ten- window of the tiny room where a prelude to the nieeUjiu tliere ants who are paying between $75 our guests were sleeping to try wm be a showing of the naval and $125 a month for a house t0 nn( out whose mattress or bed ; film "In Which We serve." of any si?.e. description or con- tney were sleeping on. It wasn't 1 dition. Before the postpone- cne o the adults either but the - SAVE FUEL- Get More Engine I face of a fourteen year old girl, ) or thereabouts. The reason was, STEAMER as the landlady later stated, that ! i est even when it hurts himself i and others. ! Borron disputes the main the6-I is, advanced by visiting agricul- tural experts from Western coun- ment there seemed to be a flicker of hope for us but now even that has disappeared. It just seems that every time we get our heads above water someone pushes it back under. line of the Canadian National Railways, THIS which has had a fairly fortunate career as far as seVious accidents are concerned, although there have been a few unfortunate incidents at pretty well spread out periods, might well have had a serious mishap but the eastbound passenger train Monday night was fortunate in having only two unoccupied cars struck b,y axockslide. Had the engine or occupied passenger cars been hit, there might have been tragic consequences. It was an act of Providence that the damage and delay were so light. Danger always lurks in more or less degree along the railway lines, particularly those through rugged country like this. The fact that there are so few accidents is a tribute to the vigilance and care of the men" who guard and keep up the maintenance of way. such things weren't allowed. She went from one tenant to another to try to find out if there had My husband and I are paying been money parsed between ou ! tries. Suppose India adopted Am- ! erican plowing techniques, and turned up 12 or 13 Inches of soil. $75 a month for five rooms and bath furnished with the bare You may not realize it, but as much as one your gas may be going out of your car's exhaust UNBURNED when spark plugs need attention U: attendants check, clean, re-gap and re'ta s plugs as needed, while you wait. Drive u;! instead of scratching about half that depth. With the torrential rains and later scorching winds, Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. 4 For KETCHIKAN guests and ourselves. iie must have thought she could raise our rent or take any extra we may have made on our guests. Well, Mama Landlady was in for her big surprise as no money passed between its. essentials and not a great del of them. The walls are scarred with ugly black marks. Wall paper has been stained badly Superior Auto Service l! the top soil would simply blow away. Already erosion is a major problem in India. With more j deep plowing (and failing elaborate anti-erosion measures) India would face agricultural ; catastrophe. I As I myself have seen Saskat- j chewan ton soil literally blowing j away in farms-fu'l, I would be ; These absurdities finally made j us seek the kind counsel of a lawyer who set the score right and made us feel that theie is still one power who can hold the nd AUSTIN DEALR WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost 5T UDtBArvtK 0 landlords down: the law. A TENANT. Third Avenue at Park riplure passage for Doclay "We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." 1 Cor. 15:51-52. with the dampness. Mattresses are also stained with mishaps of the children of previous tenants. The oilcloth on the floor is cracked and worn. Our one piece of furniture in the front room never fails to bring apologies from myself whenever we have guests as the springs a e badly broken and creak and groan at weight of an average person. The lighting is very poor and at the point of being dangerous as one of the switches blows blue smoke when the twitch is pulled. (The landlord was shown it but did nothing.) The wind blows the For Reservations Write cr Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE the last to scoff at this rugged, ; down-to-earth old-timer in In- j Ma. 1 PRINCE' .RUPERT, oOo I MET ALSO SEVERAL OF RE3RCU? RAILWAYS NEW DELHI (CP) T;13 3outh India, Madras and Southern JVaratha and Myscre railways will be amalgamated and krown a t ie Southern Railway. Th1: is the first move taken in the the key people on the fine newspaper. The Hindu, of Madias, including the distinguished editor, Kasturi Srlvivasan The press of SPRY CCTCGENARIAN SLING SHOT MENACE LAKENHEATH. Sulfolk. Eng- LONDON (CP) Managers of land (CP) Eighty-four-ysar-olrt motion picture theatres in Lon-Tom Brown, who keeps himself don suburbs have called in tlia fit by putting his feet round the police to deal with a new men-back of his head and walking vze. Gangs of youths, armeJ cn his hands, has challenged with sling- nets. are damaging any old-age pensioner to a screens by shooting iron staples hsnd-walking contest. at thorn. i ry s.c. 1 MS; ' ' " -in( 1 iri(mr iiii- We hear tap- Ccnt-al Advisory Council of clothes line down India '.s of a very high calibre s plan to i'ejrcu; IirJian on the whole, better than ours In ping on our window and find ' Railway Papa landlord outside waiting to lins. America, especially in interna tional coverage. tell my husband to put it up. The , cartage company uncrates the Jt. BE A The Hindu boasts that it has only once run a heading bigger furniture, leaving the lumber on j tnan one column, mat was iv 1 ie lawn, su uvci agaui tumco Papa to inform us that it may j I 77ie Pfasbzr octet Means so maei report the news of the murder of Gandhi. They print in an ultra-modern olant, like our best ones at home. hurt the grass if it isn t picked up right away. Next, a limb of 1 one of the lilac bushes became broken. It was made plain to us that it must not happen again. : It seems at the least little thing j there was one member of the family knocking at our door. j There is such a thing as get- ; ting used to it, but when they ' They run ads on Page One, English style, including movie publicity in two extra colors. We chatted a while about the world situation, then laughingly RESERVlSt A rm'-: v.. in frur Own Hw m Iord Calvert 0, the editor told me: "If Canada really wants to Improve relations with India let her tell us more newsprint." Next to food, newsprint is the scarcest commodity in India. 0O0 id were tne ii - mii against ' the Westernization of this land. "They have never adopted a single custom from the West." I tie Sm4S? rrrlLAl M Served with pride U TWO OF THE ASSISTANT editors chatted about Canadian politics. One wanted to know all He explained to me the Hindu woman's greatest ambition was to be "sumangali," that is, happily wed to a living husband. nn thnen snprinl nrr.mlnns H.M.C.S. CHATHM 4 1 1 imif o lors OF VAfZOY; ' 1 1 L when only the finest t- Mill suffice wee fti about the CCF in Canada, and mentioned Mr. Cojdwell by name. I was surprised at their knowledge. All the reporters are university graduates many have MA degrees. They get about 200 rupees per month but though the rate mm PRINCE RUPH1 iP'n 'K II " r- j (I is 4.45 rupees bo the Canadian dollar one r 14 p e e here buys about as much as a dollar does at, hone. the crai" - it learn (general llectrtc WASHERS He prep.ir''' ' the mxi r" -a u Go or. ! c" find Out How yu Cam- summer UK- ju,. I 11 II I. HI . Linotype operators get about I 90 to 100 rupees per month, plus cost-of-living bonus, which brings it up to about 140 rupees. They work seven hours a day, six days a week. 0O0 BUT MY BEST NEW FRIEND, discovered in Madras, was young 3 ' 't H I (With Pump Control) s Or,,,, rwre..". : ', lit voursell if r,ui,.s whole-hearted tntertsr -1 $154.50 M. S. Venkataramani, a staff reporter on The Hindu, who had learned from a friend in Delhi of my visit. "Ramani" is a young married man In his 20's who Royal Cans NOW ON DISPLAY AT CALVERT DISTILLERS AMHER3TBURG (CANADA) LIMITED ' ONTARIO Northern B.C. Power Co. hopes to come to America next year on one of those newspaper fellowships. It was he who told me more about India than I had learned in my previous stay in this country. Above all. he explained to roe that it was the women of India, and not the men, who liavy . c E R V 1 ' (This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Pbone 210 Stewart, B.C. Prince Rupert Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.