Social Assistance Increased Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 28, 1951 RDER among those looking for spots in 1 the army. Cooks and waitresses also have inquired, but persons in these trades don't Indicate that they want similar employment in the army. The Navy is receiving" inquiries (Continued on Page 4) RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND . ELECTRIC RANGES Phone Blue 002 PACIFIC ELECTRIC Girl Vets Not Anxious But Plenty of Canadian Women Would Get In Uniform By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)Any number of girls are willing to jump into uniform at the word "go" from the defence department. But not many former service women are interested. COM should be at the expense of the municipality." He said this was just another Instance where "the . government Is trying to chisel on the municipalities." This practice should be "strongly protested." Aid. Douglas Frizzell said that a"resolution of protest" should be laid before the next meeting of the Union of B. C. Municipalities. Meantime, the protest will be sent to the provincial govern City Does Not Like Paying Extra Social assistance will be increased $5 a month for an individual beginning April 1. But the city is accepting the terms of sharing the increase with the provincial government on a 75-25 percent basis "under protest," city council decided last night. The increase will mean an extra annual expenditure of $3,400 for the city. Until now, the municipalities' share of social assistance has been 20 percent. "I fully agree the assistance should be raised," said Aid. T. B. Black, "but I don't think it. NOW! NOTICE That's what the department ment Regulation I.iihiI anil Herl nn the Northern Traii-Provlm tal HlrJmav from ' UALUlW.tV RVl'IKH to TYKE The increase will raise social has learned, since " beBa" "ne away queries six months ago from potential women members The Undersigned, belne a person authorised iw the Minister rf p,ihii assistance for single persons from $35 to $40 a month; married persons from $50 to $60 a couple, and to $9.50 for each Would Go To India By DOUGLAS HOW Canadian Preai Staff Writer OTTAWA (CPV-Prlnre Minister St. Laurent is eager to make a trip to India and Pakistan, but feels that the world crisis is such that he can't leave Ottawa for any prolonged period at this time. Authoritative quarters reported that Prime Minister's feeling and said Mr. St. Laurent holds the opinion that a trip to that sub-continent by a Canadian leader might do much to benefit the entire western world., This feeling is based on the belief that the rulers and people of India and Pakistan view Canada as a friendly country without an International axe to grind other than the cause of peace. Reports reaching here indicate Canada is admired in New Delhi and Karachi, the two capitals, as a country which tries as much as possible to mediate difficulties causing present world tension. The prevailing opinion is that everything possible should be done to keep India and Pakistan on the side of the western world and that a visit by a Canadian Prime Minister mleht. r nn of the Army , Air Force and Navy. Work- in writing, to exercise the power vested In the Minister In Part II ... Of the "HtcrhnAV Art" nrtrt holna nf i -. HCIAL to damage through extraordinary traffic thereon, hereby makes the follow Until stocks are cleared we offer the following Alberta Coals at bargain prices: oca and PERSONAL ing regulation pursuant to section 38 of the Highway Act. The following load and speed limitation are Imposed on the said highway until further notice: , No person shall operate an vehicle over the Northern Trans-Provln-clal Highway from Galloway Rapids to Tyee having a maximum gros3 weight or loading In excess of fifty per cent of that allowed In the Regulations made pursuant to Section -38 of the "Highway Act," R.8B.C. 1948. The speed limit of vehicles with pneumatic tires Is restricted to twenty miles per hour. Vehicles with solid tires sre prohibited from using this Highway during such times as this regulation Is In force. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 21st day of March, 1951. L. S. SMITH. Divisional Engineer, Department of Public Works. (tf i )Seam Lump Sisters of St. Joseph "At Home," Thursday, March 29, at the Academy, 2:30 to 5 p.m. Utc) 5mat Egg 16.75 per ton 15.75 per ton 13.75 per ton 21.75 per ton mat Nut Moose Legion meets Friday, 8 five a aay and the RCAF says it's getting "hundreds of letters." The Army considers the general reaction "encouraging." But Canada's 48,000 women veterans of the Second World War aren't among the enthusiasts. A departmental spokesman predicts that any revival of the women's services probably will start with "an entirely new crop of girls." Marriage, he judges, is possibly the main reason for lack of interest among former service women. Age, too, may be a contributing factor. It's six years since the last members in the Canadian Women's Army Corps, the RCAF (women's division) and the Wrens received their discharges. "Most queries are from girls in their teens and early twenties," the spokesman said. Both the RCAF and Navy report the girls aren't seeking special jobs or commissions. They appear willing to take whatever is offered. Stenographers, clerical workers and switchboard operators are REMODELLING? o'clock (74p) Briquettes Miss Evelyn Antilla, employed here with the B.C. Forest Service, returned to the city this morning o nthe Prime Rupert after a two weeks' visit at Ocean Falls. Hear Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ap-plewhaite report from Ottawa, CFPR, Thursday, March 29, 6:45 P-m. (74c) Mrs. Jennie Hrriiig, after a visit of several weeks here with her brother, George 3: Dawes, is returning by this evening's train to her home in Winnipeg. Mrs. A. H. Ivesoti, who was called to Vancouver to attend the Illness of her parents, Mr. and Mrsi E. S. Allistone, seven weeks ago, returned to the city this morning on the Prince Rupert. s Phone 909 Canadian Legion executive meeting, March 27, at 8 p.m. Annual general meeting with election of officers Wed-March 28, at 8 p.m. (73c) 'HONE 116- 117 or 58 YOUR BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Greer & Bridden Ltd. nnuutuementd P.O. Box 731 , Prince Rupert, B.C. ert & McCaffery LIMITED Canadian Legion card party, March 28. Students' recital, violin and piano. Common Lounge, Civic Centre, March 28, 8 p.m. Cathedral sprn.g sale, March 29. NAVY DRILL HALL, Thursday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m. Free showing of film "In Which We Rorvo" t,. -.11 tu...... t .,,j event of considerable importance. Mr. St. Laurent was Invited to visit the two countries during or after the Ottawa visits of Prime Ministers Nehru and Liaquat All Khan a year or so ago. READY TO GO He has been both willing and ready for some time to undertake the trip, but has been prevented from doing so by recurring world crises. However, there are Indications that he would make the trip by air if the intranational situation showed any really perceptible signs of improving. This session of parliament Is expected to make Canada's first really large contribution to the area of south and southeast Asia which Includes India and Pakistan. It will be a $25,000,000 vote of aid as Canada's first-year share In the six-year Colombo plan for building up that area. Canada has offered to send wheat to India as part of the first year's aid. Legion Auxihary Spring Sale, tne work of thc N April 4 party, Catholic Hall, followed by Navy League meeting (election of officers) at 9:30 P-m- , . (74c) Card April 5 t t:(,n. Advertise! i.TO WORKlF ICONDS i ; WjL NOTICE The t,.o new h-.-nvs ', cn Foiiriii Avenue .East will b? open for inspection, lor a limite l George Brown Joining Navy Lieut. Gejrge Brown of HMCS Chatham, lcoal Royal Canadian Naval Reserve Division, has accepted a th-ee-year appointment With the Dermanpnt naval Presbyterian spring sale, April 12. The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E. homecooking sale, April 14, Gordon Anderson. Conrad Street School P.T.A. White Elephant sale and tea Men! Here is what you looli for In shoes . . . Top comfort, quality anrl value! . . . We have a wide selection of business and casual styles. Drop in Today! time only by appointment. If i This advertisement is not published you have not been able t view ' or "sP'ayi y the Liquor Control them .so tar, contact Armstrong h Columbia?6 v"nm Agencies. Phone 342 or - 207 i evenings). na TffiffT i V 'force and wll be leaving next week fO' Halifax to undergo an ( extensive instructional course at : HMCS rVirnwnnl Mn mn LB - - April 14 at 2 p.m. W.O.T.M. Spring uazaar, April 20. St. Peter's Spring Sale. April 26. UnlteJ W.A. Spring sale. May 3. Sonja tea. May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, jhurch hall. May J8. Lutheran tea, May 28. G. Ni-'ely Mooie, exploration superintendent for Consolidated Mining and Smelling to. here, was the speaker today at thc weekly luncheon ot lh Prince Rupert Gyro Club. President E. D. Forward was in (he chair and there was a good attendance of club members with a few guests. BtlTER FAST! ana ramily wil leave about the ertd of April for Winnipeg where they will pay a visit with REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353-3rd Ave. W. Fashion Foot Wear HOflC I datives t store joining Lieut. Brown at his permanent post mg. Lieut. Brown saw service with the Royal Canadian Naw throughout World War II and for seven weeks was a nntient at Valpa-aiso, Chile; following an accident on. the crrlser Prince Robert. He finished up the war a a pettv officer and obtained his commission on Joining HMCS Chatham. Lient. Brown will continue hU BR-ocistlcn in the Bownwoods shoe store business which will actively cTied cn Wy hW r-s-tppr. Robert Woods. Charged in police r;r.t cn the weekend were Aniu.i Carnpieil, IVf'HKAKI.: IV 11 ITkH An application to Increase rales ! Charles Luca int.)x:faticn mi- covering the transportation of gen-' der" the Government Liqi:;r Ac; the soft, beautiful finish of in "PERMA-FLAT" Point 1 A-;'.' B-H Cartage and' Storag7 UmltSTl '"n ").ea.and costs Ecllla Freight Tariff No. 3, has been filed OSS, G.L.A., $2a and Costs; How-on behalf of the undersigned carrier, ard Cecil, intoxi:ation under with he Public Utilities commission the tndian Act $1 and c:; p Subject to consent or the Public Ronald McLagan, sunplyinj, Sol Utlllltles Commission, the revisions , Amwarinu ; ... . MQ,w.,..,to Appearing tuie Magisuate will become effective, on or after- may 1st. m.-.i. i W. p. Vance in city police cou.-t A copy of the proposed rates may yesterday viae Gideon Cai- " , - .rier, intoxication iincrr trie Government Liquo-.- Act, $25 am costs; Little Jchn. intoxi:ation, O.L.A., $10 ar.d costs; F?ter Mr-rison, intoxication une'er th; v"B w mc uMucisigueu car-rlcr. The Motor Carrier Branch of the Public Utilities Commission, at Vancouver. The Tariff bureau of the Automotive Transport Association of B.C.. Vancouver. Indian Act, $10 ant? cost?; Ru'oy I I ;V1 U U i Leighton, va:;rr.ncy, threa rilONE - GREEN 884 . FOR WELDING OF ALL TYPES Industrial Welding COMPANY Any objection to the proposed re- months hn--:-onm-rt.- visions may be filed with the Sunnr- rT THE BEST (M QUALITY k WmW PRINTING : . 7"t a ii 1 ifnf- JaiHorincj, jor Ladies and Gentlemen LING , the tailor intendent. Motor Carrier Branch of thc Public Utilities Commission, at Vancouver, up to April 14th. 1951. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. (73C "OOVrJRNMKNT LIQlJOR ACT'' (Section 251 NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CON'SPNT TO TRANSFER CLUB LICENSE TO OTHER PREM-tSFS. NOTICE ts hereby given that on the expiration of this advertisement, the undersigned Intends to apply tn the Llqunr Control Board for consent to transfer Club Licence No. 'J19R lwid In respect of certain premises situate at the corner of 2nd Avenue West and 3rd Street, In the City of Prince Ruiiert. in the Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 1 and 2. Block 20. Suction 1. Map 933. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, to certain premises situate at 312 Third Avenue West. In .he City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lot No. 16, Block No. 20, Sectllon 1, Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia. DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day of March 1051. THE PRINCE RUPERT CLUI LIMITED (By Arthur Bruce Brawn SecreUr'i an An Electric Range... opens a new era in any home Phone 649 220 Sixth St Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems rnoNE m Dibb Prinllng Co. BESNEU BLOCK ? 5 fresh, new beauty for your home! ' iniia-Flat" is a newly perfected oil paint 11 rior walls, ceilings and woodwork. Easy " ' Drics 1u'ckly. . . with a rich, flat surface. hahle. Retains its color and brightness. .7n ten attractive shades and black and for today's modem decorating, rite for free B-H booklet, "Color is the ) Key to Brighter Living." Address Box Call 363 f OR BETTER ... Planning Building or Repairing To buy an electric range is to give your wife a new lease on life. It relieves lier from so much jlrudgery . . . and gives her so nmcli more time to live... and so much more energy to enjoy living! No dirt, no dust, no ashes... and no worry ... Clock-controlled heat keeps itself right ... turns itself off ... Nothing to fuss about if people dori't turn up on the dot for meals... And... for the rest of the family ... meals that taste better... and are bettor because the nutriment is kept right in the food. And it's economical Electric cooking makes good food go further. .. And the average electrical bills for medium sized families using electric water heater, lights and other appliances run around $2.11(1 a week. Drop in t see the latest models, or sec your electrical appliance dealer. BOXED STATIONERY INK uuuu ivionireai. B-H Paints, Varnishes and Enamels tovcr more area . . . last longer . . . save you money! WRITING PADS ENVELOPES BALL POINT PENS & PENCILS SCRIBBLERS JE YOU SEE THE SIGN: , you'll find friendly,.. . . tond .i - -s.fjmi oavice. Off MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors UK) it