I PROVINCIAL LIBRARY P?.CVI:!:IAL L13?. Hi A- Yf VICTOR KS. vici::.i'. b. c. ORMES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER If Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, No. 228 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS C CABS I I 0 DISPATCHED r- uin fo) A "STT CALL ILLSQUNDS PLfflCAL 4 'itical Crisis in B.C. Urges Britain to Free Itself from Socialism Riot After Ball Game cen Fast Approaching .in 'J a. J I . j no I rrcs:acnr ana urner UDerals Aroused LONDON (fPl-Winrton Churchill called upon; bo8to bw ,,. Britain today to free itself of Socialism in order to imj lead shrunk to half a game Conservative Minister's Pronouncements yesterday as National League rebuild its life at home and its prestige abroad. ' teams headed toward a photo finish. While the runner-up New York Giants listened to radio accounti, the Dodgers lost a 4-3 decision to Boston, breaking Preacher Roc's 10-game winning streak. In a Conservative party manl- ; festo, the 7C-year-old wartime j Prime Minister asserted that ! the October 25 general election "may well be the turning point in fortunes and even the Jile of Cleavage Of Unions e arc fast approaching a political crisis in ,to:umbia," H. G. T. Perry, president of the 'lolumbia Liberal Association, told the Prince . L thcra I Association Thursday night. ,., made lately by I. memo is of the morning .ie .lar. jal with hi. I vrnmi' i't would fo.-cc Liberal coileaaues In goverr.meir i ..f the govcr.i- as though unity and harm inj e tiic situation and still prevailed, !.i.m h t hi' as or wai "I am as.ounded," Perry dc-I liH.ic .if the coal- dared "that even then Mr. John Britain." I tt i it r ; . v. .. 1 1TT' - " ,;v 0 VO-fL. t-4W .nAuLXOr Roy campaneila from ins piucu uriiiiiu tne UUI. 'cleared the Dodger t.'nch duiinij gers," he said. Churchill demanded ah end to n mlnnlniT r..n K tl,a tl.-nuac i A bitter conflict between two union factions became evident yesterday afternoon during the testimony of the third witness class warfare and growth in na- " " 1 'C a 1 3 tional unity. Ha blamed the 'frantic extravagances" of the it the Investieation hearinna nf I de- mi ni. Mr. Perry pre- on had not called lc M . An-scomb's resignation." nv;illrd a statement ,v,r- mr desmoed as 'coward -Mr An.siomb some lv' tne position of Mr. Anscanv. that the Conserva- 11 'ceard to hospital insurance do rattle in .the next Tnc Progressive - Conservative li the Lib-rals as- 'ader was saying how that . ht 1 .1. the Industrial Conciliation and i Labor government for the Arbitration Act here. j valuation of the pound. T. E. Parkin, secretary of the : J'nited Fishermen and Aljiedlw. I , Workers here, toid the inquiry ! VV inQSOr ts. The very next ""u ori!a me present ooara, neaaea Dy cjnairman A. I. R. Ash, that his union ' dof-.litely is Hot in favor of grant Buckingham ,41-i.piuu pian ai tne tune it . , was made into law by the kgi ,- I I aiurc. That," said Perry "Is thc 'fill IH j worst klr.d of political chicanery Ull III j I liave ever seen. If Mr. Ansconu- had not ug, eed he should have ing certification to craft un- , jus where industrial unions LONDON The Duke of Wlnd- Chet Nicho's. 20-ye?.r-old root:"e lelthandei , struck t?u vital blow at the Dodgers' hop s with a 6-hit effort for his eleventh win as Roe lost his thirt. in twenty-two victoiies. It was then that Di3co'i chased Catcher Caninane'la from the He'd and cl -ared the Dodger bench after an ei?hthJinnin? argument when B jb AtiuU was cal-ied'safe at home with the winning run. It was the first loss for Roe since July 15 when, Cincinnati's Blackwell took his measure. His only other defeat v.as by New York June 26. Six policemen were ru5hed to guard the locked doors of Braves Field umpires' dressing room after special policemen roported a ! have been etab.aneu. i S01 called at Buckingham Palace ' .J. ,J today but it is understood did "i i wuuia hi, ( to (u. . like see the Act i . .L . UhUnDH t ,!i, it '"Ot see the King. As far as can entina resigned then." Hirm Mr. Perry referred to a statement of Hjn. R. C. McDonald made at Po.t Albernl that criticism being voiced today RnVAT. r; Aklir OVArMCn . , .. . jr Tr. be learned, only Queen Elizabeth lor the craft . , ,ik unions . to obtain w L ,,,,., , . has S'-'en him since the opera- j ceitifi cation, declared Mr. Par- ti kin, adding: "We are quite pre it Diclarrd But Later against the coalition government ...... .vumu-v.,,,,, mosv iuxur jus piane, tne RCAP Transport Command's C-5 has been overhauled at Canadair Limited near Montreal in preparation for use by Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh during th :ir Canadian tour. Top picture shows the giant Canadair-buill skyliner being fuelled prior to a test run at the company's field Below is one view of the beautifully appointed lounge, which will provide a home aloft for the Royal couple During long night trips, the lounge becomes a bed-sitting room, the divans folding down into Imlor Control Leaders1 was against. tne LlDeral members .i Weather pared to organize ' those groups' ourselves." j In the morning session of the j hearing, M. B. O Toole, speaking j for International Union of Oper- ' AIRES (CP) A.state announced today (Synopsis) pounding and kicking Jackie Good rains were reported in, Robinson ating Enginers, said British Col- had spHt two of. its umbia was the only place "on the most coastal sections yesterday j panels while venting his Brook- Columbia Cellulose North American continent where w.tn amounts ranging irom close yn Dodgers' rage on Umpire operating engineers cannot get to two inches along southwest i Frank Dascoli. No-hit, No-runner if f: .started in Argen-i as later announced f i.t was under con- l ral Confederation i iuuiicud in a broad-n.e military men had revolt against the S ii Juan Peron. It Subscribes $7,500'GW,e5 Yank Tie ' " P NEW YORK (CP Allie or the coalition rather than the Conservative. The B.C. Liberal president said : "Did you ever see such a bunch of mixed pickles In your life and sour ones too as this coalition government?" The Victoria government today was not a government of strong conviction hut one of expediency. "The Liberal members of the cabinet are prisoners of the Torien." IW was time, that the Liberal farty found something to fight for, eiie there would be no Liberal parly. He described the acceptance of the great principles of Liberalism in practical application for the welfare of the affairs of slate. Unfortunately there had developed in Victoria a government of bureaucracy, controls with Uynald pitched his second no- . Largest Single Contribution to Date ni ion -wide strike! certmcation." , Vancouver isiana w an average when lhe endc(J Mr. OToole was heavy in his three Quarters of an inch umptres rusned t3 thetr criticism of the pulp and Sul- along south eastern Vancouver Aftpr the managed to phite Workers' Union who, he Wmd. Northern coastal points lopk thernselves lnsitl, theroorn . kept the engineers from reported rainfall of as much as m stil, uniformed RoWnswi cuf getting certified "in one inch in the Queen Chartot'Joosi every pulp wi(h nis battering tactics mill on the west coast."- i an about three-quarters of an i h-lf shrJeking insuts " "If you want to see a group of .inch along the mainland. Cloudy Extra llce arrived the discontented men, go to Colum- j c0' weather will persist along : scenf and restorpd order ' bla Cellulose. None of those en- th coast today and another Pa-1 what disclDlinarv ti mjht flitter of the season today as the New York Yankees clinched a tie for the American League pennant by blanking Boston Red Sox 8 to 0 in the first half of a double-header. l the President. u imervals the offi-iw repeated this an- t Irum the preslden- Sfuce: t ft incrnal war exists, "fji fis taking part will I : Confederation la in Hospital Drive ' Prince Rupert's hospital modernization fund received n substantial boost today when Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. announced it would contribute $7,500 to the campaign, i ' The donation, largest definite responsibility for hospital coii-commitment to date in the hos- struction rests primarily with be taken in regard to Robinson gineers are happy. They are ion other than their own." Mr. O Toole said in, in answer to A. 'was not known up to early to Turner, MLA,. Vancouver East, the wage scale under an indus 1 Pcion's govern- pital drive, was disclosed In a the area that is served and Col- trial union for operating engin f' ' I ii lie boards and commissions plaster . ' j f chairman e. umbla Cellulose Co. Ltd., as a eers was considerably lower than ed all over the place "I think . modi find form j T. Applewhaite. MP from Dr. neighbor in that area, is pre that set up by IUOE. ronnnihie. Mr Pprrv rfprlarl ! RalPh Bal1' general manager of. pared to play Its part in pro- V a, proclaimed, k: said Is it a matter of money or J thp rmnnnnv virilno- r.hPiEo farflil o- ciflc storm will bring more rain to the coastal area Saturday. Some rain has fallen during the night in interior sections of the province although amounts have been light. Cloudy showery weather will persist in these areas today with some clearing Saturday. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy and cool with occasional showers morning. Winds southerly twenty, increasing Saturday after-today. Rain beginning Saturday noon to southeast, thirty. Lows tonight and highs Saturday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 45 and 55. pride of craft that makes the (Continued on Page 2) day. AMERICAN LEAGLE One club dropped out of the American League battle when the third place Boston Red Sox were beaten by Washington Senators 8 to 6, losing their last mathematical hope. The idle New York Yankees, facing a five-game closing series with the Red Sox, hold a 2ti-game lead over second place Cleveland. In the only other game scheduled yesterday, St. Louis Browns whipped Detroit 7 to 4 for Rookie Markell's first Big League win. engineers want to bargain with 1 their own union?" the member yard asked. In his letter. Dr. Ball declared ' "At the same time we are vit-that "the need for adequate hos- ' ally interested in seeing that pital facilities in any community adequate provision is made for is obvious, and this need is ac- caring for our own employees centuated In Prince Rupert where ; who may require hospital treat-services are provided for the res- ment." "Probably money," Mr. O'Toole Oil Dispute Still Tense LONDON O Great Britain may use the United Nations security council to intervene in the tense Anglo-Iranian oil dispute, informed sources said today. At Tehran British Ambassador Sir Francis Shepheard said today, after an interview with the Shah of Iran, that he does not believe Prinme Minister. Mossa-de'gh will rescind or modify his order expelling British technicians from Abadan. Princess at TIDES - - Saturday. September 29. 1951 (Pacific Standa d Time) High 0:01 194 feet 12:27 198 feet Low 6:17 45 feet 18:34 5.2 feet came back. But speaking for himself, he said, "I have been offered a Job at the cellulose plant for $400 a month, but I'd idents of countless settlements on the coast as welt as those living in the city itself. 1 "We have ascertained that tire sooner hold onto my $200-a- month job at the hospital than join the Sulphite Workers." j Commenting further on the , campaign, the general manager 'declared that the industrial plants, commercial enterprises ! and merchants of the district t served by the hospital must be prepared to contribute generously if the campaign Is t6 succeed. "The success of our operation '.'Those are pretty high prin ciples," said Mr. Ash. Newspaper Prices Swing Up 'They are my principles," e- ince t Inion Strife ' ""4 ' Trouble NCover (? -Violence l fn.iy at the Celtic " n an attempt was lrty a car through a "'I r l ie injured, one by ' 1 tried to break the " fi.other in a fight ' wit. I president of the ; Vl 's' Union, was ar-u-i .irRc( with assault ? 1 !' member of the ,:;s' fi'iun lAFLl, driver turned Mr. O'Toole. ; Mr. Parkin, in the afternoon depends on the irealth and well being of the men and women St" session, told Mr. Ash that "in my opinion, we would much sooner not operate under the Act than operate under it as it King Doing Very Well stands now." Carson's Skeena Road Statement Condemned ' Local Liberals Aroused by Relocation Proposal end Delay in Permanent Construction Program to Terrace Prince Rupert Liberal Association meeting, called in view of an announcement made earlier in the week by Minister ot Public Works Carson that Ihere would have to be deferment of blacktopping of the highway between Prince Rupert and Terrace pending relocation of some 22 miles which parallels -the Canadian National Railway line on the lower who are employed by Columbia ; i H Cellulose Co. Ltd. and we feel ASCOI K3CGS that they should not be handicapped by inadequate hospital LONDON Further sign of los-facilities." ening anxiety in regard to the E. T. Applewhaite MP acknow- Illness of the King was the ledged the subscription today as presence, of Princess Elizabeth follows: at the Ascot Races yesterday." The inquiry board chairman General Advances Recorded Owing to Mounting Costs , NEW YORK Cf Dally news-j paper prices are swinging upward all over the United States as costs of publishing Increase I steadily. The upward trend has been under way for several months. Large and small newspapers alike have found price boost necessary. The trend is countrywide. Publishers cite greater news-' was surprised. "So far in our hearings (Continued on p'age 6i LONDON (CP) The King spent another comfortable night and maintained steady progress, medical bulletin said today. It was the second optimistic bulletin in a row from the doc- 1 .fa charged with Jving. "., ' lairds here have "4 tor a month since '( y iun was decertified -.U)i-n MKPnt by lhe La a ar,d the Carpenter's MU'" argainlng rights. TODAY'S STOCKS print costs, higher salaries and , (('MUrli-Kj- S. II. Johnston to. Ltd.) larger bills for papers. distributing tors who handled the King's I critical lung operation Sunday. I Barring unforeseen complica Skeena River, passed a resolution strongly condemn ing such intention. CHAIRMAN'S THANKS "As general campaign manager I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. for their generous donation to our hospital campaign. This is a comparatively new industry in our area and the manner in which they have supported us is Indeed gratifying. It is my sincere hope that the other industrial firms, as well as private individuals, will contribute generously, particularly those with a longer and more intimate association with tions, the King is now nearly out of danger, some medical experts indicated. Some said the worst of the recovery period should be over within 24 hours. The resolution will be forwarded to Premier Johnson, Hon. E. T. Kenney and Hon. E. C. Carson. P TONIGHT TORONTO Athona : 09 Aumaque 24 Brattle , 39 Bevcourt 62 Buffalo Canadian 27 Consol. Smelters 180.50 Conwest , 4.10 Donatda ' 46 Ekiona 20 East' Sullivan 9 10 Giant Yellow-knife 12.00 It was also suggested that the i When suggested that the legislature had to do with the allocation of road construction expenditures. Members of the legislature had nothing to do with that. They passed the budget as a whole and where the money was to be spent was something that came from within the department itself. The minister. Mr. McRae al- Premier should be asked If this was to be accepted as government policy on the highway concerned. A committee consisting of T. Gordon Root, public relations officer, Collumbla Cellulose, who has been in the city for a coupH Al L!i. ii n We must have of days on business, drove up to I our community. Norton Youngs. John McLeod j and George Mitchell was named j f Hppiewnaue ivi.r. JCcnerol Campaign Chairman Terrace today and will be back the support of everyone If our here to fly to Vancouver tomor- i h o s p i t a 1 is to continue to row. 1 operate." VANCOUVER American Standard 31 Bralorne 6.50 B R X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1.35 " Congress .07 Giant Mascot 1.07 Indian Mints 24 Pend Oreille 10.75 Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border 33 privateer 12 Reeves McDonald 6.40 Reno 05 Sheep Creek 1.67 Silbak Premier 48 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley .". .19 Silver Standard 2.65 Western Uranium 4 90 Cronin Bablne 62 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.95 A P Con . .48 Atlantic 3.20 Calmont 153 Home Oil 15.25 Mercury 19 Okalta 2 75 Princess 1.52 Royal Canadian ... .16 .. .37 .. .12 .. .08j .. .74 .. .08 .. .54 .. .83 .. .15 God's Lake Hardrock Harricana '. Heva Jaoknife Joliet Quebec .... Little Long Lac Lvnx reports on the uy neuieeiii s vo uxaw up me ,eg.,d had said that n0 t , resolution on the strongest poss- ... ... . . ible lines and follow the matter , hiSnway to Terrace was ready up. I for blacktopping. "If that is so," Walter Smith, president of the ! sald Mr. McRae "then Prince Ru-Prince Rupert Liberal Associa- PPrt should really get on the don. was in the chair, announc- j J and see that something is ing that the meeting had been j doni " Criticizing the 22-mile recalled to consider the "astound- location proposal, which would ing" statement made by the min- cost millions 'and take years to ister of public works. 1 build, Mr. McRae felt that "what p RUPERT GENERAL HOSPITAL IONIZATION FUND CAMPAIGN NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS A Sale of lots within the City of Prince Rupert on which delinquent taxes are owing will be held In the Council Chambers, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., at 10 a.m. October 1st, 1951. . Property on which 1949 taxes are owing will be sold unlcsf paid on ot .before 10 a.m. October 1st, 1951. H. M. FOOTE, City Collector. 229c over, we reany warn is a decent road Madsen Red Lake 2.33 MeKenzie Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.92 Moneta 32 Negus .85 Noranria , .84'.', Louvicourt 30' 2 Pickle Crow 1.69 San Antonio .'. 2.60 Senator Rauyn 21 MISSTATEMENTS ! to Terrace, not full of dust and at 6:15p.m. I 'Jack McRae MLA traced the eroding gravel. The local MLA J road building history between j urged that there should be sur-! Prince Rupert and Terrace. It i lacing of the road with the poss-! was a misstatement on the part ibie exception of the 22 miles I of Hi' minuter of public works, j ' Terminally." said Mr. MeFne "I Mr, Mcrtae asseitod, when he; (Continued 011 page 6) P' vi. t Go'rlon 4.00 7.75 Sleep Rock