Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 1, 1951 PHOTO km eSMonat adinedd Cr, mm Japanese Girl (CI.OSlUlE TIMR-ii a.m. on day of publication) Advertising is payable in advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Golden Singer -" ruii-iai .-uu.-ra, marriage tu:ri Engagement. Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. 01 Thanks, Death Notice. WANTED v. ..m iiuuchj ouc. uaras FOR SALE GIFTS OF FURNITURE By WARREN WHITE TOKO (Reuters) A young pocket-slce "Jenny Ltnd" is sweeping song-lovers off their feet. She is the "Golden Girl of Song," 13-year-old Hibari Mi-sora, daughter of a Yokohama fishmonger. Praised by the nation's starchy concert critics who formerly Ignored her, she is going from height to height, winning the emoiKms of millions of Japanese song-sentimentalists. Doctors are unable to give a .satisfactory ' explanation why. WANTED - TOP MARKET! PRICKS PAID for scmo iron steel, brass, cornier, lead, etc Honest eradimr Prompt pav-ment made. Atlas Iron 6t Metals J,td.. 2r0 Prior St.. Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAcifie J2l Jtf CASH for i-ran cast, brass, Conner, batteries anil radiators Phone 543. Call C2'J 6th Avenue City. (tf) I fit repairs Walnut chest of drawers; baby crib and new mattress; 6-drawer dresser with mhror; electric rancrette excellent condition; Connor washing machine; dinette chairs new; vanity dresser with mirror; wamut coffee tabic; cnester-fieid; occasional chairs; dinette mile complete; brass bedspreads; pillows, dishes, several chests of drawers, etc. Woodbuilt Products, First Avenue and MeBride. Blue 720. 285e EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Fast service and low cost.'Fowlie & Ruttle Ltd Phone r22. (tfi BOYS' and girts' sweaters and ski pants Boys' pullover V- ffiNOl'NCCTKVr.S Ian Fish Dinner, Dec. ! 0,,., Army Home League I tra, Dec. 5, Salvation j !! ( ;lm.-ch W. A. Fall Ba-i jr. II- I ,;,s dance, Chatham : $.. Dev.. 14. j " ($HIM)FTli.VNKS ,X. to extend our heart (Hi ana ajjitLiai.iiJii iui if ul kindness una mes- ,(.ympainy received irom r nets in our sad bereave-I the loss of a beloved mother, Mrs. Elhel t I Morgan and ram-Utci I'l.liSO.VAl, FOR MR. F IX IT'' I . rs r!( ;imu .Old wrviwd I . f,, rs liilr Kwurk l-iilnliutt i lu.iii Own 77;) FOR s A MAdNUSKKN ' ,l,'4 t'AIA Ave. (illpi t. V.D IIAIK- Perman-.-nt-ici-iti'il with Saca-Felo fc ,st remarkhale dlscov-J FOR the ai'.e. Kaca-Pelo Is i, ! to kill the roots liair and contains no f.,r flieinicals. Lorflcer f s Granville. Vancou- nc?k sweaters, "attractive shades, all sizes, $1.75. ALso hoyc,- nPrj girls' ;- pai;t,, at reasonable prices. Jj. C. C'loth-j lers. Third Ave. . tr ) SALE One slx-year-ok1 Jersey cow and one four-year-j old part Jersey, one bull and one heifer calf, six months old. Charlie Richmond, South Hazelton. (281pi SALE Windcharger heavy riutv 6 volt generator, tail as- sembly and pntpellor. Excellent condition. Box 244, r.iilv news. (281pl RALE- Run 6'9"x9' with felt underpad, walnut dining room suite, floor length buffet, chest of drawers, love .seat, sinele bed. Red 333. dtp) SALE One Stevens 12- gi' (Hi 1 FOR CARPENTERS Hiv H of your saws fll4 on nur prwisioit mmrhinm. Mrbnicaliy -"urt jwlnt- fK,,ir kut. Aim Wetttn. Jf 4 ThTU rat tlanr. ntm, (uUt. T PRECISION SAW FILING 1343 PIGGGTT PLACE Box 10U Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) Terrace Builder SuppI) John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 LVes.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn St Ph. Black 339 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTANTS At AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 V P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In til its branches 204 4lh Rirept. Phone 655 WB RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wor.i fnoles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 07S 214-4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Train Schedule fur the East-Daily except Sunday 8 p.m. From the East Daily except Monday 10:05 p m. NEWS .ADS fau4e shol.nn new. Rear 231) 8th Ave, West after 0 p.m. (283;)) FOR SALE -:ream enamel "Enterprise" wick burner. Phone Black fill. 132 ath Ave, West. (233 pi FOR SALE - Dining room suit--with eabinet. In poor! condition. Phone Black 010. (2f!2pi mJ&1 'S DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Box 478 PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know phone For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins lid. P.O. Box 274 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Cr.nplelw, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Pat '.c Avenues Est. 1910 Phones CO and C8 . JOHN H. BULGER OffiHH4fr!.if John Bulger Ltd. Thi-'l Avenu" WELDING Government Certified Operators High Pressure Tanks Reji iteration Slacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225- E. Phono Greer. X84 Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE "or Outside Orders Phone 13S GKOKGE UAWKy AUCTIONEER Phnni Orwn 8f J and Rr 1?7 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CIMNDLKR'S SH B10 216-4th Street Box .645 Phone Green 3U Prince Rupert, m 'personalized mm: M" 7-ViflV See our large , selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. IJESNER BLOCK STEAMER I Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver ami Intermediate Purls Each Thursday at 11 :1a p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WI DNLSDAY MIDNK.HI Luxury at Low Cost ! For Reservations Wrile or Call ( rrv ou dixot ! OFFICE 1 f1- ?2fk lTUNCK RUI'LRT, ; J. i Closed Alterations o Worch for re-opening date Commodore Cole RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE A NO KLFC JRIC KANflKS PACIFIC ELECTRIC IMione Blue f2 tailoring for Lodie3 ar-d Gentlemen LING the ti aiior. I 220 Sixth St. Thone 049 FOR SALE one E'sy Blue 727. -Two coal heaters, washing ma'-hin?. (282pl inn vour Northland Dairy, iliiv delivery exccnl Hun- jv luokiiiB alter vour t ti 'ir milk will loo-c after Ci-en a ccdl. Ail milk Hi red. 1 If 1 4 1 1 1 move to the Van-, Atea contact Holjert 11 .,r :n. ni r n z i i 1 iiemi.s .soliiiion to vour is nr.iljleins." (hi 8 - Uivr ami For.'i - - aSiiina money and papers. 10 Mrs. Lloyd Bolarn, afc-'tty ,s Snappy Lun -ti. I . "t('' 4 Man's brown leather 4 FiJHler pl' keep ; 11 1 return wallet and to the Daily News. !:i I281pl 1 F. Hill' WANTED FOR SALE Two winter coats. I women's, 38 inch chest measure. 1357 1st Overlook St. (lip) FOR SALE Fawcett 354 Sherbrooke. oil healer. (2!12; 1 SALE 40' troller "MvrtJe Phone Green 018. (281pl FOR RKXT FOH V." MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST .,, Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 PO. BOX 1184 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R.W.COLLINS ' Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 ?or genuine parts and service phone or write above. . TERMINAL ' MESSENGER : Phone 640 All deliveries fully lnsuied Phone K. SORENSEH , Blue 809 after 6 p.m. Erlclr, Stone and Block Worki Tile Setting and Plastering HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all-kinds RflOFS - GTIIMNEM' OIL BURNERS . PHONES: PO Rox 1070 Red 8J4 MATTSON S ; '"' ' UPIIOI-STERINO Phone lllue 120. P.O. Box 5 234 3rd Ave. E. " Prince Rupert, EC H. G. HELGERSON . - LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Biack 8S Oil Heatina Services .. LAWRIE MACKAY, M(;r. ' Blue 187 - Box 087 Complete service in oil heating burners and supplies. Stoves, Heaters, Stove Parts Eddie's Beauty Salon Pei mar.erits and Razor Cuts 739 2nd Avenue PHONE RED 4M get RESULTS Avenue West P.O. Box 721 P.O. Box 1247 Mission City Vancouver ' By CHIC YOUNG JO NOW COULO I HAVE IT L S CUPCAKE AMP AN 1 I FOR RENT Two room apirt-I ment, private entrance. Men ! or working couple. No chil-i dren. 743 9;h West. 28Gn Fail time me.ssenaer mil with bicycle. Apply National Tclee.iaoli-i. t J??1L FOR RENT- Board and room for 8--t -heet metal worker. 1 trir'l, in apartment. Box 249, Daily News. (283pi FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitable for lk'ht housekeeping. Phone Red 834. (282p) FOR A' NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal, 2nd and 2nd. 283p :.'icct Metal, Block 884. (284c.) J HANTi nI -KMAI.E IniSH COLUMBIA ' SEHVICE REQUIRES t '(1RAP1IER, GRADE eminent Agency, De-nt oi Finance, Prince T BC Salary: $136.55 f to $172.30 per month, I .nt cost-df-Uving Bo- 1 Special Living Allow-i.J.'.ii-: Under immedl- 'iiioii 10 take and even at the age of seven, baby-laced Hibari could walk on to small-town concert platforms and sing in the throbbing trilling mature voice of a Japanese-style "sob-sister." Now, six years later, with an average artist's lifetime of barn-.j'.ormir.g behind her, thL "It-male Sinatra" is In the big money. Japan's biggest entertainment field, the movies, vies with big companies for her contracts. Hibari, has an astute manager whose duty is to handle both films and recordings. Since she was "discovered" in 1948, she has .soared in popularity in the field of photograph entertainment to a point where "Hibari" records are 60 per cent of one company's sales. And she has made 19 films, including eight last year and seven so far this year. DECEPTIV E APPEARANCE Hibarl-San, a snub-nosed, black-eyed girl, well under five feet tall and with a long permanent wave, is nothing outstanding to look at. Nor are the songs she sings anything out of the ordinary. They are .sung in Tokyo night cluos every night and are on the of any whistling mes senger boy. They range from "Flower Shades of Love" U "Muddy Boo.jie." It is Hibari-San's particular voice that provides the phenomenal magic Managers of theatres where .she makes 10- day personal appearances lor 3,000,000 yen 1 $3,000 1, have staled one strong complaint to iier bookings, j "Audiences stand up in their .seats to cheer," one man said. "It costs big sums after every show to mend broken scats." j Her immense success has ' meant little u Hibari-San. Sne ' continues school studies when-ic-vej she .aiiI it them in. She ; lives with her fishmonger father 1 and mother in their tiny cot tage near the fish shop at Yokohama. But siie hupes to bund her parents a new house belore long. HUNTERS' FIND PKR1H, Ont. (CP) Members of the Perth Madawaska Hunt Club not only got their deer quota, but also found a radiosonde on the top of Green Mountain. The instrument for recording atmos pheric conditions at high alti tude is being returned to the U.S. weather bureau. TIMItl.K fvU.I, -.M!f.'5 ! There will be ofliTed for sole bv i Public Auction at the Office of the I Forest R;mger. Queen Charlotte City. a.c. at l t.M. on the 28th any of December 1951. the Licence X-54yfj ituated neur Yakoun )Juv. Massett ' Inlet, to cut 1.371.000 f b m. of Sruce, Hemlock, Cedar and Other Species of Sawlogs, Provided anyone unable to be at the Auction In person, he may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and treated as one bid. Five years will be allowed for removal of timber. Particulars from Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C.. and Ranger H H Hammer at Queen Charlotte Citv. B.C. H-C) TOItKKL TOHKEliSON. otherwise known lis TEKKEL TEHKELSON. DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of Torkel Torkelson, otherwise known (is Torkel Terkelson, de ceased, formerly of Dod;e Cove, Digby island, near prince Rupert, British Columbia, are hereby required to end them to the undersigned executor at the Besner Block. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, before , the 'itnh day of January, 19Vi. nfter which elate the executor will distribute- the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re-ard only to the claims of which he then has notice. 8IOMUND SCHJESVOIX), Executor. Brown & Hnrwy, Solicitors. (N10.17.24.D1) PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Costings Eleclrlc unci Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY FOR RENT Ueneral Eleetr floor uoiishers. Si per dav Pnone Blue 992. Pa-lfic Electric. ( I ! t 1 CARS FOR SAlE CERTIf-IFD USED CARS 1050 CHEV. TUDOR 14,000 miles. Sparkling blue. Radio, healer, etc. Only 213500 1949 METEOR COUPE One owner. Radio, healer, fog liles ... 109500 1948 MONARCH FORDOR New paint job. Heater, seat covers 1395 00 1949 PONTTAC TUDOR New rubber, heater, nice maroon 1725 00 BETTER N WALK1NO 1947 MONARCH SEDAN Lots of miles left . 62500 1941 FORD TUDOR New rubber, heater, fog liles 875.00 TRUCK SPECIAL 1919 FORD PICKUP Yosemite green, 14.500 miles. Reliable trans portation 1550.00 ALL RE-CONDITIONED. WINTFRIZED BOB PARKER LTD. Phone 83 or 93 for Prompt and Courteous ALU.'I1tirm FOR SALE--Vi-ton trailer. 1143 8th East, evenings. (281 pi FOR SALE "37 a'i-Um pane!. Motor ret., red and me-chankaliw A-l. With bed. Needs little body work. $125.00 worth- of tools. Must sell pv Thursday. Apply Ocean View Hotel. (280pl FOR SALE '50 Plymouth sedan. Sun visor, seat covers, low-mileage.. 241 7th West between I'.lOu and 8:00 p.m. ( 28 1 p 1 RADIO OlAL GFPR 1240 Kilocycle (Subject U. Cbanje) SATURDAY Pk 5:00 CBC Sptirt P.irh S :HO Fric Wild Orchestra 6.00 C'BC Nrws li:05 Hockey Hrr:atlrnst 1:30 Ori,A:i Music B :II0 Hold Venture 8:30 Sweet and Lively ' 8 15 Jerry Shard Trio 3.00 Prairie Schooner 0::iO Concert 01 Europe 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CMC News 10:15 Trocadero Orchestra 10:110 I) Party 11:00 Weather Report and SiRn-off SUNDAY A M ::) Rundriv MoridnR Recital U 00 HOC Kews 9:15 Music for Meditation 0:30 Harmony Harhor 11:59 Time Signal 10 00 B C. (lardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:110 The Way nt the Spirit 11 00 CBC News 1 1 :(: Capital Report 11:30 Relliiious Period PM 1 2 :00 New York Philharmonic 1 ISO Critically Speaking 3:00 Fiddle Joe's Yams a HO Jake and the Kid 3:00 8 s. Marlt-old 3:15 CUC News 3:20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 ReKional Weather Forecast 3 :30 Vancouver Symphony Oreh. 4:30 Roll Bark the Years 6:0(1 National Sunday Evening Hr. 8:30 Mttle .Symphonies B (10 Slaie '52 7 :00 CBC News 7:10 Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Music tor Strings 8 00 Showtime CBC BOO Red Skelton Show 0:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Nova Scotia Folklore 10:110 Collector's Items U :00 Weather Report and Slsn-off MONDAY AM. 7:00 Musical Clock 8 ()0 CBC News 0:10 Here's Bill Clond 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little concert 0:00 BBC News Biid Commentary 0:15 Music for Mxleni8 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:50 Dorothy Douglas Show 0:55 Recorded interlude 0 :5I) Time rfttolal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Barry Wood Rhow 10:30 This Week's Artist 10 45 Musical Kitchen 1 1 00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11 :31 Message Period 1 1 :33 Hecorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies FOR RENT -Room. 8I10. Plione Red (281pl Light housekeepin-; 5th East. I284CI U-DHIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 tirenville Court. ;tf) 4 :.ue Mters, and perform FOR RENT- (IiIm s of a minor na-j room. 221 .Hj'iuiilieations: Most be 1 FOR RENT Red 471. it Hue at. th. rule r,f 4U 41 4 P''i' minute net, and 1 - i "uiion at the rate of Is per minute. Candi- i .-aot be British sub-'4 iiuler 40 years of age, m tne -ase of ex-serv-! annuel who are given .!!(. Application Forms, irom the Govern-; r Amit at Prince Rupert. ! QUIET gentleman will pav good "nipkted -and returned' rent for sleeping room in Chairman, BC Civil vate home, centrally located. ' Commission Wciler I Box 240, Daily News. (281p - FLOOR SANDING- Rent a Sander ... or have your floors sanded by experts GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 215 1st Phone 90D $460,000 PER DAY . . . Every working day last year the Sun Life paid out an average of nearly $400,000 to policyholders and beneficiaries. In many casat tha insurance check represented the only funds available at a time of dire need. Are your dependents similarly protected? ft' ! A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner Prince Rupert Room to sare. tfi HOOvI FOR RENT. Phone Blue 304. 1283) WANTi n TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Five room house Permanently employed. Box 248, Daily News. i283p BOARD AM) ROOM FOR RENT -Room and board for two men. Phone Red 192. 6o2 4th East. (282p) REAL ESTATE Immediate Possession WANTED TO BUY 4- or 5-ROOM1 HOUSE Call Green 400 or fj. WOODSIDE Columbia Cellulose 281c FOR SALE - Four room house, centrally located. Phone !. G P TINKER & CO. LTD. (tf) FOR SALE 2 lots, corner of 5!h Ave. and Fulton. AM Cleared readv to build on. Suitable for apartments, store or resi dence. Phone Blue auu. izojti TAXIS SEVEN O RADIO CABS Some may blow And others go But we are still here. Association members tf ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax snecialKst. S. O. Fork. Stone HulldhiK. Red G'.lll. ClOm) O JOHN T. FOWLE .1 J'JC Fourth Ave. Fast VICTORIA, NOT Tf R THAN DECEMBER il!)jl. (ltd to rare for 2-year-old ''-s only, Monday to Fri-'ciiiitv 4th Ave. West. ( W. Dnily News. 283pi ' NTI I), MM.E-! EM fifi.R ' 4- - ' tit CIRLS - Ooenin:-'.s for 'r piils on Dally News in various parts of city. I nt oiriee. Specfial bo- .or "(mil service. (tfl IOK S.'.I.E !ISTMAS SPECIAL ' are offering as a lltlirrMAS SPECIAL HREE AND FOUR fAWER CHESTS I also . f MR. & MRS. '(,ct gift for the home. ''''' 5"iir order now hi be delivered , i'toi-e Christmas. I "tier good only until I Deeeniber 15th CHRISTIE'S DBILT PRODUCTS Bl"0 720 or Blue 004 I . (285c) ifrURE for Sale Bell room radios, chest of drawers. i.t heaters, cheslerlield V'Pli'te. cribs, etc. Urn-"inle prices. B. C. Fur- Co. Thirtl Avp (U, '-Chesterfield in good "'.III. rjcu, hna,.D. IOfl "y''ld Craftmaster band 'u'n ninu,'or ..1..W.1, table. 1345 (2fl3c) Telephone: Red 819 8ox 835 SDN LIFE ASSURANCE BLONDIE Phone Black 8.17 COMPANY OF CANADA Just An Afterthought? APPLE A1.10AGLASS ' I ft 'I.y"" OH. MV "") I KBW VOUt) FEEL XV WELL, I " x" x C GOOCNESS- HOW TERRIBLE ABOUT IT. )r SHOULD rOOV vni J I CXX'LD 1 FOPGtT SO 1 CAME DOWN )( SW-GOCO roRGOT TO CPME-f THAT? R3S MV KISS OR VOJ UP AND KISS ME) Ir- J) V' t " x-X Terrace Prince George Hp' "Vdii WERE A MlGMTV 13 -'1 i -il LJAUUHTek" lO NOTICE iV. IT. AKO IT MAKF; DAOOV - I I . VERV HAPPV J m ll my mm 3 -yj