5 r- "lit Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, September 28, 1951 Loca a w a. t ' ' i i n d PERSONAL Living Cost Coming Up Applewhaite Talks to Liberals Before Leaving for Ottawa The question of the high cost tl LV'nt; may loom larS" at the forthcoming special session of Parliament at Ottawa E T Applewhaite, M.P. for Skeena' predicted la.st night in speakinj Extra Dalits f rrp Run r- a Extra pants free. See our ad m Pa&e 8. Also window display at paff Also winnow display at Talks Near Breakdown TOKYC CP) Suspended Korean armistice talks today ap-i eared -ij t-, near a :oinph te breakdown as General Omar Bradley flew toward Japan, p,s-sibl to mao strategy if full scale fiohtim; erupts. Chinese and North Korpn:'; wiiiiam F. Stone's. , ,9o , . " """in r . oione s. (228c) ll'" Z?""-b""'m' " Avallobl in 30 b.autifu pG.r, en. Sold b, UmI ,vmb.r , bu. Col. S. D. Joiinston left for var.;ouver today on a business Aid. H. F. Whalen left for Van-cnuvcr by plane today on a brief I ousmess tr:p. j AR60RITE COMPANY LIMITED We, carry ue famous Ro?cr3 Meeting International Union ana Commun.ty silver ln the of Operating Engineers Local newest patterns and at the n-i- 510. Carpenters Hall Friday 28 tionally advertised prices. Bui- 8 p.m. (2,,8ci' jbo Mw vine u Sell., Monlr.ol 32, Qu. have r.ot yet answered General c --.."c w.c rnnce Kupert Liberal Aviation on the eve of his departure for the federal capi- B"t- 'hat the . solution might be he did not pretend to "ow. Poss.bly there mtji'ht nave to be restrictive action and reletitive controls. Mr. ADOlewnaito ... - a Ridgway's sui'iostion tot Bettinn ri j ': I I1 ft - ND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES girs jewellery Store. (ltci H5NESE dishes i The monthlv rfanr. r viu the bo?-down?d parley goins Jack Alien, who has hep in Prince cuoH t - Rupert Aero ""11 Club V1UO will Will be DC "iii-o UK r.unici Cliuc I,,, mi.es aown the ; " coast 1 from rr-"ce Prince Sept. ocjji. 29. i. All nu members memoers wishine wishing to to : an a"Pa in "n man's land." riUpert fr,- a few mnntho ..,. altanH .kM ...i , " against arrfntm.. , wurivers saiu inis W0U1J D a . " i 'ganda on surh mni.. - Ridgway's last compromise ..uiu- -vuu "iiumu suuiiiii, names oi n tn to me ity a few days ago. i themselves and their guesU to Sons of Norway wirsi and J- ?- ,Bu.rn, or D011 Hague, an ; control. Voters should be watch- fc ''do jiH-v Cliow Me'i I-i n 'n. . 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE A.r r, i,in rir-lrrn Prion I3J GOING I IK Jt ft ,.jiie. J ... uo'ne ii uav. iseni -f s n i " w vju. .V7 l(r.'V If you want to sell it, adversi.se. i 1 -! Dance 10-2. Music by Mike Col-j . l229c' i y ussi. Refreshments Rujrvhni., . y . j , Dcl"g caught in any wave ! of ill-feeling. ( True, the cost of living was ;hnh but it should be remember-jed also that people were living, a lot higher tcdav th-.m th BOWLING? t welcome. Beginning of whist i Tournament. (228cl i - nnouncenttnli Thptr oltH l n . oiling iicie nuviiig con- V eluded today. Arthur Ash, chair-j man- J f McHae, B. M. Mclntyre ri A. j. McDonnell and Arthur I were before. j 'And there was no district In Canada to which the iaw of supply a-id demand is working to greater advantage todav than Catholic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Men's Rotary tea, October 11. Civic Hen fro Perfect tea is so easy to make with I I L uiner, members of the legis lative committee investigating Lutheran Tea, October 13 the di tnct of Skeena," the I Concliation A.t w ,.K-V p' Eebekah Octooer JO i Fall Baaar, Ocbi night's train t3' hold their next L B A-lttins at Prince &er 28, VE HAVE JUST THE SHOES YOU WANT For bolh Men arid Women J'Tmllf!n' i STAR GAZER Rev. Leon Ri-vafd, who claims the man ln the moon is a woman, stands on the steps of his home-made observatory at St. Adolphe, ,an TVin nhi' fvotr,t.i, ' ceding south from here. ! Women's Hospital Auxiliary Motin . . . ; Hallowe'en Tea, October 31. at! ' Meeting Of Mixpri Ten P n i ... - 4 hi Leaeu. m h,n ' l , 1 . "'."". w. u. it. jones, 430 A BAGS at I LP. in . rnnrth Avnn Wo f i i n,ui j , D 6C Wilt pletc with revolving dome and Sunday Sept C' lnk 11 . . II- I, 30 All !n1arGtaH in bowling mixed ten pins oe 'sure and attend this mooting 1 . ft ashion footwear memoer declared A'-;-. Applewhaite admitted the ' unfortunate position" of those people who had to live on Axed incomes, pensioners and retired peop,c no depended on annuities. "I am sat-sfied," he admit led "thai we at Otiawa have a duty to perlorm In the case of i siuii peopie." Principal business for which ; the special session was being ceiled, Mr. App.ewhalte saia, was to finance the oid age pensions schemes and Implement the report of the royal commission on transportation, Ihe federal member rededi-cated himself to the principles ol Liberalism and reiterated his uun in Prime Minister St Laur ui-iiiuu veiescope, was mooei-led after one at Victoria, B.C. The 67-year-old amateur as-trologist says observations of the moon have convinced him that the figure outlined ln It If stnctly feminine. . (CP PHOTO Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No-tember 7. Presbyterian Church Baziiar, November 15. The Women of the Mouse Fall Bazaar, November la. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. For further Information see the manager, Mr. Charles Davis pi the Bowling Alleys. Team envies for Wednesday night. Mixed five pins lire also now open. Get yonr entries in early and enjoy a winter of lun and good fellowship t229ci MEAL that REFRESHES ORMES Mr. and Mrs. E. T. AnnlPuhaUp St; Peters Fan Baaar. n... 81'e Railn-J fnnfiau niaKt .m . .: .... 10 Lots Sold In Tax Sale BfST n 6" biK i vciiiuer AV. Chilcotin for Vancouver enroutc! to Ottawa where Mr tni.., United United rhnmh Church w W. A. i r.i, Fall Ba n ent and the manner in which the government was beine rarrierT FINEST OF COOKING whaite will attend the fnr:h- out with the practice of Libeeral policies. It would be nothine ..i , . . . ."iiniig ion session or rarna- mm 50D snort of tragic if M- M"' APPlcwha'te anything were were sold this weVk a the Z a",d cone to disturb that worn. - .TnririZJ, arc .movln f their present The Pioneer Druggists it was well that ther- nhonlrt . . '"" .""5 i resiaence on Fourth Avenue East HUt TAKE oi,T OIUtIRS PHONE gov be a new e.iort to increase ? Range" Z 1 an' 0n the'r rPturn t0 the JL, "! Three fit Bella Beila Coola W1" C.9,a make terest in and suoDort of th their home in the new ( RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 BROADWAY CAFE Libera! party. , .-'" I aPatment structure on First Weicomes Advice Sal. Bloor Street, Toronto, for $31 Vii, ; United States Army adninfstra-Views '" of the organization in and another parcel by Pacific i tion building he riding Cnamders of Com- Mills Ltd-. for 9"- i PHONE 81 nierce, toaras oi -irade, Cana- Tel"race and part of Prince Ru-diun region, labor unions were In Rae ive, which contains always welcome, Mr. AuDlewhaite Pert district areas, three parcels GENERAL ELECTRIC sam, ana ne was nappy mat tney were sld: "APPLIANCES were urnioming. ' oat tnc Lib- nan iui uz, ior je.3U erai Association should also keep to Claire Giggey. me in luum witn L,ioeral thought - t-nwm ui iut una, iur ! at home." he said, it was a mat- W!-30, to Little, Haugland and ' Kerr. Va-r- T--- Terrace Toaster . $ I ve ol regret to him that the nec-es-.ity ol attenaance in 1-arlia-ment at Ottawa was not npr- Lot 5501 for- $25 to Denis Louis Garon, Prince Rupert. On Queen Charlotte Islands HOW ABOUT THAT FLASHLIGHT? Be Ready for the Long Nights. Wc have a full selection of FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES Utility and Novelty Types 9.95 9.95 17.50 16.50 Toaster Toostcr ...'. Iron miMinff him tnP tl.r.A am,,r Hie COnstlLuenLs that ho mlnht Ho. Mr uignam nought four lots kit R47A for Kd7Ai' lnt inn fr.J sire. T M Youngs felt that thel46-38: lo' 1212. 'r $30.67; 'and ... Int 1111 I . . 1 jissociaiion would be in order to lur j-o (lilinpi,M ll'Ollllt't of (lie UIIITINII COLUMBIA DISTILLERY arlcnn-x'l-fc iho or.-.H .i. wil "Lot Lot 1571 1571 was was i sold to A. B . v..w j ju nuin iiioii . Mr. Applewhaite was dnine at I orown, rrince Kupert ior wa. T I J.iana ana Jack M'Rae at Vic (0i d 1 1 ft 1 HI m toria. Sccially, Mr. Young's gave llJLlMOUTI iSfcam Iron 27.50 oa Po!is!-,cr , 64.50 s KcMo 16.50 fing Pods 9.50 ifm Clconcr, tank type, complete 1 09.50 pERH B.C POWER CoM Mi. McKae credit for Oueen Funeral of Don McLeod charlotte communities getting B.C. Utilities Commission electric rtrrrtr. service. . J&m ' il: James Kellv. well-known ninn- Brsner Block Phone ilO Funeral was heiu yCiLiday ior Lvonald Andrew MLeoi, fli, well known utilities worker here who died last ' Sunday. Kev. Samuel Klnley conducted the iperl, B.C eer, ex-service man and drummer of the Civic Band, left Prin- St wrt. B.C. Rupert General Hosoital vester- dav and sailpt nn th Dvi,a services at G.enville court iiv.'ae for Shauahnessv Hnsnitat 1 Chanel I in Vancouver were he will under Choose your The Lavish Mr. MLcod hr.J la;t i?ecr. employed by Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. and had been with the Utilities here for mo.-e than 40 years. He was a veteran of the First World Ward and a Cana SO further treatment. Mr. Kelly says he is in goad spirits and is very thankful for the good treatment he has received at the hands of his friends here. I I M" J (iur u mm pair You Wont . . . 3or lUina EXPORT m m lift at and for many a dian Legion member. Active pallbearers were Reg Coles. T. B. Black, W. D. Smith, frt Hill, Fred Hardy and Alex Haig. Honorary pallbearers were Jarvis McLeod, Victor Grant. Clarence Adland, John Lambie, James Thompson and Carl Brechin. M:s. W. D. Smith presided at the organ. Burial was ln the Legion plot, Fairview Cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of B.C. Undertakers. GORDON & ANDERSON 1953 HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new EXPORT CANADIAN WHISKY AMD tOTTl ID IN MM Ml UMAOlMf OVI ftNMlaf 5 different FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS r If 1947 PONTIAC COACH Piivalcly owned CI happy wepring season to come. Here for you now in a large, fashion-worthy selection. Come in. "Tomitrrow;s Styles Today" Annette ManseI Ladies Wear 523 3rd Ave. 1 5 different FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD 0 1943 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage NEW WIJTMINSTIt, t.C. This advertisement is not oublished or disnlnverl by the liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia Made by "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 nil VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Carnosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, CnqtiiMam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CUAULOTTE ISLANDS September 28, 9 p.m. ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ic. Chilcotin, October 5 and 19 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Runprt. ni I and REPAIR WORK) Machinist Business Opportunity Unusuol Proposition for Good, Live Machinist to Open Own Shop in One of the Best Locotions Available Shop would be complete, ready to take work with complete machines and tools. Very Little Cash Required as Initiative and Ability to Work up the Business the Chief Requirement All reply will be handled strictly confidential APPLY ROX 210 DAILY NEWS (22!c I SEE ) 3EER A RPinnuM ittV ? RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED ' 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 866 and 36 Gordon & Anderson i 21S 1st Avenue West in THIRD AVENUE P.O. Box 721 Third Avenue Phone 568 .4 i.