Prince Rupert Daily News1 As I See It rrrgrerwyjj Wrirrewr f w w -,nsxsxixjt -u - -i.n uuiru-i.r n . n in n n n.n.n re rxJrxjT-tn1nntrunJtnj. - Report, from Parliament! VICTORIA REPORT by J. K. Tuesday, June 12. 1S51 Nesbitt . . . By E. T. APPLEWHAITE. M P. Sales Tax Ilooming Hut Hospital Insurance Is Headache CI more Terrace Power I was very much interested in glancing through the British Columbia Tower Com An Independent daily rTtrspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association r A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, ?5e- Per Year. '-Sufa "TT , SS.09, By Mail. Per 7jc; Per Year, $3 00 Published every afternoon extept Sunday by VICTORIA. British Columbia's three-per-wnt mission magazine for April to see a very nice Jiuie . paies tax ls booming beyond the wildest dreams of article on lerrace, with "before-and-aiter pictures even a conservative minister of fins finance. of the Terrace powerhouse as in 1945 and 1951. when the tax became law in Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. 'k WW,,, Despite the statements in the article, as to the ld;sum(mer,0H L948- flTrn: you'll be orde-ed out, u.i. ment estimated it would bring 1.1 .... iPs V(,,ir ou.n Hfirtnr irwt. tv,., increased potential, I think fur-, $14,01)0,000 a year. The first year ?Z 1 J"? I' ther Inrae increase in Mmritv'....,.... ... n'. ... , rr.,.,. "i a gruritu flOS- i iruuux-e legi.Mnuuii nt n tuny it wrin. w ii,uuu,uuu. mis year nltal are np-essiirv .,,.v.v. f n - vnn verv srutn h- hidi-i . u... . v. . i- .... j juur i Will fulfill 8O011- WIVI5I BULLOC j ... Hv nute frnuuie Llir Kuvn umeiit t-nr icuvei iiiiiruL raumuiru ui mwai-it th,ii,tV i,,,,. i . DAY IN BOW STREET , LONDON, ENGLAND. We got to England too late to witness the last appeal that is ever to be allowed frorii British 'Columbia to the Privy Coun cated. uo. 1 to make with the $28,000,000 but there's agreements every faith tt Ule g()ve ,nment ald nrovinrM tn nrnvtde old at?e se- 'indication it mav KO to $35,000,- Old Ate Pension! Earlv In this session, speaking of old age : curlty to person!i ln nm) be- 000. premiums faithfully for npn.linn ll' lha Prime .... .. mr , , Rlulnnu urn a r,u,. ,..A oa . . . ' yean J"'"t r - I iween ine agts ui oa mm iu, aim ... Tne minute you become chroni Minister told us: 'It is and will , tc. provilie authority for the reg- U Is now in this province, ac- tne government has no resnon-,be the policy. of the government cording to monthly bulletin of lstration of persons over the aae aibillty for you. Oaesn't sc-ni ' cil. BuC we were determined to to vu uvum uny possioie ofiuy of 70 for the universal old age vwve.iimeiiis bureau oi t-o- quite fair and yet the ho,)l!all have our day In court on this trln fin vmt tn Ihf limnnt1 . , pensions, i ne gowrnmeni wisnes ' . . ' insurance pejpie say Uiat to .' Sr? ed. to have that agreement lm-lU. Just look al these staggering Bow n. Street. be in a DOSiUon to commence . .handle chronics wculd break th plemented." In conformity with payment of the universal pen- "HUIM: reta up 19 per. scheme ana that chrontes jUi'J that statement of the govern-1 sion!. 1 with lhe month f.nt over ag; autom::bil v mustlVt uk( up ,u unwral In fact, we went twice. We had to. For the first time we went the place was long since -All mil?JI V.T.IT.'V. ' of January, 1952, and wishes also - , - J;V mxnut ec-.-d f.n packed out -with spectators ' J tc have its leBlslat:on respecting ,r :'H ff r " " T u"lc so.a cnan-e; denserv rrowrled at th K. k nf I I the aae Broun sixtv-five to sixtv- . . - ui tu.e 21 per cent. the smallish room. But the . lings ten extra for toeing late, nine ready for implementation business ls The increasing friendly policewoman gave us a effective in January, 1952, ln any wh,, k,.,. lh .', ,' '. wnat Dooms tne sales tax .1- v.. , j ..... ..... i the stab PEBwiRviTB iv . .. ...... . The government has another worry, these days, too vniut tu Continued on page 5 Craftsmani ui up wii umiu juat uriuir ir'i i . ........ ... ut l i n ijroviiices wnicn win in the morning and he would the drama of the day was a nave signjd agreement with the1 However If the mwernmonfs make sure we got tn. chronic woman drunk, a Mrs. ; fe(jprai government for that e"i iois'0f aet! So back we came at ten sharp. Haines There she stood, shabby. pu,:pose. T h e administration aS it's "h unK I ""anLU1 h huaj"ts mo.e 0,e a s -and the friendly lady took us disheveled long coat and a too lanr lor tne appJicatlon of tnis Jln out of the queue and put us b tarn hat But as she bad w securll m "An thnuiah' ciap rfrwr inn stood In exactlv the same soot' . . ... . . n". nul rl ""Py wlui In Type,, Let Us Solve :rr",n r. " " onlv 2 hours arllnd h,are u,rettay BO,ng ,orwara- "r- nos insurance Picture roriffCITKinte m nnui hul Y rr H i u T V,,..., ill . L.I.. be another She knew we were Canadians, a police record as long as your ri with ;,,,;:,;: ''?".' i ,u -. . t r, orm the nrnhlem urn 7hot tn " " vie. mi. ucai jcui. Your Printing Proti Ik about . t. Z . 1 . rin do with with her. her I clu! governments lo taKe from The rare of chronics ia plvln it. He, too, came and chat- ,8mi1' their Di-enent nlrt nenlnn . T lnelr aire .v. ted Told us about his siter What amazed the judge was1 ,p,"en , , ag, Pistons .the government worry. At pres. Mrs. Ben Morton who lives' at where the shabby old woman i the information which ent hospital insurance doesn't i w'" e ,-1u'red to pay the unl- look after patients called chrciw sun-happv White Rock BC He got the money to buy the drink also told us of their ' wartime -for one look at her ruled out ?"!81 P?ns'n after January . 4c. If you're in hcpltal Si day? PHONE 234 Dibb Printing ISFSNt.R Bloil evner cnratknn, Ih. ,,,,rt nfr. One ODVIOUS nosslDllltV .... "ic wm. r i . win m en sat underground when the me 0Jd g""l a genius at j ""w c.v..,B um use criminal Code with respect to bombs were falling, and about self-defence. She put up such a pensions under the previous leg- raclng assoclatiins conducting1 one fnowl amusing episode passionate plea for a n o t h e r elation. Tlw government wishes parl-mutuel betting. I don'ti when a man was taking me cnance, ana was so aownngiu.j w luu.iuniut, think either will have much If V'iu want lo sel as foon as possible after July l,1 effect in Skeena. oatii and had just come to the naturally witty that before long "so help me God" Dart when a she had the whole court almost egisirauon or mt omers pro- bably some 400,000 persons 70 V2 crumbled part of the roof ln. rolling in the aisles St. Lawrence Waterway -That might also apply to the 8t. Lawrence Waterway or it might More than once she broke in years of age and over who are For the MEAL that REFRESH SIB LAWftENCE DUNN WAS when a social worker was giving not at present receiving old age How To Be Cheerful MARKET trends are reflected in the STOCK number of ulcer cases and yet it i? amazing that, as progressively worse news keeps crowding in about the affairs of the people of the earth, this is not matched by the suicide curve's zooming out of sight. People remain in general remarkably cheerful. It seems humans don't scare readily. In this desperate situation people go out and look at the summer flowers, tending them as though the things might last a while. People even plant more flowers. People look remarkably pleased. ' The main thing that causes people to be so amazingly cheerful is that, better Christians than they know, they take no great thought for the morrow. After all, few philosophies return us individually to this earth. Even making a landfall on another earth, so that people might survive, would not help a person survive. The predicted swelling of the stoked-up ;un is a long way off, and the great difference between an A-bomb and what is sure to happen anyway is that the A-bomb could happen to more people at the same time. So folk mind the baby and tend tin? flowers and go to the movies Friday evening and for a drive on Sunday afternoon. Somewhere below the ripples of conscious thought they may remember that it was tough too in the time when the Babylonians lowered their spears and charged and that the Black Death was another bad time that they got through somehow. Right now, there are the summer flowers and life is away better than worrying about losing it. Start Climbing ABRAHAM LINCOLN once declared that people are about as happy in life as they make up their minds to be, write Earl Douglas. ; The same thing could be said with reference to success. We attain about as much success in life as we are willing to pay for. There are a few high offices in this country held by stuffed shirts, but very few. In every generation a few geniuses go unnoticed and a few worthy men are given the brush-off. But by and large success depends upon industry, good habits, high ideals and sound moral character. If one waits for the elevator to take one up to the top floors of success, then the elevator is permanently out of order. There is no achievement in the world without the payment of a heavy cost. As the modern expression goes: "If you are looking for something-soft, look under your own hat." The elevator which goes to the top flights of puecess is permanently out of order. One must start climbing. . nrt tv. 1 v. Pviflnnf-p ufi t K enrvi inixh nmg'k run;lfin Theoo arlin Inlot ro Hun "ut- nl e HOW KIlOW OI11- JK'J j FINEST EEST OF FOOD the day we were therebut the as: arrangement, are, as I have '""J "l"1 f U,eh Si f almost equally famous wit, John! "I'm sure the magistrate is not said, already being planned with , " ,p wau,r'av nav' D-vn Eastwood, KC, was. Unlike many1 interested in hearing a long j the aim of pressing them for-, Prep'lred concurrently with, and of our magistrates, the Bow 1 harangue from you." ward as rapidly as possible, and a nalural consequence of, the Street judges sit without gowns' Finally, the Judge let her off j they will be pressed forward as I aJ-scluslons that have taken or wigs just ln ordinary dres. stripping her of all but a few soon as the necessary legislative ;P'ace over the years between The first ten or twerve cases shillings but with a crack that authority i.? given to the depart- i f anada and lhe UnilMl statM ran through in a few minutes. I convinced me he expected her ment to carry out the relstra- i r?gard to the project. As an They all concerned prostitutes back tomorrow. : tion for this purpose ! M P' 1 nm retv,lving g Pat blasts up on charges of "accosting"! - E.eU,, i fgal"st .thls Pr"jfrt. originating FireNa uuio excite r ire no uuii euie- mo ah mn,inD,ii, nii .4a m.ii,,, I nME UTiV nr.HTrrH vet Da n Montreal. Evidently mini. FOR TAKE OUT OKDI Its PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE and were fined from twenty to j old, turned 'out to be an army ."'fv, "oTtl hV theimunity rivalry is not restricted forty shillings, according to the 5 deserter who is expert at steal- 1: "" -c 10 ins province or B.C.! I saw it on Sunday, the I ing ladles' purses while they are : ,Zi r -i.'w .day after, and it was still ' length of time between their present and former appearances in court. ' I could see my wife's eyt-s He, too, had a long record. But oulavirlng in places. It was a I he also had all the psycho- biK and bad ",,a- ot co"rse it 1 , u , i . had iU reoercusKiiinn In the L. 'v popping out as one after an s l.iiicu aim ... ...ufltk flit 1 - .... .a other of these young women tured. old-school-tie accents was "uufe- '"ser a.sKea tne -Z norariuH n anH nut irnr thp I urging the tiiricp tn nenri him if. Minister of National Defence lor. r -T' W.I were mostly anything but the a psychologist, not to prison. j rather, his Parliamentary assls- j T ifoj GARAGE HELPER WANTED . Washing Cars i( Repairing Tires -fc General Clcon-up Nor Afraid to Work over-flashy or over-drab type -snowier ex-sauor naa eleven ' "j bikmtiuciiii rc- that one expects to see in such ! - nvictions for theft. But he had garding the fire, which is re- a roie. uniy one jooKea any- m nis pocnei a .eiurr, ...... .. k". i ..arc iu uumugc y ... .. . , thing like the expected. Most of "sweetheart in Canada olftrini? to the extent of over a million l!tl'H I 'J i'l J the young women looked exactly I to pay his passage out to marry , dollars. Ralph Campney, in the BdakaMMiMaXalu like the women tnat one mignt ner. , , aosence oi in i minisier, reportea 1 wivwiisenwnt m mt puWisliw see in the shops, theatres, or, i The judge read the letter and that the actual less was the des- Vf "'"played by tlie Liquor c.miM Indeed, churches. ! asked the man: "Do you object truction of one of the ten bays or1(!'?,,l vernment oi Only one lass was the least to the probation officer writing j of the buildings which compris- l'in.Un. . bit saucy. She came late, just as this girl and telling her you es No. 21 Ordnance Depot, with-' . - Rupert Motors Ui CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DICTHIHUTORS the court was closing its morn- have eleven convictions and are its contents, but no dollar value ing session. The magistrate ask- awaiting sentence for theft?" i of the loss has yet been estab-ed her about the de.jy and sho Yes the man had very de- lished. blamed it on a traffic jam.'That cided objections. ( Merc Bills A few more bills was no excuse, he said, as he j Last case was a 'driving after came in to the House last week, had also been caught in a simi- i drinking" charge. Looked very One ls an Act respecting Cana- RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES Phune Blue 9ft2 PACIFIC ELECTRIC . lar snarl, but had got to court bad for the drunk driver when dlan Pacific Railway Company, on time. Her fine thirty shil-1 noon came. , and another to amend th. Live Electrically and Keep Coa SI! liRcsjfeljfnj $4.6; $8S) $1U People who live near elev.i-tors will, eventually, be breathing easier. A company has been formed to build a device that will eliminate emission of wheat and grain dust from elevators during loading in Vancouver. Prince Rupert is spared such a physical handicap. There has not been a word of complaint for years and years. ray.. Reflects and Reminisces Single Burner Hotplates Two Burner Hotplates Two Burner Hotplates Fryrites Hamilton Beach Food Mixer (with Juicer) - If federal parliament meets in October, and it appears probable according to Premier 8t. Laurent, II will mean two sessional indem Northern B.C. Power Co. The census, so far as this continent ls concerned, was invented ln Canada. In the city of Quebec, in 1666, the job of counting and recording the number of Inhabitants officially began. Yet it could not have ViaOtt fa niGnnV. I n s-. r. nities for members. That would be about $10,000 for each in 1951. The need for economy has been Stewart, I! Krsner Block rhone 210 Prince Rupert, n.C. ifut 'mphaatawl again and again by that ten. n i. teilnntaf 8 """" thejOtlawa, this yvar, yet it can hardly be denied that the basy 'Parliamentarian Is a hard work-Vancouver ls to have a goodier. old-fashioned circus, despite s models Joe )UiU: COLD STORAGE J Phone 974 S2nA"H TT U hadi n ls PossiWy not realized how; SSyeSn t-TSWSSfS "g? rVT Columbians, Bring on the circus. Watch the ' ."l1" thosf WlJe hTeS parade-lteten to the steam or-lf.?"1 vtX? and the i gan-roar at the clowns and "n?ted Bta,teus, 11 oflen amazes, i stare at the animals, all of,a,nd lnvar ably 8ives Pleasure.' Vhlch look well fed and rea-l8mart u,lUorns. high class In- sonably happy Oet away from 'truments and love of and talent! Korea and the Iron Curtain, if i ,or musJc can thought of as only for a day! a real asset for the north. i i ' - , Mr- and Mra. George a Weath- School at Seal Cove again! 'erly are reaving on the Princess It's quite a few years since the Louise tomorrow afternoon for blackboard way down east wai Vancouver to visit their daueh-' covered with figures, and per- ter, Grace, who Is to undergo a' haps a youngster brought a serious operation. They are drlv-lovely red apple to give the ing back by car In about a! Free Pick Up Service While in Storage Have Your Coat yOU HAVE your special interest or ambition something that means a lot to you. Today, more than ever, the trick i to pUa your saving ani your spending so that you move steadily toward your goal. Here are two suggestions: First, deckle what you want most, how much it will cost, and open a special savings account at The Royal Bank of Canada for that one particular purpose. Then save for it. Sscond, use the Royal Bank Budget Book to keep yourself on your course, and to-avoid careless spending. The buflget book does not suggest how you spend your money. It does provide you with s simple pattern to help you -PLAN YOUR BUDGET-TO SUIT YOURSELF. 1 You C J get a copy at any branch. Ask for one. REPAIRED CLEANED- CLAB THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH D. VV. G. STEWART, Monager leacw, .. 'month's time. ! w HOLLANDERIZED BILL SCUBY FURS niiur i ujMtije for jattau "6 Lord, my God, thou art become exceeding glorious." Ps. 104:1.