AALL TALIf WITH DOCTOR lONifcY by Syms jdkiri iic musUy ,ic?i oitux iMl I ' Ii uib ullage eie to fcu. " rrluir oeuiKc. l.u uuiihcfn The crescents, showing up clear- said Warner, "there would be terminus will be completed cext !ly on the n.ao, are the main no communication across the year. A bridge over the C0'0"" ; residential arrax of the tnwn and ' Frasw " . wood Canyon, 35 mile south Ol Busy Prince George Owes Prosperity to Timbering n irVAHinraJNF. VANN I could see the rails of the the town, was going to oe PGE, which is coming in at nected up the next day. most of the houses are privately built. In Calgary Street and Montreal Street, there are houses Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 1, 1951 s , -,- Ik ' ', l I - Prince Ruperts sister dty Prince George is noWnt..de n'K sold, a town nf an estimated seven thousand. Its lifeblood Only a veteran may buy, and he i Mil ii I III' limi iMIIinil'll'l' "I illillul ' II 'Ii' Ii" ' I I II 11 I' "I ill III! I iMi,:!.:,.'! i '"i iiln.iili.ilnl'iti.iliUii'iili 'Hi HI I lililil I II I Ml . . , ,. XT .. , . , , , i must retain the house a certain is lumber. On Canadian National property leased by.iength of time before he sells, the numerous mills there, five million dollars' worth'31 ihei on'y another veteran . , imay take over. There are alto- of rough and plain lumber is always in stock on Kiver ; gether, 150 such houses in three Layaway Special TWIN SETS V t'r" Avenue amereni areas. ' , , , I The Junior-Senior High School T In 1939, one mill, only, wasi-e ,,,,,. 1Qan L,.e now you don't 'J: !1U. to Ulk about THAT" there. Now, within 50 miles of "What kind of doctor did you say you are, mister?" "Hey, Myrt . . . some guy here wants to talk about your sex life!" Prince George, there are more than 500 mills with more than 1 2500 men employed in the in- Bert. t dustry. .,,. ,,. ... . Prince Rupert W. Alexander, Terrace; 32.50 The former army hospital, where there was a large camp during the war, has 80 beds, mostly occupied. The Kinsmen's Club 'has a park on the banks of the Ne-chako, called The Cache. There are 13 hotels, eight beer parlors and many auto camps and motels. The air port is three miles out of town, from .which there is a l t VI If - . -j1 and j)anct Smollen, E. Anderson, J. Shuster, E. K. McQuarrie, L. M. Williams and H. Rindal, Vancouver; H. H. Williams and A. B. Read, city; Citizen, took me on a "Cook's Tour" of the town. We drove by the Fire Hall and City Hall, with the water tower on the hill be- Sons of Norway whist drive A small deposit holds your choice and dance last night was well attended, opening with 12 tables twice daily service, north to mx. aim ua n - " , hind, and parked the .skating Port Edward; R. W. Bur- family nk buUt mg Jn thg un. ton, Alice Arm. finished Civic Centre, there are six sheets of curling ice. Box- G. Neelv Moore and Mr. Dun- Ing, and roller skating, are very Fort St. James and south to Vancouver. As we crossed the half ir.!!c Jjudicators for ima Festival ! in play. Winners were: Mrs. Alf Jensen, I ladies' first: Mrs. C. Giske, sec-ond, after winning a cut with Mrs. Jean Johnson. E. Nielson ItrO- mon'a first- A E Chilton. can Whitmore wiil be leaving the popular there. The latter has 2), GEORGE COOK JUiS PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE ami fre Rupert Music and city next week for Trail to take1 been going a month. "We are .Ions, steel bridge across the part in Consolidated Mining i: handicapped there, as the up-! Fraser River, where the Fraser Smelting Co. field staff meet- per part is not heated," said and Nechako join, I could see ings. They expect to be away a Warner. the river was very low, and there couple of weeks. The houses in the western out- was some shore ice. Job's Daughters' S c o 1 1 ish .pponrt Door nrize was won by , frSJUI will uc aujuuj by Glenn Nel- dance drew a large crowd to the Mn. .Grace Anderson; chair prize it! f t'ji i Mlil"''T1 m!Tf (ti? till tit E I ft" ffmnin tsriiiT"tii i mm jn uti i i un rrtiiriff "l j J 'nif'I' IfTT) i'lnHTllTTtn!1 "IHHfl'tltiiMB iillHiili!ll:ii!iii'ili!!.!iimliiiiillii'iiiliiililiiiiii!'iii J :i.-xt year ll-knnwn Armory Friday night and the by Ray Johnson vjnciiuvri, i anair was one ol nigh enioy- ..... .in niitnn tpchniniie -' . . . . ... J" ' . mpnt fnr all Mrs. Barney Roald was in charge of refreshments, assisted C .tivul elates nave ueen , - George Geddes was master of i I to M.iv 6-9 in order to J h s Vr'viccs The move ceremonies. Music was by an t-.-i-W Wednesday night I stra consUting of Mrs J " ' ' ' VOTE WO by Mrs. Jensen, Miss Ellen Was-seng. Nels Wasseng, H. Helland and B. Bakken. Dancing was en-Joyed to music by Mike Colussi. Master of ceremonies was Nels Gunde:sen. w.WJ'W.VAWW t Jf At f S ival Association. -""- """ learned last sum-! Cameron. augmented appropri- ti.oer.s i adjudicator, uurion , i w.nikl nut be available, I P'111" for some of the dances. Zr has recommended Mr J . . committee, headed by Mrs. A1('x Mitchell, served refresh X l,o has instructed the j .... ..t at .h. nanff merits. ESKDALE, England (CP) Eighty-five girls attended the first course held specially for i "' vp . years ..... , Pat Mitchell and Lois Good (,r h i1 ai is. a sioiv voy s operated operated the the checkroom checkroom and and ! rS,!Mm was born in Soot- giHs at tne m0untain-climbing 4 ,nd ha. tau;:ht music in " V n'""-y F'"'"u wic, schooi here. The course inciua i , r many years, first at, , . , ,i w,.t.m rv,n I A slcle of bacon was raffled ed instruction in various types of mountaineering and rock climbing. r . ,". , '.. o land was won by William Mc- i,d laici' in western Can- In nes. I -ji,,!- nrlnled sv abus ' . """fc K.-o.ulu .v T . . i, . , ' ,. door. f -J t ri out ion . There Ls to be ;..r exteiisiiin this year of lur compct ition, includ- J. H. McLean, Workmen's Compensation Board safety in- Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . . Planning Building or Repairing asso- "1-iernM, n aves lur vaiiuuuvn t.jiiu ai'iui'iiiiui, the f i Mrs. Earl Sunday, loiiowing several weexs it . told by H pn-ident. inspection here of Columbia Cel-lulu.-e Co. operations. URil p 9. ipnmt t reQQers Cash for old sold. Bulger's. Jl, an oree vf" Whlst drive and tournament, i Harry C. Flood entertain- iiMhiv at a miscellaneous oaiuraay. ueceniuer i, rooo.- . tr v;,s 'ii .ni! i'pi i..: i Temple. Everyone welcome. (281c) !: m- marrli.Be to C.P.O. DEAR FELLOW CITIZENS: During the course of the next ten days, the Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited is going to tell you a very important story. It will be a frank story dealing with the power situation of Prince Rupert. Through advertisements in this newspaper, and by other means, we are going to tell you "THE PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY" for a number of vital reasons. These are: ' (liarii-s C'ut.ress takes Canadian Legion Pre-Christ- M' in ni' $: I? I m m - -- mas Ball in aid of children's iiisd sending ' Christmas tree. Ladies formal. MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IA1ITID Builders Si Contractors I .u-re. M "s. William Th imp- men optional. Friday, Decem-.tMrs. T. Cnursky, Mrs. NOifl , tt-r '?. (28uJ) Ji. im, Mrs. Robert Bradley, ; -i b.il llaiding. Mrs, Lloyd Kay-Hi Polar Bears will be i M:ss Gcrniulne Petit, R. in Prince Rupert December 14 4 and Flashlight. : and 15 for the second half of 5 were served the annual Basketball Series SeS:nci a beautifully dworaled with Bo-Mc-Hi Rainmakers at ut poinsetuas and ;ai:Slrs the Civic Centre. (ltpi Because on December 13th, the citizens of Prince Rupert are going to be asKea, very prematurely, to answer an unfair question which will decide the future of their power supply. Because the citizens are going to be asked to answer this Question without being given the opportunity of becoming thoroughly, accurately, and impartially informed about the Prince Rupert power situation. Because no organized and truthful effort has yet been made to inform the citizens of the immediate and future consequences of a wrong decision. I n s i II P If II m i R Suggestions for a '-I f . Man s Xmas Because over the long period that the power situation has been made a public issue, a great deal of misinformation has been circulated. ARROW WHITE SHIRTS Also Plain Colors and Woven Stripes m I I I Because the reasons the power situation has become a public issue are not all that they I might seem at first glance. I And last, but we bluntly state, far from least, because we are fundamentally opposed to I W I public ownership because it would throw us out of business; because it would put us out of business at a great loss of an investment we have made in Prince Rupert over a 22- year period. We are going to do everything we can to lay the frank "PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY" .before you in advance of'polling day. I want you to understand that we are going to use extreme methods to attract your attention to "THE PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY" so that you will mark "NO" on you referendum ballot with complete confidence that you are making the only intelligent and just decision at this time. It is only to be expected that we are going to be criticized by the sponsors of the referendum throughout our effort to tell "THE PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY". They are going to criticize us in the first place, I am sure, for even undertaking to tell the story. Then they likely will rap us for spending the money to fell it, and finally, try to ridicule the way we tell it. We are not ashamed of our efforts to tell "THE PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY". We sincerely believe that it is a story that must be told, and told fully and quickly, in the interests of Prince Rupert and all its citizens, as well as in the interests of our company. Yes, we are spending some money to tell the story, but we sincerely believe it is necessary. We respectfully ask you to look for "THE PRINCE RUPERT POWER STORY". We ask you to study it from all angles, THEN VOTE "NO" TO THE POWER REFERENDUM ON DEC. 13th. Fine Quality ' PYJAMAS BROADCLOTHS, AROLUSTRENES AND RAYONS In a very smart range of colors i BATHROBES By the Best Makers ' Authentic Tartans . . . Fine Wools and Colorful Rayons GLOVES Peccary, Gort, Grain, Lambskin and Suedes M ; iJ - Ii I ' "' II - $1 - "i" is '..:!' m u i 'i'y! it I . -i - : f1 : Ifi rl II $ . . Belts . Tie Bars Neckties Wallets Cuff Links Scarves . Yours in the best interests of Prince Rupert, S7 T. B. BLACK, General Marker VIYELLA AND CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS By TOOKE Power Company NoimiiMtN Hunisu m is 1 : a -,.,; VOTE m . Columbia Limited VOTE & NICKERSON WATTS C LOTH I NG MO f 1 m I 1 Phone 345 Third Avenue