ON A PARKING I OT MALL TALK s Prince Rupert Doiiy News Thursday. August 9. iy51 1'hc dm it" tTgiiiftily was a old 1.0m which came into cur- ; rencv about AD. 1100. worth 9! shillings and fourpence then. Blackwood on BrhL wanted lw prove lie would nut die in a .-hack " McQuais. who raided 24-foot ions three storeys high without help, worked on the castle for five 'years. It burned down and he .started again. His only tools. Jacobs said, were a wooden block plane, a hand-saw and some wood chisels made from fiat files. Despite ( ( :, i r By Easley Blackwood ir. ' t f I still don't see how I went down," saul Mr. Muzzy Lumber Castle To End "Curse" FORT FRANCES. Ont. (CP) The story of a prospector who spent 17 years building a four-storey log "castle" in northwestern Ontario's wilderness after an angered partner had put a "curse" on him is told by E. E. Jacobs of Verndale, Minn. Jacobs, a 62-year-old pouKry-man, gave his version of why the late James McQuaig built the "castle" on the shore of White Otter Lake, about 80 miles northeast of Fort Frances. Jacobs, who said he met Mc this he built a four-storey tower. a three-storey main section and .confusedly, after his opponents set him one at lour t V f RYE 61 1. R P8PMBR ' Native boy Breaks Arm utti-j I can That M. ha, dent? Shucks, "Che I, lady, yofl .a . t hardly notice Now I gotta" move ew' thj lot." 'i - Key, Joe . . . how many fen-, Jers ctd this guy have when he ' drove in?" South dealer North-South vulnerable Vtirlll ( Mr. rhmupioii) S J 10 5 H Q 9 7 3 D 8 6 C--K Q J 7 West IM a mree-siorey wing, me iuu interior and all the eaves were lined with birchbark and everything caulked with clay. FALLING TO RUNS The building was "discovered" about. 1919 and received much publicity in 1925 when the 111 so picture of it was published. Now the "castle" is in a rather dilapidated condition. Jacobs said McQuaig didn't die in either an "old shack" or the "castle." He was found drowned in his own fish nets by Canadian aviators who made a special trip into the area to look at the "ca.-tie" which they had spotted lium the air. (Mr. l:i-lm) s -9 a 7 a CP fl W3 1 1 w w& CP (Mr. Abel) - a 1110 8 6 2 D 9 4 C 3 8 0 5 yiiili J - -if J 10 2 H J 4 D K Q C A 4 Quaig in 1912 and again in 1913, recalled that when McQuaig and a partner quarrelled while prospecting in northwestern Ontario the partner left with a .taunt that McQuaig would die. in an old shack. -MoQuaig accepted his partner's challenge as a curse." ; A 10-year-old Indian boy arrived at Miller Bay Hospital yes-t;-:day from Sunnyside cannery ; with a broken arm sultered Wednesday afternoon. Kelly Mac-Millan was helping to roil an oil i drum on a ramp when the drum !fell on his for. aim. The camp pbjsician t.eated him. His father, Walter MucMlllan. broueht the bey fo Prince Rupert TKit dvtrtiseent h not published (CLOSl'KE TIME 1(1 a.m. on day ot putilleation) Classified Advertising' Is payable In advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. Cfcwrtrit. Woul pt-r liisertiun, minimum ciiarge 50c. Birth Nonces Site. Cards U '1 lianks, Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announoi incuts $JU0. Smith ( Mr. Mum ) B -A K J 4 H A K 5 D - A 7 5 3 C 10 3 The bidding: Solllll Xnrlli la 1U 'A ts diplyed by Uqwx Control Bord ot Jacobs went on and that is the his castle. He W Oov -o4M-OM :reason he built yesterday. K HiHI K I'RU'K l):l-l SI'ECIAL DISPLAY, fiP THEY PAY OFF Kitwanga And Rupert Again h: miits WATCH RKl'AliCl V" 11 H lit st ru e, (;,', Jeeilef. ;:ai:atu. ' Iced, lll.H' W.t.Mtlj B1K11I.S LODD1E- Born to Mr. and Mis K.iLot e,. tio.ki.e. iJl Wea 41 Ave.. Vuncomer. BC. a ,.jii. John fcuwin, on Auuusi a. WeitMii l A oz. HI: IT'S PROFITABLE IT'S EASY To Use HAN 11' U I WANTED TOP MAaKKT ru.uo t'AlD n.r Miali 1:0:1. ! steel, uras.s. eotiucr. .cad. e.i-. I lloiii-.il fradine. I'.umoi lav- 1 mint made At:as hull MeiaU L'd.. 2."0 Pre !.. Va.i-touver H C. I'hoi.e PA in 1 n.i i " CASH fur i.'rai) cast. bias-:. Conner, bntleries and i .t'tiu'.or.s. 1 Mi'JIie 43. Call 3tli Avi:ii..: ; West. CUV. tl i lUSINKSS (l'POItTlMTir.S ACCOl - I"iwu.:.i a -x ju j,. CllAll'IKUty 0 I uiJciN i d - 01 uracliAim elluaiieliu-ii ... illuj.' Uia-eiv lor w ii.ur DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form EN'tacEMKNT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. J. Carrie wish to announce the eiHutmiiiei't and lui'tlKumiiiif marriage ot their oihv diiuanter Cim-tine K.izabelli. lo K..bert Curne. voulkcsi son of Mr, and Mrs. C. J Carrie. '1 he wei..unj will lake ula-e on Auaust 3d at 8;U0 u.m. .a rirsL Prtjjvie.ian C'nurcn ltu' Kitwanga, which holds a 4 to 1 victory to its credit over the locals, will play a return game with a local select football team this Saturday night, it is announced today by the Prince Rupert Football Association. The interior natives are said to be confident of repeating the victory but the football executive is hoping to produce an eleven that will make a real game of it ctv's le.id-r one la'.e nneraled as This oooor- t t u i :i on VACANt'Y exists in in-' taxi linn li model car to he a velilole for hire, tuiill" oriels rale 4 S All pass Here Is the way Mr. Muzzy achieved this highly undesirable result. Mr. Masters led the kins of diamonds which was permuted to win. He shitted to tli" nine of spades whijh was taken by the jack in the closed hand. Now Mr. Muizy laid down the a;e of diamonds and when it mas not rufled by Mr. Abel, he ave Mr. Champion a broad w.iiK and said, "Relax, partner." At this remark Mr. Champion Became as relaxed as a flagpole sitter m a gale. He knew Mr. Muzzy's dismal record as an estimator. At trick four Mr. Muzzy ltd a diamond and ruffed it, Mr. Abel discarding a small eluo. He reentered his nand with the a.te of hearts and led his last cna-inond, Mr. Asei dropping another club while dummy trunipe.l. Now a small heart was led to the king -nd Mr.. Muzzy l&iJ down the uoe and king of spades. He iroAiied when Mr. Abel ih.ew alio. her club on the last apaae .eaa. Hj ntxc led a heart ua i tvii.ch Mr. Masters played the 1 lour ol clubs. Dummy s queen of hearts wjii ; and me nine of hearts w as led lueihule -.luui-ii.s .stall DicSfUUv i; lai ted aim u i u t r ' ev.inalile at ti.ouie- i Ilice.s Siieriai tu',' Uiovuied. 'In,. Adv.:: Koval bank Biii.uim i r. B.C. Vv ANTKD .for Prim. R. trict Siv - .'ia;iv u, hue of hi?h Etadt electrical hand .anoint; oUiiurmnr.v loan. Musi iiave nn:-arter i e iej : I'n'ces i;:r to flltni.sii Illlir.l'v ii quired. Adu;v BC '1 railei s Mil . 1111 w ' Van. ouver B C. CliAMBKKMAID wxM diateiV. tiond v,'di shower and telle. n.ied. SuijIl. or one t nild urlfiTK Skeena Hiitfi. Ttrrn 1 PRINCE RUPERT !k j Kooiu Exncricncea wanted. Aoi ! Lackie. side mtra.: Port Simpson Native Missing I.N MWIOllIAM f IIODGK1NSON In loving : mi ni ii v oi our deanv oeiovea : sun. Pie. PiuiiK KdA'ard Hudg-Kin.-'un. Sealortn Highlanders of Ciinuia. killed in Haiv Atmust 'J. l'J44 , , Mm-ie is a road culled remembrance. . , Where mouahts and wishes meet. We take that road In thought lodav To him we cannot greet. He's where we cainiol see him. His voice we cannot hear. Yet he .-eeni-i to waiK beside us. mser aoeiit. alwavs near. --Ever remembered bv Dad and Mom and brothers Allied and Kennv Uu luve.linent . laures av.u..io..' t) i'clilihielv inti res'ed narW. Box 164. Uailv News. it! i PIKMCMI. ENJOY a bite-lice vivalion! ' Use U-'l'cr i4!8i ln. eci !icj-l-lent lo avoid ino-ouho and hla.k 1!v hues. A dro-.s will urotect Icr hours. U Navv K'linuia. u'.lc at nil .stoics. 'Hi PHONE IH v.eir Northland Duirv. for dailv de:ivetv t-x; I Kun- d'iv. Bv lonkiri" alter vour milk vour miik will af'er vou Keen H roul. All 111 ilk euarunteed. 'tfi FOR KENT General Electric floor uoli.-dici s. $1 tier duv. Phone Blue 'J'j2. l'a.'ilic trie. Henry Sankey, 24, of Port Simpson. Is still missing after a continued search since last Friday by police and the Indian Department. Capt. James McKay, of the seiner Point Yoho, reponed Sankey missing when the crew member did not return after go- l ()K S Al.K ! ack. Mft KNOA'M NAMES Abel covered with the ing ashore Friday evening. Yoho NATIONALLY I.iiit!-ue:r SueeQtr bliuvels; j WANTED Two sb men of neat aitii-j direct sales osk M to iravii. Auj.v But . iunniv vour hi' Eli All I'd Boui t r and Hid FREE :ra- wood own carta 'O K. S"le if demoi.tioii. Welter ' ;u, Mr. Muzzy rutted and Mr. .tia.ite.s over-railed and won the iai two tucks with the ace of clubs and the hih diamond. In a strangled voice, Mr. Champion pointed out that five-j ; odd was easy on the hand. Toe i iignt piay was' to win the lirit was tied up at Prince unpen. Acquaintances said they saw Sankey Friday night, bat lin -a then no trace of him has been found, F. E. Ardie'.d. Indian superintendent, reported today. H Is sinale and the son or .dr. .-.n(l Mrs. Charles Sankey, Port Simpson. Crams. Uracil:.; Aaaiiib1 Road Grader; LAUi'ihU Hro.s. i Hiark Tod Koad Maintenance ; EoaiDmenf ; Uen Clamshell-Uui Sets arid RacR Otapuuw; : T U Smith Concrete Mixer: i Clark Forkilft Truck; Nelson 1 Hu'-ket Luadcrs lor Stockinle ami Hnuw Keniovai; liice Vorl- : able C'cutiilUJal Fumijs; Na-! tional Urauline -Scraueis and-BuckeU; National Ail Steel Oasollne Hoi-stn; Ntiona ! Portnijlp SaniiiU: National 75c. Six Enclosed Ploose Find .insertion e.g. Mumh-r of' words 25; cost, ; for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Number of Times . (3c per word per insertion hews. WANTFU-O'lf Dirt-' i lail-l'i'ie clerk Aaji And Uu Sttre. ! WANT ED WaitrMJ. I runt :id uim-a: ! Hr.aek Bar. ! CI FRK wanted irr Aiei.v Mis. B.t.'ter Ne ,! fa and. ' WANT ED- Disua'.chrr ! T..X:. uiamond trick and knock out the ace ol clubs beiore doing any-.iun' e:-e. Mrs. Ed Noble, who has been paving a visit here with her GIVE the fo'K-s of home a '"-a: net ot.e lit our d-iioii cakes or Dies Ruoer ""ikerv Ltd Phone 643 for nrdf . " f iioi sr.s w wn n to ih y WANTED-Medium f- 'ar.M- she lv ee w.tn t).i-.i nii lit or no.s-nibi'H ' of in;.la.iiiu. Clo e m. Blue 0C2. il!tt!u liTAL f.STAI; Ail Mr. Muzi.y had to do wai Mr. brother and sister-in-law, R.i'.irv Kci-ens and C'onvjvors. ; Name sail inr C. C. Mills, tneie were spaue, on ine uuaru th-Prlnce Rupert tonight on the mreat of ihe dia- to stop a; Ev,,r. return t0 her nom(, ! KOAKIl AND f' ..Phone No Address a suburb of green, Colorado, Denver. i ROOM AND HflARDt 1 Vth A-'e. West. Pr, i ! c . tiioim sun.. 'D.dn't you tell me to relax?'' Mr. Cnamp:uii reared. "From now on I re.ax only wnen yoare my opponent or better s.:n, ft'nen you're a kibitzer.'' For Sale- Fine f.ve loonsea f! o.l huiise. t urin n e u w.ui LOARU ami roeni I man. Blue 6'd Pull Intonnalion Irorn Na-, tional Machinery Co. Umhert.i Vancouver. B C lt ' 1 ! FOR SALE New and u.sed household furniture. Klicht 1 v : u-cd Kitchen Sets, Bed loom , Suites. CiV's.erficUl.s. BoV.s Bicv"ie.' Bei'srdp Kiws. Cr.us. Studio C liches etc . feiilii" it, the l-ivkest onNAib c orlces. B. C. : Furiilluw Co. Phone Biac; 321. Hi) BOYS' W1NU BREAKERS Ail kinds to choose from. Best taiUirlnf. Si"es 6 vens to 14 viars Hc jular to So 50, now S2 75 to $3 2j. Sl'C B.C. Clo'h-leru. ntj. FOR SALE Reminaton nort-ab'.e tvocwriter. iist class condition, rhone Black 219. 193pi raii.c Hiue Si.ouu.00 II. E. MOK'li.viLit Rial li-ia'e una liiMirailt'O 353 Ihiul Avenue- I'lio.-ie '13 i lSi.lci roit iiCT TP4 E "Old at 40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazy Tnrert your nrel Thiiand arv PPT ?n. Irf " iMfitp'r-K Hi'" 't'i Oitn i. i 'Hin:i.n imilc dr wak, ruinioon if-l.uK rtuc t"ipir to ttil lack o( ir a W?.uti timnr itif'i nnd whiiho rtill Try IHtrt; 'luini Thtlfts fur fn(), j"Uiiifr fcpfnu. tM rry fliy. tiew " it'-t .mlnN-l" l"H imi 0O0. tuc t 'Lruc urat vverywuer. , .rf ed&iona uduiedd and fOH RENT H. leiii-nnnkin" mis Ave. W. lied 138. FOR RENT-Ff;,, suite ti l Aa 'lis: I 133 after 6 D.n; 41 IJ-riRIVK CAi l 1 ('.rei'viiie C". ft, ,. t ; -n : J. v -"1' "' ! I ... ' -'4 3 t ' . -1 , I TA'O GOOD BUYS Eieht Kiuins m new cond.tio:i. coal stoker, heal value Four on Sixih Last priced at $30' Hi i.'ii lor mii.-k t.aie. i T NORION YOuNGS i R..U tsta'e and insurance I'nom . 1 jl :, u i Uti.' ' ' SPECIAL Nice home m choice location, Iniurove.! lour on .Sixtn, near schuo!s. Modern kitchen, f! air cuveriims. oii heater. Fan" Colussi's Music Store Agents for Ihv finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 3M MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILD1NO PRINCE KUPERT LA ML) RtCOKDlNO LHTRICT TAKE NOTICE lhat COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LtivlITfeU. , ot Prince luipert, Lritish t.'ulumbiu. ; i Pulp Mamilitcturer. intends to apply fur a lea so ol the luliuwing Uescnbc 1 iiincis: s COMMENCING at & pnst planted at lac luf;h wnut on :r.n Nnnh bu:iK ol tiie Skct'iia River, -n pruxi-m.neiy 19.5 Chums West ol the C.N.lt. MucuKP Post tiH (as mea.suitd .uona the centre ot the track i . thence South approximately a 2 Chains; thence Wt.ii appruximatcly 7:i Chains to tne Ntjrih ta.st corner of lxt oi-i-uii Set ma isianct; thence la Vest-eriy. South Westerly, Northerly, unci; South Westerly directions awng the ; hifih water line on the North shore of Selma Island, approximately 100 ! ("hams to the West corner of Lot 5U3li; thence South 20 West approx-' Imately 15 chains to a point on the , W ANT KU TO II I Iowsp 5 or 6: WANTED Shovel or Crane lo rent, 3-ton capacity Peg's Wrecking Co., . Prlnco Ruircrt Warehouse, tf HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs' of all kinds ROOFS' CHIMNEYS GIL CURNEItS ADULT FAMILY, i ants. Wiiuui i''J e,n n,,x 13d lu U.icoa tor muck sai". 1. NORTON YOUNGS Rul Estate and Insurance Pnone . 4il - oU i l?,. l ' .:i'l it oil lie bfiw miwn Haiuie t PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 F'OR SALE - U. ed washer. Amlv j Kaien Co-ou. ,llDi lio.xrs i oil eai.k i FOR SALE - 30 f iil "boat. 9 ft.1 I beam, draw 4 ft. MHI souare ft of .sai's. 4 cylinder marine endue. Kleens ttnee. Lavatory., oil .s'ove and tonkin? u'en-.sils $2500 cash. Auulv 'Four Winds." Prince Ruocrt Yacht Club. . tfi CAKS HIR SI.E FOR SALE Privately owned ,1940 4 door Deluxe Plymouth .sedan Law mileage. Complete with .seal covers. 2 snare tires. hui!t -in heater and defrost. Call R"d 411 after 5 Dm UDlDi FOR SALE Five iullv lurni.shed. room house, with aas ; . Pem. b.u'n : RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 337 P.O. Box 130 Red 894 PHONES: Black 752 P O Box 1670 e5e Fu.l Ijaseuienl Lawns fi nccT. Box 1G3. Dnilv , rarcte. Ind.e, and .shower Willi lurnai-e. Near scliools. News. steadv pro .('.toiuna. hw to brinz family to eitv I"' le.siilence. luiiv N" WANTED TO Rp" voun tradesmen. nl-hed house': Kete-en-es If tc' lii9. Dailv Ni' , tiTAvri.n to REST FOR SAI E Five room house and bath. cl'i;e in 11 ill ,-asrt.i ha'iiince eusV r.'ntnl t-nus. sandbar: thence South ia west approximately 15 Chains to the hin waur tine on the North bank of the Skeena River: thence In Northerly, North Easterly, Southerly. North Easterly and Easterly directions, alont; the high water line of the North bank of Selma Island Slough and the Skeena River, approximately 2iib Chains to the point of coni-menceriKnt and containing 210 acres, more or less, lor the purpose of log scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Prlnco Hun-rt Real.v Co.. over Broadway Cafe. 1 137;' . SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jewellrr. Ph 212 four room ',uilf., Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phon 133 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Us branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 FOR SALE 1949 Austin A-40. iocd cundition. low milea e. Phone Green 182. J 189d : LOST mured as soon reliable tenant. 814. ... .. . im f,.r U'CtJ. oouimitK. j FOR SALE Wartime 4 near bus. oubllR and hndi .schoo's. hewlv de.-oial.ed. larite front earden cement, fotmrln'ion. 673 8lh Ave. East. (lli'.lui FOR SALE - Industrial lots 43; n' sr MOIll Phone a''.f: '"11. 70S. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CA. 325 4th Avenu East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 and .49. block 14. .ic'ion l. Next Imnerial M u'hine Works I Lots are cleaned nnd filled.' Auulv Standard Machine Shop. ' H ) I - AB ft. LOST - Lame taroaiilln on Port Edward road. Sa.OO reward. Blue 780. Whalen's Cart i"e 11880 SITI ATIONS WANTED MOTHERLY woman wants babv-sittin'. evenings or afternnnns. Phone Black R94. LI89"! "accoi'ntants MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 120. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. For Results ADVERTISE BOTS - Openlnlts fr W ' m Daily NJ ffl 0 various parts v-fi room house at bus .st on. Box hil. Duiiv U8doi FOR SALE T" and two lot.s $1400.00 cash. News. . PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Greer 136 Sox 478 COMPANY. LIMlTfcD. j DATED 30th July, 1151. (A2.a,16,23) Had Eczema Around Ankles For Years Read Her Letter "I want to say that for many years I have been tormented with Eczema oh my ankles which nothing seemed to cure.' writes Mrs. A. C. S . Whit-tier. Calif. "Monne's Emerald Oil was recommended and one bottle was all I needed, and for two months has seemed perfectly well," This clean, stainless antiseptic known all over Canada as Moone's APPLY ATOFT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax snecialist. S. O. Wnrk. Stone Bulklina. Red S93. (20m i ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. Spcciol Bowl FOR SALE-Double nrner vacant lot. corner Fifth Street, an-' Sefond Aeetuie. PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. U87c) j FOR BALK-TWO beautiful ",.-e lots on Orehnm Ayenpe "II 111: for Good" WANTED wantfd ITsert refrlwrator. WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phono Blue 939 I H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 Will nav cash, inline iten no. earden inU larei'saiifd. phn'" I B'""k 993 or 234. H87d' i I no i ' Emerald Oil, Is such a remarkable heal Ins aent that Ecwma, Barber's Itch. S.)lt Rheum. Itching Toes ani Feet many of them old stubborn cusps of long standing,' have yielded tii I'i Influence. Moone's Emerald Oil BLONDIE Ferpctuol Motion Y YiH By CHlCJ I BLOnOi--COME I I 'I'-l vwtJEN SHE I i'ilil' j g4 1 ', rm".- , SEE THIS-I'M ( HEf? TAIL UP AND IllM1 l-P-H V (hW I TEACHING DAISY 'si, S COVJN, IT MEANS ",ETrj i .iV-f TO TALK r e , C "VES-.-SiOewAvs xvr?SH S.M !' Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. I'hone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store is obtainable wherever drugs are sold skin QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL to help rid you of unsightly troubl-1'. WALLACE PHARMACY Cleaner Cutting Saws CLOSED 'TIL LATER DATE GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist Tew ae-we wfll cot cleaner, truer, fter when flld on mar precision machine. Quick Mr-vice on ell typee of "w-BHn your In today- Old wi retoolhetL SAVOY HOTEL ANNEX Prince Rupert's only fully modern hotel unit. All rooms with bath. Phone 37 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 i "Jm 7i i mM " - WmM ' Mm 1 1 - - i. 733 5th Ave. W. Blark 503 PRECISION SAW FILING PICOOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agfciit: Bu Terminal)