1 fgtpr- As I See It ray . Reflects and Reminisces 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. September 28, 1951 a independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruptrt and Northern and Central British Columbia. ': '.Jem-uer of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association a' A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Directoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Of, Cimore Docs daylight saving end thk week-end? we enquired this morning, over the telephene, feeling that the party asked would sureiy know, if anyone would. "I'm not quit sur," canic (jif tCi Su' i i 3y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 EXTRA TRAIN SERV the I Community Chest Needed the reply. "Better ring up kaily Nt-WA" tiiective uctober 1 r . Answer to Communism LONDON The British MP's international conference to promote world nnvernment is now run- .... .....,.. ,,wn,r ,rmn rrirbrtj SAVED SOMETHING Anvwj.v it will ttive a grand of main street businessmen at EXASPERATION the constant demands being made upon them for Hnnntion; f ir;t tn one worthv cause and then PRINCE RUPERT &jasp1 aiul interumliale xlaliuiu encther in n seemingly constant procession points ,ning smoothly in the 1, Ihr C..V v. ill .. .i, ,f.p, lull I'rlm-r Huirrt uikI Juj.. KITrrlisr Oi l ilir.tMfii. leu up again to the necessity of some such thing as a groove feeling coming uown to work r.ext Monday rnoininu with an hours extra rest behind your belt and tn dawn a Utile le.ss grey. While daylight is about all we've managed to save thin summer, it is possible to become ac-customed to what feels like a j eeaieas aitUoUon. 4ikiriuvnt l .luretioita l JiiKirfui Mt-Mini 'h Perhaps I should say in Uo .-y. iT-2r? -.-v-x-." i 'grooves, tor there are two inn-ns in the twin evils of our times 1 war and .poverty. I Oitj committee, under Lord , Beveridne. is rewriting the reso- Fur full Information Call or write , CITY TICKET Of'FICK 528- 3rd Ave., Prints Rupert, B.C. STRIKE IS OVER Imperial Tobacco Company workers shoulder Leop-Jld Barrctte, presicijnt of Montreal Local 234 of the Tobacco Worker: International Union, in celebration of the end of their sly-week strike. More than 3.700 workers in Montreal, Granby. Que, and Hamilton were involved in the walk-out for higher wages and shorter hours. ,cp PHOTO Things are picking up. There , u-Ul slit-rUy be a daily train service. Already there's a daily tlittht between Printe Rupert : and Teirice, and twice a week ' bui betweea Prince Kupeit and hition on the political side, ine general conference is now dealing with povvrty, especially in jAsia and Africa. I Canada is doing a good, practical job. both in the committee 1 and the general sessions. Mr. Speaker Sparkes of Newfoundland and Senator Byron Horner (Liberal and Conservative respectively, are both on the Smithers. And if there was any lietejsity Io a sleaanship ou the Skeena, her tht'e one were many, doubtless vaat would bo forthcoming, as well. Timber to Yarn in Canada Celanese Plant Cellulose Froi.j Wasor Island to be Made into Finished Product a Edmonton- Beveridge committee. I IN DEMAND AT LAST i Old Family Bibles are being re-I discovered today, as nevei- bolore. Each may disckwe a btrlh cer- ROY KNIGHT. CCF MP for Saskatoon, today made the first High alpha cellulose from the Columbia Cellu- vifa-ate. And this eould furtbwilh .public speech by a Canadian at , wf UnnA will ho transformed into .r month. Community Chest being instituted in this city. Under the Community Chest idea, which op-crates in the most of cities of Canada, a central committee, often Board of Trade sponsored, is set up which surveys and assesses the various causes that will be requiring financial support through public appeal, approves the amounts that will be required each year, makes a total budget and then proceeds to raise the requisite fund. The plan is a simple one to consolidate all the demands and, instead of frequent individual campaigns, to stage one general drive for a large consolidated fund from which allocations will be made to the various needs. Of course, there may be some exceptions such as the annual Red Cross drive but the general effect will be to permit the people of the community to budget their charitable subscriptions. An important thing, of course, will be to eliminate the many individual drives which ate such a nuisance not only to those who are canvassed but to the canvassers themselves. lo other words the whole matter is put on a business-like and really effective basis. It is quite apparent now that these campaigns are becoming of such frequency that a resistance is being built up and applied. Another important effect of the Community Chest would also be that canvassing could be so orranged that all the people of the city would be reached and not only the long suffering downtown business houses which are now the constant victims, There are plenty of people in Prince Rupert, we believe, who are just as able to give and give substantially as are these business people and in the multiplicity of small drives which we are now enduring many of these are often missed altogether. tho actual convention. He did a ,VJJC k'""' .'-.-v.. - ,. ., . good job. too. ! acetate yarn and staple fibre at Edmonton when the m th. snap, of a i Mr. Knight had an unlucky , muH.miion dollar plant HOW under construction is on tnal iS ,ucJea tatter-si break in one respec t He fo owed eted , 1 , ' the Boot Hook b due the , Leslie Hale, a British Labor MP, cuinpicicvi. tlKhrt vam will n . M,v,i i if uhn lnnlrs like Inhn Bull in the) the plant now being construii- 'i ' "mwU1.s ... by Canadian Chemical Co. be earned out In Western Can- explained by hard cash and vev fhsh Thev call him he LsLI talker and slowest think- L td.. which, like Columbia Cellu- i ada ; othins e.se. We Can Save You Money J Your Clothes for Men and B; MEN'S BLl'E MELTON JACKETS All sizes. Sells to $15 : '. Sb MEN'S RAIN COATS all sizes j, .MEN'S GABARDINE COATS all sizes j, MEN'S Sl'lTS all sii.es MEN'S PANTS All wool, suitable for fishir.j. bur1:. MEN' S SEMI-DRESS PANTS MEN'S WORK SlllUTii AU size InatUSt MEN'S HEAVY WEIGHT PENMAN'S IMON Sim HOYS' ALL-WOOL WINDHREAKERS, all sizes. Now - ; 8.S-. HOYS' ALL-WOOL PANTS Heavy weight. This pant will give plenty of wear 3t 40YS' Pl'LLOVER SWEATERS All sizes 'JOYS' LACE Rl'KKEK BOOTS All sizes. Almost half price - t BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 2 to 6. Reg 135 S BOYS' DRESS GABARDINE PANTS Size 24 to Now : BE SURE TO VISIT B.C. CLOTHIERS. LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN. : cr in the British Parliament. But lose Co. Ltd., is an anuiate oi i.-muu KaVa. , relanes Cnrnoration of Amer- : acetate plant will be 25 million ; During September 635 families ! if his type of thinking is slow, British then what tms oiu world neeus . ' , , . nnniiu of thi. ..tm.t-lS r,.i,.mhu, !., 520 entered in 18 months and will cost more than 50 million. When It is in operation the complete acetate process, from ! today is a large helping of the same type qf slowness. For in one of the finest speech- I es I ever heard anywhere, anytime, he showed the conference just how. uYider peace ot world : law, the vast sums now wasted million pounds will be manu- other parts oi ine dominion. Arm faciured into yarn and staple , live months of ,, winter just fibre for sale to Canadian textile around the corner which may mi,, '' mean nothing to some folk. The Edmonton development However they know their own also a petro-chemical section business best. W'e da ours. Let'er that will consume 75.000 gallons drizzle, of butane and propane daily in . POLITICAL tRISIS (Continued from page 1) on competitive armaments might ; The government, he regrett -d. ;be diverted to raise human had , , all idPaK anH nrinciules m nrtlicmir a Wllip VaiiCtV Of. " rill. standards of living everywhere, ot onlv o tn. Liberal but a '.so hi,i. More school bxks have been but especially' Asia and Africa. of date this (all. 3o (of lne conservative party.; "AC(,,atc acid and acetone from ruled out j Roy Knight -explained that all swords, Indeed, were being drawn ; tne petro-chemical unit will be:"' been P lo lne Impatient ,of the Canadians who had come an(j stilettoes were ready to stab utuiKtd m the cellulose acetate i looking head of the hou.se to ; to this conference wm;e unoffi- in tne back. an , but m otter bu! text books that can be con- : cial. but how h-.s parliamentary , perrv deplored the developing 1 , important jmnofant ' chemicals chemicals, which which are are templated without reproach. A .Conservative and Liberal col-; 0f supine followers and sy:o- ! not as present Dret manufactured manufactured in in family of any size is a costly leagues were there, too. - ; : .fH business. When hiRged bocks phants. Needed to day were Pnn:da will .', h bp marie A avaiiahle available we An Acceptable Change nmfnrnv.sts w who ho . . ,., j,. '., ....i i .u. r, to schixil. the same identical vol and i couraaeous non-comformisU ., Chop k. AM umes served successive kids as aj i nc gic tne 5cncitii . were reauy 10 ten rrcini iNADIAN Nationa.1 Transportation, is to be of the petro- try. i "The output chemical unit." approach to the question of (food sui pluses in one country the honest truth. INSPIRING they grew gmdually older. It can be honestly said that as long as ,1..... 1.,1 V,Au r...-A fcsave at C Harold Blanke. congratulated on changing its regular twice a week bus run between Prince Rupert and Jrlln'i . In the cou3 of his comment.! pn:io -nt of the company, said I vale )vfn for the monpy. on the cuivent political situatio.i tecfntlj. "will incluoe more than i . . in British Columbia, Mr. Perry rulficier.t quantities of formal-. Jn fm the gkeena River Mrlnlyrc' Blue k land food scarcities in another. Hi told of what Canada had 'done in the past and what he believed she might reasonably bt expected to do In future. He Smithers from night to day. At the outset when the service was inaugurated, the Daily News suggested that it would be more highway bus will drive in day- inspirea me meeting un a jc- n.nyoe a:iu pentaei yuu n iu .lineatfcm of the honored histo.y meet domestic demands, ivaving ol of night and. as a Ime instead explained " that the Individual oi of t-iDerausni. Liberalism. Based asea " on on the ine fun- mil- some some aval available auie for Hir export expon. consequence, shotilj double useful, Li more comfortable l i i and i more popular i if . it ., J I farmer could , , not 1. be expected . , to, . ; . ,ha h,i .t. ,maMih.H. ..m .,,m.iv . m.,lfo lh. ncrcmnl oorifio wia "i ".i. ...c . ........... j .,.r..J I , . ; make the sacrifice on- the business. There a-e few other Canada to inafch in i tail , , . ,!,,'' personal en of individual man with the h-g'n- the plywood glue market in Brit- ... -e'? Chi:- deg,e of r.na, liberty y replacing import, and t -ue Liberalism, of the from the Unlh'd iEtas the mlleatte betw -en 'tra opportunity, product Prince Ruper. anu tniithert. . j told how the Canadian nation as was run Dy day rnstead ot night. It is to be noted with satisfaction also that the newly announced service will fit in well with the about to he instituted six days a week train service, the bus running on the off train days of Sunday and Monday: he declared, was the basis of the states. Pentaerythritol is used ; western way of living a way of ,n a.Kyd re ins lor air drying and a whole could probably be de- CHESTERFIELD SUIIl covered in the most modern mar.TO)s Kloatin Comfort C jnslruc tion GuaranlH to 2-piece Chesterfield Suite 2-picce Chesterfield Suite construction pe.iuec upon to comriuuie u- ,Jvi ; towards towards which whj(;n ai, ail Canadi Canadi- baked finishes on automobiles. . OKOKGK DAWKS AUCTIONEER Thone C.ren glfl anil Red 1?7 , ans were striving a system or.stocs, retngerators and other i freedom of Individual livin? i .-tm-lar items. Tt entire Canadl-. blended with the minimum ol i an requirements of this material ccnuol to ensure security for the are at present Imported. Whnlp i "M, nthnr .V, om f nil I O U'ill ! peace with plenty. ' j Mr. Knight really roused the i convention by stating "Commu-Inism is an idea which cannot be Hard Work FRIEND suggests that the Industrial Revolu guaranteed for ten years- A' tion added more to the prosperity of the human race than any other event in historv. ! contained by force or violence,' what nesded in British W3J be manufactured at the Edmon-I ItT ove,rcotre Columbia was a deep and ab;d- !on lant, lllcluding propylene , a better irt-oa-n idea. He went on amid J fanh the principles of lng m , u,ed ln pt,rmanent anti- sustained applaud from he LiberaV, and straightforward , frm' produPtSi methanol. chief 1 Trie 6 TTJn 1 P 8ve.-nment. ! component in non-permanent idea that the world govern- K.r. perry saw the present .ali.t,re- acetaldehvde an indent idea was better and strong- ! 2Vernment at Ottawa endeav- . iillT . w floating comfort .t 9.n;B-A RkA Chesterfield Suite V ' M.1 ler than Communism provided, i ouring to toe the line of real ' l' TJ, 'Is and is()but'anol used jit was linked to something real , Uberal principleS even if it did m quk'k drying f . ... .... " "-j , ftuiuewinea iiu niwftui;i i...v ..ii.i . MANY OTHERS ON DISM . A. MacKenzie Furniture , ...j, cvoi.uoms nnjninc, picture m viCTorra louay. it was ..pina fnr the Prlmnnlrai nlant !but especially in the most de- time, therefore, that the Liberal ' eJ"e IZ TeJopTo!ctn-I pressed countries. party was building up its f-nces "v'?8! S ',,,," and enhancing its prestige which ,J, SIR RICHARD ACLAND intro- would bring victory at the elc , "e w eiate. to buy-over a quarter di "A B0Jd Place "Hospitality and ' Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders Tu Take Out This is probably true if we confine ourselves to iTiodern history. But we are reminded that thousands qf years before the Industrial Revolution, Adam and Eve were turned out of the. Garden where they had been living a life of social security; and were lold that from then on they would have to work for iheir living or starve. It was this harsh-seeming discipline, and the fact that man accepted the situation and went to work, that made it possible for him to survive on the earth; and has given him all the prosperity he ever enjoyed. Without the strengthening and civilizing effect of hard work man would never have dreamed of an industrial revolution, much less brought one about- Printed Word 327 3rd Avenue tion. MiRAE CRITICAL ! The same meeting duced the main resolution on a plan to overcome poverty. He made it clear that this plan was ffir f mm hpintr "npiinnlc" nr smull hearl Jack stuff. Yearly contributions from'McRae M.L.A. for Prince Rupert earh .n,,iH v., oi attack Hon. E. C. Carton, minis- Commodore Cafe NEWS ADS get KS five times greater thanWy were " oi Publl w0 ks: tor h,is to road 1 ln regard development in the UNRRA Plan at the end in north and central British Col- of the Hitler war. But Ive pointed '"vc" u .1.. l,l.,V,,..o nut Ihit th.m oro o m,.tr..!l, UBUltUiailJ nip,...j Prince Rupert and Ter- t inn rf hBt. mn.t en.,ntri. '; bctwtvn race. He criticized the ment for catering to Vancouver n n n i now spending on armaments in the mnH raw u'hifli imluL- rmar- Jcnprure laiiaae tor Jodai FOR A NEW SEASON with Sew a i a We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. - out that of 23 Liber-strny ! and pointed come by world law, would de. us all i als m tne Legislature only two He also dealt mo:t franklv I f re fro"? the Vanvouver area Cor. 2:7. with what, some call the "Wall wnercas merj were a .uim six in north and central British Colum lilt Street nightmare" what happens to our Western economies when peace breaks out. . Only by some such vast wel White ; bia. He declared that these six I were united in-their desire that nioia should be done for roads ln I t he north, and they would be fare plan as we are now discuss SEWING M WHITE ROTARY INGLIS AUTOMATIC WASHERS "Tomorrow's Washer Today" ing, he said, could Western lands , "t:"'u- find the outlet for the vast sur- Artnur Ash M.L.A.. Saanlch, admitted that the time was not plus production now being pour-! ed into the bottomless belly of , 100 distant when the Liberals the monster of war. 'ould be appealing to the people 4, I on thair own. He wished to voice ! Potest at statements that were LAST NIGHT on the bus coming home from the big dinner at bclnS made bv Progressive-Con-the Dorchester, Senator Horner 1 servative members of the coal-introduced ' ltion government. "The Liberals. me to a fine Scottish ' 21 ILLUSTRATED the Queen Anne Model Beautifully figured walnut, hand-rubbed finish Modern Classic Table . In blond, korina, or walnut f""s Milk $tirj B you meet a lobster wearing sti aluminum tag, don't uastr lytnpaihy. It K.iMi't liaulcil up for parking opposite a liy-drant. The tag was put tlicre by the National Kiahrric-i Hoard whiih is sleuthing out marine life stories. A salmon, to decorated, was re-ranght after four years and a lobster after ten. The tags were still , in excellent condition. Aluminum's ability to withstand the elements it one of the advantages whiih make it Increasingly popular for walls, roofs and architectural embellishments. An aluminum tor-nice in Montreal was taken down recently undamaged alter being exposed to the weather since 1H!)5. Aluminum Company of Canada, Llcl (Altau). air ALL THE WANTED FEATURES NOW COMPLETE ON THE "INGMS" v Rupert Radio and Electric lassie. She turned out U be Mr- Asn acciaren naa always Janet Murray, the Conservative non(""cd the coalition pact" but candidate up for election ln Dun- 1 the same cannot be said of the de(. j Conservatives in the past few This morning across the hall 1 months." He too criticized stats-saw her hair next to the newly- j mcnts ln particular of Hon. R. C. Traditional Desk Model sn! ') Ample drawer space. w.w""- .ir White Portable Featherweight . arrived tall, dark, handsome iauuiiam ana minister 01 ri-young delegate from Yugoslavia. nance Anscomb. To me it symbolized what this 1 " " conference means in drawing the now the Western world has had world together. no real answer to the challenge This conference seem to me to ' of Communism. This, many of be the forerunner of the peace- us think, is it. With it Commu-tul, positive answer to the ieal nism can be contained and pvent-world threat of Communism. Till ually converted to Democracy. McRAE BROS.