"PRETTY DABY" "FOLSOM PRISON" TODAY 7 - 8:30 p m Prince Rupert Daily Mews Thurs-.lay. August 9. 1051 SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ircuccr UUlPrT r-. Builder of Lindy'sr Plane Passes - STUDIO CITH, Cal Ben Mail ne 50. who bulit the monoplane '"Sphit of St. Louis," on Winch Charles Lindbergh f:ew acioss the Atlantic Ocean, Is dead. He passed away in a sanitarium. ; Base Metals, Tungsten And Asbestos May Bring New Era Of Mining to Northern B.C. It Frank Wat erhouse tanker, Argus, Capt. Jack Woods, arriv- ed 7:30 a.m. today with some " . it 46.000 gallons of oil for Imperial , Oil Co. Ltd. After unloading. I hr fir Pas Argus returns to Vancouver by I ' 1 "Ml l I ES-f ' "" r MUM! t.-l way of Coal Harbor where she ! Atlin mining camp, which owes its origin and its continued existence to date to gold first placer and i.,f,. I,w1 liids fair to derive -a creater measure of vnl load a cargo ol whale oil. I I CPA Meanwhile, at 3urrard Dry- j Vo Vancouver (lociayl-Mrs. F. illlCl VFM . . v. . Bill V: Hc naateTiis'na Mrs" v carM future prosperity from silver and base metal mining I readied for Frank Water- v.a.:-, mmw-.u. h the briCTlt possibility now OI lllllgSien aim -ing f KM best os figuring in the picture. Attracting much attention and hpins ooened uu now on a sub- Corners To Sandspit (toj...yi R. J. Holmes. M. W. Gormely, J. P. MacDonald. QCA T Stewart today i Const. B. T. Blackwood, T. Strimbuld, H. A R'mmer. B. Shulman. highway. Here this Is house. Re-christened "Casslar, ' the re-converted east coast freighter will leave Vancouver September 1, on her first run, the rthem route. Cassiar Is sister fhip to Yukon Princess, now plying coastal waters for the renewed activity in opening up .stantlal scale, according to E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, high grade lead and silver with siime zinc Lead runs as high as D. To Alice Arm t today t C. to.bes, O. Flint. who is back in the city after a 40 por cent wiln iqo 0Unces of tour of the Northern British .stiver. N.AZE OF DIALS This is the cockpit of the Canadian govern-I ment's VIF plane ut-.-d for transporting Very Important Persons, f It may be used by Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip on part of their Dominion tour. At left is pilot Fit. Lt. Les Hussey of CNR luxury liner Prince George, Capt. E. B. Caldwell, TOOT mi ! Columbia part of his riding, is j- Twenty-five men are employ-embarking here. They were: Mrs. Atlin-Ruffner property on ; ed on the property which Is ' C. I. White, Dr. Braddock, B. , , . ,, , , situated near the top of a moun- docked at Prince Rupert this morning, carrying a capacity C Conner. J. O'Conner, Mr. and uul 11 01 Jn fain rr"i iphi inmi commanding officer Wing. Fer- miles from the town and nme,Th openmg up operation con Cmdr. Robert j (CP PHOTO I load of 250 tourists to Skagway I Mrs. T. Ferrara, Miss M. $ Ottawa; right is Trickett, Regina. j and return, eight passengers dis- rara, and Mrs. G. Pepple. miles off the new Atlin-jaKt 6 1 slsU Qf the str(ppinB 0 veins with bulldozer to fully a-sceutaln I Fridoy - Saturday 7-9 p.m. British Paramount News TOTEM A Famous Players Theatrt what Us to be seen on the sur- RUPERT PEOPLES STORE luce. The mining operation win be in the nature of shallow tunnelling. A small shipment is to be made this month for as-ray checks and plan Is to make some high grade shipments. Of course, the ultimate operation, If the property proves up as is n W earcomice oie: v .. if 1 U :a V III 4 f i I v-:4. w::. 20. u CAPITOL M l M TU) SHOKTv NKWS We're Rolling Out the Welcome Carpet with Values A Sweeping Clearance cf regular quality slock at drastic reductions., Every item marked with original price tag. Thes;-valuei equal ft-beat out-of-town City Sale prices. Every Item from Regular Stock livening Sh.iws !-.ituid.iv Matinees Today to Saturday confidently expected, would be concentrating. The new highway connecting Atlin with the Alaska Highway at Jake's Corners make the property readily accessible and the shipments will be made by truck to White-hor.se or Carcross for shipment via the Yukon and White Pass Railway. Interest haji been revived in the old Fisher and Olsen property on Bounlder Creek where tungsten was originally indicated some years ago and from which a shipment of three tons was made yielding $1700 for the tungsten. Later work has led to the belief that the original ledge of ore has been located. Transcontinental Sale Marked Below Wholesale Replacement Cost ! lw BpaMwwiii wiii mi hi hi imiiu-jw; 2 for 1 . LADIES' SUITS And COATS 75 LADIES' Raincoats To Clear Group No. 1 Heg. $28 59 - $32 Resources are working the property under option from the original owners. A good deal of asbestos prospecting is going on at the south end of Atlin Lake and there are l several smaller operations. DRESSES ml $9 s si 4 Regular $25 - $30 Limited Slock 1 Meantime Noland Placer ! Mines are conl:nu;ng their gold ! mining operations by shaft and i tunnel in the old river bed at l Spruce Creek 12 miles from At-I lm. J "I had not known Just how I , would find Atlin," said Mr. Ap J v ; n 1 'Mi . 3 " V Sizes 18 and 20 o)ly Group Nn. 2 Reitular Price $27.50 lour Mid-Year Opportunity to purchase IVople.5 Store Quality Coats and Suits at k-s than factory prices. Sizes 1 2 throuqh 44 RFCULAR miCXS: $4.95 - $5.95 - Sfi.9.i - S7.95 $10.95 - $12.95 - $16.95 - $18.95 Over 100 Dresses 2 for t w plewhaite, "but, after being there, I can tell you it is looking very well." ASBKSTOS v Seagrams'; $19 A few $39 -$50 Coots, $13 Kings Plate "Doublc-br.'lLicd Trench Coat style. Lucky you. Sizes 16, 18, 20, 40, 42, 44 What may become a major t operation revolutionizing mining ! ideas of the whole Northern j 5 British Columbia area Is now I 2 ; being Instituted about 25 miles j i from Lower Post in the Mc- I Dames Creek area where Con- I We.st Is engaged in developing j asbestos deposits and will con- j J tliiue the work throughout the HERE'S THE WAY IT WORKS: You .'elect any two sal- tlrcss-s. If both are Ihc samj regular price, takr one FREE. If the dresses yon chocso. are dUfrrrnl prices, pay only the highest piicu Either way yoU Ret a I'liKE djess. The choice is up to you. Regular 69c - 85c. LADIES' BRIEFS od PANTIES 2 for 51 Clearance prices on quality Stanfrelrt and Celaivsc Silk Stripe Briefs and r antics. GROUP No. St ' Assorted styles and Reg. $30 - $44 materials. If T Below wholesale. I 8izes u- 14' 18' 18- 0T Seagram's wSwt, This odvertiiement is no published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by h Government of British Cok" m winter. "They seem to be satis- tied that they have got lt,".re- ports Mr. Applewhaite, "and it may turn out to be one of the largest asbestos deposits In the J world." In charge Is William Bmither- Ingalp, loimer.y prominent in mining in the Portland Canal ! JisUlct. : RUPERT t, I STORE JUST ARRIVED MEN'S Uproar in I Army Life LADIES' HATS Rcq. Price $4 - $7 $1.15 45 Gouge NYLONS Full Fashioned Subs made by a nationally famous hosiery maker. Latest colors. Priced to sell fast s150 Enjoy luxury at give-away prices. Owr 75 of Peoples Store L.ttcr haU must be cleared Reg. $6 - $7 SWIM SUITS Limited Quantity Sizes through 40 for Women, Misses and Teens Reg. $2 PEASANT BLOUSES Attractive style. Assorted sizes Brogues nnd Oxfords FRCM ENGLAND footwear It Reg. $5 - $8 LADIES' SWIM SUITS teg. a." UIKNDL CIRCLE SKIRTS t tractive assorted prints and assorted s;zcs All sizes. Clearing entire stock Mm Gshion "At War With the Army." ; ' coming this Friday and Saturday to the Totem Thctre, is a riotous comedy tale of army life. It features Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, introduces a lovely young songstress Polly Bergen and is punctuated by a hit and run , score of lively songs. i It is the story of two entertainers who swap stage for army routine and provide a lot of laughter and nonsense in the doing. L3wis is a blundering OI who would like to please his superiors but doesn't know how. Martin Is a girl-happy sergeant who has as much trouble with the ladies as Lewis has with his saluting. Before this pair is through the chain of command is missing several links and their lictuos adventuies have repercussions thai, reach from the guard house to the White House. Between Incredible happenings are sandwiched some bright musical interludes. EXTRA VALUE LADIES' PLASTIC APRONS ' Assorted colors. Buy several now Req. $1.25 LADIES' TEE SHIRTS Prices that say BUY, BUY! Limited quantity 25c 75c Reg. $5.50 - $10.25 LADIES' SLACKS Odds and Ends. Unbeatable Bargain Reg. $8 LADIES' SILK HOUSECOATS Celaijese prints. Assorted sizes 4 $4 Reg. $? - $3 GIRLS' SWIM SUITS Entire stock. Nothing held. All fizes Reg. $3 GIRLS' OFF-SHOULDER BLOUSES Assorted styles. Assorted sizes 8 and up 1 MOTORISTS . . . Come in today and sec the Stunning nC PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In the BELVEDERE you may enjoy the bm-tm ol a Convertible or the snug comfort of a Coup THE FLYMOUTH BELVEDEDE IS THE SMARTEST HARD TOP ON THE ROAD Do you know that the depreciation on Chryslrt-cars is less than most other makes? Current Used Car prices prove this to be so. CHKYSI.l-U-Bin.T CARS ON DISPLAY AT- Rupert Motors Limitei Reg. $2.50 BOYS' and GIRLS' COVERALLS Navy Blue with red trim. Sizes 4-6 Reg. $2.50 GIRLS' PRINTED COTTON SKIRTS Assorted prints. Sizes 8-10-12 years ; 1 $1.25 I: Sulphur Ship Is Due Soon r The freighter, Yiannis, believed to be a Oreek vessel, is reported ' due August 17 with a cargo of sulphur from Texas for delivery to tire Columbia Cellulose Ltd.; isupert mmm wml I iii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i miiiiiiiini . r r, .... ,fc o PhnnP VUi urr ui on-imu nvr o 1L oi . . i v. . duId mill at Watson Island. 1