Krince Rupert DQllv , .ODer I Black ackwood on Mixed Bowling League Results By Eosley Blackwood Hints Given on Throw-In Ilridge Play Results of last games In the league were as follows: Sherrton's Sheet Metal 4. Prince hand was short and sweet, (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advei Using Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word pt r inserllon, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. cook's Jewellers ' 4, Headpin-i At least it sounded sweet to Mr. Dale who had prac-neis ; tically nothing in the way of high cards. Pushovers w 4, Sons of Norway 0 : "L , . , .J . WANTED TO RENT WANTED Ureent. Small house or luinisnea .-mite ior voting couoie. Red 902. tltU' Great West Life 3, Canada Life 1. hups shr stnr. m -xr t-i- u.v.v. , v. i. lOV . graph 1 Wallace's 3, Fashion Footwear 1 ! Miller Bay Hospital 4, Van's Bakery 0. Penguin Hobby Shop 4. Conrad try in the board unless by great Seals 0. I good fortune the ace of diamonds 383 Taxi 4. B.C. Packers 0. dropped the singleton king in one Red Devils 3, Cripples 1. ! of the opponent's hands. That Booth No. 1, 3; Rupert But- was too much to hope for, how-chers 1. ever, and Mr. Champion was able Hi-Golds 2, Ideal Cleaners 0. I to execute a play which had a : much better chance of success. HOI SES WANTED TO Bl WANTED Have $1000 00 to be used as down oavment on two or thiee bedroom house. Good monthly oavment. Reouire oc-ciiuaucv bv October 31. What otters? Box 397. Prinze Oeorse B.C. t232u WE HAVE buvers for two. three ami tour bedroom homes. Prince RUDert RealtV CO. Phone 867. (233l'I U K U Li IN 1 We are in desoerate need of house for sale. Had six in-nuiries vesterdav for two to four bedroom houses. For Quick sale uhone ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Black 197 Eves. (236c i ACCOINIANTS 1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax sneciallst. S. G. Furk. Stone Buiidin. Red 593. 2Um) 5 REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef . 1 7 licient service. Georae Coo Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran teed. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1946 Plymouth. Phone Blue 779. (234i)i FOR SALE 1940 W-ton Fartro oiekiiu. 415 5th Ave. East. Black 393. i 23301 FOR SALE Immaculate '51 Ford Tudor $600 off new oriee. See Art Murrav. 99 Taxi. itfi FOR SALE 1951 Motorcvclc. 13 ft. cabin boat. Phone 648. 7 (230oi FOR SALE '49 Chev. sedan. Custom radio, low mileioe. Tuesday, Oct. 8, tidiness CARPENTERS lav all of your mi flM -jp in our tirtx-ttHJii nturtiinv, M.Jfe-iJ tfwhftniraUy ururiU jumU L m UK, film ill iwttmK, P thr'li ttt ! , triwr, L wr. n PRECISION SAW FILING rm PIGGOTT PLACE Bix 1011 Station B 'Aicnt! Pm Terminal) Terrace Ruililers RuppU CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES ' D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CJi. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St . Ph. Black 3B9 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Sid Alexander i&al MARGARET, PT0MD,:. WORK Bint. BLUE 5?; P.O.B0X;;i. Suif8 aim Se' Piione DiutSTj t for genuine ml Phone or TERMIN MESSENSS piiove r All deliveries In! , FOR YOUR.., Brick. Stone ut t Tile Betting a;d f. Phone K SOC Biue 8SS al.. Eddie's Eeaut Permanents- Ea: cuts. Appotaairv. your cunver.itr.c!, I'llunr Red OpfKolte lutoi HANDY.V HOME SE? GENERAL COST? Building and te. ROOFS - CECIL BtS: PHOS'ES P.O. Box 1670 SIDNEY K opTOiirx' Complete Visa. OFFICE "K 9 a m. tc S On Conk s Jf" MATT3C ' UPH0LSTE piione Blue IS f 234 3rd l Prinoe H G. HFLE Larnr REAL ESTATE S Phone S Erewf The bidding on today's Mr' -"H'"l"u" "a" c''" i tricks in his own hand. Wheni L j. niA,,t ,r. ha com tile UUllllllJ' ffCUV UWBH .1. OOW two perfectly good tricks there, I in the lack of spades and thei jack of hearts. But the problem was jjow to reach them. Auuarentlv there was no en Mrs. Keen opened the king of clubs and Mr. Champion let it hold the trick. A club was continued and Mr Abei showed out. di-scardimr a small diamond. ; Thus Mrs. Keen was known to j have started with Just five clubs. Now if she had no more than ! three cards In either hearts or j spades, there was a pretty fair chance for the contract INS SECOND TRICK Mr, champion won the second trick with the ace of clubs. He cashed all three of his top honors both spades and hearts. On the a third spade lead Mrs. Keen drop- the deuce ol diamonds. Now Mr- Champion gallantly present- i i:f:rl3j;:r -::-"-:fi-;':.;;.'i.i.3.. l.g i RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 KUocvciei I (Subject It Change) ! ! TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Tall Tales 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int 5:00 International Comty. 5: 1( BUI Morton Sings 5:25 Canadian Amateur Golf Summary 5:30 Intimate Review 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 8:00 Sirpper Serenade 6:15 Hawaiian Melodies 6:30 Moods In Music 7:uu CBC He 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30-Lelcester 8q. to Broadway 8:00 Club Date 8:15 Fish, flvsh and Fowl 8:30 Tzigane 9:00 I B A. 9:30 Continental Varieties 10: CO CUC News 0:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out i0:30 Adventures of Richard Hanney 11:00 Weather Report Fish Arrivals WEDNESDAY A.y. 7:00-Musical 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's BiJ! Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert adoiv K. Waaner. Phone Heaiand 12 South dealer North-South vulnerable North (Mr. Half) 3 J 8 s a H -J II 5 3 D Q 7 5 C 6 2 et rltlst (Mr. Kifll) (Mr. hi-l) 8 4 8 1 7 8 3 H H 4 2 H 10 8 7 D K 8 U J 10 4 S C-KUJ 10 9 C 4 HnliOl ( Mr. chnnipliMi) 8 A K H A K Q ' D A a C A 8 7 6 3 ?d the lead to her with a club, throwing a small diamond from the board. After winning this trick and two more clubs, Mrs. Keen was down two cards, the king and eight of diamonds. She led the eight spot but Mr. Champion put up dummy's queen which held the trick. Not that It would have been different story if Mr. Champion had executed his throw-in play before stripping-the "safe" i return leads from Mrs. Keen's j hand. Remember the Importance! of the time element. To be most j effective, the throw-In play I should be made at a time when ANY return the opponent make: wiii be to his disadvantage. Of course this can't always be , arranged. But you can try. You j can remember to strip every pos- , sible card from the opponent s , hand before giving him the lead. On today's hand Mr. Champion thought he was good, but Mrs. Keen thought he was lucky. Both , were right. .' 9:00 BBC News tt Comtj. 8:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment 9:39 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz U:00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 1:45 Scandinavian Melodies 1 : 23--Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Kesarna I'M 12:00 M:d-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1 : 00--The Concert Hour 2:00 Easy Listening POETIC NAME The state of Idaho was named Trom the Indian words "Edah Hoe." meaning "Light on thei ' Mountains." Three it a Crowd! ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Attention, men and mm women of the Moose, t Joint banquet ami! - "'""'is iiiwiur ui j JT .rf:7 Snnren-.n n v o r n r ! V&i'Z-y .1,,,,,,.. r Bn,rt , h- iieid In Mouse Temple! J Wednescluv.' October 3. Dinner served promptly at 7 p m. No admission '.rue. All members please attend. (231-2) ; Mens Rotary tea, Octuber 11, Civic Centre. Lutheran Tea, October 13. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20 L.O.BA. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Women's Hopita! 'Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, it home of Mr.i. W. C. R. Jones, 430 Fourth Avenue West, Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November la. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Fall Ba.aar November 22. St.. Peters Fall Bazaar, Nu-vember 29. United Church W..A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. 6. Ft NLRAL NOTICE AZAK Nfar CYdurvule. fridiiv. Si pti'iiiljcr M, 1U51. Emily Catherilu' A;iK, ute 2a yt'nr, beloved dniiKhU'l' of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens Km-colitli. B c. cunon UiimI is. Piot kier win Londuet :;erwe.s at CireiivilH' Court C'liii)cl nt 2 p.m. Wednesday. Ot-tolier 3. Interment to follow l-i i'Liiuew Cemetery. B. C. Undert:tk-ers in cliurt;e ol urraiiKeim'iit.s. (ltui LOSl LO.ST liO-CAUT BETWEEN 8th i and Ctli East. Piione Block 334. ! 132))) i PEKSONAL MOTHERLY woman will link alter child bv the dav in own home. Piione Green 415. i 236di j BACHELOR. i7riiET .u r i Enili-n. 40 years.1 would like to meet ladv with view to marriaae. Pnone Bill, i Green 276. between 6 and 7. l23"r" RICHARD SEPHTON. district; agent. Mutual Liie of Canada, i ls in the citv at the Savov Ho- uniine 3. where lie will be dad to receive Dersoual or uhonp calls. 235c i i ATTENTION For winter com- lort have u.s cneck vour fur-; nace now. Overhauls, re-1 placements and new installa-! tiuns. Call Biack 884. Th-mi S.heet Metal Ltd. (tf ' j MORE copies of Sent 1 'Post i le-aturino Columbia Cellulose! at Port Edward are now avail- , able at vour favorite newsstand for mailing to vour friends. (tf) f OIL HEATING SERVICES - Lawrie Mackav. Mr. Phone Blue 187 P.O. Box 687 The service that's different, clean efficient workmanship rora- Binm a thorouah knowledge of eauiument and their attendant problems. 'This ad. temporary oendina onenin of fhno and display room. Watch this space). itfi The next time vou are in the siore ask for -.i loif of -"ir li"ed wraoDed bread Phone 643 for an order. Ruoert Bakerv. MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced offica e;erk lor construction company ofCi-e. Must have short-han:! Aoolv -n writing to Box 2U7 Daily Nev.s. itfi HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for dav work Phone Red 954. (232ni WANTED Opportunity exists at Dailv News oflice for voung woman or local hiuh school graduate interested in learning lournanstic work. Snould be able to use tvoewriter. Samples of work would be desirable. Aoolv Manager. Dailv News. (tf-nc) HELP WANTED EASY MONEY FOR YOU Earr, hiuhest commission s e 1 1 i n t Name-on Cnristmas cards and Evervdav card assortments wonderlul values, over loriv items including 25 card Christmas itaiure assortment. Beloved Authors stories assortment. Velvetone and Star-b r i t e metallic assortments. Canadian scenes. Christmas carol. Mountain scene pictures and cards, personal and re- - li'.'ious cards. Kift wrappings diiiu done bells, popular comics and animated humorous cards, kiddies Christmas books and cut-outs also Evervdav assortments. Write for cataloeue and samples NOW. Name-on Stationery Company Limited Deut B4. Room F. Yonue Street Arcade Toronto H FOR RENT FOR RENT General Electric floor polishers. $1 ner day. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec. trie. (tf) FOR A NEW. HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal 2nd and2nd. t246oi 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 4i 711 Orenvilie Court- It.fl FOR RENT Housekeeping room Married rounle only Call 801 Borden Street. (tf) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT House 3 or 4 rooms Couple without ehild- ' ren for Nov. 1. Box 214 Dailv News. (232o WANTED Room and board or smalt comfortable furnished two-room auaruiieni ov nunc Ufiti.. r. .1 . 1 .11 h i .1 tirvjiiT wi?"i"o..,t i nm o.ta 1 w ti ooKe' ' 232t I 1 YOUNG ScottWi familv. uiiiet. nectapjp. aesoerateiv neea . three or four room home or I aoartment to rent. Can anv- one heln? PO Box 23ii. 12320 FOR SALE FOR SALE 100 eal. ealvanized not water taint; also not water iacket heater. 12-in. urate. Phone BiacK 218 :.'. FOR SALE McClarv Charm kitchen ranee. Dot burner. Call Citv Transfer. IJJUi FOR SALE 1 FAWCETT CIROULAT-IliK wood heater. Perlect condition. Pnune Blue 984. iSipi FOR SALE 1 single bed com- I Diete. Blue 704. i 233D i i FOR SALE Studio couch, oer-! lect condition. $66.00. 1423 Piagott Ave. (233ui FOR SALE Small Quebec heater, jooa condition. S18. Auulv old Muif'iave r"iaje. mormnus or after 5:30. (tf-nci FOR SALE Well eauiuoed wood working business with lront store and hoDov shoo low doan oavment. T. Norton Youni.i Keal t-state and insurance. Phone 451 or ii4a. ( 232c i FOR SALE Dinette suite-cabinet, taole ana six chairs. Piione Biue 34J after (i. i232ui FOR SALE Boys' wi'ndbreakers' school shoes, all sizes weii made, lots of wear. tood ao-peurance. Bov.s' windbreakers S2.75 to $5.50. Bovs' hoes $4.4o to $5.35 or. B.C. Clothiers. ttf.' .FOR SALE Pot oil burner kit-I chen ranae. A-l condition Cuieman oil heater. Pin ue Blue 900. (232u' FOR SALE Prince RUDert 8 ft. 2 x 4's $55 per thousand. Less than 8 ft. $25 per thousand. i 235d WANTED Plavoen and crib, Must be in good condition. Black 78. i232ui FOR SALE-, Winchester rifl" 25-20. wartime kitchen stove. 1337 Overlook Street. (231o FOR SALE One medium si'.i Enterprise oil heater. Phone Red 598. 231o -r":.. ' . . - hauuinalu ivnurt.'x nn.Mz.o -Line-beit SDeeder Shovels: Cranes: i)raann;n: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance Eauiument; Owen Clamsneli Buckets and Rock Grapc'es; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Draeline Scrapers and Buckets: National A'l Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screen.? and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. BC (tf) FOR SALE New and used household furniture. Sliahtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites.' Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicvcles Bedside Ruas. Cribs. Studio Couches etc.. sellim? at the lowest pnssib'p prices. B C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. (It) New 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformers, motors and electric power-plants for immediate shipment. Car loads of 2, 4 and 6-inch pipes. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New D6 and 8 Caterpillar Tractors, CKeood. Shovels. For Immediate delivery from United States stock. 346 Beach Ave. Vancouver. B C. (244c) KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 room house on float 40 ft x 20 ft. Contains two bedrooms with bed and ' mattress first class stove For further information write S. G. Furk. Box 1639. Prince Rupert, or phone Red 593. 1 233c i FOR SALE THE EXCHANGE BLOCK Situ ated richt in the heart of the Business District of the Citv of Prince Rupert. Attractive nrice makes for a good Investment. A 9 Room residence.with full cement basement. Situated at 803 Fraser St. in Citv of Prince Rupert. Price is verv attractive. Vacant lot on 3rd Avenue In City oi rnnce Kuoert. This is a eift. For particulars apply to: JOHN GTJRVICH Phone 32. or Red 511 Prince Ruoert. B.C. (2410) FOR SALE Industrial lot, if and 43. block 14. section 1. Next Imperial Machine Wricks i, fits are .cleared Rnr1 rj i lert Annlv Standard Machine Shon. (H) FOP RAI.F Prince Opnrtre B C Rantte 5. Coast District, on a main prr.vinf'i'l hi'rnu-iv mile ,. so'it.h. magnificent frui" n port, Fraser Railway. Trout deer rrw- l"o ne- rr0nH lunH SJuiMVdp . dairy r-Hle sheen fnrm. Make best offer, cash of term" Ti rmitrljr-id Mr, KHllen fiitt- mnrt Wnnte 1 Rnx 125, Sin Luis Obispo. Calif ornla. (Hoi Schedule for Thursday Is as' follows: Rurjert Butchers vs Hi-Gulris, and 2. Miller Bay Hospital vs BC. Parkers. 3 and 4. Booth No. 1 vs Van's Bakery, anH 6. Red Devils vs Conrad Seals, and 8. Cripples vs Ideal Cleaners, 9 and 10. W Penguin Hobby vs 383 Taxi, 11 ; and 12- " I Shenton's S.M. vs CN Tele- In graph. 1 and 2. I Cook's Jewelers vs Fashion Footwear. 3 and 4. - 1 I'.R. Plumbing vs Headpin - i' ners, 5 and 6. Pushovers vs Great West Life. and 8. Sons of Norway vs Hill,'s Shoe, Store. 9 and 10. I Canada Life vs Wallace's, 11 Ladies' high single and high thr.'e scores: Mrs. J. Shenton 320 and 719. Men's high single and high three: E. Lugrln, 329 and 786. Cjfollting Coil being Weighed By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Btaft Writer Can Outfit Be Bought for 10 LONDON A controversial theme for most fashion Twritrs in Britain these autumn olays is whether a woman can buv a pre- iseniaDie outni ior xiu. f K Since the. Labor government issued a women's pamphlet say- lng it could be done, articles in London s daily newspapers and m in mosr. women s magazines nave j been weighing the pros and cons, j The verdict? I- can be done, j but . . . and in that "but" lies i the story. You can dress cheaply j if you are satisfied with the ! stereotyped mass-produced ar-j tide that are sold by the hund- j red. You can find short swing Jack-1 ets around 5, straight skirl-;! trom 2 10s. upwards, suits at seven guineas, dresses around 3 and accessories costing upwards of 15s. But these prices do not include that ":something special" I that makes you different from thr crowd. ' One fashion writer, Gwen Robyns of the Evening News, wvnt looking for ready-to-wear cc:ktail dresses of the type favored by the bigger-income office group the boss' private secretary, the head cashier and so on. She found prices were crushing. REALLY EXPENSIVE ' They ranged from 30 to 60 for off-the-peg numbers lovely full -skirted dresses with embroidered strapless bodices and tiny jackets or boleros. These are the messes most wqmen sigh for, but are priced well beyond the means of the highest-paid office worker. COCKTAILS TOO Said a buyer from one London department store (Peter Robinson, Ltd.): "If a customer pays 25 guineas for a cocktail dress she expects the cocktails as well." For ordinary day wear, most women of the "upper-office set" find they must begin where the Labor government left off. A suit or coat of the "right type" ranges from 10 to 20 while an office dress costs from 4 to 7. (Accessory changes alone one of the mainstays of a well-planned wardrobe based on a few good pieces are in themselves expen-iv. Just a pretty chiffon hankie for pocket decoration combined with matching suede belt means an outlay of about El. ' High prices and tight purse strings have resulted in a ales resistance that worried Britain's shppkeepers. Some have started Price-cutting campaigns that have nothing In common with the usual seasonal sales. One company with 19 shops in London and the province VC & A Modesi slashed prices to below cost. For Instance, a coat for- mrrly costing 8 now sells at 6 For the moment, however, only multiple stores and a few private firms are reducing prices. Most women have their fingers crossed hoping department stores will soon follow suit with high-qual- I : :'v 1Vi NOW is the time to not for FOR SALE 1937 Ford 2 ton truck. House trailer. 18 ft;., fnllv furnished. House trailer. "R C Breeze." 16 ft fullv fur-nif-'hed. Two work trailers, dollvs, nqssenser and truck tires. 1929 Chevrolet imtor. fidiatcs. etc. Aonlv TidlarKl Pines. Phone Black 739 (tfi WANTED WANTED TOP MARKVT PRICES PAID for scran iron, steel, brass, cnooer. lead, etc J 'nnest pmdine Promof rrav-ment made Atlas Iron it Metals I.d.. ?50 Prior S Van-cnnver. B; C. Phone PAciflc 6357. (tf) CASH for scran cast, brass, coo-rwr. batteries nn radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. Citv. (tf) STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouve r and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations I Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, Mi B.C. PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Hox 478 PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 MOST PHONES The United States is estimated to have 58 per cent of the world's total telephones, with 26 phones per 100 persons. WINDOl STORM GREER & SEE J BRIDDEN l 215 1st Aenue fte51 Phone 909 Baptone and Brus k-ALSO- ';f ' . v . i, S'i I' , : m : 'i 1 A ! ' 4 'i r '' ft I) i innunn lAI CAMIME - t rM,.-f. - - it djBSt ENAMELS - PORCH PAINTS Many colors from which to choc Thompson Hardware DOROTHY DOUGLAS, sparkling new Western Canadian radio personality, brings economical recipes, new ways to stretch food budgets and helpful hints to radio listeners here every day. She is JHome Management Adviser for Delta Rice ard her program features many interesting ways to use the world's most popular and versatile foods. She can be heard every week, Monday through Friday over CFPR at 9:50 a.m. NEWS ADS get $ : 0 BLONDIE ( M if MM 7. '!r:j GOILV-USTENIV I 'II JS TO THC5E VJOMEN I V S f,-?, . . GOSSIP isn T ' UfA njj: r-?X 1 L: i.i well , nwait'll N i J V.A1 HEAR what jbr-SSaaatj-Ta il . JT( jt T r U- S - "7 i.-- y j , ity merchandise,