"1 Prince Rupert DoilyN'ews .M' V Tuesday,- October 2, 1951 ft and NOW USE OUR BUDGET PLAN AND Fine Weather is Keeping up Prince Rupert Appears Headed for Record This Year After a comparatively fine September, the year 11 appears still headed for a fine weather record. Sunshine is running away head of all recorded previous years with rainfall likewise lower. . . gt-pttmber sunshine to- f,(RY STANWOOD I HEATING system Is ,1 hu)il needs, and 2! v currently, there is 1 rwrHnz to raise a.uuu in of Prince Eupert. v i; t the campaign com- "Ju u.s. and no doubt, I tailed 107.5 hour compared with 89.2 hours In the same ti.t. Road Protest has me campaign i i-i l bv tho federal . &W.a&iS month last year. To date this year sunshine has aggregated 875.3 hours as against 803.6 hours in the first nine months of 1B&0. The rainfall Uiis September was 5.91 inches compared with 5.43 last September. So far in 1851 precipitation amounts to 48.25 in c hen as against 58.84 inches in the corresponding Backed up Policy of Minister underlined and Immediate Improvement Demanded IT'S NOT TOO EARLY TO PLAN PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS governments j ipixmiseU 10 contribute tWf supply our share Jt.ulmu citizens in our : ,,usc people clost to bi the operators them- j told us the $164,000 f v for further efflcivnt j 1 of the hospital. I 4,. campaign la more; ks old. Some money, ; ;iii)0. already has been kiit the committee be-j TOUR MATRON FO Ella IWannlx of Mcota, Sask., Senior Matron at RCAF Hospital Rockcliffe Airport, near Ottawa, has been given the most important assiirnment of her carer. Chosen to accompany Pr.ncess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on their Canndlnrt' and United Statc.3 tour next month, she claims it is "the most wonderful Job" a nurse could dream of having. (CP PHOTO I Prince Rupert Chamber of period last year. Commerce last nljht took up thaj The wUi aum.iuuy for torch of protest at the policy of September is as follows: U..r, tr r ... i .. v.. VJ p.-nua... M.,..im,im tnnri.iir. 7 on September 15. ) ent construction and hard surfacing of Highway Sixteen eastward from Prince Rupert. The matter came up at last Minimum temperature, 3(i.5 on money is iuus , I . I Watch September 29. es T T T v., ni 1 tirt rf u.'hft. it. unnlH enfit. tn Mean temperature, 53.7. VTaYtmum hnrnmptf-r 30 R4 " X ctarfft of the ; lnrtal a new heating system. The Chmber meeUn. ; follow E. T. Apple- enters prescribed two 7S- " " ".T - " 7 L:'l fPlemDeT sin since Ji.jw mpiilun manager, left horsepower boilers, as a mini- " , , " ; " ,1 Minimum barometer, 2!).il, liiihtinE mum requirement tor present : " . tBepiemDer a. start again and luture needs, including in- , 1, , , i ' ,, rrecipitation, incnej on ttahation and construction of a , 'ra "T kLV k T could iii 15 Wacktopplng new heating plant building, the .ks,b!.fo,re. Sunshlne 107.5 hours on 21 OMEGA . . . Famous in automatic time BULOVA . . . Known the worrd over GRUEN .... Styled with accuracy CYMA-TAVANNEX . . Styled nd priced for value ROLEX. MOV ADO, MIDO, ELGIN, HAMILTON, T1SSOTS, ADMIRAL AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM . sis at Ottawa. So I ; .ue today and asked , the drive. ;D Doug, what do you bluing people back in j A this campaign?" .(jlit'ht tiiat not enough j jj .-t given real serious j ; Sj the situation. " '""ia-en. whok unit would cost $102,000. j days. These plans were sent to the Initiating the subject at the Maximum wind velocity. Provincial government They Chamber meeting, T. N. Youngs southeast, 24 miles per hour on were approved and suggestions mphasd that, with Import-September 8. were muC-j for added facilities, f"1 ne" Industrial development, , Included in the new heating "" uei-wern rnnce Kupen, ,..'.. ..... iw h t, son-aaiinn aild Terrace became more and r If uiL-io ii i. irir- . " . more eoienilal H Folt that ih. i hating tanks, which Doug says ' u " - -;:. r.""".-r'; government should be reminded SPECIAL OFFER , i. w;m-n nasnt been : win proviae ampie supply oi uui. . . unnprUl.in Hl. " " Ibv the commltte to i water. At present, the small a f'gf' 4uon of the public?- unit U overtax and does not J, 4 - ;PVlV enough hot water . he (e, take o IH.U Doug i.at was on- The new plant ould,),If, testing the minUWr'. sutement ilassed him to explain ! supply enough steam for sterili- and askin that be Plant situation ration of Instrument- in the : ,aken lQ black lt R so much money .operating room. pert to Terrace road. "At present, the hospital is , FREEH with every purchase over $2.00 tve vou got now to ; vjuw-uuic ui wic inuuer was d naviriB 9 (HMI a vckr In .lectrlcal ?? ' ALrm ,?tinn 'r?'3'uti" that a committee be Wll alone , , fo stenltotlon That That a dr in Itself would be a saving. resolution of d -otest at the fc.ispital and how much , , li s tut- present plant . . "Hospitality and Good Food" , That Is Our First Aim Phone 11 for Orders To Take Out STRING OF PEARLS BRILLIANT PENDANTS I I A NEW HEATING plant would attitude of the minister of public A that at present there ' aiSQ give tlle hospital a chance works on the Prince Rupert road .-.-..rsepower low Pressure : to open up a new wing, so badly ; which should be improved as 4n-n 12 and 14 years j etde4 alieady. jsoon as possible. :.: fa.r condition, and a j spaLB is tnere, enough for p.-esident J. C. Ollker appolnt- .-power high-pressure t 4() beds but with the present ed a committee consisting of T. frndetermtned vintage.' j hpaun system, such a plan . N. Youngs, J. H. Black, W. F. n,j.nient, he said, was ; could not be considered. ; Stone and Hugo Kraupner. 1 Commodore Cafe PEARL BRACELETS PEARL EARRINGS STONE SET PINS Wra. Rogers Buifel Forks I 1 1 'f oy meiiicieni And that brings us to the! . Tu Nimr imi .t,M-!jWnit prt ot ollr pruoiem, iVvw YOU GET YOUR CHOICE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OVER $2.00 1 I m f a maKBsniu, iuu-,gay, jjoug. "We just have- put i 4 ater UniK. ! that wing into operation. ; - 1 Si ' -B V. iliis equipment 24; M pposent. Uie hospital is , ,v throughout- the year rwln,w cnen at 105 to 110 per e really pushing iu 'cm,ti eapaoit.y. That means, in-by dosing olf oneittead o( Kuuie 75 u, 8fl patients -.c nur.vs' residence, j w,ith would be about 85 i t-Lir 'VII !; il.uttliig off radiators ! and n... oei as niany as U0 the hospital,, "we're more patients overcrowd the Casual Jewelry hcspital wards at once. ' iou ran see why we are asking " ' for 40 more beds WHAT DOES the campaign 1 committee think Is a fair and lie operating at a bare f This way we can't i h mgh we have to, t have a breakdown, (t.ere is no standby t What's moie, we're iii:g clficiently now." ' t .-pitai board calh-d In ! have a look at the equitable contribution from Mr Q. Public? BIRTHSTONE RINGS COMPACTS The general public have come ! em and to give fig- CAMEO BROOCHES PENDANTS LAPEL PINS BRILLIANT SETS Combination Cigarette h ill I LIGHTERS and CASES H Prince Rupert General Hospital Medernization Fund Campaign Headquarters Many public-spirited citizens have asked, "How can I help?" or "Where can I make my contribution?" Is that your question too? 1 : -.' 1 1 1 r 1 , , . 1 You will find the answer by a visit to the above-pictured building, on Third Avenue and Second Street. CHOKERS icrth with very good response so iai, and indications are that most of them are contributing a day's income a year for three years." " , And that, the committee frels, would be a fair contribution. If : ' everybody takes that criterion, this campaign will be a success. , The same yardstick can be taken by businesses and Indus- 1 trie? In the district, v "If that response will come from "the people; we'tl mnke it and make it well. But if the citii..'tis here don't think enough about the necessity of a hospital, ! th.s camDalun can be a flop." See this wonderful selection of gay gifts, sentimental gifts . . ..practical gifts for that particular person' . . . Or why not buy a little present for yourself? I THINK each and every one 1 I . ,j UnA DlinuI ; OI US WUUIU icei B uau otiiu : Rings up somewhere Just hadn t done our duty if the campaign fell down. And I think that a day's inc 0 m e-a-year-standard is a splendid yardstick to gauge our contribution. Maybe it will hurt a little, but not as much as If we or a loved one should suddenly find the need of hospital attention and can't get lt. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 D-7 Cat. with tilt Dozer . ... .r .v. $7500 1 RD4 Cat. with Dozer and Winch $4000 3 Ford Pick-up Trucks, from $750 to $1000 1 3i-ton International Pick-uo $500 WOOD & McCLAY LIMITED M&M The largest stock in northern British Columbia to choose from It sSP-- iii..1 fi ' ; -4 "urns-? j -J . j . i ' j ih t r '" . ' 1 CIRCLE OF LIGHT BRIDAL WREATH BLUE BLOSSOM PEERLESS 324 2nd Ave. West, Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE 410 231c The ring you choose for proud lifetime wear can be selected here with confidence where good reputation it barfd 011 fine quality and dependability ... always. k GENERAL .ELECTRIC : Circulalorl APPLIANCES ; T19 Toaster L .$ ?.95 T12 Toaster 9.95 "Imperial" Btvlin. (id mi0 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS September 28, 9 p.m. ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SB. Chilcotin, October 5 and 19 ' 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 T22 Toaster 17.50 F80 Iron 16.50 F90 Steam Iron , 27.50 Floor Polisher 64.50 Electric Kettle 16.50 Heating Pads 9.50 Vacuum Cleaner, tank type, complete 1 09.50 " finish. Exclusive limber Burner gives f from every drop of oil. ving Waste Stopper, fc Draft Minder. Fully M Controls. IfiloiOT for forced-cir. Ponal at extra cost. I line of Duo-Therm 'or 1 to room, f jf f rrm af WDERS0N JEWELLERS NORTHERN B.C. POWER Co.,Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Strwart, B.C. If you want to sell It, advertise it, News classified. -H "V.