.'in ice Kupeit Uuily iNewj Tue.-day. Jui.e 12. lif.i V ..li 1 Exhibitjon Ball Games Blackwood On (Bridge By Eoslcy Blackwood i 74 CLEVELAND 9 PitUburs Muscovites To Country By EDPY GILMORg MOSCOW Moving to a summer place in the country appeal to a ifreat manv Mu-'-ivile sad Oait ul o.yir.pic n'-ten-Vance. Hcrsr :a- clra-is mai.y MiAt .'Yitea r.o aiit tt p.iite a bet. I- the fill ar.d winter Mis u cot: fitted to trjtt::.g races, bat in tr.e .vamrr.er ti'.e crowds ti M-.if.w Cttadei 'Hippodrome' gtt a chin it tj watch the gal-i- pers. Ihere are a;'a'-s he beautiful "whtte lUjihts" of the Russian summer, whether in the city or at a summer hjuse. Newspapers can be read out in the open up until 10 p.m The .sky fr-.m '.1 p.m. to 3 a jr. is blue-vi lute. th.J kind cf cuij- used in the p;.i..-.-ins of tiXte;d Parrish. Mr. Champion chose opening lead against this Mrs. Keen promptly won the 10 of hearts for hlsj three no trump contract.! this trick with the ace of; have won it with the jack. hearts though she could Aiyansh to 1 Play Here Saturday evening wiil see tire first football game of trie 1951 season between a native eleven and a city team. Aiyansh will play a svlected city team. The manager of the Aiyansh! team conferred with president Alex Haig of the Prince Rupert Football Association last Saturday and the date was definitely set. Last season the games with the Aiyansh team were an outstanding feature uf the ye"ar and th Aiyansh manager assures Alex Haig that this year's team is even better. In that case the locals will have a big job un their hands ta hold the visitors. The local representative team has not been chosen yet. Gardening is a jxpuiar summer acti'i: ar.d tiue wtthoj-a country p-..t cultivate patches of land aruiil the cty' cu skiru. It has b-cii a co.d. wet sprin? one of the iatts. in a k-r.g tinte. But a.ni. funny aea-.ter came suddenly, ar.d there wis a mid rush to buy ieas and garden too is. SOCCER PUTIUR . Sp.rts fans rave, a buy tint? in the summer. F'o:b::i 'Sixteen attracts tivjusar.es cf Muscovites. Aacut 80 00) fans cro1 into Dyr.amo Stadium on a Sunday. With the Russians participating in the Olympic fames, it U almost certain the Su ret Union il put in a o.c as hest city a: ZERO SO South dealer Norm-South vulnerable (Mr. !!) 3 5 3 H K 6 5 D K QJI C 8 6 Firemen Unbeaten liiff Home Run Features Softball Came Now this is the time ul the year for the exodus. The wrd fur Jammer house is dacho. Caravans of trucks pSId high with house furnishings move out of the c.v to the summer places. The demand is s great at the iv-ii':. tt the move you have 13 orde.- a trcuk in advance. Lure are d-cas of eiertrlc . railways that branch out from the ci'.y for 40 or 50 miles in -very direstk. a. Wa;e eare.-s commute between ti-s;-.r jfc; a.;J the country. LONDON' iCP Six million : books wtre given a spring-cieaning at the British Museum. Tr.e lijo inlud-d clean. r.tt bvi.)Ks that filled a t.tal of 23 nvAts . of shelves. Pirates outslugged Cleveland In-j dians 9 to 5 here last nittht in a ! charity exhibition before 8.568' fans with Wally Westlake and ( Erv Dusak homering for five of th' Pirates' runs. 1 Southpaw Dick Rozek was vie- j tim of Westlake's three-run i homer in the first inning and of ; Dusak 's second inning round tripper. j Jthnny Van de Meer permit--ted two more Pittsburg runs onj two hilsin thv next three in-! nings. ' In New York the Boston Red Sox staged a three-run rally in the eighth inning to stop the New York Oiants in an exhibi-j tion game at Polo Grounds. 1 Buddy Rosar's pinch hit single off Rneer Bowman with bases loaded clinched matters for the American Leaguers. Ted Williams singled in Johnny Pe'ko in ths ninlli for additional insurance. 59 I J-l (lr. Mffkl S V J 10 7 2 H 7 4 2 D A 8 c a a t Mr. Champion j S 8 H Q 10 9 8 3 I 7 b 3 C K Q 9 5 I The Stork 51 W. L. Pet. Firemen 2 0 1000 Cellulose 1 1 .500 Rupert Radio. I 1 .500 North Stars .... 0 1 .000 Hawks 0 1 .000 a future date. Ereryone expat .s the Rusarj U announce pla.ts swn for a new b;g f tad: urn w.t'a surrounding grounds to tai:- THe n of S'ttth Africa hi? 10 I.ctn.--d broadcasting stations 1 coiitral.td by the Sott.i Atii;au ; Broadcast!'. Cx-rpv-ration. (Mrs. Kn-n) S A Kit H A J D 10 4 C A J 10 7 4 Tne bitiamtg: JOHN H. 1 firemen 'uli Uieil accuilU i a-t straight Softball game Saturday Pas 1 i.ight by abutting out the Hawks ; 10 to 0. I Piay was highlighted by the North 1 D 2 D s.ulh Mil 1 C Pass 1 S Pass 3 M Ail BULGE PHOTO M A WALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRJNTINO ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phpne Green I3G Box 478 season's first home run, a grand slam by Carlsen. For four innings it was the best game of the season wi;li both Art Olson and Teddy Sedgwick getting great support. Firemen scored first in the bottom of the fourth when Ray 3 JOHANNESBURG O The shortage of exercise books is becoming so great that in some schools on the Rand slates are making a comeback. With the present paper shortage, stores are unable to meet the demand. ft ' ! v r -l ; -" S Mr. New, the eager kibitzer, was watching the game as usual and he turned td Mr. Maste-a who was standing nearby and asked: -Why did she do that? Did she make an error?" "Far from it," replied Mr. Masters. "She made a very fine play." He motioned Mr. New over to a table in the corner where he could explain the real thrift behind Mrs. Keen's appar John Bulger U Th.td Avenue KM 12 Hi if. . i ' v.-: " .;: .i' ,,'1 CLASSD ent extravagance. "That," continued Mr. Mas it Lrl V i SERT (l lOSVUE TIME 10 a.m. n day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. P.eao refrain from teleuhonii- r.jwi. Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thai.kj, Dtaih 4 1 J VICKERS' runerai Nonces, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. IN .Mt.MORI.VM FOR SALE HiV M Spring was safe on an error and scored on Rothwells double. Hawks threatened in the top of the fifth but a great throw by Jack Sharp from left field ! cut down Ten Sedgwick at the piate and saved Olsen's .shutout. In the last of the fifth the roof fell in on the Hawks as the Smokies scored nine runs on three hits and seven walks. Olson and Morrison walked to start the inning and Llewelyn forced Olson at second. Sharp then walked to load the sacks. Spring fanned and there were two out. Carlsen then broke up the game with his terrific four-( bagger. Whattam was on via an error, then walks to Rothwell, Baker and Olson forced In another run. Morrison singled and ; Llewelyn tripled to bring the total to 10. Hawks AB R H Smith, c 3 0 0 Donaldson, 2b 3 0 0 Matthews, 3b 3 0 1 Martin, cf 2 0 0 Sedgwick, p 2 0 0 Webber, lb 10 0 : Sheppard, ss 20 0 1 Anderson, If 2 0 0 Jeffries, If 2 0 1 LODODR FOR REM FOR RENT---sT'rwm emt - lurnt-r.rd. jtj montn. For iiiiur-uu, or phone T. Hti cu gro. liberies. Pj,-; i FOR SALE 5-piece bedroom suite itood condition: one coin tile te set Encyclopedia Briitanica Phone Biack 5)8. 1062 lltli East. (13So In lovinff memory of a dear husoand and lather. George Oi-mi wno parsed awav June 12, 1948. The years mav wipe out manv tilings. But this they'll wipe out never: The memory of those happy vears Whon nil lnn.lt.... PERSONAL famous since 1750 " iti ui lusruiri . 1 Rememoerea alwavs, Mollle. ! Ralph. Lucv and Janet. ineii FOR RENT J rvm sup Die with one h.;d on: ' 537 8th Ave. Jam FOR RENT One fuTr. , suiie. a.io fur:,h.,ti. Apply 645 ith Wr.-l. FOR RENT-Furnishe: j nice, c.t-an and GIVE the folks at home a treat . . . iset one of our delitiou." cakes or pies. Rupert Bakery Ltd. Phone 843 for orders, nil CASH for scrap cas;. brass, copper batteries and radiators Phone 543 alt o28 6th V. City. u. OK SALE 1X)NDQN DRYCjIN . I i ! i it ' ters, "was an unbiocking piav. One reason for such a play is to arrange for an entry into your partner's' hand. Mrs. Keen has two sure tricks in spades, two in hearts and one in clubs. Now if she can be sure of taking four tricks in diamonds, that wiil be enough for her contract. "The diamonds are .solid except for the ace, but Mr. Meek will almost surely refuse to take the first diamond trick. And if he does hold off, how will Mrs.1 Keen get to the dummy to run her diamonds after they are jet up? "If she wins the first trick with the jack of hearts she won't have a chance. That would leave her with the lone ace cf hearts. Don't you see that she can make her contract an absolutely sure thing by getting that ace out of the way at the firot opportunity? LNTtR THE JACK " She will go to work on the diamonds at the second trick, leading them until -Mr. Meek plays his ace. After that, nine tricks will immediately be available. Mrs. Keen will have Hie jack of hearts' to lead to dummy's king for caching the rest of the diamonds." Mr. Masters and Mr. New returned to the table just in time to see the score entered 100 points for three no trump and 700 for the rubber. If Mrs. Keen had failed to unblock- the ace of hearts at trick one, the score would have been somewhat different. In fact, il would have been entered in an entirely dil-ferent column on the : Die oniv. tail a.'trr o t REAL ESTATE JoawM .loHwVir Kin &ClT ' far Ave. (jretn 2:4. FOR REYr-8toD.ni i close in. Rid 831. VICKEIS' it liilillll il tlllll 41 U-DRIVE CARS, it 711 Orenviile C.iii NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-Deit Speeder Shovels; ! Cranes; Oraiiilnes; Adams' Koad Graders: Littleford Bros.; Black Top Road Maintenance; Eouiument: Owen Clamshell' Buckets and HotK Giapples; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson ; Bucket Loader fur Stockpile, i and Snow Removal: Rice Port-1 able Centntunal Pumps; National DruKline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel O a sol In e Hoists; National) i Portable Sawmill: National; Calvert WA.NTUI MORE SPECIALS Nice clean ' Larse Fours'' on hiKh side of 5;h East. Extra room at rear. Some terms. 8 Room revenue liou.se uood location. Easv terms. 6 Rutin Wartime, fullv furnished. Priced low for quick sale. $2700 wiil handie T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate and Insurance Phone 451 and 648 (137ci J- T. 1.. - - ..I: 20 0 3 AB R H .312 .210 4 10 WANTED TO Bt'Y-Oi Firemen Llewelyn, cf Sharp, If Spring, ss .... Carlsen, lb tent. Box 122. Nf ti 3 1 1 WANTED it)? V. r i 0, , h i ("ft' 4- "p ; . ,;i 1- t V PRICES PAii) lor CThls advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Curitrol JSnard pt bv the Government of British Columbia. steel, brass, cuauer, Ir. notary &cr-;eiis and conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. Bu (tf) FOR SALE Nw ana used fur Honest ki adliie noiu: meat iiiaoe. Alias Metals Ltu.. f'wrs couver, ti. C. r'lwut 6357. niture- hardware end tables, chests of drawers, beds com- 8iu I JroeXUon Hnedd anc BI SINESS Ol'POKTlM uieic. Dpuruum suites, small size carpets, lield glasses, used loutflng booU. sewine ma-1 chines, radios and bicycles,! also other useful household I articles at lowest prices. See, B, C. Furniture Co. Biack 324.' itf-c) ! Whattam, 3b 3 10 Rothwell, rf 2 I 1 Baiter, c 2 10 01-:on, p 1 2 0 Morrison, 2b 2 11 Double plays: Sedgwick to Webber; Llewelyn to Morrison. SuikeouLs: by Olson, 10 in G innings; Sedgwick. 7 in 5 innings. Bases on balls: Olson, 1; Sedgwick 8. Doubles: Matthews, Llewelyn, Rothuell. Triples: Llewelyn, llome run:' Carlsen. Umpires: Reg Wilson and Tony Visjack. Tonight's game will be between the Columbia Cellulose and Hawks at Gyro Park. - YOU CAN EARN wcfltlv similar to: U. W. R i C LeB. $117.00; L. B. : nMw.t iie.s a.ssurf earnmus with Hi-Test i j No Down Payment Buvs marine View iois Sele't vour lot now. and build while Vou buy. 50' bv 150' lots located on 4ih Ave. E.lst near schools and ail services. Priced as low as $750 with oniv $35 tier month to handle. A -l quicklv for hest selection. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Green 297 i eves. I iHlci Two Specials Owner leavinc citv. must sell hi j w.trtiniB 5. patent roof, Karaite. Pi ice fullv furnished, ;315(l. No reasonable offer refused. Or will sell unfurnished. Summit Heluhts Verv fine five room buneaiow, newly painted. Lavement hot wa'er heat-W3 ail lame rooms, five min-o'es tn Post Office. Price $5000. Half cash handles. Im-inerli.'itp niHsession ARMSTRONG GFNCIES -Phone 342 or Red.192 trs.) (138cl FOR SALE Genuine bargains HANDYMAN li alion. mtroaucine m dian markeis ne r guaranteed iamo n?- HOMK SKKVICK fluore.-cent laaes. t' mui-ifpt.i Sell direct . China cabinet small combi-' nation 'radio, bed chesterfield,' Coffee table, electric heater, floor lamp. Very special pri-e if vou buv the lot. Phone fl'iO before 6 p.m. i H2"i j ' mercial, institutional a dustnal arcouin them nionev Vou av.iiicit'. territorv. ra. FOR SALE 1 MiCullan power For Yi.ur PAINTING find DECORATING Bee SPENCE ck MATlUK Green (117 Phone Black 215 (evenings) O EN EK AL C'ONTnACT( IH3 liiiikln.t; and Kepairs of all kinds KOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BUItNEIiS MARfJAIlKT McLEOD 'JPlOMI.TltI.ST Itm 10 :t'He buildino PHONE BLUE 593' P.O BOX 1184 saw. comolete with chain and1 bar. Phone Black 333. 138pi commission weekiv on ; received Write touav U plete kit ami sami).-' ..Inlenl' B.X 111 Football Game is Postponed Last evening's scheduled foot-bal' game in the North Star trophy was postponed on account of wet grounds. The next fixture on Wednesday will bring the Heavy Battery and Canadian Legion together. Sa far the Battery has an unbeaten record but the Legion has been building up a team that hopes to upset the junners' record. FOR SAT, F Small green ruu. 7'; News. liKflll!!!' nv izi- inewl. Telenhrni Green 288. (137C) 1 A "once-in-ailife-timf". PHONES Black 752 Hrd 884 P.O. Box ifH) lunuv io a well-Daviue busine BOATS FOR SALE f nnlu $2.2O0" terms to reliable lr;v nea oai. FOR SALE 40 acre farm, some under cultivation. Good build-Inns, good soil, reasonable. Come see vour self or write P.O. Box 431. Kitwanga. B.C. U39p FOR SALE Four room wartime house, close in. Newly decora 'ed Inside and oainted outside. Electric fireolace Reasonable price for cash. 133 91 h West. Phone Blue 135. Uf-nci FOR SALE At Port Edward, two-room dwelling on skids. FOR SALE-Genera sto uost of lice. Eood I, ters. also one Ihre scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block C08 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 PO Box 374 FOR SALE $500 Ba ree "Drlft-, wood Queen": 20' x 8' x l'V: 2 vears old Has Northill anchor and Star marine conversion readv to instal. Moored Yacht Club: see owner aboard Oriole." (tfj FOR SALE T4-ftboat, inboard motor, sails and pars: Maieo hearing aid In good condition, reasonable: navv blue serp suit, size 44 worn twice Hox 115. Dailv News. (138c) .SIDNEY (iONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Aiialvsls OFFICK HOURS a.m. to 5 pm. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 21? house. 54 .uw 1 ' pi Mock II. W. Sorenson.Pl B.C. ELEPHANT TOO FRIENDLY PAIGNTON, Devon, England 'CP Jumbo, 10-year-old elephant at the zoo here, has been assigned to a special enclosure for her own protection. Jumbo was placed In compound because of her habit of climbing a six-foot wall to visit neighbors, a llama and zebra. HEATKR3 and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES HANGE BURNER3 Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON, OH Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 WORK WANTED FULLY exoerienred book; Fullv rurnlshed. oil burning ranne radio, etc. Applv E. H. " "orristun. Port Edward BC (141o iffmuM-" A. P. GARDNER CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. B )X 1247 Phone 88 PRINCE RUI'EHT, B C. aesiiea u -... , home Box !384 B. or Blue 804 -afcerj. . QUALIFIED " stenocraohe Box l sires position. N e " - .,,r.,n foTYinle FOR .sale Boat "North For-land. 41'. 11' beam. fitrin halibut eear. Inquire Credit Union Prince Rupert Fishermen s Co-op. (13'Jpi FOR SALE le-ftTraTTchris-craft built sneedbott with new hi"h sneeri marine engine IT, exr,''Ilent condition. Phone Blue 792. U38p) MATTSON'S UPHOIJ3TEKINQ Phillip Blue 120. P O. Box 528 2114 3id Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE Large four wartime, excellent condition, level lot. fenced. Bargain for cash or terms arranged. Applv 13til Overlook (13aui FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, furnished. Cement basement, hot air furnace. $6000, e;isv Distilled, Blended and. f Bottled in Scotland i-ierk desires PO""1" 26" at. botll.i . 121. Daily News. HELP WASTEB, HELEN'S REAUTY SHOP Permanent WavlnK Beauty Culture in all its branch" 204 4th Street. Phone 055 This advertisement w not publlslyd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. coLussrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED A.NIJ KKCUNUITIONED 210-4th 8t. Ph. Biack 389 CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1949 Monarehsport 5fdonn First clusa condition. 140c) -Cl'L9?- FOR SAI E New motorevele Phone Black 548 137a) LOST boys and" oms j .bovs News or routes. Kl' maV, , for summer relief- terms. Applv Art Murray, m Taxi. tf) FOR SALE House, six rooms, bath and pantrv, 2 good lots, near hinh and da" schools. 640 7th Ave East. Black 20ft. Full price, $5000 cash. (J41pi FOR SALE 5-room house, close In. .semi-basement owner. 534 8th Ave. East. tf) II. (. HELCiERSON LIMIT EO REAL ESTATE U INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 ter their iw'" LOST Black and white wire-haired terrier wearing harness. Phone ' Blue 527. Rewnrd. . (138n I FQR SALE Furnished house. Apply after fi. 1330 Overlook. (141pl ELECTROLUX Blca and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine pait and service phone or write above. TENDERS . RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 ACCOUNTANTS News. FEMALE clej-k for ren 559. ; . QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heel and Worn Boles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, lncomfl Tax specialist. S O Fork Stone Bulldlni? Red 593 20m Cleaner Cutting Sawi TRUCK PARTS NEED DUAL DRIVES? fivfl lloRir anil Triniffpr fn IMIHSIIIIIMI, OMC-IHVM. T Truek Motors all kinds, Transmissions Winches. Hol.itri, Springs, Axles, etc., etc. Buy With Confidence Save Time and Money Order by Mail or Telephone LA. 7200 Credit Terms If Desired KMTTI.K THI CK III UKil AHT1KS ;H K. Murqlillll Way Meat He, IVaxlilhKtoli "kffau; Tour ws will tut Hner. WANTED TO RENT truer, f a"r fl4 our prikua prltoU machine. maemn. w erv V-ii-fc IW vi on all lyi wa. ' jruur mw la tuiiay. J MWB retuulhed. M ' FOR SALE Tenders will be received bv the underpinned up 'ios?001 .f Mondav. JuW 9th. 1951 for the purchase of the mn or ves.sei "North Star" to-f,!3e.rv. th CaiiiDinent situated thereon, belonginv to the estate of Karl Emil Olsen deceased The description nf the boat it an follows: Length 35" breadth. 9'5": death, 4'5": ton-tmf - six: nowered by n 110 HP. Chrysler pa-s enaine. Hiuh-est or anv tender not nec-einri v accepted Terms: 8trlct.lv cash. O F Forbes Admintstrator nf the K4ale of rif deceased, Court House, Prince Runert. BC- (139) Brill iK Old I I jeweller. Satistft"'"" teed. -r ovC burner sr; ci,.., spnice ana CHIHOPRAOTOlt JOHN F. L. IIUCIIES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 WANTED TO RENT- Furnisher! or unfurnished house. Adults, no children. Blue 893.J139pi $25 REWARD For findinq small house for rent. Apply Box 11a. Daily News. Ll?ili FOR KENT WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, lay or month Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING l;.- PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) tku lrnHMri li mi puWulMd at d.iliytd fey Uqt Cwoial t,4 by iKa Cxtntmal ti 8iit Clumbl. uf D Ronson. Black pIltMBINC. AN) Ilf n, wo'k sheet mernl call 629 6tli West. FOR RENT-Sleeplng room. 215 4th East. Call alter 5. . U42c) 'f I -a