Terrace Party Prince Kuperr Daily News Friday, September 28, Iftol Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Hovvxon ' and rri 4t;v-y i. turned on tho Hn.ee Ge jige t ''c i..iu.e. j..' I Thurs-ay from the.r honeymon: ip v:.cnil:aii. ii.aska. While at, l j 61. Ket'.hikan, Mr. Howsun t.,uK home mm?' many interesting scenic slides a?nt hHe r(1."""1 which he has shown to friends this ;tL..'''' st ' ffELKWA il ALKS... IPSWICH. England (CP) To celebrate hi; bithday. Harry Hcwes walked 42 miles non-stop in seven hours inJ minuter Bags Moose- j TERRACE S f. m Kirkaldy, postmaster of Terrace; Gordon Clark, lawyer of Vancouver, and v .. . .jt -.-w r - ......mi Gforge Tumilfon of Prince Ru-D?rt nuttoj M to Telkwa by truck II I L jam rifc n r iiiinM 'i a ; V "3 T, and trailer for a week's hunting. camped at Hunter Basin. fall of snow In that area impeded their hunting but they succeeded In bagging a fine big which they shipped out by 1 1 mr2M7sm HUT.. , , Si ,X ...V - J.'i.yr Hilt dvnlmcnt b not pubtlitaj dlipltd m fc. Classifieds In the Daily News ! quick results. CLASSDFBED Li ! (rrosi'KE TIMK 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Ad vei Using is payable in advance. Please refrain from tdi-ylwning . ci:,. Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards cf Tliuntj Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement, Annuuncimcnu ;uu SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1'RICE. t AKI) OK THANKS ' FOR SALE Furnished iioat- OIL Mrs Clara ,1 Orchard , j , Mi'Leod t I ,,... s Matin mi . , . .. HEATivr FOK SALE jV,arconi battfrv commu:n.-!i- leceiver. B.a;k iJi (Jiyoi SALE English motor bik,' 00. See it at Dan s M Uor MY. r u . ieivu-e Uuij eisicii-iit un.," O.iiuii! a tiijo,,;' oi equiunin,; 4K: leiuuiju uvuirt '' teniuorarv snou unci djj.4, , II1L1 SUM-). Service. . iuvui WANTED Plavuen and" crib. Must be in itood coiid:tio.i. Black 78. (2i2ui GUARD'S COLONEL Sporadic illness of King George has increased Princess Elizabeth's responsibilities at official and public functions. She is shown in uniform as colonel of the Grenadier Guards- when she represented His Majesty at the Trooping of the Color on the King's Birthday. The Princess, her chestnut. Winston, wore a scarlet tunic with a dark blue df.-uies to express ner he.inh-k; auiMe biiiiii oi arts oi iii'.uir ; ,,un Tuttens oi svintia mv m ner i fivent bereavement. Esneclallv FOR 5he wi?.li to thank the $125 Electrical Workers' Union and stair of Prince Runerl General Hosuital. FOK SALE FOR NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llng-beit Sneeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Oraders: LilHeford Bros. . FOR Black Ton Road Maintenance . ... .... - i...n 133 r.aummenr.; uwen cmnwiivu Buckets and Rock Granules; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: SALE 3iH.P heavv duty CAKES ana Pie-1:5: electa; motor. Plione Black i paKerv Ilium tf m, 7M2. (tip to wnif j.-thfv ata h;ine. rVae . riding skirt. Her tricorne with white plume Is an exact copy of ! SALE Winchester rifl 23-20. wartime kitchen stove. s,jr They Heavy mcosi train. bring U u i I I min rioe the Be Thrifty Women Told MONTREAL (CP)-Minlster of! Finance Douglas Abbott invited j housewives. lat niht to partlcl- 1 pate in Canada's defence plan by cutting down "thoughtless ; spending" and make thriftinesn the fasliion of the day. "A litle restraint here and a little ma e critical appraisal of value there repeated thousands of times across Canada can have a striking effort." Abbott tolii the Canadian Council of Women convention. The minister said there was no tu-nini hiick frcm the re-armament program and he reiterated the Koyernment's itanu not to impose price cont.-oU at this time. Warren Giles Is Prestdent ' i uvf Overlook imiri oti Street. rrv. izjidi iajiui ( .-w..,. that of a colonel of the regiment of 1745. This is a United Kingdom Information Office photo. (CP PHOTO i - ; n i icm iuM-foi l BOATS FOK SALE j ion turn w liace no. 0i- Clark Fornnit Trucits: MeisoniroK BALE -Boat eouiouea witn. uiaremei,'.. :.. j It was his 70th birthday. i i via RSI! ! by mmms the on for to 0ur I : For and JPrOi Coltissi's Music Store Anents or the finest In Musical Instruments riANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELENS BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4'h Street Phone C55 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Sid Ah-xander FOR YOUR . . . Brick, Stone and Block Work, Tile Setting and Plastering Phone K. SORENSEN Blue 899 after 6 p.m. y) h n St. Lawrence engine, i tiuii. Cii B. 34 leet bv 9 loot beam. Ccm- bum Mi-:l Ui tains 3 berths. See Prince1 Rupert Realtv Co. (23K.-l , MORE codim o! i lultinnj Col j PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know phone i";4 For Repairs and Alterations Smith&Elkinslid. 1" (). Box 24 MneM HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS nuilding and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: P.O Box 1670 Red 894 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ' A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P C. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1G26 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. TERMINAL MESSENGER PHONE (t 10 AH deliveries fully insured Cleaner Cutting Sawi Iw Mwf win at elMnar, T trur. ftr wbn filed m mJWW ar precision machine. Quick iWvJj Mrrlca on all tyiea of iiah Brlns your aawa hi t4M W 01 aal ratoothed. ft PRECISION SAW FILING 1 51.) riGGOTT PLACE B'.x 1011 Station B '(Acont: Pn" Tprmlnall Terrace Builders Supph IT'S EASY at Purl '.:"vu:a sr-uDie at vvur 'i'. :;inrt lur ttx.n ii inids WAMLU TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Urgentlv renulred. 3 or 4 room house or apartment, furnished or un-lurnblieri Have school age girl Will uav six months or a m i p t vear in advance. Box 205 D iilv News. I22!ip EASY MONl M WANTKD UrKentlv needed.; il'"1.,1,' JIVlliK UC( "IllllliruiluiPlI I Of five Box 2(iit Dailv News. 22'.i0' ! WANTKD Ureent small house rouole. Red 9ii2 229in or furnished suite for young FOR RENT FOR RENT General Electrit floor poIUhers. $1 ner duv. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec trio. . i 'tfl FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone T30. Bus Terminal. 2nd and 2nd. 24(jo FOR RENT Single or double .iipenin" room. Close In. R"X 2(18 Dailv News. (22aci FOR RENT-Sleenin D. and Mrs. Black left lor Copper Ridge where they will visit 'oefore returning to Victoria Prince Rupert, driving there car and taking the boat to Vancouei. Dr. Black has been here for the past month mapping minei and coal properties the Dockrill site, Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Hulbert, biologist who have been here the papt month mapping the mining areas in this territory, returned to Vancouver this week resume their studies at UBC. A luncheon in honor of the Hon. E. C. Carson, Minister Fublic Works, was held in 'V:e Teikwa Hotel on Thursday. action use News - classified edSiona Eddie's Beauty Salon Permancnts Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor 8toro MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 KTONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON , LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 859 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Be-sner Block Phone Blue 442 IT'S PROFITABLE Six . i22',)oi i u a -. , 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 V" , u BC III ureuvule Couit itt. ...i a - .- . --, , , iCOKKKK mak mr rent on con- p p cession basis. Piione6H0 i22& i " HOl'SES WANTED TO BI Y ,W''LThVDl, l" E ciiMLiNNAii r warren c. ' rifles The amazingly accu-Giles will become president of; rale hiuh powered Canadian tl-.j National Leamie October 16! Ross .303 repeater. Three mod- room house. Centrallv located Box zi4. uaiiv News. (229IH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 room house on .-- float 411 ft x 20 ft. Contains WAM uu Bucket Loaders for Stoeknile and Snow Removal: Rice fort-able Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conv.yors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. BC. (tf) New CO-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL rrnnsformrsi, tnot(rs and Hertric pnwfr-planta fir tmmedtatv shipment. ( nr loads oi 3. 4 and 6-inch piifs VANCOUVER SALES & APPPwAISAUS LTD. New Dfl and 8 Caterpillar Tractors. CKkikxI Shovels Far Immediate delivery from Cnlted tilatos ituck. S40 Bearh Ave. Vancouver. P C. I 344c ( i ! FOR SALE New and used household furniture. Sliglitlv , Suitei. Chesterfields. Bovs Bicvcles. Bedside Rus. Cribs. Studio Couches etc.. .selling at , the lowest possible Drtr.es. B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Black! 324. (If) tree illustrated folder. TAK GET SALES COMPANY. Dent. UD. 270 Dunx-her Street. Ottawa. Ontario. (T.F.S.H' PR, SALE-EUn-s' wlndbreakeM school .shoes, all sizes, well i made, lota of wear, good ao- pearance. Bovs' winribreakers I $2.75 to S5 50 Bovs' shoes $4 45 to $5.35 or B.C. Clothiers, j (tfl FOR SALE Combination radio : with automate record ulaver and 7 tube radio. Mav be seen at i15 5th East. Phone Red 4u. i22'.lin FOR SALE - House trailer. Furnished Eler-t-ic Brakes. F.asv to tow. Would cnsidT trad" for car or truck. 1710 We.st 2nd. (22Hpi FOR SALE One metal hr.d comnlete wi'h sniing filled mattress One Deluxe babv carriage as ne one child's crib. Phone Black 769. i230ui FOR SALE One Easv ele.'tiic ironer Excellent condition. Call at Government Agent's residence 2nd Ave. and 3rd St. after 6 o m. (22!ci FOR SALE Kitchen stove, oil heater babv carriane. wine ruu and 3a bed. Reasonable. 343 7th We.st. i228o FOR SALE Pot oil burner kit chen ranee A-l condition Coleman oil heater. Phrne Blue 900 (232oi FOR SALE Practically new Ben-dex and Mi'Clarv electric stove. If interested phone Eastwood's Red 849 evenings. 22Bc FOR SALE Coffield Washer. $50.00. and one Singer treadle machine. $25.00. Phone Black 792. ( 230c I FOR SALE McClarv Charm Kir- City" TSer " i2' env iransier. et- Bd FOR SALE -Girls winter coat. size 12 Call ill 736 6th West u'lrr 6 o clock lOOOnt 1 h.lrfinnit u ith hed anil 1 .1 . K hveivu.iv ui . K ii ; u i iiim ii ; nuts ita 'jrr ii Un A Hi in 1 V t b r i ! o nicii...; . C ii a i in h can t jrui and c,iru. ot v. 1 j - il i dint ', " w 0 il .114 CJ ' K C a id c i! i -nr'.innrs V.! I I) s N jVi S i (' in i I H il F Y Tor'iiro t ) I D I l ' Where Raif;T:i' ' h en R ei n D " WlIilllDCS- i 207 Dailv V 71 m i" Re ) " all ' c h mi 1 p f , n bf an I'll eJ ,DJ 1 11 i encp In lit;; snaiv.hH' M-Prince Kui'-SITl'ATIOS ' W.iKK WAN'; '-j. nart-t:"" s hours Ai iionMt rjfy Mel als l-a r p. Phone W'esi. c'15:- mattress 'first class stove. For" nm 1 further fntormation write o. n Kiirk H .x liny Prince Ru pert or onoiie Red 5H3. 2w jji-i p VtVTO Fall Clearance Of Used Cars 1949 METEOR Coupe 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1919 MONARCH Club Coupe 1947 WILLY'S Station Wagon 1942 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1949 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORD 3-ton 158 W. B. 1939 CHEV. Sedan-delivert. : All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B C. Don't Overtax il-OverHAUL 11! .hi V!!, Once your engine reaches middle age worn parts overtax each other and the motor deteriorates rapidly . . . UNLESS you order an expert overhaul job by our master mechanics. If you plan to keep your car long, you'll save money in the long run. See us! SUPERIOR AUTO SUPPLY We have several clients for two ' .wp . h-jh- THEY PAY OFF to four bedroom houses. For inilck service and too prices ! phone Aarmstronc Agencies Phone 312. Black 197 eveninrsi (23UCI FOR SALE At Codarvale. B.C.. J r acres ood land. 5 acres havj 5 room house, root house, l.snoj .stiawberv o.ants. $500 cash clear title. M. Wolan.ski "-1 darvale B. C. '2290' , FOR SALE 9 room house. Rev-1 emip S2II0 monthlv. Terms .-an ' be arranged. Plione Red 8 1 1 22ot)i CARS FOR SALE To Use and will establf;h headquarters in Cincinnati. That was rleternrrned today when niles. nresiflent. and yen- ' eral ma:ia"er of the Cincinnati Red?, accvpted an invitation to t'.ikt the post. It 's understood that Giles ra'ar will be $55,000 a year. Cab-'. Paul who has been Giles' a.ftstant, will become general mpnnfsjr of the Reds. Giles succeeds Ford Frick who hay become commissioner of organized baseball. J THE BIST I QUALITY L Craftsmanship In Type.,. Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form pnD CAirioi7 Pnrrf 2 ton News.. truck. House trailer. 10 WtM1' fullv fuini.snect. uonsp u-ji.; : "BC. Breeze." 18 It., fullv fur-1 ntEd -TV nished. Two work trailers w pVt ICES PA.' doiivs, nasseimer iiu i' ora radiators, etc. Anplv Midlaiyt Pines. Phone Black 739. (tf FOR SALE -4937 Chrvsler. Rea-t.oKu. Mrif fin nulck sale. Can be seen at Bob Pa. -Mpi CASH'fo'.jS earace. L . I rT. iTrvS FOR SALE-Immaculate '51 Fordj Tuoor SW10 on new uiu c. I Art. Murrav. 99 Taxi. (tfl -cttlr ! WATCH n.jrP ' I flcient sew jtf. FOR SALE 1948 Dodge Red 835 after 6 O.m (2-'l)iii It LOST Ontrrto,, Rn. 22 indies' " blue hand'biu. finder keen I n.nn monev nnd niense nlease return return hind- hinrt- jjrrnrfl' Bv Ln,v- - uc tfWu ba" to Phvllis McDona.d C am,, i ' snff , Office. Columbia Cel!u!os I s,on(, BuiJ", lJ' . ... slr Df Abintt . k i. & l nlrLI. T DLunuiL not rne ivcnuu o live ' I , j r .: tco'p-j i ! s - DAY JUST like rAYncl ' sIA I i TEUL THR EUTCHRR THfSE . ( SPRINGTIME 1 I CHOPS. 1 'rlj lV . ! Number of Times (3c per word per insertions Enclosed Pleose Find insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) I LIMIItU II . ON YOU(? WAV MA.U A'Ail' A JU -T l ' i S .P j ADVERTISE (njl A) Fl 1 L-:. iSfj LJJ Name Address Phone No.