As I Sec It Prince Rupert Daily News1 ray . . I am going tu iooK liuu tiie vail ; longs to the UMy ous oil revenues of the govern- Coopers, who lost hM,"1 ments in th richest oil lands of shot down m i42 4m 1 the world. My off hand infor- plane over Fan ' mation is that the big oil com-: PaUy u tanies oav the province of Alber- ,,.,, , 'u(l -aij ; Thursday. August 9, 1951 Li . ....... .-ubv i ui KhCn L. ........ ,,iir Mj Reflects and Reminisces 8oti, irom old age. At harne L more An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: r. ... f U just a little over half what the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was paying the government of Iran; which Is much less than American oil companies were paying to King Ibn Saud for the privilege of taking the oil of Sudi Arabia. Of course the government of Alberta is not nearly so dependent on its oil revenues as is the government of Iran. For Iran Is a backward, degenerate country In which much of the basic production of the country - is done by y 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, $8.00; By Mail, Per 7jc; Per Year, $8 00 -and only ,mt-t in aliW-t.m, did she eVw br: habit. - On the night that tv came cf the cath.f her the Cooper's only son p,," upstairs in the night and lay tin s'.de the bereaved mother" Never b?fore ami Premier St. Laurent went to '; the prairie provinces on a holiday I visit and had hardly arrived there when a wie from the Trades and Labor Congress urged an immediate return to deal with ' cost of living affairs. H-e did j nothing of the kind. But still, it J is hard to see how the PM was ' on vacation. He made twenty j speeches in less than a week. j im .ill i i T tmm iiiiwi' w 1 , Vvt-JV:,: i-Tiv pjf V-: j Nt -n7rti icui Hospital Insurance Trip to Oilfields IN ONE way it is a sad thing to come back to i camp like this Alberta ... . mi thods no more efficient than "empi l0 prevailed thousands of years ago In other words. Aloerta's treas Applications School of Religion. For the interval of six years leaves a heavy mark on some of ury can slice Its taxes off farm and mineral production not Just oil. : Acknowledged i thv eld stalwarts, who are up In years. i Acknowledv i' ments art t ON OUR trio " to the oil fields I of the most eager attendants at , "V..T , ,rLC""u D-v "mi have a lowly Utile lady sitting " the Calgary sessions, in 194G. is people who have " y laP-Patsy. a petite Pom- pension applications here again this year. But her . 9 L. , Tin WELCOME TO FLORA I Flora, first Woman Chief of j the Worlds" MacLeods, direct from Dunvegan Castle on the Isle ; of Skye. is having a grand' time in Canada. From Toronto she j will proceed to Glengary and Cape Breton. "The Ma:donalds wei? the other large clan on 1 Skye." remarked Flora, to the : reception committee "and ac- J '. cording to family history v. e . were always getting involved in j feuds. And when we couldn't! fight the MacDonalds any longer, ' we marritd them." said Rev. i health is no longer good enough , J'", ' !-,. i .. 4..1,,. u- life ralsy id- muse wno aie 70 jr. is old now. for she be-'y md. The amount isw ! so this mornir.g her stalwart son CCCNO'fY lid her home. 1 have only 1 j RtGut-AR a.oz. sizes you can t have p. a la mode so much resistance!'' 1 ; f-rvl in the operation rather than the WEAKNESS principle of Rritish Columbia Hospital Insurance Service has been the foremost target of criticism before the legislative committee which has been touring the country hearing the cases of the indi- vklual communities. Numerous hospitals have told the inquiry that they are no better off financially today than they were before the advent of hospital insurance, one of the principal original aims of which was to ease and simplify their financial burdens. One thing that has become evident is that the scheme must be fully operated and enforced. So many people are not carrying their load in the way of premium payment that it is showing large deficits. At the same time, the hospitals are not being allowed enough to keep them on an even financial keel. The inquiry board will be expected to make a report to the Legislature insisting on the stricter enforcement of the act so that the service may carry itself without the imposition of any further increase in premiums which would be unthinkable. Municipal Progress anything but fade. Just now he i is becoming more and more I co'xrlul. YESTERDAY six of us took the. ! grand tour of the Leduc oil I field district. We were all out- sidcrs the Reverend and Mrs. ' Cooper from Oakland, Manitoba, another cheery old parson WU-i kinson, from Saskatchewan. Dr. 1 Ronald MacLeod, head of the I reception committee. Orkneys Women Run Lifeboats ftB I IT IS POSSIBLE EDINBURGH Britain's i Jome Davis of the University woman "Lifeboat Secretary" ! C1 Colorado, and myself. is Miss Minnie Sutherland of ! Vr dr-ve north by second class j Longhope. on the Orkeney Island I loads, but through a beautiful j of Hoj. By day she is the keeper I basin of country, as beautiful as I! you don t ugret ilt Bran Fluke-I arc fmhe,-double your mnnry bark1" (Mail empty curt on u, Kflio,,', Dept. 4 A, LomJ.m.Onti Ontario tells the world Niagara is all right to look at but it's no place to fool with. Following the death of the man who tried to ride the raging cataract in a barrel, government announcement prohibits future attempts, which is as it should be. Niagara attracts the two extremes of emotional pressure those bent on suicide and honeymooning couples. I- fthi, aor.prnl ifrtrp :mrl af niohf While th.'re is no explanation ! as to how it's done, the news is : at least interesting. The Scott ; Memorial Hospital, back in St. i Marv's lOnt.i shewed an operat- ing profit of S9u9.94 in 1950. Not I everything is impossible. !. i 1 -To hear said on? cannot get j j a room in Prince Rupert is a I commonplace enough remark. It isr't always literally believed but t there are experiences. For ex- ample, a couple, new in town and sht is th( guardian of the men at sea. on th" alert for disaster calls. She took over me lii.-boat duties five years ago from her any I have seen on the prairies. , We aie far enough north here to be back in tree country; also near enough to the R ickies to i get the first groundswell of the 1 foothills. ! YOU CAN make a quickie tour of the rich oil strike country; without seeing much actual change in the life of the people .1 ! i:ithci nnH has a telpnhone bv ! PERHAPS SHREWD NOTION ; hpr bedside to dlrect lif ,.saving The Socialist government of ' efforts. Biitain has created 67 new peers, j VVhen 40 men were rescued E PUBLISHED yesterday an editorial from the Prince George Citizen which expressed A British peerage is a nereaitary i frum the tanker Olojar- w who live and farm there. en, aground on the Pentland thing How many of the sons of these Labor peers will still be ! TV., The v.- bit . i bran a. ftakr i ccst arriving late at night, were unable to find shelter of any description. Incidentally there was rain. They walked the streets until daybreak and. finally chilled, wet and hungry, felt better after an early restaurant breakfact. Yet it need not have teen quite as tough as all that. hi Ctirmda! And only KellnKg'i are so ennk ly cr ip! WonHrrful way to grt eitra Socialists when they come to sit in their father's seats in the ; Lcrds? We have a notion that Socialism is not very hereditary. Saturday Night. bulk to help keep you "rrnular. Skr,rries. it was Miss Sutherland wh) handled messages to and from the lifeboats by radiotelephone. Direction of the rescue from one of the worst barriers of rock in the world was only one of the many jobs she has handled. They have wisecracks about Oklahoma taking over Alberta and It is a fact that some of the oil outfits have crossed the bor-der. bag and baggage, with their ! eouipment and with their men. ; This is a painless and welcome invasion, if there ever was one : Bf cause the oil that has come: gushing out of the eorth of A1-! berta has definitely contributed to the prosperity of this province. 1 and so benefitted the people here When I get back h ime, and get a chance to look up the statistics NO FADING HERE Old soldiers never die. They BIRNIE, Wales (CP) Just as an t experiment a motorbus made a 1 10-mlle tour of this Monmouthshire town picking up people and i taking them to church, free. Now just fade away. So said General MacArthur to the U.S. Congress on his return from China. Mac-Arthur made a speech in Boston FAMOUS HARBOR The Andaman Islands In the Bay of Bengal have one of the the church has hired the bu.s lor the other day and, if he was re world's finest harbors at Port Blair. ferring to himself, he's doing regular service. SRAM turn 8th in a series to briny you the furls utxuit your Htpilal Insurance plan IVIIilT IS Till! much gratification at the civic improvements that are being made in the central interior city and the good job the civic authorities are carrying out in the way of street and sidewalk work and extension of the municipal services. ye have been asked why we did not draw comparison with the situation in Prince Rupert. As a matter, of fact, we thought that the mere republication of the Prince George piece was sufficient without having to make any comment thereon. . Granted that Prince Rupert may have problems ami difficulties that are more vexatious than those of dry, flat Prince George, we are hopeful that some day before long we may be able to wax similarly enthusiastic about the good works of our own civic authorities. The last time we were in Prince George a year or so ago it was quite as scruffy and beaten-up an appearing community as Prince Rupert is. Evidently, there has been a good deal of improvement since 'then. ' There are a lot of jobs that must be done in Prince Rupert and some way must be found of doing them whether it be simply a matter of finding the resources or by being more efficient with the resources we have. One thing certain is that a prosperous and advancing city such as this cannot continue to stand still, much less deteriorate, in its ' municipal services and amenities. jwclai on dli UUl STflRV III' H.C.H.I.S.? 66"Piece Dinner 5c: $19-50 ' ' AND F ELL 32-Piece Breakfast: AND L ALL ENGLISH CHINA NORTHERN B.C.'s LARGEST STOCK OF CH GORDON & ANDERSO Third Avenue British: Politics ORMES i POLITICAL struggles in Britain will transfer themselves in the coming months to the annual gatherings of the Trades Union Council and of the Labor Party. Parliament, with the possibility but by no means the certainty of an autumn election in mind, has been testy. But critics on the government's side, who thought that rearmament was undermining the social stability without which rearmament .could not go on, have not prevailed to change the v,iews of the government, nor have they encouraged :the Opposition to think that they would like with them to see the government out of office. And so the so-called shadow of the election remains the "shadow more or less elongated according to the viewpoint and the apprehensions of the beholder of. the unpredictable. And the Parliament has ad-'" journed in the sun for a holiday that the members all feel has been very hard-earned. Manv people liuve a-K-l lliis pu-lioii liecause they rightly fa-el that a kIikIv of the finam ial pieliirr of It. (Ml. I. S. will help them In uniler-lanil the finaix ial prolilellli vhUh ll.C.II.I.S. hasi ejx-rieneel. The monrv K.C'.II.I.S. )ivln from premiums, pltiH that received from the Provincial Govern men t. in used to pay the hospital hilU of the people of II. C. Ilnspital hills are governed by the cos I of riiiining thr hoxpituls. Therefore, the moot itnMirtuiit factor Yilh reiiarl to the premium rale is the roft of running the hospitals. In the preftent year, the hospitals if tt.C. elimalcl their ookIs woulil he as follows!" 9c ft tolnl cont 'ageft I6.1I2.IKI0 61.1 Drups , $ 1..WUMI0 . ' 5.4 ' Meilical and diirgical Hiipplies 8TI.IMKI 3.4 Dielarv (food onh) 1 $ 2,(.t.lMM) 0.6 Ituil.liny and ripiim-nt l')8.(MI0 . Other . peiiHCH 3.')II).IKH 15.7 TOTAL $25.1 IUHM) v- B.C. hohpitalsalKO receive money from visitors and tourist , W orktnen's Compensation 'ioard and ot her agencicH, private riMiins, co-insurance, etc., vliii li thin yeur is expected M total ().7.").".(MMI. leaving $lll.3fW,(MI(l of the total eottt of hoKpituI operation the rehoiiHi-hility of It. ('..I U.S. Therefore, the money paid out by H.C.ll.I.S. this year t ill le distribute UkC ' f total H.C.ll.I.S. payments to hospitals $ia.3').0KI 92.1 H.C.ll.I.S. administration cost $ I.595.IHMI 7.9 TOTAL l.iH t.O0 IKI.I)" This $19,')8UHM) is the amount needed this year, anil it will be obtained front the following sources: , ofti,l Premiums from citizens .. H3.303.lMt0 66.6 Municipal per diem (daily) grants $ 823,000 4.1 Money obtained from Provincial Government which includes per diem grants, subsidy, social assistance premiums, other rosts of hospitalizing social assistance cases, etc 5.856.000 29.3 TOTAL $I9.98UM)0 This then, is the financial story of B.C.ILI.S. for the present year. These figure! re the ollicial estimates as presented to the legislature at its last sitting. .Naturally, final figures w ill not le known until the end of the present fiscal year. These messages are licing presented to give you the furl about your Hospital Insurance plan. Be sure to read them. They deal with your Hospital Insurance plan, a plan which has already paiil over HUMMMMMI for more than ,"0ll,IO0 hospital eases, and is providing benefits for thousands more each month. n.C.Il()SVlTAIfiySlRlSCESERMCEr- 101 R PROTECTS' ICAIMST URGE HOSPITAL RILLS. THE DEPUTHEH OF DEALT! & WELFARE The Pioneer Druggist! PHONE 81 -A Mac Construct v. i Company 7 TIMES THE WINNER Actual tests prove that INGLIS washes clothes WHITER . . . BRIGHTER . . . CLEANER than any of the 7 leading makes of washers. Now available at Rupert Radio & Electric CHEAP1 WILL DO YOUR JOB Roofing . . . Siding . ... Al.erotion' Estimates Gladly Given Illaek 6G0 HON. DOUGLAS TI KMU I.L, Minister el