PROVINCIAL! rv i 6 PROVISCIAL VICTORIA, B. LI33m. C. ' ORMES DrtUGS DAILY DELIVERY CABS ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER K y 0 pisPATCHKD Published ot Canoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greet Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, No. 231 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1951 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS m Runprt Woman r o)n cc a i Wms doom illed as Truck Goes ou o Off Road in Interior UN Can f ! death marked week-end accidents on I-!? TTI.L HI..- I"! ,1 Coalition Candidate Poor Third in Fight r- ;' . A . ' - ' ' j1 na uiver nignway. iurs. Limine Latnenna , I'l ince Rupert cannery worker, was killed Saturday night when a coal-laden truck sin: was a passenger dropped 80 feet off the on the other side of Cedarvale opposite VICTORIA (CP) Frank Mitchell, curly-haired 2G-year-old former champion Army boxer, yesterday punched out a victory for the CCF over British Columbia's coalition government -in the Esquimalt field. irk air linn in - 4 provincial by-election. Win War j Bradley Confident of Korea j Outcome Sees Truce Slill Possible ! TOKYO (CP) United Nations has enough power in Korea "to ; keep anyone from running over , as." General Omar Bradley said j today after a flying visit to the front. j "I do not think the Commu-, ni.sU can hurt us," Bradley said, i The general did not rule out i the possibility that disrupted . truce talks might be resumed m j Kaesong. j "It all depends on circum- stances," he said. "We have sug- Rested a place with equal rights, i So far we have had no reply." Bradley said that, if truce conferences collapse completely, United Nations forces are capable of fighting the Korean war to a successful military Bevan Wins Over Attlee Mitchell, who won the Army'i iiile was 50 or 60 feet (hillside. It had landed jf, is after turning over :nes. Apparently, It ! in soft gumbo at the .nt over. Stay the truck was If Gerald RoberUon, More Red light-heavyweight boxing title Si i during the war, defeated Mayor Percy George of Victoria, the coalition candidate, and three! independents to win the seat Jets Down which was made vacant by the 1 . ROYAL STRATOCRUISER A Stratocruiser of ti. Brit:f-h Overseas Airways Corporation, such a3 thi- one. will carry Fr:ncess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh from London to Montreal Oct. 8., The Royal pair originally were- sched iled to a: rive at Quebec City Oct. 2, by ship, but the King's illness forced postponement for a w --L The official tour will start at Quebec Oct. t postponing all events for a full week. The plane probably will be specially fitted out for the Royal couple. iter ariver. xie tm were three children A fourth child suf-ilten collarbone and death of Cdr. C. T. Beard, Co- , fc:o Hazelton Hospital. were those, of Mrs. oral will be held In n'rt tomorrow, highway death was year-old Tommy Hos-,e car left, the road alition. The standing in the 48-mem-ber Legislature Is now: Coalition 38 CCF 8 . Independent 3 Labor 1 With 28 or 29 polls heard from, the count was: Mitchell, 2751. Dodgers Win Halted Game Finf EIGHTH ARMY HEADQUARTERS IN KOREA (CP) United States jet pilots shot down two Communist jets today, making 102 they have claimed in the first jet War In history. About 130 planes were Involved in two air battles which erupted Thursday over northwest Korea. It is reported that no United States' planes were lost. ! is cvenea up H ers Saturday, killing il driver. Dodgers Slaughter Giants ' By 10-to-0 Score j NEW YORK (CP) Brooklyn ; VANCOUVER Oi The Cana Cdr. A. C. Wurtele, Independ- dian lacrosse final was all square 1 ent Tito Gives Up Trieste 2491. Major Victory for Left Winders In British Labor Party SCARBOROUGH, England Aneurin Bevan, Socialist rebel, win has challenged the scale of Britain's rearmament program, today won a major victory over Frtm-; M raster Altlee's administration and took a stride toward the leadership of the Labor party. Local Labor parties, entitled to elect seven members of the nat!"nal executive, put the fiery 53-year-old Welshman and two of his lieutenants ay the top of their poll. Bevanitw also ousted one of the government's main figures In the aims drlvj Defence Minister Emmanuel Shinwell from the 27-member executive. Shinwell was defeated by a woman red-haired Barbara Castle, aged 39. one of Bcvan's staunchest supporters. The vote showed a great battle over arms policy almost certain at two games eac htoday with ! Peterborough Pets tucking away George, lti96. Archibald Mclntyre, Inda- Jim Hearn's Pitching is Win Factor i a 13 to 4 victory over Vancouver Pendent, 332 " . . . I Keith Kolth Oral Press Housing Gray, Independent, 51. j Dodgers evened up the best two out of three National League , playoff series today with the : i New York Giants by winning 10 ' jtoO. j j Brooklyn jumped off to the-i lead bv eettine two runs in the T The by-election was the first ffv. Musial Wins Fifth Crown test at the polls in British Co lumbia since the general elec tion of 1949. Jim Hearn ! first nalf of the first Inning. Combines last night in the best of seven series. j It was a fantastic game at Vancouver Forum, played on a ! treacherously greasy floor. Ice had been laid in the Forum I in preparation for the hockey ! season and boards were placed ROME (Pi Milan's usually reliable "Europeo" says today that Marshal Tito has agreed to give up his claims to Trieste in return for United States military aid against Russian attack. It said that Tito had agreed to give the United States full use of Yugoslav land, sea and air bases In event of war. I The Opposition labelled the BROOKLYN 9 , ... , Jackie Robinson lined out a ; test a "key vote" to determine big side-arming right-hander. homer, scoring Reese ahead of pitched one of his most brilliant him Labine was pitching for i the public's reaction to the ad-j ministration. I Some Progressive Conserva- Kinney jviouuay anu luioeu uacn - Brooklyn it ill Commerce Asking ,l Aprdite Action ltental Prujeet 4f of Commerce will y- : he city council for it:,m in regard to the t 'ii ii of a tentative which the city now l n-hi.rjhw a f'ftv- and Jones for New NEW YORK Although official averages have not been released, Stan Musial, 30-year-old St. Louis Cardinals slugger, has ' won his filth National me I'.gnimg urooKiyn uoagers vnrir I over it. . 1 tives saw the result as a protest . The floor was watered and : at the coalition. ; 3 to 1 in a tense mound duel and i carried the enflamed New York Tn Dodgers made it 3 to 0 in j Giants to within a single victory tne ,iftn inning when Snider of their goal the World Series. . doubled and Robinson slashed a j In propelling destiny's tots to single, scoring Snider. In the ! sand and sawdust poured on it A CCF spokesman Interpreted League batting crown. to step up condensation. I it as a mandate. t Musial finished the regular : '. season Sunday with a .355 aver Peron Blames after the October 25 mat housing project " , T election. oui-uua; eit'c nri i .u- -it., . V k Muted In the city on. Ambassador - s,i f "5 percent federal Million And Half Dollar Bevan has declared a truce only for the election period. - their e.i'ht.1 i raight victory and lmrQ opencer repiacea jones on thttr thirteenth decision 1n their i tne mound for the Giants. a?t 14 fcamrs, lirfir u yielded only The Drwlgers score twe-more fivj' hits to the bone-tired In the sixth, making it 5 to 0. age. Play-oft games between Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants count in the averages but no one can catch Stan. Jackie Robinson of the Dod Weather Project for NBC Asbestos , 17'2 percent' pro ; -rnmenl and Tj per-:vij ImaiH'ing. r lbi r v. as advised by '.. e that' negotiations I' allied a point where ' 4 approval and final i Son with government gers is close in third place, with Declares I'nited States Envoy Back of Revolt In Argentina BUENOS AIRES P President Feron charged today that Hodges hit a homer. Cox got on f-econd when Thompson mishandled his line drive. Labine missed a squeeze bunt attempt and Cox was hung between third and home but scored when Brooklyn flock und was not in seilotis danger of being caught, b:;cause Bobby Thomson and Monte Irvin slashed out home runs. Leo Durocher'i amazing team a .333 mark after Sundays eame but he cannot Dick ud 20 ' Synopsis All of the southern half of the An asbestos enterprise in Northern British points. Spruille Braden, former United tagging him. origina-; Columbia is expected to give fresh impetus to mining deiphia Phimes is wcond with States ambassador, was needed to win only one of the Spencer, after two games scheduled on their j dropped the ball before province continues under the ln-i fluence of a depression lying just a as required Mi d be called- tor ot Friday's unsuccessful re- for jt will mean an investment of a million and a half,! -3-" .w lii 1 l I- I Only two other players, Honus After 41 minutes delay from I the rain, play was resumed. The 1 home field starting today to climax the greatest stretching drive in all baseball. diers and politicians were arrest- according to F. M. Connell of Toronto and the Can f. I he difficulty was w st. of the Washington coast. $b"iit Retting the build- This depression was becoming ' a cost whereby the somewhat weaker this morning n aid be able to get but indications were that it will Dodgers scored again in the ed. Ralph Branca went eight in- sixth, making it e to u. Keese i on, rinsp tn thP Armv said Wagner and Rogers Hornsby, have won more National League batting titles than Musial. Wagner won eight crowns and Hornby seven. :eent return on ren- persist off sou'hwestern Vancou-' ningr for the Dodgers and turn- West Exploration Co. The property Is situated 90 miles west of Watson Lake which is on the Alaska Highway. Dr. W. Smitheringale Is at present ln charge of operations. His Majesty Recovering singled, sending Labine to third. tnat 200 officers and men had Snider singled, scoring Labine. I been selzpd in a relentless police The Dodgers scored two more dragnet during the week-end. in the seventh, making it 8 to 0. j Many leaders In the opposition Pafko homered. Hodges walked. I radical, nationalist, communist, ver Island for the next two days ed in a creditable performance and that unsettled weather will but Thomson s thirty-first blast "intinuc. The northern half of of the season In the fourth ln-thc Interior and the north coast nlng, with Irvin on base, and will have a fair amount of clouds Irvin 's twenty-fourth leading off ' I i costing $12,000, for iikl involve a rental Irfcmgs suggested that It 1 be ) ussible to get houses 1 tjl ooo or loss. i;iber will pursue the Women Pass up London Jobs waiKer singiea ana noages socialist ana conservative parues mNnnivr (fP)ThP TOni had The old Moccasin Creek road both days from this system but in the eighth unhorsed right scored all the way from first i were listed bv political circles as th0r rt maht ,a hi. n. i cnrf or,n thi win h, Handed fastballer. precipitation is not expected to occur in these legions. (ti the city with a. view when Mays allowed the ball to , ln custody. , eral condition is satisfactory, to- linked with a road running from bounce past him. I At a press conference Peron day's official bulletin said. the mine property. It Is esti- The Dodgers added another ( revived his long standing feud No complications nave occur- mated there, are from 200,000 to couple of runs in the ninth. Cox with Braden, ambassador here rpfl in th) first critical davs ! 300,000 tons of talus material, i Bud Podbielan worked in the ! ninth. Andy Pafko gave the flock its only score when he caught iact.ou as quickly as Another storm now moving in-. view of the continu- to the Oulf of Alaska is expected i housing situation. to move into the coastal depres fast ball walked. Walker hit 101 four months in 1945 and as- containing much asbestos fibre sion late tomorrow and to cause Ahearn's and shot it a homer. The 1 since the operation and the of superior quality. Into the shallow left field stands game was over, 10 to 0 for thelfistant secretary of state for King is siowiy recovering his some Increase in its intensity. Further rainfall is expected on Latin-American affairs until 5trenEth. He is eating easily-di- with two down in the second. Dodgers. LONDON More and more of Britain is 3-a-week women office workers are staying close tr home. - - Instead of flocking to take jobs in the City and West End they prefer to work in factories, small offices and shops near their homes. "The situation is noticeably worse than last vear." said Mrs. hsions to h Cancelled , the coast after this increase takes place. .j Temperatures will again re- 1947- gested foods brought from the In New York, Braden said that royal farm. Peron's charges wee "perfectly The Queen is In constant at- ridiculous" and showed "how tendance. Promote Welfare Alberta Indians Prince Albert Would . main largely uncnangea wnn JJUTON. DC. (CP) the flow from the Pacific main-'Mjr.-uman today ordered taining quite mild conditions weak and wobbly he (Peronl really is." CALGARY P' There are some Rosalind Pyke, who runs an em- AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver ( today I Mr. fan trade concessions both during the day and night. Use Local Elevator U.00O Indians in Alberta and the ployment agency in London's Northwest Territories. And Willa Bermondsey district. MUCH DESERT Addle, Capt. Charles Wilson, r. Eevnt's total area is estimated Hoy, H. Woo, G. K. Douthwaite, ""ist Czechoslovakia f tective November 1. j i"ti followed a con-iirective that all Amide benefits to Com- Forecast North coast region Variable cloudiness today. Cloudy tomorrow with sunny Intervals along t, . . r, , rr j , -it , Ut 385,033 square miles, but only D. E. Olsen, R. S. Connell, Joe t mice Albert Board OI Irade has written to the about 13.500 square miles are Young, J. Lassen, C. Gray, M. Prince Rimwrr. nhamhpr rf rnmmprpp fanvassino- inhabited. Banek, H. Petersen. fiis be wiped out. the mainland. Little change ln cessions have already temperature. Winds light. Lows' tVio nneaihilitv nf tho Prinna Rnnoi-t olovatni Vininir Broderick. a soft-spoken attrac- The City and West End have tive grey-haired woman, hopes only 10 per cent of the juniors to meet every one ot them. they need, compared with 20 per Miss Broderick realizes the cent last year." ' ambition will be hard to fulfill ; Reasons given for this migra-i but as the Department of Indian t'n of youngsters to jobs in the ; Affairs' first woman worker ln provinces are increased fares, j Alberta and the Territories, she discomfort of rush-hour travel , I will cover thousands of miles i and the high cost of restaurant ! annually visiting large reserves meals. I and small communities. At a starting salary of 3, 3 mried for Bulgaria, tonlchts and hiEhs tomorrow ! ' .... ... . f . . . . and 13 other Red- nt. Pn,t H-rriv sn and fin: sand- used to relieve the glut ot prairie grain in view ot TODAY'S STOCKS areas throughout the spit, 47 and 60; Prince Rupert,, the humner cron this vear with nn nlacp tn nut it. 44 and 57. Meantime, the chamber (Courtesy 8. U. Johnston Co. Ltd.) meeting cheered when it heard ' Edward Boulter say that he Okalta 2.80 Miss Broderick will teach the 15s. if they can type, the girls ilition Should Resign Princess 160 l Indians, particularly the younger 1 'ind it cheaper to work where Royal Canadian 16 people, some of the ways of the tnev can cvcl to and from work Royalite 17.50 i white man. It is hoped they will and go home for lunch. had received a message that 40 cars of grain were being loaded on the prairies or were on their way to Prince Rupert. The Prince Albert board sought full Information as to CCC Club is Being Formed Top Bani Artist Being Brought Here For Inaugural , VANCOUVER American Standard 31 Bralorne , 7.15 B R X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1.45 Congress 10 Giant Mascot 109 Indian Mines 23 ' i Pend Oreille 10.50 , " "Tremendous" "te in Esquimalt I then find it easier to be assimi-! lat e.d into society. j 08 Vi She will organize home-mak-j 21 i lne clubs, discussion grouDs and Vacation Hazards Hit Manitoba MP lOM.slv R trpmovrtnns TORONTO Athona A'imaqiie Beattle Bevmurt Buffalo Canadian ... te against coalition. other means to bring home to the 1 TnHlnns hnw tn irpt. Atnncr ns in. .40 .64 .28 Customs Revenue Here Mounting September's customs collections have brought this year's total so far past the half-million dollar mark, which is considerably higher than collections for LOlUmhla l lhnral I The new 300 (CCC) Club, .. 2.25 ..' .34 .. .11 Pioneer Premier Border Privateer the local 1,250.000-bushel plant, its capacity, condition, etc. j Apparently, the Prince Albert board had not realized there was an elevator here until It read about It ln the Saturday Evening Post. Secretary P. H. Llnzey of the Prince Rupert chamber has already written a reply, giving full Information and telling of ef- Reeves McDonald 6.25 - '"flay in result of the Esqul-ffction. v construed the CCF ranHIH.i. .05 Consol. Smelters 185.00 Conwest 4.15 Donakla 45 F.nst Sullivan 9.20 Oiant Yellowknife 12.50 Reno formed by members of Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. staff, will bring a continent-famous banjo artist to appear nere at the inaugural dance. . Friday, October 12. Wallie Peters, born and raised in Vancouver, will bring to Prince Rupert his master tech-, nique which has won him places : i on the CBC network, Hollywood tne same Perlod last year, v"le for socialism but ! knee of iKlMUon Collectlos Iast nlonth of 59'- .14 .09 .15 Hardrock Harncana Heva dividual in another society. LONDON (CP) G. P. Renouf of Miss Broderick explains the Minitonas. Man., a member of idea this way:. the Manitoba Legislature, will "Thei j are a great many things long remember his 1951 holiday in our way of life entirely un- in Europe, suitable to the Indians. It's un- j Bnroute from Britain to Jer-wise to try making them accept sey, in the Channel Islands, a these. And the Indians have trunk containing most of Re-many things in their 'culture nouf's clothing went astray. He worth perpetuating." : then applied for some funds Miss Broderick has spent six which he had invested in bonds years as home economics teacher in Jersey. among Indians in Ontario and But the British Treasury de-was with the British Columbia dined : visitors from the dollar Welfare Department. I area are expected to use dollars already been P otest vote would not j Z $45Ulu"l9 Thd ! orU that had made to bring the house into Jolift Quebec 56 Madsen Red Lake 2.33 Mel.eod Cockshutt 3 00 use t Personally Mr Perrvlbeen collected b September 'he belJ'tatPeSiW,hfln2hfiad a" l0W f Sliould resign ,$16,750.26. Noranda Sheep Creek 1.70 Kilbak Premier 50 Vananda .'. 16 ,. Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley .25 Silver Standard 2.75 Western Uranium 5.00 Cronin Babine 60 Oils-Anglo Canadian .' 7.00 A P Con 48 Atlantic 3.25 pi'"nt 1.55 C & E 16.00 - Central Leduc 2 25 Home Oil 15.25 Mercury 19 .84 V, .36 ! The local chamber decided ' teevision and stage appearances that the matter should be fol-, with the famous Eddie Peabody. lowed up further by sending i Handling arrangements for ln- , copiss of the Prince Albert let-: auguration party are D. J. Dos-ter and Mr. Linzey's reply to the well. F. H. Adames, J. W. Estey, Lotivicourt S:m Antonio 2.65 TIDES - - W spoke from his hos-f, ( !' having sustained !;u;k n Sunday. His t ,l,hat he was in no .19Vj ' ! for spending in Britain. So Re- Senator Rouyn Wednesday, October 3, 1951 I Minister of irade ana commerce Bill Halllweil. Ray Sahlen, Olen High 2:25 20 3 feet ' and Mr. Appiewnaiie as con- Bennett and Miss Agn-es Mack. -"ii. uea rest for a Sherrit Gordon 4.10 Steep Rock 7.80 Silver Miller 152 Upper Canada 1 82 Golden Maiutou 7.35 j HISTORIC BRIDGE , nouf had to call on Canadian ' London Bridge until 1750 was officials in London, including the j the only bridge over the Thames branch oiftoe of a Canadian : at London, now crossed by more bankbefore he could get money . i than a score of bridges. , to replenish his wardrobe: f be necessary. "He Is I 14: I '""Pltal report this Low 8: 22 22.1 feet ere te eviuenue iquuung j. i.i with peters is travelling a five-20 5.2 feet. 1 Harvey) that some source at piPce supporting cast of mnsi- 20:53 2.5 feet least is interested in us. , clans. ,