fomber 10, | wednese® —_ 1919. THE DAILY NEWS el FERED IBLE AGONY f nu-atives” Alone Gave vim Quick Relief rn iekingham, Que., May Srd, 1915, iporseven years, I suffered terribly wore Aleadaches and Indiges- jon t had belching gas from the i veh, andI had chronic Constipa- : 1 tried many remedies but soe did me good, Finally, @ a ‘ 1, advi ed “ Pruitatives’, I ir ig grand fruit medieine and ell. To everyone who 5 health with Constipa jd 1n stionand Bad Stomach, 1 si ta ruitt-tives’’, apd you mee" ALBERT VARNER, — for $2.50, trial size 25c. t postpaid by Fruit-a- , Ottawa, Ont, MPRES New Show Tonight ~ PRANK KEENAN “More Trouble” “a Fight for Millions” and a Fine Comedy 15 and 80 cents 7:15 and 9%. Admission vo Shows NOW OPEN PR.CAFE Best in Town —_—_ Second Avenue, Near Empress Theatre Phon® Green 5607 1017 Srd Avenue Daigarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Spe und Heavy Con Alterations Work and pairs and Staircase Fintshing Estimates Cheerfully Given I lass BRICK AND CONCRETE GUILOING CONTRACTORS EH. SHOCKLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and iterior finish lumber al- Ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. nates Given, REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Phone Green 269. ai Est Pree SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Secand Street. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 The ariand’ Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Month or Week, Phone Red 246 PRM» "OO O—O FCoE Board by WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NO rk les Limited E that Northern B. € ie \ Whose address is ancouver, B. © @ tot . f Water Which fe out of un SSA ,¢ vs | boundary ” Wate: ream at a ny e 8 28 or ” ing dustrts Dd ce al about Lot 4054 wr about 180 f power eribed at purpose t upon : ee WAS posted on the “eptember, 1919 A “Water oMee of Kupert, B to . 4pplication may Act, vd Of Water Vietori Tter = the . Rights, B.C, first appearance YORTHERN pg) -OCal Newspaper The ¢ By tice “at a the Ww. A 1 K ipert Bauer, Piece September Dally | FEDERATED LABOR T0 OPPOSE DR. TOLMIE The Federated Labor party to oppose the Hon. 8. F. Tolm Minister of Agriculture at Ottaw . when he appears before the Vi, ( toria constituency for recelection next month, it was decided at a meeting of that organization in the K. of P. Hall last night, says the Victoria Colonist. Forty mem bers of the Federated Labor party were present. The candidate will be chosen next Wednesday ev ing. This action was taken by the meeting because of the failure of the Dominion Government to deal seriously with the high-cost of living, profiteering and its refus | to grant bail to the Winnipeg strike leaders who were arrested and thrown into jail. Members of the party are now working to secure the consent of some prominent labor represen tative to allow his name to go be- fore the proposed nominating convention. The Federated Labor party was formed last January as a political labor party, both for organized and unorganized labor, following action taken by the B. CG, Federa tion of Labor at Vancouver. [i is quite distinct from the Trades and Labor Council. Its members, under President FE. W. Ellis, have hopes of gaining representation in the Federal and Provincial Houses. — —_ Sport Briefs f The feature of Monday even- ing’s football match was the man- ner in which the St. Andrew's forward line got down to work. They Carried the ball down in ‘ine style and crossed it over to an- other team mate in quite pro- fessional style. Eddy Smith who was playing inside right worked hard and kept worrying the Rail- waymen's backs. It was a great time for the fans when Eddy and Johnnie Currie clashed for the ball. They have played together in many other games but Monday night were battling at each other all the time. * > . At the game Monday evening nany of the fans became quite *xcited at times and the familiar of some of the players called out across the field as they played well or otherwise. The ladies on the benches got very excited and were standing up on phe seats yelling vociferously. * . * Waldorf, the Grand Trunk goalie, was unable to appear on the field Monday evening and the representative which he had be- tween the posts had surely to keep on his guard, The Scoteh- men were appavently out for gore and spared him no time to collect himself if he ever moved to one side of the net. The backs for the G. T. P. boys were not sure enough and generally missed the ball when it was directly in the mouth of the net and of course the goal-keeper. had then very little chance of saving the leather from passing through. ! t names were A number of the young boys were up at the recreation ground last evening for baseball practise. The Nationals were having a run | Oem 9 St os ese ; Daily News Classified Advertising tiie eee _ WANTED. WANTEI) Woman cook, Wages 875 a month, with board and room. Apply to matron, P. R. _General Hospital. tf WANTED—A stenographer, must have had statement experience. : Apply Daily News Box 293. tf WANTED -Young lady who un- derstands millinery. Apply Miss Barbeau, Sixth St. 241 ASSESSMENT WORK DONE ON Mining Claims by reliable party Apply Daily News office. 15 WANTED Two young ladies. Apply Killas Bros. tf WANTED—Small launch. Phone Black 202. tf on the Market Place yesterday afternoon in order to be in good shape for the fair eports day, a« they have to battle with their old- time opponents, the Tiny Tims. * * >. It is very likely that the Trail Athletics. will have a couple of new players on their team for Thursday evening in the match against the St. Andrew's Society. Billy Booth is not yet feeling fit and fine after his accident re- ceived in the game against the Sons. There will possibly be an- other change in the line-up and some who have been playing for- ward will go on the half line. FRANK KEENAN AT EMPRESS THEATRE “More Trouble,” something that many people are looking for, is to be seen tonight at the Empress Theatre. Also there will be a first rate episode of “A Fight for Millions.” This, together with a fine comedy, makes a good show. Ketchikan visitors in the city include Mr. and Mrs, H. Knights, Mrs. Bailey and son, J. W. Hilton, Emma Hilton and Mrs. R, C, Gen- kins and baby. 212 LAND ACT Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT, RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEEBNA, and situate im the vicinity of District Lot 7¥2 on Massets Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that the Wallace Fisher- ies, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum bia, occupation canning company, intends to apply for rmission to lease the fol jowing deseribed lands:— Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of the northwest quar- ter of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands District, thence west 20 chains; thence north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains more or less to the high water mark of Massett Inlet, thence southeasterly and following the said high water mark 33 chains more or jess to the point of com- mencement and containing twenty (20 acres more or less. : ME WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED Per Fred. Nash, B.C. L.5., Agent. Dated 3rd day of June, 1919. MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS ‘Common Clay.” NOTICE. Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jimm Praection, Rob Roy, and Nephin Fraction Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining Division of Gassiar District. Where located:—On the west side of Granby Bay, near Anyox. : TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as,agent for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt ing and Power Company, Limited, Free Mimer’s Certificate No. 32188-C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to app!) to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the jpeepees of ob taining a Crown Grant of above claim And further take notice that action, uh der section 85, Must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of Im oe mee me mee Do rere eres WANTED hand, with knowledge of gaso- line repair work Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. WANTED AT ONCE neer. Apply Deep Sea Fisheries, Ltd., Second Ave. tf WANTED—Trunk and grip. Ap- ply stating price Daily News Office, 241 WOULD YOU INVEST $100.00 IN an oil company if you know} that you have a splendid chance | to make $5,000.00 out of such) an investment; that the men! behind the company are making an honest and conscientious | effort to produce oil and that} all experts assure us of suc-| cess? If so write to box 297 Daily News Office for full par- | ticulars. Our references will} satisfy the most critcal. NOTICE IF YOU ARE PAYING UP ON Government lots, Can save you large part on payments. Call at once, Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR SALE TROLLING BOAT FOR SALE 35 by 8 ft. 6 in., 12 h.p. heavy duty 4 eycle-engine, electric wired, all trolling gear fitted and ready for sea in first class shape. Price reasonable. Would consider town lots in exchange J. Howe, 724 7th Ave. W., or box 296 Daily News Office. tf FOR SALE BY TENDER — Lot 3 Block 39, Section 5. Six rooms. In good condition. Water. Light. Clear title. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and including September 25. P. Dawson, Norfolk Rooms, Phone Black 329. 222 STRAWBERRY PLANTS for fall planting, $2 per hundred, post free. Also fruit bushes 50c. each, Order now. Fruitland Nurseries, Remo, B. C. (G.T.P. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALE — Old suitable for campers, News Office. heater, Daily stove ELEVEN FAT GEESE FOR SALE. Enquire 211 Ninth Ave. West. Evenings. tf LosT LOST -— Grey tweed overcoat. Finder please phone 76, tf FOUND FOUND Knitted belt of lady's sweater. Apply Daily News of- fice. tf 8 MISCELLANEOUS SEE MeGOWAN, the Cycle man, for new and second-hand bi- cycles, repairs and parts. Easy terms. All kinds of light re- pair work, Second Avenue, near MeBride. Phone Blue 421. THE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m, or by appoint- rovements. ° ‘Dated this 8rd day of July, A. D. 1919 H.°N. CLAGUE, B.C.L. 5. ——————_ ee — Page 5 5 Experienced lathe preferred. Boat engi- Cc a package before the war Cc a package during the war Cc a package NOW THE FLAVOUR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! ( See ALBERT @& McCAFFERY ~) , es aa Anything in the Building Line We handle Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber . C. Mill’s Fir Cement Shingles Plaster Lime Brick __Laths | Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 SECOND AVENUE The Business Man’s Restaurant REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. ment. Phone 493. tf Gene Byrnes Says:—“Thanks for the Advice.” TRAT pocn | OLD GeV Wv PROPPED A BONOLE — MaANbe ITS WS LUNCH OR SOMETHIN — {0 BETTER LeT rim KNOW, ABOUT ‘T 1 PPP POOP OOOO ODS » Pish- Winch +» Wi apply for aid use 4 cuble feet per ws c UN- Daly horth and drains int 200 feet west of » diverted from the moe eet N.W. of t 4954 and will be used the OL 4954, Range 5, Coast ground wolle A copy and nd an application puremant 1014,” wi Water Ke be ‘ter Kecorder or with Paria within FISHERIES LIMITED Applicant » A . frst publieation of his News, ONT a A, verse ‘T° Ul'S ONLY A TRIFLE- PROBABLY Yuin Oa AS FOR or 50 KV REW SLRELN ott 4 REANEM FOR THD, a. ao WN = = _- — . * onal — r ~itne