3- - Prince Rupert Daily News ' i - Tuesday, June 12, 1951 Aid. Casey Dorothy Mason, Sixteen, Dies oca NO SHEAR Pit) and PERSONAL Resigns as Works Head Dorothy Mason, 16-year-old , .U , . 11 nnrl Mrl T "1Q i H am uufmiin M WW r. - . t H . Vplma Orav. no fixed address. utiugiibct Ul mi. an Mason, passed away Sunday In was sentenced by Police Magis Regular Moose meeting, Tuesday, June 12, 8 p.m. (137c) the Prince Rupert uenerai nos- IIATUH Let w ifaow roa tbt oc pttcntsd propcllar ciwck, trate W. D. Vance in ponce court tn three months in Prince George iu. uwurge a. uasey nas re- pjlai where she had Been signed as chairman of the board natlent for a week. Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Attractive Prices jail. She was charged with vag ta 9utboxd motors miuim tcoooth. troubW-(rc pf - vi of works, city council of Prince Deceased was born In Port Es- Dimoit Ua 1p 1nnnn fn. Unn , . . , . i t- , toiuact. Here bow tt worm: Dto tw rluobeu t.Wl I rancy. nt ta obstruct) oa. the ptopclMc iatoatUKlly V - 1 d'sngci; but tto motor purr ao. At moo w rt" IeVw' -T:-l cleti. the prop I let itcrutuat aod m'rt oo tow wit. " xUK.v. iic 10 leaving iui o- singion ana, Desiacs ner couver to receive medical treat- s survived by a sister, Lorna, and merit, fnr his pvps whirr a r k-i-.... Um.rina UoHrirlc Salt Lake fcrrv running Stop ia te4r o4 Mt thm biw FUmbtw Outbotr4 every Sunday starting at it nlni.,l.. ; . - Selling fur without a licence brought a conviction but suspended sentence for Raymond Magistrate W D. Watson by Vance in city police court. The suspended sentence was in view , n, email amount of fur In oiuwiy KuinB uuiiu. GeorEe and uary. noon, weather permitting, tin tut u.e iiKutuiK aiuciiimn, . . The luneral uok piace ui.s ai- n Via . a, .1 1 i,- By "popular demand" the a-a "c naa uibcu wen toncu, ion v temOOn IrOrn tnt Cimpcl Ul cue at all down-hearted, because, he B.C. Undertakers with Pastor fiQVO ha hoa Lai.i.p.. .aaon t . M : , . i r. . ' 1 nnnl TnK. nlnv "B-.autv from Ashes, Your Dealer: GRANT & NEWTON B.C. Distributors: Purves E. Ritchie & Sons Ltd. 658 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 volved and the fact that waison which features conditions and t , vvj rawcetfc 01 tne run uusyu av- , .llt U ..,.! had had no previous convicuuna. iicyc wic upauuun win uc uf ernacle OlllCiaung results of mission work in Japan, again was presented in the cesslul. It is a cataract ol the eye which has slowly caused his l I Iff C7 Jlbert & McCaffery I I IMITFn 1 Jimelu I United Church Hall sunaay evening. The presentation was well attended. a Attention Oddfellows, Re- R For NEW CONSTRUCTION ECIPES Ideal urows With Rupert bekahs and sojourning members and REPAIR WORK Memorial service will De nera vision to blur, that Aid. Casey seeks to have removed. At last night's council meeting, the veteran board of works chairman said he would still be willing to serve on the board, but he asked that his chairmanship of the housing committee also be relieved. Council members expressed their well-wishes. Aid. Don Fitch was appointed Another industry which has grown and expanded with the irrnwth of Prince Rupert since SEE pnnital of Honan pro- at 8 p.m.- Tuesday, June u. Place: Oddfellows' Hall. 1137c) m,. nnarri nf Rfhnol Trustees dand J-araJe m China, has had a Jew-ony since 1183. the vne end end 01 of World wunu War wai II LL Is in iu Ideal i w , , i ,v, ho rennpsu that Darents enroll all GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. MEDITERRANEAN SALAD i2 cup ripe olives 1 cup cooked lima beans V4 cup thin onion rings IVi cups shredded lettuce y2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon Juice y2 teaspoon salt Salad greens for garnish Paprika r.hm thp lima beans and com C7 completed their eighth year of : beginners for the IalJrn l operations June 1, 1951. . the nearest school on Thursday, Welk "highest honours us new chairman of the works jror inn Hutro Krauoner. manager ana juiic , s"" chairman of the housing must .be six years oi Children since 19. owner of the plant November M 1951 . tc be to age by came to Prince Rupert in 1936 Nishga Wedding Ceremony Draws Crowd and Interest manaee the drv cleaning depart- ; eB" - with husky chunks of ripe bine U111C Willi lino" ' " .. j j j l.tiiii onrl and ment of the Pioneer-Canadian S. D. Johnslon, well-known olive8 ghredd-ed lettuce A street band procession foi-1 lowed the wedding Saturday I i C I afternoon at 3:30 when Jacob LOT o3ICS crisp onion rings before adding laundry. Mr. Kraupner is noi insurance man, has been new in the dry cleaning business ynted as magistrate for. since graduating from the .'' ..,.,, . ,,,or fr,,m th. the dressing. J 215 1st Avenue West Phone I i ;tSv5' t00!! Confirmed Slice olives from pits, combine with lima beans, onion rings and wyce was joinea in matrimony to Miss Peggy Lillian Oosnell at the Salvation Army Citadel. Senior Captain W. C. Poulton Institute of Technology of Cal- provincial secretary, read gary in chemistry for laundry cily meeting la-.t and dry cleaning operators in n- ht j, Johnslon wm be mag-1011 h. hn held manaeerial ii .,.. in thp lettuce. Blend mayonnaise, lem Aid. T. B. B'.ack, finance was the officiating clergyman. on Juice and salt, and toss wim bean mixture. Serve on garnished salad plates. Sprinkle tops Mfiiii: . . .,-, - istraw: in pvinuc --vun. positions with several companies a)3ence 0f police Magistrate W. in British Columbia and Alberta. D Vance. ' Since 1943 Ideal Cleaners and with paprika. own village, was iea Dy me Aiyansh Silver Harmonic Band! 10. block 38' section 5. to under the direction of Ben i Hazel Ouyatt for $250. w n.. .u.j Lots 13 and) 14, blk. 1. section 2, AMPTKNTT MANUSCRIPTS Laundry have added in equipment totalllnE $28,000. In 1946 Best Wishes jviuiiiu. llic uanu niaiuncu iuii . a lBiindrv was Installed. Growth the Salvation Army Citadel, led, O. W Charleton lor J70U. ' " . . . . Lots Inti 15 . dnri and 1A 16. blk. .!lr 1 1, section Rwnr of the plant can perhaps be best 2, hv the Rnval Canadian Mounted guaged by figures. to Robert McBride for $700. CANTERBURY, England H Pages of ancient illuminated manuscripts found on Consistory and Archdeaconary court records have been turned over to the Dean and Chapter of hurv. Some' of the documents 'Of Natives Wmnr (e f crr . In 1943 there were live em Lota 21 and 22. blk. 1. section 2. no ifcret that whit clothe Dlovees: in 1950. 35 people found to N. McGlashan for $700. "mint" fnr a tournament ' In rr rr e IT nil JjJ-lI The last three sales wers sub Police, to Third Avenue where the wedding party was met at the Commodore Rooms The group consisted of the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nyce, the bride and groom, year-round employment at Ideal. In 1943 wages paid totalled nlaver and they must be Fred' McKay of (ireenville Expresses (loodwill to Columbia Cellulose. ject to ex-servicemen's rebat?, were dated before the Norman wktlt. 1 use Knckitt's Blue in Aid. Black reported. conquest 'nme water to prevent any Applications of Himan Mork the me Pn oarents ui of the orme, m ,l,iv of a vellow tinRe and nurchase lot 11. blk, 21. sec $1,-342.57; In 1950, $55,616.59. Volume of production has increased by more than 300 per cent, says Mr. Kraupner. The manager has been a mem-iwr nf the Junior Chamber of .iihM are alwaya aafe from ana Mrs. r-u uumku, vui.. . , ,. On behalf of all the people of the Naas River, Fred McKay, bandmaster of the Greenville Concert Ear.d and chief councillor of 'his village, today ex- with groomsmen Simon Calder, , tllU' 1 , , . . .1.. i n tful cbemiiala. Out of the blue L the whitest wiwh-and Cu S ": AWinyMcAKry:,-ctlon 1. for $300, also were ac- ta., whio Pnrlnpv Tait. n;ld , cepted. I Commerce uommerce lor for 10 iu years; ycaio, u of the u iit'i Blue ciiata juHt a few a month!" pressed best wishes to ine loi-Senior body for four years, and umbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. fjr the U.. . . Ann.ic.-.rttlir aettvo in . . : c ..Innf nt n Rodney Robinson, and bridesmaids Mrs. Olive Scodane, Evan-seline Gosnell, Vesta Woods, :3U iiiiB utwii Lwuiflvi.,iv.j v.., ' iuiure Opt'lanuil fjl lis JJifl"v u 'ted Tag Day Helps Watson Island. vireinla Alexander. Lena Azak, tne community, nc is o mcuiuci of the tourist council department of Trade and Industry and a Vrat, Parkine, Crating Gyro Swim Pool representative of American The statement of Mr. McKay indicated the Keen interest that the native population is taking in the industrial development of the district. M McKav hoped that his Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE vbpping and General fruff and Storage jiffc, Reliable and Effl- Automobile Association. Assistant to Mr. Kraupner is W. H. Fudger. his son-in-lav.', Doreen MacMlllan, Christine Azak and Eva Moore. . Following tne weading ceremony the Aiyansh Harmonic Silver Band played a selection while the register was being tone and then conducted the Net receipts of the Gyro Club t.ae dav. Saturdav. were '$250. I For Outside Orders Phon 133 This will help pay off the bal who wno has nas held nem the vnc position iju-iuuh of en .. the Make your choice now from our large stock of lovely Ladies" Shoes! people people rrrtght nng'nt be oe able buichi to hci help gineer and superintendent of the the company in its opera .ions. r Sfrvlce. Also agents for idian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. Jxygen, Acetylene and all ;ng supplies. ance Of $1,500 still owing on tne swimming pool in McClymont park built by the Gyros two years ago for $10,000. The club had $5,000 when it wedding party and guests to the Hollywood Cafe . for the wedding banquet. Constable Home of the RCMP piani since iau- n. -uubv a member of the Kinsmen Club In Prince Rupert. Mr. Kraupner says that his INDSAY'S CARTAGE STORAGE LIMITED handled handled the the traffic tranic capably capauiy. scrvjces services COvcr cover all all communities, commuinues. at.r1 and tv-ininc. mining nnprnt.innfi operations Raised light and tender with new fast DRY YeastI I ocgan me projeci. me i : One hundred and twenty guests ! borrowed. In two years the debt .0gging sat at the banquet, and were j has almost been settled. I on the QUeen Charlotte Islands, 2nd and Park Avenues 1910 Phones GO and 68 representative oi vne nign lagger in inc uj . the northern district or u.o. as people of the Naas, the Tslmp- Louise Wood, who collected $48.44 far as AUin, as far south as Port There's a new twist in dounhnuti a new thrill in all your baking! Say goodbye to perishable yeast ieans of the coast, the Haiaas at th Past Office. Others par- Hardy Hardy a and east as far as Van- A Complete Range of Colors and Sizes fashion footwear Fleischmann a Fast Rising Ury Yeast keeps lull strenRih i of the Queen Charlottes ana me ticlpating in the tag day were derh00f derhoof. Kltiksheams of the Skeena jeanctte Cloutier, Helen Olsen,, you use it fast-acting areas. Gerald Desoutels, Tayte McNiece, City Must when you use it Oet a fean Baths Speeches of appreciation and Frances Rowe, Ralph welck, welcome were made by Peter , Noeland Brechin, Frank Anfield, i km .nil HpnrV n . 1 . TT" ... A P.nrrlnn T 1 ! (TT1 M r s s?rs O X I dozen packages h keeps in your cupboard! Nyce anu r,ii uuontn. . hiur ruiwiu, uuiu-n MacDonald was -master of cere-; Robert Jensen, Joanne Way, Lor- . 1 T I f 1 1 Prosecute monies. raine jacasun, ijcuumu um- OPEN !noon to 12 midnite Phone 658 raw 3rd Ave. and 8th St. .The Dlaving of the Aiyansh flths, Arthur Parent, Judy uoya. Harmonic Silver Band drewlPauy Faulkner. Jimmy Faulk- A letter from the Deputy At- manv favorable comments irom ncr, Patricia rierce, loiiicy-wci.c.n. .o Allen, the city of Prince Rupert In Um large crowds of spectators son, Roy Sieber, Derek who lined the streets of fhe Florence Adams, Oerold Boulter, handling prosecutions in police .. . . tnn . n r i . r-n,lrlei.n PfMirt. i . Immediate vicinuy uuuhr Larry toy. anu oumi r. . Only 'trivial oases should ce nvrn n. eslricnt. Don Forward, parade and ceremony n ,i felt felt thP the returns returns were were "very very gra grati- prosecuted by ponce, tne litte. progecutlonSi for which the municipality 'is Ann T'ri ltkP tn thank the JVZ jot, he added. "Often undesirable situations" M,vt m-nipet. Mr. Forward has thom.oiuac th lpt.t-r lo jbanu DOUGHNUT TWISTS Plans for a novelty squieiln mlnd jor me uyros is urei.- said when a policeman is botn, dance to be held in the Armory j tlon of bathhouses at the 75-foot prosecutor and witness as well. m June 23, were lormuiau-u "y p?ol. Tne pool is now open mm Tn9 letter was reieneu Dy cny Mic Soroptimist Club of Prince j un(icr supervision when weather councii iast night to the police '. -i outinct hpM at the .,n onrf iimuini committee, the 'home of Mrs. M. O. Kullander. cnairman or wnicn ia mu. uuu6- r-nnoll as Frizzell. Old time music and a canei lor the sets will be available. Club President, Mrs. Irene ..--.-. nAilf9 See, our display of Kroehlcr Chesterfields "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim "hone 17 for Order To Take Out u.jim odern riances dances will will be De inier 'f " Bushaw. will attend the T.B. IfEHIl MVi i.. At .n..nm nanrinu. ., i , i i -1 Vf.nv v ihev ret "cold" in the bck sporsed wnn uie gPai convention Deing neia a, well apart, on lightly-floured cookie sheets; grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Carefully lift, a few at a time, into shortening that has been heated lo 3(." hot enough to brown a cube of day-old bread in 60 seconds. When under sides are browned, turn and cook second sides. Care ' fully lift from fat and drain on absorlent paper. Coat with a mixture of fruit sugar and cinnamon or brush hot doughnuts with the following syrup: Heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, 1 c granulated sugar, 14 c butler or margarine and Vi c water; simmer 5 niins.. then stir in I tsp. vanilla; keep hot over boiling water if syrup becomes too sugary, stir in a' little boiling water and heat to boiling point. Yield S doten doughnuts. Sole: Dough may bt ruf 'i! an orthodox doughnut culler; fry the doughnuts and the "holes". . Scald 12 milk- V2 8'nu-lated augar, lt2 tsps. salt and c ahortening: ctKil to lukewarm. Meanwhile, lm-asure into a lar?e bowl IA c. lukewarm water, 1 lsj. granulated augar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 envelope Heisrhmann's last Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN atir well. Add cooled milk mixture and stir in 2 well-hraten eggs and 1 tsp. vanilla. Stir in 2 c. once-sifted bread llnurfe beat until smooth. Work in 2t4 c. (about) once-sifted bread flour. Knrad on liglttly-floured Imard until snumth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough, tiover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and mil out into a rectangle. l2 thick: loosen dough; roll again lo l2" thickness. Cut into strips 7" long ami V2 wide. Fold strips in half, twist, then pinch ends together. Arrange, Dress will be strictly lniormai u. Vanc0Uver In June a "ham-dance moae or the kidneyr eaailyl That'a why tliouaanda keep Dr. Chaae 'a Kidney-Lirer Piila alwaya on hand. For thia reliabM remedy ia like two treatments in one worka fatter to relieve painful baekachea ue to faulty kidneya. Dr. Chaae GORDON & ANDERSON lommodore Cafe 'unotttu einen A report on tne oorupuim Scholarship to a High School girl student was received. This year the award goes to Miss Luella .,.i-,oirf onH was nresented a Bam you ch depe4 on. 51 BR.CHASESI At Catholic Hal' tea and home, cooking sale, June 14. commencing at 2:30 p.m. In evening, final tournament card party, prize- m- Call 363 let Us Svwiu (joux by Mrs. Willa Ray, a past president of the club. Mrs. G. C. Ham will be the Soroptimist representative on t,ho Women's Co-Ordlnating fun BETTER . . . giving and ranie, commencins at 8 p.m. Past Mistresses L.O.B.A. sale of homecooking and candy, June Planning Building or Repairing ltf. 1 Girl Guide Tea and Sale. Annunciation Hall June 16. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. tea. June 21, Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th West. 2-5. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service Soroptimist Novelty Square Dance, June 25. i-anarfian Lezlon Auxiliary tea. homecooking sale. Legion Hall. June 28. 1 i CongratuiationS Columbia VbELLULOSE ORMES ;lh.e Pioneer Druggist Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Let us see to your car's needs, through regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, Radiator and Crankcasc Superior Auto Service 4 -miuiiV You Know PHONE 174 Pnr Rrnnirn and Alterattona Catholic Fall Bazaar, octoDer 3 and 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Presbyterian Fall Sale, November 15. 153r MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors Smilh&ElkinsUd. RtrTT0C STUucBAKER ond AUSTIN UtALtlii Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. "fUlit Thlrd Avenue Bt Farlj Green 217 PO. Box 274 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, No- I vember 29. ,