fjlMendinq China 'New Look Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday; August 9, 1051 M SI, M Experts' Job At Museum . M J, K) IV L jESI.IE WIUSON , , Prince Rupert'j mutcum in due VICTORIA, B.C. 7' - Aubrey I Eagle Haida band, and a complete ft of female summer cedar bark garxent. These Ite ms were produced by M s. E'iza Abraham wc!! -known 60-y car-old Haida .vi'low who has con.;nued her art. of 'Avavin-' for a look. Members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce ha-c undertaken that jib and, with any kind of co-cpe-atlon lrim the weatherman, President G.-o.'r Hill thinks a ''fairly nice lawn" will soon replaco the overgrown frontage of the building. And with 1hc paint being donated by F. E. An'inid. Indian ... . iMlM'MM f, ii A.!4 Y-jfeJ. vva'ner ana nis wife Hilda spe-cializa in nen!'nn rare broken -''na and their fame 1; soread-im;. A"e- u artimc imprisonment in Japan they came to Victoria two y-arr a"o and sian.'d the business In their home. Walker says rm- ravtcrlous grapevine has ca ried the word of their skill and they get broken pieces of Dresden. Sevre or other fine china from many parts of Canada. When h? finishes a pi"ce therj is nothing to fhow it was ever broken. H uses slninlosis atnoi h. I II i mm fea I MONTREAL, Aug. Wh. Yours for nirrcmfiil, C s- M I economical Dif-kline . . . that's tho. bin onlbm. hta M f i I of HEINZ WHITE VI N KG A Hi Heiiis White 0m fi 1 1 I Vinegar coriifi in Btiveral si7'. but at pickling s-iperintedont. and by Harry. Black, theatre manager, the doors and steps will receive a new coat. i Following a mpotintr nf tUa ' Iw , i j H I lime, me fcMon jijk is the thnltioft buy oi all! JwT0 f - r ,arKeKl wrld -big as a J in ihf I nst is at I ho Toronto jLrv lllis mon,h-1 l,llmrd nut In the 17th 1 .0 m;ik a porfume jar l;f.fn's riirssing table. X.p: talrs ro"m stands the i-'ihp K-"i of Rmc son 'iippror Napoleon. Crust-,i p,i,i and Inlaid with 1 f-pcarl. it was present-Xpilnm on the birth of ,,y tlif "tizfiis of Paris. "."( items are part of a tit' collection of European .i'lrr? luaiu'd to the gal-XiC Hunsthistorichos Mu-i viria-thc Austrian I at $8(1.000.000. the col-j of paintings, I, pcstrics and .sculpture 'M In Bold, silver, Ivorv, '.nrt p'pcious stones. "J,. 131 paintings many finmis --mostly by Flom-s(: 'i and Spanish artists I W :Jh I It .r,.w (l. !... - r.,n A ... I coumc, mz White Vinegar anrvs your pickling wktc. It's packed by tlie firm who made pickles Turnoiw it's fticiory-tsexilcd for vour protrction instead of th ; f irmer rnnwr museum board last wppIt It nn U ST". h . (-- ; .Sj .vts. bv a method whi"h he has bedded o support an all-out perfected and will not disclose. nbership drive, a source of . . . you Know ii m ftoo'l bcciiuw it's Heinz! Another pickling "must , ij that grand frnm recipe booklet "irW'f .Sur-t If tlifl gallua juK you buy docn't hae it altu i-i imiiir write to me for it liaijjura Brent, 1111 Crewcent ht., Montreal, l'.Q. TAer' Nothing Cuter Under Thm Sun 1h;in a baby in a flunsiiit, m o The fhh mf Z 7 fM D-Bish"P C- A- LpB1 "f Bathur.t officiated at the annual blessing llh f T"' " B ThB ce- h!ch has been held from early in the lfllh centurv century, was attended h h by thousands of spectators. ,CP PHOTO) To one delicate figurine of a funtls which helps to kjep the I 'oii't lady, an old Melseen piece museum Pcn for tuorists during dating from about 1700, he gave the tummer months. ; . ; new fingers and a new fan, cast- Recent purchases by the mu-! ing the items as a sculptor would, spurn, only one north of the Bella , I His wife paints in the missing Coola Arm. are two snruee-rnnt ! Socialism Has Tough Going m woven ceremonial hats of the ; iticrei And tmttwa arc tpecuilly adorable when their hair curia in rinuleU all over their hcik I your habys hair straight? Then you'll be ilclialitni with thiH wonderful way to make a curly-head of your etrmftM-liaircfi tot. It's not dune? with magic but with NKS'lTE hABY HAIH TRKATMEXT. To fini out how to u.e it, simply write to me Barbara JJrcnt, 1411 C'rescnt St., Montreal. V&l. fttr your free cour of Cur for Wottr Uabr'. Nestle Baby pieces inat ne restores. I The Walkers were in China Conservatives Would Win w7 L.LS. and 17th renturWs. ?'h Key. curator of the gal- jwhrn the Japamse imprisoned them. In those days Walker had a furnlturo factory in Shanghai, designing, most, cf his own fur-niU'e. His wife owned and fin- tinted ECIPES R Hatr Treatment tested and commended by "Parents' Magazine" is n wonder! ully (ttille lotion. Diluted acionliiiK to instructions, ft $1.50 hotllfi will h&t four months! Ask for Nestle at drug counter everywhere. Mo$t Of U like to get out of the hot kitchen info the coo! garden in RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE fiAS ANI KI-FCTRIC RANC.ES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 -, the jwi.uihi.ihju is Insurant-" esiimnte. ;rm in Inn co! "rtlon Is i'..t ii "rp'iji" able." h" , p-i I. 'Thr ArUl jerated a large dairy. The bust- Handily in Britain, II Is Believed By GLENN WILLIAMS LONDON " -British socialism I- having tough going, .and the oppo-ition can hardly wait for a ;"ne'a! election. Under present conditions, most political ob vr-vcrs bpl'cve. th" Conservative.'? would win handily. Political polls indicate fhe news were confiscated but now they're v. "U on the way with th"i- rcw venture. l-niriin.' Iiv the Dutch i I MAI'I.E RAISIN Ml'FFINS this hot weather. That a why this kit'hen tiuie-naver ia a good thins to know about. It's wink-quick to colour vour favourite BLUE BONNET MARGARINE Vr1 rial It can no mor-j be han ran Westminster in that handy Yellow Quick hag! No pounding a mix mj? bowl . . no washing it un nil vou do is press i tl.n rnlnur hnitn nn iL WM,, ihnL- l,,,r L-.,,.-.,t if. .-g J.? miu in ju"L i wo inuiuie.i. uiue ixmnei, w goiuen It a:Ti kiks country still has confidence : : r OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS 1 UP-TO-DATE I BECAUSE IT MOVES SO FAST '( (H'tion was assembled iicl rt four centuries 1 cup seedless raisins 1 egg 4 cup melted shortening ''2 cup maple-flavored syrup t'3 cup milk 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 tra poon salt Rlns-: raisins and drain thoroughly. Beat egg, blend in short yellow, ready-to-us-! And when you buy blue Bonnet, you fan he sure of always getting that wonderful, eountry-Hweet, fresh flavour . . . m-mmtu! so gooa in baking, HaiitM-rt, pan-frying ha a spread for bread. I find, loo, . that I can afford extra milk with the money Blue Bonnet aaves me I ts nf 'I. Hapsbure Prime Minister Attic's int :g-rity but not the confidence in his government that won in.two elections, labor has lust begun its ev 'nth year in office. Some of colors frowns m(H)dily across the centmifcs. King Philip launched the Spanish armada against England. l The Italian painter Titian-counted with Michaelangelo one of the two greatst painters of the Renaissance was a shrewd jude of character. His portrait of Pope Paul HI 'he Pope was sponsored the Jesuit Order at tho time of the Protesant Reformation -- shows an aging but able man, amply suited to guide the church through tho?c troubled times. j To look at the paintings in the gallery Is to recall famous names Rubens, Valasquez, Van Dyck, Tintoretto and Rembrandt Van R In. ! M)T II' AVV CiltAlt!) ' Arm d guards patrol tr,e cor-'Idni- of the gallery and policemen wait oulslrle. They keep a snecial eye on the star of the show, I' is a 15-pound saltcellar made "f I aten and hammered gold and enamelled in blue and black. It was mside for King Francis I of France by the Italian craftsman Benvenuto held the greatest gold'-mlth of his day. A Burgundian court goblet is made of rock crystal on gold mounts, vnriched with pearls, rubles and multi-colored enamel. It enly one of several dozen golden goblets and bowls All are deKcatclv graven and decor-H'ri with jewels. Others are I s Years Since io at line thne ruled m ihe Mediterranean tir and whose domin-ed to the East Indies .1 its early fire Is gone. Its plans ening, syrup, milk and raisins ""Ira. Hi; a kitchen ap-pliance has caused so much comment a has Hie new TRKilDAlliE "Wonder Oven" EbKCTRIC RANGE. And of public ownership have become gift together drv inerpfiionts m MATIamc rAn a n iw r- a . iv I thr portrait collec- law without fulfilling all the and add all at once to first mix i ituic a cross-section - i ivi iwi mii r ainv i m !. p omlses made for them. The picture is clouded by a pall of tav s, the weight of rearmament and new loads of austerity. Attempts to plan and control tu.e, stirring only until mois-t? Fill greased muffin pans two-thirds full Bake in hot. ovpn (400 F.) 20 to 25 minutes. Makes one dozen medium-sized muf- ix-rarv of Europe for i years. i' walls of the gallery, r! kmes. knlghta In oss p d armor, royal in satin and brocade the Br'tish economy have beenfim, battered along the up-and-, down road of supply and demand, ! ( "d there a Rentloman iB m nr. mtrt I for a !. on tiw -:assirieK l .Summcrfone im Parly-time particularly for your youngaters. And something they'll love for their paitv i a eake you've baked with SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR. Their eyes will grow big and they'll fairly pobble it up, for Swans Down cakes are just naturally p:trty wicceaaies with young and old alike. Confetti-light mclt-in-ynur-iwrtith. and completely, utterly delieioua. You make no mistake when you ehoone Swans Down Cake Flour for your cakes! You per Swans Down is pitted over and over again, until it's 27 times a fine as ordinary flour. For special occasions or just' f er a special treat, hist thing X . think of is baking a Swans-Do wn-dtliciOUH cake! it are haiiRhtily at the "I'ner a life-size bust illlp II of Spain cast id painted In natural I can understand jtp becaufje this new, womierful oven permits you to bake a cake and broil a Bteak (or pair up many other food combinations at d'fjvn-nl temperatures) ... at the mine time in the mmc oven! You see, this new range has an oven that becomes eit her two ovens or one extra large oven in merely seconds . . . for it has a movable Divider heating Unit with a slide-out dor. Many other exciting features, too . . . sui'h as the Cook-Master . Oven Clock Control and jaxtcr, thriftkr, 5-fpeeil Radianuihe Cooking t'nita. 1-earn. more about this model -and the other Vrigidaire Electric Ranges at your Frigtdaire dealer's . . . noon. ds of Meats n ' the ma n course for world trade. Morj controls are on the way. Tills and by-election results Indicate tiio man-in-the-stret is losing some of the Xatt.h he once placed In Labor. fomc leading figm-rs in the I ahor government have fb.ed up this situation and rebelled against it. T."ft-w;ncrs such as Ancurin novan and Harold Wilson stormed rut of the cabinet and took i'p skirmishing positions in the ic.n rank"! The party Is choosing up sides for a showdown at. its annual convention In October. The dumber Of Sir mu nnd warm-weather week-ends is limited. That's why 'I m going to tell yu again about TAMPAX ami ' how you en. keep m eaie-free and ponrtdent tvery day, yoii mVdn't mis a oiirle one nf them. Ity this molei-n, in risible samfan rotection, V"U needn't take "time out' any time hecaiwe o this intimate feminine prolilem. shower or tub in . tiic morning ... a "winning'' at noon, nnd wear your briefest swim suit, since T.impax, worn inter- tifilhf, eliminates the need for bulkv pads, belis and lasmoned of agate, Jade, onyx, lapis lazuli, and of a stone with a mystic name- porphry. M"(llapvla man was not always hirter than his modern riescen-Gr.U FerdHmnrt I. Holy Roman Rnn-ro- stood well over six feet Ills armor, on which the imperial arms are elrhed. .shows he had a pair of shoulders to match. The Hapsburg collection, which has been exhibited in New York, Washington, Chicago and San Francisco .travels on land In two Bpecially-equlpped freight Carson water In a United Stales Navy warship. s r PREPARED iillCT IDA pins and makes you feel so comfortable ''those davs'' will sjii! by like ' any otliers. Made of pure ahsorlent cotton coinpres-l into slim appli- M eators,.a whole month's supply of Tanipax wiil slide into your purse! It conies in three absorbencies Regular, Super and Junior. C tt cunt her -Coot And Tnice As Tantv . . . this delicious, lemon-flavoured desser ! It isn't extravagant and it rx so good when vou make it with SUNK 1ST CALIFORNIA LEMONS . . ". the finest", juiciest, tangiest grown! This recipe for Lemon fwzm Crvam makes 1 quart A man from the country saw ar a'tlcle !n a music shop, but r.nild not understand the pur-P' re for which it was used. h-.. i I I fl J '1' ' i ' liVI ' JL 1.4 m. 4 "What is that thing- for? LONDON (CP) When residents of the Hackney district complained about the high rate of taxes, the borough council did riot lower them. It organized an exhibition to .show Just how the tax money ij .spent. , xor o-a people . . . LEMON FROZEN CREAM 2 eggs, beaten until lemon -coloured 12 C. suEar Add sugar gradually to egg until mixture beenmes thick custard-luce consistency. Combine with: 12 c. liaiit vrn syrup 2 c. top milk (or 1 c. mUk nd 1 c. coffee cream! 14 c. Sunkist lemon juice 1 tip. grated Sunkist iemon peel. 1 h cu .TWfflppJ T Sytk iy Stieigg, kind of sortHiss a-krd the- sh-ip assistant. "That. sir. is a chin rest." he was told. "It Ls used quite a lot by lady violinists." The man from the country gave a cry of joy. "Give me one." he said. Thvn. after a slight pause, he added. "No. I'll take tw," We've got the wife's mother taying with us as well." S r THE BIST , ffl QUALITY v PRATING "hsmanship mship rree in refrigerator tray at lowest temperature imtil stiff. When l!LJ?mo? t0.a bowl and whip until light and cream v. Return quickly HowT JJr-J'r (frM7lni!- rhLS wne lirrm8 iS at is nied moki at middle control for serving. U you want t sell it, advertise ' N'w K cirmsirieilK mm - t Type... tif Us Solve r Pflniina Problemt f KINK 2;11 i Printing Co. "'SNI'H III (( K 'IT 1 n-akfaM $0 ftC -pj i V . , ' ma. i Sets XffO pie. at... & iiJO '''Utlful WrtlK. Couldcin King's fECIAL nmMr ;; nc China S.'' SAUfuns at - I and 97c 1 "owl si:ts 7-95 vlSON'S