4 } DENTISTRY | : | Page 4 Use Royal Crown Soap and Save the Coupons c= SELL TOVE — Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business FIELD SPORTS FOOTBALL AND OTHER GAMES Very Complete Program of Ath- letics Being Arranged for the Three Days of Fair. BASKETBALL MATCH FOR LAST EVENING At a meeting of the sports com- mittee of the Fair, to be held to morrow, it is expected that ar- rangements will be finally made for fleld sports on one of the threé days of the fair. The sum of $150 has been set aside for prizes and a special prize for ladies’ races has been promised by Fred Stork. In order that all the sports may Hundreds in use.in Prince Rupert. 1919. ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 LE PPPS BDO POLIO OLE OO OOO ROYAL Pool Room | moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel io. 00e CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO eon St Lovis Rooms | Corner Sixth Street and Second Avenue. Large Furnished Rooms To Rent. Modern Conveniences. Mrs. L. Wolter, Phone Red 9% s ee ~— ae — FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo,, Waddel Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. j OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. DR. J, 8. BROWN DENTIST O™Mece: Smith’ Block, Third Avenue. i Prone 454. SAN PDS Alt ney | . eee ponies | Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH’ COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT ’ —- and — . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GKORGE FEELIS; OTHERWISE KNOWN) AS LELEDAKIS; | 2 Ghuwuk ESTATE. NOTICE that im order of His . MeB. Young, made the Sth day of September, A.D. 1019, I was appointed | Administrator to the estate of George | Feé@lis, otherwise known as George Lele- | is, deceased, and all parties having. claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, | to Tie, on or before the 6th day of October, A.D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the; estate are required to pay the amount of thelr indebtedness tO me forthwith. JOHN H, "MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator STIKINE DIVISION CASSIAR Dis THICT-——DISTRICT OF CASSIAR, TAKE NOTICE that I, Robert Hyland, of LAND Telegraph Creek, B.C., occupation trader, intend to apply for permission t) | | the following deseribed land: Commencing at @ post planted on the 8. W. corner, about 250 yards below fier; Creek and 2 miles westerly from Tele: Creek, fronting the Stikime River; tv ace north 7% chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south 7\> ehaine; thence west 20 ehaing to the paint of commencement, and! containing fifteen (15) aeres, more or less ROBERT HYLAND ! Date, May 29, 1019. jduring dignity to the sereen. anything that I have accomplished in my work in ‘Common Clay’ has ja theme be seen to advantage the fair di- rectors have arranged to extend the grand. stand at the athletic grounds and make it a _ really creditable sitting out place for the use of which an admission charge will be made. chains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence west eighty (80) chains two the point of commencement. ROBERT McCAUBREY, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 11, 1919. ShEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS OF TAKE notice that Edward Charies Francis Alien intends to apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum :— Commencing at 4 post planted about forty chains northeast of the mouth of Joseph Creek, and at the 8. E. corner of C.L. No, 10149, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence south 8&0 chains, thence west 50 chains, thence north 80 chains to the point of commencement EDWARD CHARLES FPRANCIS. ALLEN, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. _ Dated July 12, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Louis MeQuillin, oc cupation accountant, and C. Norman Dal- gleish, occupation barrister, of Winnipeg, Man, intends 10 apply for rmission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about one quarter of a mile from the mouth of Con- OF nell River, Port Channel, Graham Island; thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence s mee 80 chains to the point of commence- ment. LOUIS MeQUILLIN, C, NORMAN DALGLEISH, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. SKEE.... LAND .sSTRICT—DISTRIC' QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. FAKE NOTICE that A. J. B. Bookey, of Victoria, B. €., oceupation retired farmer, tutends to apply for permission to pros- pect the following described lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing at & post planted near the shoreline of Port Channel and about a mile West of the mouth of Connell river, Graham island; thence north 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east #0 chains to the point of com mencement, A. J. B. BOOKEY, per Albert Jacobs, Agent, Datel July 15, 1919, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE hotice that Kenneth Sutheriana of Winnipeg, Man., occupation agent, intends to apply for permission to ae the following described lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing’ at & post platted on the shoreline of Port Channel, about two miles east of ihe mouth of Connell River, Graham Island; thence south 80 chains, thence west 60 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commenc: ment, KENNETH SUTHERLAND, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July 15th, 104190 permission to Wee WHICH ROAD WILL YOU TAKE Inesday Sept per Albert Jacobs, Agent Dated July 15th, 1919, LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT » CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. SKEENA OF | YUL. CAKE NOTICE that M. L. Sands of Vic wria, B. C., occupation undertaker, intends to apply for permission to prospe@ the following deseribed lands for coal and petroleum . Commencing at a post planted at the mouth of Mace River which empties into Port Channel, Graham Island; thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement . L. SANDS, per Albert Jacobs, Dated July 15th, 1919. Agent SKhEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISINICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that John Mair of Vic- toria, B. C., cecupation retired farmer, in tends to apply for permission to prospect the following deseribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at mouth of Mace into Port Channel, berth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence cast 8¢ chains to the point of commencement JOHN MAIR, per Albert Jacobs, Datel July 15, 1919. at the empties thence a@ post planted Kiver, where it Graham Island; Agent SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT UF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that James V. Connell, oc cupation medical doctor, and A. W. sher wood, occupation medical doctor, of Regina, Saskatchewan, intends to apply for per Mission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about two and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave « ck, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 chains, thence .west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commence- meat - JAMES V. CONNELL, A. W. SHERWOOD per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 12, 1919. i SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that James V. Connell, occupation medical doctor, and A. Leith, occupation meuical doctor, of Regina, Sas kutchewan, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following deseribed lands for coal and petroleum;:— Comupencing at a St planted about two miles and one f east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence north 80 ehains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to the point of commence Taent, JAMES V. CONNELL, A. LEITH, per Albert Jacobs, Agent. Dated July 12, 1919. DISTRICT CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ShEENA LAND DISTRICT- Ot QUEEN TAKE notice that John Wesley -Connell and Albert 5. Lock, both of Victoria, B. ( occupation brokers, intend to apply for PpermMizsion to prospect the following de scribed lands for coal and petroleum Commencing at @ post planted about forty (40) chains in a north easterly di re-tion from the mouth of Rock-run Creek, Kennels Sound, Graham Isiand; thence south (80) eighty chains, thence west eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty ($0) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains to the point of commencement. JOHN WESLEY CONNELL, ALBERT SCOTT LOCK, per Albert Jacobs, __Date July 16, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fAKE NOTICE that James V. occupation medical doctor, and Benjamin Whitham, occupation medical doctor, of liegina, Saskatchewan, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following de sertbed lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing @t & post planted about two and one half miles east of the mouth of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is land; thence south eighty (80) chains, thence east eighty (80) chains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence west eighty (80) chains to the point of com nuencement. Agent, Connell, JAMES V. CONNELL, BENJAMIN WHITHAM, per Albert Jacobs, Agent Date July 12, 1919 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICY Uf QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that Charles Roudoiph Paradis, of Regina, Saskatchewan, oecupa tion medical doclor, intends to apply for permission to prospect the following de scribed lands for coal and petroleum Commepeing 4t & post planted about one and one half miles east of the mouth « Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham cS thence south ony (80) chains, thence east eight (80) chains, thence north eighty (80) chains, thence west eighty C80) chains t the point of commence ment, CHARLES BROUDOLPH PARADIS Pr Albert Jacobs, Agent Date July 12th, 1019, Advertise in the Duily News. | sx ENA LAND DISTRICT——DISTRICT OF _ Dated July t5th, 1919, CHARLOTTE that Issac Waxsteck, of , occupation billiard room intends to apply for permission to prospect the following described lands for coal and petroleum Commeneme at a post planted inile west of the mouth of Connell Port Channel; thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to the point of commencement, ‘ ISAAC WAXS8TOCK, per Albert Jacobs, bated July i s 1919. YounN IShLAWw TAKE notice Victoria, B i liahager, about a Kiver, Agent TERS PROTECTION ©. Chapter 115 NAVIGABLE WA ACT R. 8. of Publi of the the Province of British Columbia hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited }with the Minister of Public Works and th Minister of Marine and Fisheries at ;Ottawa and in the office of the District |Registrar of the Land Registry District at |Prince Rupert, B.C., a deseription of the jsite and the plan of proposed renewal and jeatension of the Provincial Government The Minjster Works Gevernment of |Wharf at Prince Rupert, B. C., gn front jof Waterfront Block “F i fake notice that after the expiration of ior month from the date of the first publi cation of this notice the Minister of Public Works of the Government of the Province of British Columbia will, under Section 7 of the said act, apply to the Minister of |Public Works and the Minister of Marine | jamd Fisheries at their offices in the city| of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said renewal and extension Dated at Victoria, B. ( this 2iet day of August, 1919. A. BE. POREMAN | Public Works Engineer Dept. of Public Works, } Victoria, B, ¢ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that reserve existing over certain Crown lands im Range 5, Coast District, lying three! pies on each side of the Kitsumeallum River, notice of which appeared in the} British Columbia Gazette on the 2nd July, iv v8, is cancelled, G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Victoria, B. C. _Abth July, "1919, the | NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE I8 HEREBY, GIVEN that the reserve existing over ‘tain Crown lands om the Naas River, Cassiar District, notice of which appeared in the British Columbia Gazette on the 25th February, 1909, is cancelled, G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., 15th July, 19019. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE 18 “HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over @ertain Crown lands on Porcher Island, Range 5, Goass .sica hotlee of which appeared in the Britis: Columbia Gazette on the 26th March 1908 is cancelled, : 7 G, A. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Victoria, B. C, _15th July, 1949, Victoria, B. ¢ = — — = = —==— SKEENA LAND DISTRICT-——DISTAICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS imma i TAKE notice that Robert Dowswell, of TAKE notice that John Moffatt, of Vic- Victoria, B. C., occupation retired hotel toria, B. C., occupation retired farmer, in- keeper, intenas to apply for permission tends to apply for permission to prospect to prospect the following described lands the following described lands for coal and for coal and ree D ehiatins etroleum: Cofamencing at a post planted on the ’ Commencing at a post planted on the | shoreline of Port Channel, hear the mouth PHONE 58 shoreline of Port Channel, hear the mouth of Connell River, Graham Island; thence of Mace River, Graham Island; thence east| south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, ethene a 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence | thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to; chains to the point of commencement ° the point of commencement. } ROBERT DOWSWELL, JOHN MOFFATT, } per Albert Jacobs, Agent ay, rain, ee P. O. P.O, Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED Mail Orders promptly att he Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 We: Sell : Coal a Specialty PPrro—ooe Box 333 908 3rd Ave, OPCS Tener Box 102 Office, Fraser St Se bath Newl FOR SALE DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND bn ven-roomed house witl and finished basement y painted. 8th Ave, W $2875.00 Very Easy Terms. 523 Third Ave. Art S 840 Phone 15 aver ererererererereres wer a PELOCOOE OOP EA POOR OEEF TOM LEE VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors 404 Prince Rupert, B.© hur V. Thomas ORGANIST PIANIST tudio: First Avenu Hours 4 to6 p.m. C0. Second Avenue, West Labor Fxchange Tl sealed ‘0 bth July, Prinee Rupert, Minister of Lands not yx 725 Phone 547 P, 0. Box ae TIMBER SALE X 1805. ed by ihe Sealed tenders will be oh op of Minister of Lands mos Later IN) top a the 43th day of Gectober, “to cut 10 purchase of Licence & 15'° x and Cedat 296,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlor® vo. Mas on an area situated on Oe aland pisiri« set Inlet, Queen Charlotte Tit) ‘tgp re Two (2) years will be ai moval of timber ¢ pores! Further particulars of the Coie porestet er, Vietoria, B.C., Diasr's _ B.C MBER SALE X 1810. will be received by the i i p than nood So 49, for the tenders pr, 1019 the 13th day of September | to cut purchase of Licence * miock and (fr, 637,000 feet of spruce Ce nm an re NOTICE and 9,000 lin, ft 1 alot Masset! Ine situated on Juskatis o asrict ; NOTICE | or CANCELLATION Queen Charlotte Island mal wed for! reserve ex S HEREBY GiVEN that the One (1) year will be 4 a on Gra} Sune over certain Crown lands moval of timber tne chief } ws Disesiet ao Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Further particulal f the jet Pores British caetsee of which appeared in thelep, Victoria, B. | p Dist 1908, Mumbia Gazette on the 30th July, | prince Rupert. B! » O00 the Sra quly, 101%, is cancelled 4 the news G. Rh. NADEN, a. ou have rea ” I Deputy Minister of Land When y s sified golutl ands De artnent, look through the clas on Page 5.