i ... PROVINCIAL LIBRff J VICTORIA, B. C.Q RUGS 3151 . DAILY DELIVERY ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER DISPATCHED Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 01 VOL. XL, No. 137 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS pry In re MCE; cot f w iv ridiiucu hcN, Gnt. - M. W. Max- i 0JFF1CIMILV ma liCI 01 uctciui ,,mnal Railways, in an ;sM)nday before the Can- Further Expansion is federation oi mjwo oalitics at their annual in here, ouilined the pity's role In industrial lent ami criticized cermets of city planning, fEood deal of today's . he said, "there is tendency lor amenities f Foreseen by President I 111 rim i - -T Of Columbia Cellulose I fl Poktxbc Prominent Personages Are Warmly Welcomed Enthusiastic Reception Accorded Big Name Visitors for Mill Opening It was as big a day as any in the annals of. this city' as the specially 'chartered liner Prince George docked here a few minutes after 5 p.m. yesterday. For that luxury ship carried as prominent a list of passengers as has been ever assembled in any one place 150 men representing some of the biggest holdings of capital on one hand, and some of the i biggest brains, on the other. Included 'were the executives, Market Greater Than Supply Today Minister Sees Added Responsibilities Harold Rlancke, presidenj of Columbia Cellulose Company Ltd., told more than 400 prominent people at the official opening of the new $27,000,000 pulp -' Wp I first: to mane auie ui 'nliygrouncU. green belts, of f;houis, public bulld-nd residences, followed by nmcrcial district, ieavlm nconsidered corner to be for industry. is obvious that a well-pod residential area should fnr.'oached on by he continued. "It Is j Crai- though not so rerognizcj that potential rial ground should not be ti stenie through en-,me:it the so-styled types of development." Mixell termed Uie flank-1 railway? by major hlgh- plant today that the company's new dissolving pulp mill is to be substantially expanded and that "it is quite possible that the company will have to build additional nlants before an equilibrium can be ao . ... , , , i .directors and founders of Columbia Cellulose Company Limited; there were the men who have contributed their technical Peace Bid tamed between aemana ana suppiy. i gross error" which ren- V much prime land useless SEEKS CHESS CROWN Abe Yanofsky, 26-year-old Winnipeg chess master, will try to regain the Canadian chess crown he lost to Morris Fox of Montreal in 1949. If successful at the Dominion championships at Vancouver Aug. 26-Sept. 1, Yanofsky will "compete in the inter-zonal matches at Helsinki in p52. He leaves for England this fall to attend Oxford University. , (CP PHOTO) dustry. G.eat trunk nign-projects prohibiting level ic:ess to open Industrial Mr. Blancke said that world markets for the mill's products are already larger than the company can supply with present facilities. He also said that, while Initial production will be exported, In the near future part of the mill's output will be con I have been located near, or NEW RAIL LINE A 155-mile railway into the Northern Manitoba wilderness will be built by tha Canadian National Railways from Sherridon to Lynne Lake. The line will make production possible In a new mining area looated by Sherrit Gordon Mines and wrve a modern townslte with a population oi 2,500. The total cost of the railway Is estimated at $14,500,000 and the annual production from the mines is valued at $14,000,000. A railway survey party Is now in the field and it is expected that thi line will be completed by the fall of 1953. Considered ! WASHING TO N, D.C. (CP)' United Nations governments, Jighting in Korea once more ate considering a public peace bid to the Communists, it is learned. and scientific knowledge to tne high degree of pulp and paper production today, and there were the men of the B.C. government who endorsed and induced the project to be established here. They came to be present at the opening today of the $27,-000,000 pulp mill at Watson Is- land. And Prince Rupert met the Break With Russia WASHINGTON (CT) sumed in Canada in chemical fibre plants engaged In producing filament yarns and staple u? aiiain t the railway ;l-way, sometimes far alonz Its entrance and exit tow. and their environ, re the-e Is a ftljhway on one side of the railway, s land In proximity to the ay attracts the poorest of residential develop-he continued. "Once such i vision of Industrial land miier way, it Is too late for i nation." ' While no decision has been, made, it seems probable that a statement on general terms ior peace will be issued if there is reason to believe that such action would enlarge chances for a Korean settlement. Seeks Ceiling On Newsprint fibre for the growing textile industry in Canada. Government officials, business and industrial leaders from all parts of Canada and the United States, and Prince Rupert community leaders, attended the ceremonies today which began just before noon when Hon. E. T. Kenney. British Columbia Min visitors with everything It could muster in the way of enthusiasm and courtesy. First big applause from the visitors, lined at the railing of the ship as it docked, went to the Greenville Concert Band which heralded the arrival of the Prince George with Its ex uicuu. uci.. v. WASHINGTON (CP) Price! It would picca'dy be along Iran Takes Over Oil Co. Nationalization Is Effective TEHRAN, Iran (CP) Iran symbolically hoisted her red-white-and-green national flag over the central office building of the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. near Abadan today. Wedemeyer today Called Director Michael V. Disalle said lines proposed in the peace state-for a Withdrawal of Am-'today the United States gbveru- Z"Ltll?LT STpT ister of Lands and Forests, raised erican troops from Korea ment mav decide place a ceil" tdent Truman last Maroh. They tinguished party. (The ----- Aiyansh ews j u.,i, : 'K u Miiuuin. ncwoci sneiven me siaiemeni wnen ucu. i . "now," and a break m a neW3. dou MacArthur issued thejSUver Harmonic Band is play- in ing today.) An Impromptu ceremony, first of his own truce bids coupled a iour-yara anaaian iveu ensign made entirely of acetate yarn. The only flag of Its kind in Canada, it was manufactured here of specially dyed washable diplomatic relations wiin print, All - along - the docKs thronged effect proclaiming that Iran I i He tie said saia there uiere will win be m? a a check wicca with wacii the wie hint trim, that wifc the wie war would wuui Reduced- considers she has taken over the t , ,v A x ; w i , , . , aUhe la6,1- to determine whether the action be ..carried to Qin . unless,. U While" InSS tTie -guests?-disembarking yielded promptly,' taffeta. ! In his testimony before the is legal Today s' Stocks (CourtMJ i. p. Johnston C Ltd.J AWA 0 Fractional re billion doHar company, went off peacefully. It occurred at Just about th-i tune two Anglo-Iranian direc Following the flag raising, tne Senate's MacArthur Inquiry guests were served luncheon in committee, the former United j the mill's huge warehouse, and states wartime commander inj n In the proposed Increase rates on daily, news to a rousing cheer, were escorted by uniformed Boy Scouts In orderly fashion to some 50 cars provided by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Red-coated RCMP directed traffic, while the cars, all numbered and timed to leave, began Reds are Fleeing tors and four other officials ar China said: taken on a two-hour tour of the mill, the most modern of Its kind s was announced yesterday istmaster General Rlnfret. (Continued on page 5) rived in Tehran from London to begin negotiations on the future of the company. There should be "plenty of room" for both the company and old the House of Commons the change will mean that TOKYO (CP) Three long columns of Commu h of daily newspapers will be rreased by approximately itron.. ,rnment. in the oil na- VANCOUVER American Standard 24 Bralorne 6 00 B R X 03 Cariboo QuarU 110 Congress 07 Hadley Mascot 56 Indian Mines -23 Pend Oreille 150 Pioneer 2 00 Premier Border" 32 Vi "I would go into full mobilization, and I would go further. I would go to the real perpetrator of all this, because It Is not the Koreans the crux of this thing is In the Kremlin." When Vedemeyer proposed breaking relations with Russia and the Soviet satellites as well he was asked If that wouldn't amount to a declara- nists fled through East Korea's mountains today to a carefuiiy-pianned tour of the escape being trapped by allied tranks rumbling (Continued on page 5) through their fallen' "iron triangle." I . Stout new defence lines pro- m I Anti-Reds Gain Hold ROME CP) Premier Alcidi De Gasperis' Christian demo ' WO Instead of the proposed tlonaUzatlon parli said B. R. .000 yearly. : Jackson, deputy director general realtor, Mr. Rinfret said, o IqC. spapers with dally circulation J "ore than 10,000 will pay four tec ted the Reds from the east-' CXDlUSIOn ppntrnl frnnt. s a pound on the advertis-1 United Nations troops mopped Kills Five crats' and allied pro-Atlantic tion of wat. i up Reds In the hills around cap Pact parties today had stripped Probing Into "Dope" Charge Russia is Confident MOSCOW (CP) There He replied: "Not necessarily. It is a calculated risk you would just take." Wedemeyer, now Sixth Army Communists of their administrative control in three major Italian cities. portion of the newspaper : 2'2c a pound on the portion fining news. Postmaster General mov-an amendment to the bill nding the Postal Act in h It proposed newspapers a daily circulation of 10,000 tured Chormon and Kumhwa. i The towns formed the southern1 LEWISTOWN, Pennsylvania anchors of the Pyongyang val- (CP) Five persons were killed to-ley "Iron triangle" build-up area. ' day in explosions at the Ameri-Whlle the Reds were pulling can Viscose Corporation plant back from the fighting fronts, here and in the YMCA building unverified reports cropped up in nearby Harrisburg. they are building new forces' Four workmen were killed anil commander in San Francisco, CHICAGO 0 Lightweight champion Joey Maxim of Cleveland was yesterday ordered to appear before the Illinois State Ai.hlptin Commission June 25 for ) he" had won In seven others on basis of latest returns from a Tound of Italian local elections. In Turin Italy's automobile capital until now run by Communists the anti-Communist is no outward indication Privateer -10 Reeves McDonald 4 45 Sheep Creek 1 38 Silbak Premier .. .!.. .41 Taku River 05 Vananda -15'2 Salmon Gold 01 Spud Valley 09 Silver Standard 2-37 Western Uranium 2.05 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.90- A P Con 38 Calmont 103 C & E 15-00 Home Oil 14 00 Mercury .12 Vi Okalta 2.45 nore pay four cents a pound said he meant to make It clear that any withdrawal of forces trom Korea "should be done under the aegis of the United Nations." raless of advertising con- ; questioning of his rumored in mobcuw luuay mat uie jhe build-up was reported In the plant blast. An acetylene bloc held a commanding lead. the r e a. tank exploded to the Lwistown nvipt Union has an- Kaesong-Korangpo a SOViet Union IiaiS dp , 6,v. ,? (k. .,J.ottin plant, l,nt nffiniala officials he amendment did not affect spapers with circulation of rayon-processing This is near the foot of the al It lied western flank. "doping" berore nis May au trimming here by the heavyweight champion, Ezzard Charles. Th commission, at a hearing than lo.ooo dallyi Under the said. Many other workers were treated for minor injuries. Iran "Cordial th.-y will pay 2 "Ac a pound Rate Change Voted Down With British pdless of advertising con-p These newspapers now pay s a pound plus extra charge attended by members of the state attorney's office, also cited In Harrisburg, a woman secretary was injured fatally whan trapped In a washroom by a sheet of flames 'that followed an explosion of cleaning fluid. proached United States with suggestions for ending the Korean war, and this does not appear to observers here to be the time for an East-to-West appeal concerning Korea. Lamarr Weds Fourth Time wvertising exceeds fifty per Maxim's trainer, Al Del Monte to appear with Maxim. . olumbia Cellulose Homes LOS ANGELES, California iff) Hedy Lamarr, 35, and Ernest (Ted) Stauffer, 42, night-club operator, were married late last night at the home of Judge CnnlA.. H ..... 1. ., . V, .. .. . A As far as can be judged from Princess 1-40 Royal Canadian 13 Royalite 13-50 TORONTO Athona 06 Aumaque 24 Beattle , 45 Bevcourt 36 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 149.00 Conwest 2.61 Donalda - -50 Eldona 19 East Sullivan 7.55 DOG WORE HEARING AID NARACOORTE. South Australia (CP) A champion sheep dog wore a special hearing aid when she took part unsuccessfully in the jubilee sheep dog trials ihere recently. Deaf for two observation in this Soviet capital, Russians regard the fight- TEHRAN 0) Premier Mohammed Mossadegh told President Truman today that Iran is anxious "to protect cordial relations with the British government." This statement was contained in the premier's reply to President Truman's personal message of June 1. The premier added: "There remains no cause for apprehension on the part of the government and the people of Britain." .VoulcJ be "Close to Mill" ine in Korea as eoine satisfac- ."'uc w"u ""'r"c" torily tnrn.i-H viewed f from o tne ceremony. OTTAWA ffl Commons voted 136 to 30 today against a Progressive Conservative motion calling for reconsideration of proposed increases In postal rates on newspapers. . ' Motion was sponsored by George Drew, Progressive Conservative leader, when the government called for a third and final reading of the bill authorizing the increased rates and a series of other changes In the Canada Post Office Act. Drew asked the legislation be referred back to the committee It was the fourth Carriage for a long-1 range standpoint. Russians appear to be confl- i If Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. build homes for reir emn oveea. the houses will be built Closer w dent that the North Koreans and Chinese can prevent any mill" than in Prince Rupert. In a letter to city Western victory. So long as they ( WEATHER - - Weil, Dr. R. H. Ball, mill co-ordinator, said the "ipany did not want to build houses. Giant Yellowknlfe 6.65 God's Lake -3214 Hardrock .17 Harricana 09 Heva 12.. the Austrian-born actress, and years, the hearing-aid enablps the second for Stauffer, one- the dog to hear clearly her mai time bandleader. Iter's whistles. Murder Conviction Appeal is Deferred Harold Ryan Granted Reprieve Complaint That Jury Attended Theatre, Mingled With Public Synopsis " was impractical, his letter do this, the Russians feel, they are winning In the long run. Diplomats here express doubt that the Soviet Unlop at the present time Intends any overtures to the West on the Korean question. Although conditions were still mill. . . H when the company;s op Jacknlfe 1 Jollet Quebec 47 generally unsettled over most of for reconsideration of newspaper rates. He said newspapers should be given the opportunity to present their case. There was no reply from government tions were located near l2'4! British Columbia this morning Lynx Madsen Red i Lake .' 2.04 I the weather picture is becoming '1. Ball also pointed out that benches. brighter over ine soutnern sec Meanwhile, council also reaa a letter from Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, urging the city to make available building sites for 50 housing units, which, the letter said, wre to be built by pulp mill employees nn a "rn-ODeratlve plan." tions of the province. The nor- F housing shortage In Prince them regions however will con "Pert was not due only to the " of Columbia Cellulose. Nehru Thankful l-e need fur kn.lnn In rrlnrn Mavor O. W. Ruddernam saia MPert, he said, "far exceeds" a deleeatlon of some of those uhn titannerl to build co-oper- needs of the pulp mill era- 'eej. McKenzle ed Lake 42 McLeod Cockshutt 2.55. Moneta 31 Negus 75 Noranda 72.50 Louvicourt -18 Pickle Crow 1-50 San Antonio 2.25 Senator Rouyn 17U Sherrit Gordon 2.83 Steep Rock 7.50 - TIDES - tlnue showery. Little change in temperature Is indicated over the northern regions tomorrow. However with clearing skies over the southern part of the province it should be much warmer over that section. Forecast . North coast region Cloudy atlvely had come to see uuu Associated Dds. Convention Set Dates for the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia In Prince Rupert were set for September 5, 3 and 7 by the executive council of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Saturday evening. Convention committee consists of W. F. Stone, chalrm'an. VANCOUVER (CP) Appeal of Harold Ryan from a conviction for murder December 23, 1950, near Port Simpson of Lorraine Tait was transferred by the Court of Appeal yesterday to its next sitting at Victoria in September. Ryan was sentenced by Mr. j civ'c Centr building at Prince Justice MacFarlane to be hang-1 Rupert, was permitted on the ed July 24 and has since been evening of May 3 to attend a But if th For Wheat Loan NEW DELHI (CP) Prime Minister Nehru declared' today that a "generous gesture" of the American people In. loaning In- P", they would be near the about property. Mr. nuuueu.B.u said he had shown them what was available In the areas of Seventh Avenue East and in Section 2. In both those areas there was enough property on ...,--,- v.. ti.4 nn unita he said. today and tomorrow. Rain nor- dia 2.OO0.000 tons of wheat "will movie theatre where Jurors granted a reprieve to October 5. Bascbal! Tonight 6:30 p.m." 'OKI()N & ANDERSON VS wn.cn ru ""'-. Wednesday. June 13, 1951 "mingled with the public.' Further, It Is alleged that Reason for the delay was that transcript of the trial evidence has not yet been completed. them section today becoming i evoke friendly responses in In-showery . this evening. Little I jia and will bring two peoples change In .temperature. Light : hearer one another." winds. Lows tonight and highs Nehru and other Indian offl-Wednesday at Port Hardy1, 52cials said the loan, will alleviate and 50: Sandspit 50- and 58; ;a food cr)ts brought on by Prince Rupert 50 and 56. I drought. .. tl: HiCh 7:27 15.7 feet Dr. L. M. Greene, E. D. Forward, A. D. Vance and G. A, Hunter. members of the Jury were allowed to telephone non-mem- The notice of appeal claims ABEL & OOOWES 181 feet 8 2 feet 7.0 feet Both letters were referred to 20.10 the housing committee for re- Low l 4 . I 13.39 that the Jury, housed in the ' bers of the jury during the trial. Admission 35c