Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 28, 1951 News of the District hotel arrivals T SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 50 (Quee Charlotte) BY-LAW No. 1 ERRACE OPICS pANCo, Stewart Govt. Agency Closed r- (Pr'nce Rupert) D. L. Orr. D. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Little, Mrs. R. Roberts, Mrs. A. Cote, Miss I. Cote and A. G. Solnik, Terrace; L. Richard, city; P. N. Bland, J. A. Cameron, G. Burns, J. W. Bodie. A. L. Dahle, J. McMurdie, J. W. Murray, J. D. Whiskin and A. M. Inch, Vancouver; Mrs. W. Watson from Good Friday services in th STEWART The amalgama- Terrace churches in the town AKE ion f P"lad Canal Mm- were ail well attended. St. Mat-' : g Dlst"ic' wlth skeena! thews ihe Church was filled for a , 2-hour service in th aftrnJ ! Mining Division and the conse-, n Easter Easter Sundav. Sunday, which wh'ch dawn- rt: I j 1uent closmS . Governme it ; Lois Beaver is home for the Easter holidays from Prince On ed tine and sunny after a wet Agency at Stewart has caused a ana Louise Warren, Smithers; J. Robinson, Brantford, Ont.; Mrs. Dorothy M'-Kenna and Miss Dorothy Stephen, Stewart. great deal of "L .T' concern """" in the I . j i George UKJ'Ke where wnere she sne is attending Saturday, but which became dav day nrtvar,P.H advanced, ; i ","TS 01 Ule r5'aenis nere, pat- school. She walked across on the iv-law to authorize the Board of School Trustees ofStfiool i'Nu M 'Queen Charlotte to raise by way of ioaji the sum Hundred ThouAiiiU Dollars UHW.QOQ) for school purpose. i'KKAS the Board of School Trustee of School District iuiieeu Charlotte did on the iiiAt'teenth day of February, iL.,e to be prepared detailed estimates of the sum required ,;. he extraordinary expenses of the. Board which said esti-g.t- as follows: ,. Sihooi Sil: 'i:set 2.0GQ.OO Sfcideeale Inlet 2.000.00 tort Clements 250.00 t 1 4,?50.00 v School Buifdjujs: 5Uei 64.8O0.OO fludtuate Wet 38.400.00 cloudy as the : ticularlv cx,ari7. amonB m n there were laree r-nnErroo-atirmo of . the mining ice on Saturday morning with the various services throuehont , " ly- ...... . . . her mother where they were met the day and the Easter rieVee 7- n e""e'ivour 10 8" "', and taken home to Ootsa Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Frizzell of .t, Yl h . ZTXITV J I uanson lntne ma" car and going as far as Noialce wliwe Norman Prince Rupert drovie into Tcriac gram was disnatcherf to Minis- on Saturday to spend the Easter ! tor a.. w iJo.yl v ,O0.U jku Clements 24,(O0.0O wee CUU. OIlSlv nrnloctini tho gntlnn nt 166,200.00 r2 n r miture and Etiuvipwojl tor , jj Schreiber met them with the mail from Oosa Lake and she went home with him. The lake ice is strong enough to carry trucks and ears but is very soggy and most of the cars get stuck part way across. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Little left on Tuesday's train for Prince Rupert where they enplaned today for Vancouver. From there they will fly to Chicago on a business trii for Mr. Little. They will make the return journey by cur. the Government and requesting that it be reconsidered. The Village Commissioners and the Canadian Legion are backing the Board of Trade In their protest. W. R. Tooth is chairman of the Board of Trade and Ernest Love is chairman of the village commissioners and secretary of the Board of Trade. 21,50000 I vhool BuUtUs: ifoiset 7,000.00 gkisleyate Inlet 8.(100.00 He rl-il 6,000.00 Port Clements 2,500.80 . : 'iMislrin'tion of and Additions to t sli iik School Buildings: ' $ Nil C frr Extraordinary Requirements; Huns and .supervision 4,400.00 Cui.liii'iicie.s 3 050.00 I Really, you should know how delicious food tastes when rla- voured with Colman's mustard from England. Prepare it in I your own kitchen easily; sinv ply follow the directions on I the label. Write to Reckitt & ! Colman (Canada) Ltd., Station i switched to $SO Gasolines Fill your tank with "tip-to-date" Esso or Esso Extra. Take your car out on the road. See for yourself its better all-round performance. Esso and Es&o Extra are continually being ' improved to give the best balanced combination of fast starting, good acceleration, power and mileage. Switch to Esso Gasolines and you're always ahead! The snow is melting ouif kly on the roads wh'ch are nearly bare but there ara still high banks at the side where the snowploughs pushed It. The couatryskle Is still deeo under the snow. 1 T, Montreal for free recipe book C. W. Michiel has returned from his business trip to Vancouver, bringing with him a new oil truck. 7,150.00 "Culinary Art". William Orr is Mining Recorder John Keefe Jr. has returned from Calgary where he spent two weeks' holiday. Part of the time was spent indoors as he went STEWART Siiwpprii n a r a ' Dr. K. McPherson left on Thursday morning's train for Hazelton where has has a number of dental patients awaiting his services. the sign that says I TOTAL ESTIMATE $199,400.00 t WHEREAS the proposed expenditure has been submitted p.Doroved bv the Superintendent of Education as required $ tii us 23 l2i and 57 3i of the "Public Schools Act": . WHEREAS the Provincial Government has undertaken I a grant of Ninety-nine Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars 1.0()i, leaving an amount of Ninety-nine Thousand Seven Dollars i$99,70OO.OO) to be otherwise provided: p WHEREAS the amount to be provided by the whole nf hi District is Ninety-nice Thousand Seven Hundred Dol-J8.70O 00 1: l WHEREAS for the purposes aforesaid It will be necessary .. the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars 1 $100,000.00), I u: as follows: : aordinarv estimates as above recited $199,400.00 . f Anticipated grant by Provincial Government.... 99,700.09 OEsso) Tran, who is leaving shortly for ', W1 wlth a severe case of flu Lillooet, W. Shields Orr has ' but he was able to sce several been appointed sub-mining re- ' good hockey games. He saw Bar-corder for the Skeena Mining 1 b:'ra Ann 80011 bating there. He Division. Mr. Orr brings many , calle on Captain and Mrs. Mc years of experience in the min- ; Kiftnon- who have a beautiful ing affairs of the Portland home in Calary. The Captain Canal, having been associated has been verv Is recover- to stop for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dominato and daughters arrived to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. Houlden, parents of Mrs. with the Indian Mine, B. C. Sil- in' mi ke was anxious to hear about th people he knows back ver Mine, and the United Empire Mine. reserve capacity, start-ing power and longer lite with Atlas batteries. guaranteed tire life with the famous Atlas Written Guarantee that's honored by over 18,000 Jerrace Atlas Written Guarantee is the most liberal offered motorists. here, he was Captain of the Francois Lake ferry for many years. Although Calgary suits his health he misses the water since leaving Vancouver. i By-law and debenture expense . 300.00 dealers in Canada and the U.S. engine protection with Marveiube the premium motor oil that of the services you want await you at your Imperial Esso dealers. cTEWAr NEWS Jeq, S)w-cce6A TERRACE In spite of inclement weather and treacherous roads, Saturday's tea and sale &Donored bv l.hp Porpnt.-ToA'hr Jack Loper and Ruffles Kel-way came to the Landing on Sunday afternoon to take their meets all car manufacturers' speciiications for correct lubrication. A detergent motor oil that not oniv lubricates but cleans! Drop in at the Esso sign anv time to have radiator and tire assure checked or for any of die other services your cat may need. new ponies back to Burns Lake Association and held i the I . A 'wo"wav radl telephone They purchased these ponies Oddf ellows' hall, was very well i msuuiea oy jonn Mc-;irom Matr Nobles, natrnnbui mj'n,. jKy at his saraee on Fifth 1 ' both financially and socially. !?treet; He resiietit agent As general convener. Mrs. C. 1?er.e lQT Queen Charlotte JOHN H. FISHERMEN . . . W. Michiel had gathered around Airunes and this Installation will be of great assistance. VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotln Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOK NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 30 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, March 23 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 BULGER Oric Southwest winds have brought rain and it now begins to look as though the back of the winter is broken. Bare ground is showing on many parts of the highway.. Iris I tome 1 For complete oterhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We hive the trained mechanics mid tp'-cialized equipment to her a willing band of helpers alio doners with the result that the homecooking stall was laden witn a pleasing variety of cakes, cookies, etc., which brought good prices. The school children had donated the candy which, in small Easter boxes, made a tempting display. Fussy willows and colorful Brer Rabbits decorated the hall. The lace covered pourer's table was centred with, pussy willows i lg a total of $100,000.00 the amount of the debt Intended to be created by this I WHEREAS it Is deemed desirable and exDedlent to bor- h im of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) which kbt intended to be created by this By-law: WHEREAS the amount of the rateable value of land plus sf:ve per centum 175) of the rateable value of lmprove- the whole of the School District is $1,085,405.00: 1 WHEREAS It will be necessary to raise throughout the riioiji District for the payment of the debt and for the i of the interest in the respective years the amounts as jji Section Six (61 hereof: t THEREFORE. THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES jcOL DISTRICT NO. 50 tQUEEN CHARLOTTE) enacts f!ie Board of School Trustees of School District No. 50 jfnarlottei is hereby empowered to carry out the proposed tin accordance with the above recited estimates:, fiiat for the, purpose and with the object aforesaid there '.burrowed by the Board of School Trustees upon the credit i District No. 50 (Queen Charlotte I the sum of One Hun-usand Dollars ($100,000.00) and debentures shall be issued in denominations of not less than One Thousand Dollars $ and all such debentures shall be sealed with the seal D.ird of School Trustees and signed by the Chairman and (ttary -Treasurer of the Board. fiie said debentures shall be payable both as to principal jrt'-st in lawful money of Canada at the principal office of Ikdian Bank of Commerce in any of the Cities of Prince Vancouver. Winnipeg, Toronto, and Montreal, Canada, at fc; s option: fiie said debentures shall be dated the 1st day of May, shall be payable as follows: $5,000.00 on the first day i each cf the years 1952 to 1971, inclusive: fhe said debentures shall have attached to them coupons jjyment of interest at the rate of four per centum (4) m, payable annually on the 1st day of May in each year it' currency thereof and the signatures of the Chairman ttiary-Treasurer of the Board to the said coupons may I written, stamped, printed, or lithographed: fliere shall be levied and raised during the. currency of uur,i within the whole of the Said School District for '-nt of the debt and for the oayment of the interest in five years the amounts as follows: John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue perform this work for you . . . (iV'is: effii( ltly and economically. f For Action, Advertise! To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that job now. Rupert Motors Limited and green candles in crystal holders. In a few words of greeting, Mrs. D. G. Little, president of the P-TA, opened the sale. Those responsible for the tea were Mrs. C. W. Michiel, Mrs. Brandis, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. H. Pache, Mrs. Brickley, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. JAIL'S NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESuLTS Mi Total Annual Melvin and Mrs. H. Baxter. Serving were the Grade VIII girls Selma Farquam, Dorothy Busch-man, Diane Kofoe, Diana Rolph, Irene Cote and high school girls Margaret Kennedy, Maureen Kennedy, Joan Gillanders. At . the home cooking stall were Mrs. J. McLeod, Mrs. K. Wold. Candy, Miss Blanche Matte- Cashier was Mrs. F. Clifford. Pouring were Mrs. Flloyd Frank Mrs. C. Newhouser, Mrs. A. ON OIL for Eczemas, Boils, Psoridsis, Leg Ulcers I'rllli'ipiU Krtlrriiirnt .vMK-Kt,'.SlMt(! .Vniiual iTIih Ipul and Coupon Interest Interest Kute ra,vnientH fumrntfi 4 $4,000.00 $9,000.00 4 3.800.00 8.800.00 4 3.600.00 " 8,600.00 4 3.400.00 8.400.00 4 3 200 00 8.200.00 4 3.OOO.OO 8,000.00 4 1 2.800 00 7,800.00 4 2.6O0.00 7,600.00 4 2,400.00 7.4U0.00 4 2,200 7.200.00 4 2.00000 7,000.00 4 1. 800.00 6.800.00 4 1,600.00 6.600.00 4 1,400 00 6 100.00 4 1 200 00 6,200.00 4 1.OU0.00 6.000.00 4 800 00 5.80000 4 600.00 5.600.00 4 . 400.00 5.400.00 4 200.00 5,200.00 $42,000.00 $142,000.00 Campbell an Mrs. C. Hal'. Decorating committee, Mrs. Little, Mrs. G Haugland, Mrs. A. Campbell. Others helping to contribute to the success of the affair were Mrs. Gillanders, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Elklns, Mrs. G. Little. $5,000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 5 000.00 5.000,00 5.000 00 5.000.00 5.000 00 5.00000 5.000.00 5.000.00 5 000 00 5,000 00 5,000.00 fHE DISCOVERY of one of the main causes of skin diseases will bring new health and happiness to thousands of people suffering from Eczemas, Boils, Leg Ulcers and Psoriasis. Science has established that the lack of unsaturated fatty acids in nutrition reduces the natural resistance of the body and leads to skin disease. As this precious substanct? so .essential to skin health is often completely absent in modern food, the number of skin sufferers in all civilized countries has a tendency to increase every year. These ire two of the numerous certified photographs open for inspection at our laboratories. 4 USE BS. & W. CONDITIONER for Domestic Oij Stoves and Furnaces 1. Eliminates sludge and water In storage fuel tanks and lines, 2. Prevents soot and carbon in oil burning equipment. 3. Improves combustion and saves on oil. 4. No sputtering or tinolcy fires. yoi:r flame brighter your stove cleaner 16-ox. tin $1.50 SOLE AGENTS GORDON & ANDERSON Remarkable Discovery A Swiss chemist, Dr. W. Schmitz, succeeded after 10 years of research work in extracting from pure vegetable oils an unsaturated fatty acid with a concentration of 99 and therefore named F "99". Thanks to this very high purity which was never attained up to now, F"99" is so readily absorbed into the blood stream, that it has a decisive biological activity in the treatment of skin diseases. Its remarkable efficiency has astonished even Skin Specialists of international reputation. Natural way to clear up skirt troubles F "99" is not a synthetic drug but a concentrate of natural nutritive substances. It is absolutely harmless and mav be given even to infants without any hesitation. As Its name nusgeiits. the F "99" Two-Way Treatment aots Internally (capsules or liquid! and externally (ointment!, While ' "99" Ointment treats the external symptoms. F "99" capsules give the body the power to suppress the cause to comhat successfully Eczemas. Boils, Leg f'lcers and even Psoriasis. To many thousands of skin sufferers all over the world. F "99" Two-Way Treatment baa already proved Its tremendous value. How to use F "99" Two-Way Treatment Kraeanaa F "99" Capsules and Ointment mildren'a Kriemas F "99" Liquid and Ointment Bolls l FuronruliMls) F "99" Capsules and Ointment " I'leera F "99" Capsule and Ointment Psoriasis F "99" Capsules and Ointment It In doubt, consult your doctor. vr-nn .rn sioo.000.00 ONE TSAWL-BIQ HAUL COPENHAGEN (CPWTbe Danish expedition ship Galathea, Investigating sea life off the coast of Southeast Africa, caught 4000 sea creatures with une sweep of the trawl 1 he haul luchid.ed 55 different kinds of fish and 25 examples of the ra-e deep-sea cuttlefish, the Spivula. 80 in ,Aaw mav be cited for all purposes as '-'School (Queen Charlotte) School Loan By-law No. 1." I a or. time the third daV of March, 1951. . 1 . ECOND time the third day ot March, 1951. K)VPn sixteenth day of March, 1951. k March tiSuperlntendent of Etrucatln the twenty- tTy-i -iSiiii ihi LU 1HE ASSENT of the Electors of the" District the t HllDi'tmi 1 day of 19 Authentic Photograph of kft leg ot Mt. Ernett Fausch on July lit, suffering from Leg Ulcer for 12 years, beforo beginning tt f "99" Treat- Authentic Fhotograph of left leg ot Mr, Ernett Fauich on September 27th. The Leg Ulcer was completely cleared up offer 13 weeks of f "99" Tieatment. jsidered, finally passed and adopted the as 19.. it1 Mi n Chairman. Illustrated F "99" Booklet containing all the interesting facts concerning this remarkable new Swiss Discovery which brings new hope to all skin suffers, can be obtained free of charge from any druggist or by sending your name and address to Diva-Laboratories, Dept. 214 P.O. Box 116, Victoria, B.C. AGRICULTURAL LIME Now Is the time to give your garden and lawn a coat of lime. Prevents Acid Soil Promotes Growth Larger Vegetables More Beautiful Flowers 1 sack delivered $1.75 per sack Up to 5 sacks delivered $1.69 per sack Over 5 sacks delivered $1.50 per sack PHILPOnjVITT&Co.Ltd. PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER ' - COAL Secretary-Treasurer. kionrc Two-Way Treatment for Skin Diseases Now available at all Drug Stores J 0tipp vnl ., This advertisement tt not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. n which Vh. atKve ls tru copy of the proposed 50 (o,,. te ?f tne Electors will be taken in School Si vueen Charlotte) a,L the following places: M Clement, Community Hall Ken Charintt - -; Community Hall Ml.... lte City ...Community Hall tatlspit. ' Tne Dunes For Painting and Paperhanging Phone PENCE and MATUlIX the uth"j in igion au a th day of AprU, 1951, between the hours of 8 P.m. E- Mathers, Secretary-Treasurer, School District No. 50 (Queen Charlotte). PHONE Black 215 .f