( LIHKAHY 1L . ORMES mm PROVINCIAL LI2r.A3T, Hi DRUGS VICTORIA, B. C. tar V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER DAILY DELIVERY .,,1.10 DISPATCHED Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XL, No. 186 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AU0U8T 9, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS en vVar Tension HI Mm tr um India And Pakistan emulation of Fifty Table of Rova Time Tour thousand Discounted is Made Public CALCUTTA (P War tensions between India and Pakistan increased yesterday with reports that cit.vs In east Pakistan staged effective black-out practices and with claims by the local In-UUn pi ess mat i'aKisian pians Joint attack on Kashmir and ill lie Many Years Anyway, Aluminum Head j Savs Initial Payroll 12(H) to 131)0 Better Part of Week Will Be Spent on West Coast by Royal Couple OTTAWA (CP) The government today issued Indla's East Bengal area i .. I Rr-nnrts Reports are are that that Palri Pakistan air K'TOKIA (CP) Many years may elapse be-' he site of the new aluminum production plant j. , Aluminum Co. of Canada at Kitimat reaches: bare outlines of the lull coast-to-coast royal tour of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. The tQur o at Quebec itioiis widely predicted in the past a city with; force planes, Infantry and artillery carried out two-way manoeuvres along a 600-mile section of the frontier wihich borders on Assam. Fakistan sources claim that Indian troops are massing aiong the border. ihition of 50,000. Davis, president of Al- fl fl ' I City October 2 and will end at ISt. John's, Newfoundland, No-jvember 5. Ltd.. parent company, f flfP lfPfna From i uiii Quebec ueueu Close Call From Fire me royal t Wednesday that It may n, latum before Kitimat itSj' " P E R S I A t v EGYPT j.VjfcJ CjN -J " i Br Military EslablUhmtnU VgH SAUDI ARABIA VTAS'A O Turku Airfuld, ' ' ' ' ' 1 tf )lPl Sovi,e Air&un EZ3 u W IS.000 fiH j J AVer Fishing cuupic wm go to uuawa ana (spend two days in the capital , October 3 and 4 and then visit 'a number of Ontario centres. 1 Thpv nlan roai'l. w n.ot iis maximum growth. I nnl musliroom Into .filarial city. Reds Would Davis said tne future Huge Forest Fire Still Burning near Telegraph Creek After Menacing Town coast October 13, arriving at Vancouver, and are scheduled to spend three days October 16, Resume Tall Fishe Irs department announ- - hi all rnlmon net fishing In the Skecna River area will be o d from 8 n m., August 10 to S p m. August 19, for conserva-M'-n of sockeye. Naas River area closes to sock-eye nets for th? same period. Seine fishermen are getting of Kitimat will require on our part" to sell in , outside of Canada. Powell, president of mi Co. of Canada, said hen the initial plant at Kfics into produrtion In nwn 12(10 and 1300 men required to run It. iillon up to 200 men will I'd to operate the hydroplane at Kemano. MIDDLE EAST tEFENCE The Middle East f or i : today apart from South-East Asia, the most dangerous gap In the defences of the non-Com nunlst world. Th proposed accession of Turkey and Greece to the North Atlantic Treaty, to wh ch Britain agreed last week, marks the beginning? o( a 'bold attempt to put the defence of the area on a new and realistic basis. It Invests Turkey with a k?y role In Middle Eastern defence and will necessitate a large-scale reorientation of British and Commonwealth Middle Ea item policies. News reports already publish-1'' and 18 on a holiday at an ed did not exaggerate the close undisclosed locality, call which the frontier settie- While on the coast they will ment of Telegraph Creek on the ' visit Victoria and Nanaimo. Stikine River had from destruc-; The government said that for-tion by forest fire, which Is still malities and ceremonials will raging, says E. T. Applewhaite, ' form only a small part of the M.I: for Skeena. who Is back In program the city from the north Only( Indust"rial and defence he fortuitous continuation oflducUon piante and navyi a the prevailing wind from down!and alr Xorce centr6S river saved the town from the visited. Cttt-frinn flnmAB n.kinU Make Guarantees in 1 Asking for Re-opening of Cease Fire Parley TOKYO P Communist leaders in Korea today asked the United Nations to resume ceasefire talks and said there would be no further violations of the, cease-fire zone unless they were created by the Allies. Onpn CnrnmnnKt vinlatinn ather ! Hinhwav Pavinn fn the breaks lately as the highest j averages of the season are being I reported. Monday's take by 18 seiners in Whale Channel averaged 3.000 fish for the day while Tuesday's reports showed catch- 1 es of 2,500 as an average. j Seventy-five per cent of the catches are pink salmon, the ; rest chums and coho. ', In the Naag River area, an average of 1.200 was reported on i S...S ..c.lico iiiii.ii JUlIipCU rnu. ,. j . , :, ., n Hunt, director of pub-mfis for Columbia Ccl-0 Ltd , arrived in the yesterday afternoon's rom Vancouver. He will and at Terraee until next. fire guards and approached to"ZJ within three mlles 0 the .Xr to ithe Royal Canadian Air Force. break off negotiations at the The DODUlation concentrated chinB ...n, i .. .Innii nf the mooir n.iiii tk t Start Next Week Synopsis A weak disturbance across the northern coast is moving slowly routhward ana is expected to on saving the town and success- Roval Canadian Nnw For no rt! guaranteed that it would not Monday with .70 vessels flshinr; Telford chief forester: Pints were mdomlnni with .tros Vancouver Island tonight Pavinc 0f the Port Edward hitrhwav is to beinn'f,u"y 0.UL0" helonfgr?- 01 th tour the royal couple wmapp again I and tomorrow morning. Although rji h i a Cellulo.se Ltd tK foiln.. Mn-Mnu.. On TllPsrinv Ririuwau rirmniifl. " "1 nwii uut. nic wcie iiui aoie IO HSP per cent. the pity by air ye.ster- Ogden Channel reports 2 000 'T s"t,w ' associated with the next Week Tuesday- . E. Smith, provincial public j preserve the "wood lot," four used by the Governor General. ied "complete compliance." ' n i. rnunr-o n.'Ara nnmirrinn thii f rnoim (rom a trip to pinks each for seven vessels iiin.iuuaii Fne U1.V.U1 i 111s Ling 1 . morning on the Queen Charlotte WOl'ks engineer, hopes. At nrppnt thp nrnvinrhil . y' wluc" lur Jears nkW m west coast waters they will ne ea leaaers today said rvt tlie rIuvlI1,aAi been the customary source of the travel aboard th ripstrnvpr rm- thev had issued new orders to it and Victoria. I fishing Monday. their soldiers t,n nhservp t.h-p ripn sader. Islands very little rain is ex- owned asphalt plant IS being Set up on a portion of j community's firewood. The big fire started on the I: ' f I I A t j r.-gions from this disturbance, the old highway halfway between Galloway Rapids IllUUrUfl UUKG ffwaftlS I variable cloudiness persists m bridge and Miller Bay Hospital road. w - - thJ jntprlor sections of the pro Capacity of the plant Is lorld Against Science Itrality agreement. I There is no immediate indication as to when General Ridgway I would replynor of whvn ar- j mistne.v negotiations., would be t resumed j NEW INCIDENT j Meantime United Nations I Command headquarters said to-I night that the Reds had formal-j ly charged that Allied plants had j machine-gunned a Communist vince and there will -be a few showers in these legions during the afternoon' and early evening both today and Friday. fouth side of the Stikine River but jumped the stream and approached Telegraph Creek from the northeast. It is still burning over an area 50 by 35 miles and. from the air, it looks like there might be forty or more separate fires. Mi. Applewhaite believes there may have been heavy loss of wild life. ' j Fighting Over Buttle Lake B.C, Power Commission Application Meets With Vigorous Opposition around 500 tons daily, says Mr. ! Smith. It will cover approximately half a mile of road. Pro-jviding weather Is good, opera1-I tions should be conjpleted by the j end of September, Mr. Smith Forecast H.MU'RGH (CP) The Duke of Edinburgh' Fred Rose Liberated Communist Spy, Former MP, Released From Prison scientists Wednesday that their knowledge rZTlTy lied a danger point where they could either ant Friday winds northwest-1 truce delegation truck Tuesday. I said today. Last week paving of Terrace ! main streets and parts of arter-I ial Highway No. 16 were com-i pleted. Work on the Port Ed- The ground is extremely dry COURTENAY. Anrnmpnt wa.s Th. mia.nt i- ,ij v.... 1 'fit, the world or set it free from drudgery and ffiSa'rT - " 1111.1u1.11v 1a saiu ku lltxJ . . ... iiavt. as there has be?n no appreciable hot at the Buttle Lake hearings ' pened between Kaesong, site of rain for a long time. Crackling at Courtenay Wednesday as the: thp rea-fi tait-c nrf v,m T.... ,1 n .... innj fear. -r.cu moc, irau- , .rH .,. . Ih, kl.L.. .,, d,j.n u.. 1 . " . . ' .. r ' " u.r i-iuc la OTTAWA K lng figure of Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 54 and 65. Canada's sensa- w, "?nr !;"8 " "".""aer- url Columbia ower Com- yang. the Red K orean capital. tlonal postwar spy probe, was Vvullahle "which s hn, w i hi T.Tk' -.T i mission appnea to tne water Allied commanders rejected is Still "It Is clearly our duty as citizens to see that science Is used for the benefit of mankind," he told the 113th annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. "Of what use Is science If man - TIDES - good behaviour In prison. 1 ii.li;J ... : jtionists challenged their right to j ontrolled I invade Strathcona Park. San Salvador Friday. August 10, 1951 (Pacific Standard Time) H. H. Griffith, Power Commis-1 rsion counsel, said the commission I Af FORKS if Border- Threatening Lover Sought vumpir.cu JUU will urj;i 11 Rose, 43-year-old Polish-born I Seventh Avenue and McBride former Member of Parliament for 1 Street, in the city, continuing a Montreal seat, was convicted along McBride to Eleventh of conspiring to get wartime se- j Avenue and so towards Port crets to Russia He has been in Edward where this year's pav- St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary! ing is to end. near Montreal. Contractors have supplied did not intend to do any "grub- i does not survive?" the asked. Duke High 6:18 15.5 feet i 18:28 19.1 feet Has Big Fire bing" or remove the stumps from i the flooded areas. f'lrcst fires, shooting 1 us embers as far as a f a mile, still hold the "fl today as 1300 fire-have railed for reln- The Duke spoke as president Low 0:11 ' , 6.1 feet Of the association. I 12:02 8.0 feet Fishermen said that would i SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador leave a hazard to campers and (CP) The Metropolitan Cathed- VANCOUVER (CP) A jilted Rose had been sentenced to a 'enough gravel for a good start term of five years for violation ! and, by the time the present i"vw' w" naJ sworn slay t tourists, irai and National Theatre were nf nf t ih ho Affuini f firiol cnn Canrnte A Hi. Via oimnlir t.. i hm. u iicnsA r. tKnrn wiic-niuc iittuuee ana npr arrest took place during the sen- should be enough available to 'f.owe,dlr T !r' Was S0Ught-Dy ...... 1 -r. u . 1. , j police police Wednesday. Wednesday. naiiuiiai yui--wttr spy yioue ui cumpieie tne jou, tne ciigincri 1946. Rose was regarded as king believes. Police say that threats were ' has rrossed into the '"i's sixty miles north '' Washington and has '"I a mile inside United Tltory. Forestry offl- he two countries are '"B in fighting the J. G. Cunningham, provincial aesiroyea oy a lire tnat Hashed game commissioner, said he ou,,of the theatre's film storages and swePl across the main would submit a full report on fish and game in Victoria to s-"are of this Central American caPltal- My persons were in-bell dam prove a on Upper Camp- Lake wouid be "less damag-: Jued and damage to the two ing than one on Buttle Lake." buildings amounted to $200,000. The fire started in the late made against the life of Mrs pin of a network of Communist I Paving contractors are Colum- espionage couriers who relayed bla Bitulithic Co. Ltd., and work Joan Axdal and her 33-year-o!d defence information to Russia. 1 is in charge of Superintendent aaugnter, Lenore, a nurse, now visiting with friends of the fam Nine other persons were im- Gordon Zacharlas. ! If! East Sees This as Banner District Everyone Talking Of Rupert Terrace, Kitimat They may not have heard much about Skeena but the people down East are certainly beginning to know a lot about Prince Rupert, Terrace, Kitimat and the Nechako, reports E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, who has returned to the city after attending the session of Parliament in Ottawa. ily in Winnipeg me ruwci vuumuiuu rami-; atternoon, presumably when a s- which have raged aires, are still snrpaH. fl The man is reported to have ', sel admitted no borings and no j short-circuited wire threw prisoned on conviction of espionage charges with Rose. All but Rose and two others have com-! pleted serving their sentences. ' '"f V alone Santa Ri left Santa Monica, California' : sparks on movie films. (Continued on page 41 near Christina Lake. ''tiled districts fifteen several days ago in a stolen I truck, heading for Vancouver! and the home of his former' sweetheart. He did not knowi that she had fled to Winnipeg. 01 Grand Forks. At rts a Rap of "two or TODAY'S STOCKS Alaska Couple Flying North Flying an Aeronca four-place sedan from Seattle to Fairbanks, Mr. and Mrs. G. King of Fairbanks were In the city overnight, resting their seaplane at the Seal Cove air base. Mr. King is a pilot of the "s separated the fires, threatening the little 'irnmunit.v nf vt on ,(Omrtiiy 8. O. Johnston Co. Ltrt.). Pacific Pact To be Signed ":s4' or h..r In six months, Mr. Appie- 1 three miles fn,m n, 1 wViaite noted a great measure of ject within the department, i further appreciation of this part Elevator It would appear to .... mi wm nil; Light Plane Is Missing WASHINGTON, DC. (CP) The of the country due ,to the pub-, be a dead horse until other com Northern Commercial Co. whicn, llcity the district has been re- modules besides Erain become i United States, Australia and , . ., .n Graham, inspector of i'ing tonight on the inert, fn. i,. 1 ceiving about the aluminum and available for shipment from the Ne Zealand will formally sign , tn t the people of the north cellulose projects. ;port, timber products being par- a mutual security treaty in San land buy alj, gglls alrcraft "Eastern Canada is beginning ticuiarly mentioned. 1 Francisco September 1, three, Th ip nn, hpio. fin,. A, "ip 10 V'lS on Offlflal K,,i.i. WINNIPEG (CP) A Royal Canadian Air Force Dakota left Wlnnlnnn UJpH ni, 01, ninKI to realize this Is the banner dis- I Dry dock Advocacy of the use I davs before the start of the Jap- nnrth nortn fnr Ior rte1vpr tr. 10 8 aellvery trt tv, pnn., Lf h it in .i, I anese ne.ice t.reatv ennfprpnp .. uuailic.y), v. ... wl U11C 1UUII11J. ! Vll bllC 1VA.I.1 pinilV 111 HCW OUl- ( J i ...v-v VANCOUVER - American Standard 10'j Bralorne 6.00 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.05 Congress 06 Giant Mascot 99 Indian Mines 24 Pend Oreille 7.80 Pioneer 180 Premier Border 35 Privateer 11 Reves McDonald 4 60 Reno 04 Sheep Creek .; 1.62 Silbak Premier 37 Taku River 05 Vananda H Spud Valley 12 Silver Standard 245 Mr. Auuiewhalte. after a busy ; buildinu Ls constantly met with The treaty pledges each coun- " olTne Pas' Ma"Uba, to search for wn cn Mr MI- King lunS went went south SOUtn 10 American liirht, aircraft with t3'.rLI,Sit.ak 15 sal"K to- tour by air throught the north-(the question: where are the new lry v to 10 consider consider armed rmer! attack ttir lfii tJ lunce Rupert for Vancouver. p 1, up' , . . Jtwo persons aboard. The couple arrived at 5:30 last i , eveninir. Thev are makine the ' The PIan" ls reported six days employees going to be housed? I againsi eitner or the others as Housing A problem which the ' "dangerous to its own peace and federal member is going to check safety." flight bv easv stages, "seeins the overdue on a 296-mile flight from Las la Ronge to Stoney 1 up on immediately irom this iu-i"an American aeiega em part of his riding, is now digging out his files and catching up with his accumulated mail and, also, getting some much-needed sleep. LOCAL MATTERS Asked about a few local matters, he reported: ball Tonight in northern Saskatche-! e"d' ..... 'TT.ty. ids terday thev paused at Bella wa"- Beattle 42 Bevcourt 47 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 156.00 Conwest ..- 3"5 Donalda 48 Eldona 18 East Sullivan 8.85 Giant. Yellowknife 9.45 God's Lake .34 Harrirock 14 Harricana 08 Heva n Jacknifa 10 Joliet Quebec 4fl Little Long Lac 73 Lynx 163i Madsen Red Lake 2.17 McKenzle Red Lake .... .45 McLeod Cockshutt 2.70 Moneta 32 Negus 1 69 Noranda 73.25 Louvicourt ; 16 Pickle Crow 1.56 San Antonio 2.55 Senator Rouyn , .17 Y Sherrit Grodon 3 30 Steep Rork 7.70 Silver Miller 1.50 Upper Canada 1.65 Golden Manitou 7.20 Bobjo 1534 Lapaska .03 Sturgeon River . ,15 Liuuuuiit; i lie j-irpaiwiitiiiL ui ..,n.ouu. External Affairs is actively work- j p.m. Bella for refuelling. Leaving al Aboard the plane were Dr. j noon today after the morning Tasche of Sheboyan, Wisconsin, i ing on load line question and,1 Air field It ls receiving con- while it Is an International af- , HARDY NATIVES Western Uranium 3.75 fog lifted, they were heading for pilot, and Miles Eikenburger of i vs. & ODOWKS smeration but nothing further fair, Mr. Applewhaite is confi- Natives of the Caroline Is- the next stop at Ketchikan and Plymouth, Wisconsin, passenger. Oil Anglo Canadian 6.10 ''mission 35.. ,l,""'u ',,Le LIle " I " iV? . T if u !L racic re notea planned calls also at Juneau and i They left Sheboyan July 29 "7' " v"""'"' in p.".. iw.m.c u,.......-;UU.luuli, ana navigators, as Whitehorse enroute to the cen- for a fishing trip in Saskatche- Parliament to reoDen the sub- tion ' well as sncrpssfn iirm i i..i. .. H - - . i. iia. mtuiiLtL C1LV. u 1 1 1 A P Con 47 Atlantic 3.00 Calmont 135 Home Oil 16.25 Mercury .12 Okalta 2.45 Pacific Pete 8.50 Princess 1.40 Royal Canadian 12 "TORONTO Athona .06 Aumaque .19 'IT'S A MUST" W(flrllfn)l?ifrlll5 Brighter For Colors ATCH TOMORROW'S PAPER! V U UJ 13 IS LvL 12) L U II tS THEY SPARKLE Phone:8ondn Pioneer Canadian Laundries & Cleaners . .... " Phone: 8 and 118