President Jos. Hutchinson or last night. Dancing by r tYES HAVENEVERBEHEUnsJ 110 YEARS AGO Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. March 28. 1951 Jack Crocker and F. Fortune 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL TODAY to SATURDAY CFPR (Subject to C hange) i l hi ' Jim Jm March 2K, 1941 ancj a comic reading by Mayor The fifty-sixth anniversary of Newton, were part of the en-the Rocky Mountain Rangers, tertainment planned by C. L. undtr Lieut.-Col. i. E. Wood, was Youngman. Thoa. McKenzie celebrated in Prince Rupert, and Sgt. Jebson. After a parade through city j streets, a special movie preview j Compared with 195rs price was seen at the Capitol Tneatie, Qf $1 4Q jt 0st 2 0Q tQ naye a i YEARS Labor Paper Gives It Up By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP) The only metropolitan newspaper in New Zealand supporting the Labor party, the Wellington Southern Cross, was forced by rising costs to suspend publication this month. IN THE MAKING throuph the courtesy oi u. u. sujt cleaned and preyed by the i Borland, the manager. Canadian Steam Laundry on . 'sixth Avenue today. I It was 92 in the sun and 66 in , H t Ml 'Mm. YOUTH'S DRAPE PANTS the shade at Ecstall River on the Lower Pkeeny reevnt'y according Regimental orders issued by eturned s- D- Johnston, major and ad t rMii(lnc FrlZfll who Published by a company spon- frQm tnpre to(lav. WEDNESDAY--P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields, 4:15 Music by Goodman 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Comty. 5: 10-Rawhide t: 30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Freddy Martin & Orch. b:3d Varieties 6:45- Saddle Rockin' Rhythm :iki i;Bt; Nps 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Lubka Kolessa; Pianist 8:00 Spring 1U 0U--C tti !vrs 10:30 Showpiece 10:10 CBC News Round-up AIHESa: sored by the Labor party lUelf, the newspaper had a life of a little over five years. It lost Under Mrs. William Rothwdl. the Women's Auxiliary of the VVvsl DEBORAH KEFJl jutant, lnciuaea a lecture Dy Lieut.-Col. McMordie and miniature range musketry practice. Lt. Alex G. Rix, and Sgt. H. A. Ponder were orderly de-j tails, for the local North B.C. iRegt. Bnt. parade. money eacn year oi us exigence dian Le(jion anri the sewing STEWART GMMR f2z RICHARD CARLSQM . ' club n'-'aded by Mesdames H. H. sary irv to to the the party nartVs s branches brancnes and ana n d w H GoiKis(.u East trade unions to keep it going. , command i The chairman of its board of ?enl i. " ' i trl-Uvs for ie u-suspenslon directors, J. Roberts, iuM the headquarters of r,t1"- IS- 1,1 was necessitated by Edith Grundv. Mi.. Muss shortage of staff and lack of;Umt, roni.m.n. ,itH J. Coniieiy. .rtiimtlt o LrtUica i Famed Thrill All These Features: Wide Kee Narrow Cuff Tab Belt Loop Smooth Gab -' Self Match Belt All sizes for Teen Ages and Youths. The colors are "in the groove" and the style is "extra keen." . . . Hurry down and "get in the swim." i 10:15 Reminiscing ; 10 :3C Canadian Concert, Garden 1 11:00 Weather Report r Wear and Mrs. Robert Strachan abnormal Increase in costs material and production. ! were names associated with this For more than 10 years from 1 gift. 1935, New Zealand had a Labor government without a single FOR SALE-Five-room house, metropolitan newspaper giving , good residential district, $1900. Novel Filmed Thrilling technicolor version of the famed Rider Haggard novel, "King Solomon's Mines," comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre for a four-night engagement starting today. It is t?, EVENINGS 7 p.m. . ?;(; editgrial support to the govern-1 ,, . ment. The only daily newspaper! in the country supporting the j r r A n C A ST in the production. Aboriginal and wild animal life is graphi-1 11:06 Sign Off THURSDAY A M 7:00 Musical Clock 8.00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert hailed as one of the major mov ing picture events of the year. j cally depicted in thrilling manner. N.Z. LABOR SHOT. AUCKLAND, K.Z. Q labor .shortage is jok Zealand and todav openings fur nr-ariy Y and women mike s S in many industries 1 rauxe of a lark of ope: The story is that of a party of intrepid adventurers who risk their lives in a dangvrous trek across uncharted regions of darkest Africa in search of the fabu Deborah Kerr, Richard' Carlson and Stewart Granger top the cast of the adventure-packed drama. Labor party was the Grey River! j CMKO rJJ Argus, in the small town of; Greymouth on the west coast of Marrh 28, 1.126 the South Island. Cambridge defeated Oxford by PARTY ORGAN five lengths at Putney, in the Shortly after the war the La-, annual race. bor party started a campaign for its own daily paper. Funds Twenty lashes and ten years were subscribed largely by party : imprisonment was imposed at BOYS' ond YOUTHS' SPORT JACKETS A complete stock for all size boys and youths. In the past the in-between size boys have been hard to fit. Not this year. We've gone all out to fit every age anrl size boy. ! 8:00 BBC News and Com'ty J! 9:15 Music for Moderns ai 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 lime Signal ; 10:00 Morning Visit i 10:15 Morning Melodies J ! 10:30 Melody Time ' i 10:45 Invitation to the WalU lous mines of King Solomon. The insistence of a beautiful young woman to take part in the expedition complicates the dangers branches, trade unions and In LIGHT UP a, Vancouver on a bank robber, who helped make off with $42,000 from the Nanalmo Royal Bank. He appealed the sentence. dividual supporters. The paper was launched in Wellington, the capital, although not the larg 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air HOTEL FRASER HOU and provides the basis of an odd romance. The filming actually took place in the depths of Africa and the cast suffered many vicissitudes 1:15 Roundup Time I Jolly hours were spent at the war veterans' smoker under Rupert Mens and Boys' Store : ; 1:30 Weather Report " . :31 Message Period Just Around the Corner 217 Sixth Street 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid Day Merodiea est city. Wellington already had a morning and an evening paper. The Southern Cross was launched as a morning paper and efforts were made to give it a national circulation among labor supporters. However, transport in New Zea'and Is not sufficiently developed for any daily paper to attain a truly national circulation. The paper built a circulation approaching 40,000, but this was considerably below that of the two other Wellington dailies. Although Wellington returned a large Labor representation to Parliament, a big percentage of Labor supporters continued to patronize the earlier established newspapers. ' mi in hi mi ii ii mi ii i ii i rrr; r i ", "' i ""F'.'7 t 7:,-- i . I . -y VIEW-MASTER REELS Reduced 50c each WRATH ALL'S , Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. Lord Calvert A 1 wi ' t it ffi-'i"-:.v .i"." " VD Rising In States Ni. N VUhK (AP In spite of - Served with pride U PORT RAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMFP SERVICE aM.vni.Eirs STUDIO 116 - 4Ui Street Dox 645 Phone Oretn 339 Prince Rupert on those special occasions tViA now miitr itirup tfrn-wit-Aji L when only the finest cn Ik' J&YJ In 1 1 1 will suffice : kS w, tZJCr 1. ' iir 1 I I I disease is rising again in tha United States. cue leaion is war preparations. Anc.ier is cuts in ieurrai money for fighting syphilis and gonorrhea. Whether the rapid cures assist by increasing temptation is not clear. The rise Is a recent reversal of the downward trend since tht second wond war. iuir.k cures have taken away the immunity to syphilis wm.n many persons got under the old treatments. The immunity dia not come from the medicine, bu, from the long time a person hal the disease, a year or more while takir? thj t ire. SAFE BUYS 1950 Monarch Sport . Sedan 1950 Ford Custom Fo'do-1950 Chevrolet Sedan Al Condition Immaculate throughout TRUCK SPECIAL 1950 Ford Vi-ton CURED ir BACK Today syphilis is treated in eight days with penirillim. If the cas- is ea ly, it usually i; cured. But the patient is n;it Immu'-? to fur'.her ir.fecti ins of syphil!?. As a result fo.- tl' .est tiinu. cunics a c receiving Pick-up pccple . tome in w'.th rein fections. , I CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED I AMHER3TBURG ONTARIO ! Bob Parker Ltd. Gcnorrhca cures are so rapiu that it is theoretically possible to acqunsra new case every week. . 1 The rcpeatevs actually do not FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Priori Runort, B f! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquof Control Board or by the Govexuneot of British Columbia. wait lonu The American Social Hygien? Iff THE MARK . Or M t K t I Association is receiving reports fiom many state and city healtn 11 1 authorities of a rise- in boti kinds o! disease. Part of the I is'. Acrosi Canada the Red Crow fhine a a mark of mercy . ; . offering help and hopa to manyi disaster victims; handicapped children; and the underprivileged. This year, as always the Canadian Red Cross depends on your financial support. v Won't you help? Moving. Packing, Crating Shipping General Cartage and Storage i.omplete, Reliable and Efficient Service. AUo "agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED I lace PHARMACY va .shows up around military training camps jast as lt has in ai wars The- greatest worry is abov.; the reduction in staffs, due' t cuts in federal money made b'' the bureau of the burget, fo the sake of economy. The cut: total more than $4,030,000 sine 1948, and if present plans car;. through will be down anothe' $1,000,000 by 1952. On the vecords the Unite' I States has today twice as muc'n Che JHouse af Seat) ram HOURS: 1 Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 lMiones 60 and fil Hi WEEK DAYS: This advertisement is not published or displa ru by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tlie Government of British Columbia. . ! syphilis as In 1919 and nearl ByC SLONDIE i three times more gonor-hca. Bui On Curled Rye! 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the statls'ics may be misleading because in 1919 many cases were not Teported. " ijilltillllllllllilll1' ! t 1 FIGURE V VOL) TAKE 'MAy ( voue? lunch to work L--.--.-3S,fTFi gviSiOn e IN. FOR 162 WEEKS, we riylrfs' iI CAN AFFORD A SET t "V, i- V '---ss--r-' t. 1 rut TfiN;.i- PL 79 one SIXTH STREET AND TIIIKD AVENTE If. n it , ,i li ! : I ' I NB WANT N- A BiG A SCRtEM ' r W . iv:u . "Hospitality and - Good Food" That is Our First Ann Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe -"pf:-,.-.--Aj, Chop 5uey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 It's SERVICE You Want Phone 383 CABS' Vs.. V. 4 ',' t,