.criticism,, no matter how Jusuth, t trih how honest or how fair. 'Secretary-Cenerul Visits Latin America Prince Rupert Daily News i Int"i and ,,. As I See It Monday, March 26, 1951 'My Lit:;. ". ray.. Reflects and Reminisces ONLY ONE LEFT W. Bleasdell Cameron, last survivor of the Frog Lake massacre, died recently in Saskatchewan. Nine white men were killed by Cree Indians April 2, 1885. It was the commencement of t(he Northwest Rebellion. 1 -A" '"J L& P'4"" n. independent aaity newspaper acvoiea to tne upouumng or Prince Ruptrt and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION SATES: , Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association fj. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director v Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, . $8 00; By Mall, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8 00 '"Ai n Published evei y afternoon except Sunday by i Young Cameron, in grave dan- t' ger, spent weeks as a prisontr f f - v Ts I'- - ' ui Dig cim. lam, iur protection from other Crees to whom he had been kind he, too, would Lave been slain. For those In this country who iever coukl understand why a Canadian cruiser should bear the name "Uganda" It might be explained the vessel originally came from Its Royai itfavy, and, ..iter t.eii laid away In mo:h v HYDERABAD STORY HYDERABAD, India, Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd , 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, tesl I came to Hyderabad calls for a spell, is now being put ALWAYS A FRIEND In the many long years sin.e '85, Cameron kept in touch with because this key state, n up-to-daie snape, witn a new iame. It wU be H.iC3 'Quo- t.ez: 1 hat s better. NOTICE H.-Buhitl.m l.,, (111 till V.irlhun. 1-,,.. . , ""l Inited Nations Serrefary-Cfneral Tryarre l ie (alxve left) is welcomed by the freshen of Chile, Oahrtel G!trale VidfU a the openlnff meeting of the i:.N. feonomie and Social f onneil, ow hoMintr its 13h session In Santiajfo, fhihy. Looking on fenter in the FreWent of the Council, Hernaa Santa Crna of Chile. aii-rrmiiw.. .,- 1UJ! I... .I.OHAV K ' " " IU.i. The Undersigned, belnn a person autnori.. IT CAN OCCl'R A weekly, pu ;lished in Hawaii, will please not do it again! Anyway, It should know betler .nan make the claim that Whilt-hurae is iu Alaska. It Miuuld assumed, of cour.se, that the Hawaiian publisher has heard of the Yukon. Yet, these little .itaiti will persist in happening. Next time we visit Honolulu, .o.iano publicity will be played down. 1 by th. j.. wriung, vo exvrcuw trie powers vflit, "1 tt 11, j 111c iiumwh mk, anil Demi? t1 1 right in the heart of India, is a good example of the-country as a whole. ! The best brains In India say "if the Congress Party can solve the problems of Hyderbad It can-solve the problems of the entire country." For here there is not only the , age-old question of all this part ! of the world how to stay alive ; how to eat enough to keep body and soul together how to J light all the diseases, like ma- I larla and plague but also here, in violent form, is the key problem of the twentieth irRury. 1 Hyderabad is one of the two ! spots in India where the Com- 1 munlts attempted violent re-1 bellion, waged with all the wea-' ' pons of civil war. So far as 1 can discover, the Communist j uprising has pretty well been 1 Nurtlu rn Tin-Prov!nelm Highway frm G,,la, i ' s' to duimi thruuRh exiraordlnarv traffic there 1 " 4 lng H-gulBtton pursuunt to Sectiuo 35 ol the Hi-hwu? " The following loud and speed limitations hl.yhway until further notice: No person shall operate an vehicle over tlve cl.U Highway from Oalloway Hapida to Tee havi'. - ; ui iwiimiii ia Bxvetia or nity per ce!lt ot lit K-pniuwwiii nmuR pursuant to KeetKin Hfl H.SBC. 1948. NOT TONIGHT The Department of Agriculture, in few and simple words, explain? the butter situation. It iays there is not enough to 4 " - Iranian Oil IRANIAN OIL is more than a British chestnut. The ; I entire western defense community must look with concern on any changes in Iran's laws which would make western access to that country's oil uncertain. At the same time, and for the same reasons, those Economic and social conditions which lend extra force to extremism are a concern of all who have ( associated themselves in an effort to check Communist expansion. The lower House of the Iranian Parliament has voted unanimously in favor of nationalizing the Iranian oil industry. This move has followed' closely on the assassination of a premier who was holding out agafiist nationalization. Now the British are warning Iran that the contract between the Iranian government and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company cannot be 'terminated by action of one party to it and that it has many years to run. Much of this is reminiscent of earlier chapters in the history of raw-material-producing countries whose resources have been developed by foreign capital. But there appears no hint of gunboats or military expeditions here, only a warning that Britain may take the issue to the World Court. The Iranian government has not gone Communist by any means. Iran's very independence, . indeed, rests on success of western measures to curb The speed limit of vehicle with p,um8t;t , twenty mllen per hour. Vehtcle with mni trl " uaing this Highway during such times u thl re DATED ut Prince Ruiicrt. B.C., thin nut cly"0t ti"; li I. SMITH Diiiartmmt CI H Ki-ittr nevfectlv under- ! standable. It reminds one of wtiat was sometimes heard at suppertime when little Wili'c lt.iud he was entitled to one helping and no more. ?i 2 ACTING 1 t FISHERMEN . . . defeated here. But no one is under any illusions as to thff leality. The Congress Party government is in a race against time. All over Asia and, above ail, here in India, the great weapon - It Is an odd commentary on the strange times that the only "imper.alism" left in the world Is ceing practised by Communism, a political system which is supposed to glorify the common man. The Ottawa Journal of the Communists Is that they stand for the forcible seizure of the land. "The land for the peasants'' is just as powerful a cry here as it was in Russia in 1917, or !u For compteU overhaul of yrnit fliph Spe d Gasoline Engine, see Itup'-rt Motors Ltd. .We Mve the trained mechanics iid ".prlaliwd equipment to pel-torn this work for you . . . cffl-'e tt:y and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the riit.lv is on, lt im have that job now. China where the Chiang Kai- STU.L SEARCHING ' About four centuries ago, Sir j f Francis Drake buried treasure I on Juan Fernandez Island off the coast of Chile and no an- j ; other attempt ta fiud It us on ; j Shek regime crumbled, partly from Its own rottenness, but even more because of the Com tut? Kpreau oi ommunisi violence, so it should not be impossible to reach some workable plan to keep BANTING MEMORIAL This bust of Sir Frederick Banting, discoverer of insulin, was unveiled in Simcoe Hall, University of Toronto, recently on the l(Kh anniversary of Sir Frederick's death in a plane crash In Newfoundland. Admiring the bust, mtfde by Frances Loring, are Mr. Charles H. Best, co-d:scoverer of insulin, i-jft, and Dr. Sidney Smith, president of the university. Rupert Motors Link . yjn uii Liie siue 01 utJinocracy. munist slogan: "the land foe th-3 people who till it." 0O0 I HAVE TALKED HERE with all sorts of people some very poor and hungry, some cultured, keen. I lunched with the chief minister of state the Honorable the cards. Scores of previous 1 expeditions, all failures, are on i record. This time, a Chilean navy transport is making ready, j There must be a powerful las- j cination about. the British sea! dog's plunder. Ya ns ar; st'll told concerning Captain Kidd and where he is supposed to ; have hidden high seas loot 1 somewhere along the New England and Bay of Fundy shores. But nothing was ever found, though the hunts were many. Reckon it's a little too much to ipfure Passage for Uoclaii "This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and tea glad in it." Psa. 118:24. INK BOXED STATIONERY M. K. Vellodi whose Job corres ponds with a provincial pre Cvaitaeli i5in mier's in Canada. He is an old Is Speaker to Govt Employees (lister j time (British trained! India ; civil service man, He is as calm. ; competent and realistic a states-: man as I have met for a long Easter is Celebrated WRITING PADS ENVELOPES if BALL POINT PENS & PENCILS Over fifty members of the slieal V'tlRh Columbia Government expect time. He BGfr enly answered all A special Easter .'evai Large Congregations Attend Special Services in City Churches yslhms about the Commu- so great that the congregation service was held by the frlnec Employees Association met in the Civic Centre this w eek to hear -IliOLO UUb dlOU 11IAU. IK 'tJ SCRIBBLERS . I dear that he completely under- 1 nuP"rt Associtmon m:A. c Bennett, assistant secret - It was a dull, clnnriv rnnl curing tne cnurcn service me star,rt. ,hR nrnhlem in its wnrlH the Frrit United Church Wednes- 1 tarv sck-ak on Association mat Jtaster Sunday in Prince Rupert m w hi snaes on ietting. 1 day night, conducted by Rev. L ters relating to superannuation, ecst-of-liv.ng bonus and Medical Benefit Society fees. Dictatorship mu;t not control the press. Democracy mast have press freedom. The latter has departed in Argentine. So hn its publisher. La Previa, founded in 1869 and regarded as ths London Times of the nation, ever outspoken and courageous, lias been seized to become tho virtual property of Argentine's rulers who could not accept lClty1,ChUr:te dreW X i o0 ! O. Siober of First United Church, room room under uncer A a. M M. Stewart fatewau congregations as the anniver- IN WTrAT TOLWS pnirnwt! I I witHi . . . A . The jolnt service oil. city sar, of the great Christian tri- Lawrence G. Sieber alw JWSH umph of tafs over death was Im-' t ' a P ql? aUtSman I ehurchM w" featured stir" pressively observed. Chancels "dren, New Clothes for Old. ! K any glvin!r ring address by Rev. E. A. Mlss Yvonne ulliLidi' u annpiy B'v,1Ifa!. Larsen attractivelv rieenriied was organ-, were u,ifn ... .L C0I?lel tn ist rt,.rtnthm.r.i whJSwmy own conclusions after a few .Wright, DD -.vhos? stror.ger- I wa3 decided to ho":d a social eveaifij for members on April 7 in th Oddfellows' Hall with J. P. MacDonald. F. Green, M. Johnson and G. Brodie in charge of arrangements. Miss Joan Vivian was elected to the executive representing the cawy oujiiiK iiuwers. ine ,asrer , xo- i in this r,uni hot 1 aays' stay political story was reverently read from Junior and senior choir sang un der J- S- wilson' choirmaster the Scripture by the pastors- and mon was based on tne words "is is Finished" which the Lord uttered fronvt!"e Cross. Dr. Wright stressed that the words were spoken under intense test hot spot. Here is how it 1 looks to me: j 1. The Communist uprising i has' been temporarily over- j powered. The government has been able to win back the sympathy of most of the peasants. Hence, instead of, perhaps, 3000 ' Welfare Branch. I Following the business meet ing i two colored movies were shown developed in appropriate ser- Organist H. A. Pluymn ac-mons. Special music was ren- eompanied the senior choir at dered by choirs morning' and the evening worship singing the evening. anthem "God So Loved the In First Presbyterian Church World." 5ar. Ssieoer again ad-Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright spoke in dressed the congregation on the the morning of the Three Gar- text, "The Easter Faith." STEAMER Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver bv Armtr.e Boas of the Health Unit, "Historic Quebec" and "Bread Making in Paraguay." physical, mental and spiritual anguish. The crown of thorns had been placed on His head, the nails had pierced H's hands and feet. He had been betrayed, denied and deserted. 'key Communists leading large 3 lv m r IN DEVELOPED FINE APPLE Charlii Hammett Snow, REGCLAR BAPTIST .numbers of peasants in open, With Sunday School joining j violent uprising, designed to get the morning congregation the : rid of the landlords forever. Regular Baptist Church (Fun- j there are now no more than damentalisti heard the message! two or three hundred. "Easter Is the Hour" by Rev. L. j Of courss, as the whole Com-A. Thorpe. In the evening an ; munist movement is illegal here, dens Eden, the garden of the beginnings- and eventually man's downfall; Gathesemane, the garden of despair, betrayal and atonement; tne Garden of Joseph of Aramethia, the garden of fultllment, the triumph of life eternal over the darkness of God appeared to have deserted H;m. IKF R A. W. CONDITIONER Yet He uttered the words: "if ,.erai agricultural omciai wno it, be possible let this cup pass ! ed in 1931, was responsible for from Me. Nevertheless, not Mv : development of the "Snow" ap- - for Domestic Oil Stove ond tm death. The pastor exhorted his sermon was enjoyed. The sermon I difficult to know exactly.' wlll but Thine be Done." 1 pIe- . and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMG1IY Luxury at Low Cost i 1 1 rjontin-! ..Eicisawuii tu uruer meir lives subject was "Receiving the Con- i 2. But the process of getting Further, the speaker 1 . " 1 Ule new era queror." ! rid of the landlords, under the ! t-d, what was finished? First, wiiK.ii naa US reoilth in the lirst . The junior choir SSitls "The no rnnstitntinn nf Tnriia is a Wis oarfVilu lifo sernnri hio wnrlf Easter. The junior choir was Old Rugged Cross." with the slow nnri enst.lv hnsine ' The 1 nn oortvi thiiH ih niQtinn -,f augmented for morning Sundav School nnt.tina oei the i PnnctitniiAn cawo thaf. nntwtv i.t Eliminates sludge and water in storage lines. . ... Prevent soot and carbon in oil burning Improves combustion and saves on oil. No sputtering or smoky fires. TOl'R FLAME BR Ki HTER YOI R ST0 a 16-ox. tin $1,50 SOLE AGENTS For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 fihlm "preliminary exercises with the J may be deprived of property The ransom price for man's "a anlaeJ 1S.er! su"g, A,lle'- Atoning Work of Christ given without receiving compensation. 1 salvation was paid. Now was the nLi m,,uMi f by the 3unior boys while tneFair compensation for dispos-j time for man's redemption. The ""V,01 ser"Ke. in ,u tne senior boys read the scripture of j sessed landlords has been fixed reconciliation between God and tnreH ?hV n.f; .f'r T'-the Res"rrection. Mrs. B. Ewald,at about twenty times the aver-lMan was now complefa and all .nrZ: ', iwa3,planl" Ior ,lne mornmgiage annual rent of the land in that man had to do was to ac- I , T .. ifvl auenaea oy iw. uor- question, plus an extra fifteen .. . . . uiiuuuk ni iiui nmnJ 1 wv i.ii even percent. pianist. GORDON Martin, J. A. Teng and J. E, Davey as soloists. urst baptist This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ST. PAIL'S LUTHERAN The regular liturgical Easter The Resurrection story was service was held at the St. Paul's featured at First Baptist Church Lutheran Church at which Pas cept the finished work of Christ for his eternal salvation. A composite choir from the churches sang "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." "In th Cross of Christ I G'oey," and "Beneath the Cross of Jesus." Pnrv Pluvm was organist. The congregation joined In a responsive reading of the 19th psalm. The Good Friday message was contained in a solo sung by John Davey. Province like Hyderabad simply have not got the money to raise such huge 'sums. Hence the "land for the peasajits" movement proceeds at a snail's pace when it should proceed at a gallop to save the situation. I KNOW FROM MY OWN" IN-tervlew with the Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, as well as from In morning and evening sermons: tor E. Soiland talked of "Christ, by Rev. Fred Antrobus. To lllus-1 the First Fruits of the Resur- irate tne taster theme, "The j rection." Four special musical Kisen Lord, and Wavering Dis-1 numbers were included by the ciples" special colored slides 1 boys, girls and adult choirs, and were shown. The children of the 1 a solo by Mrs. Archie Wudel Sunday School also attended. singing "Open the Gates of the SAVE FUEL--- 6 his speeches, that he knows the reality of the above crisis. Already the Congress Party is talk Get More Engine Pep Miss Janice Kondratiuk sang 1 Temple." During the evening "He Lives," at the Sunday School 1 service the Sunday School pro-session. Slides, accompanying j duced their Easter program of the evening message of "Why recitations and songs In place Men! ing of changing the Constitution in order to speed up this "land M."M. Stephens sailed last nicht on the Camnsun for Stewart to pav an official visit to- reform" business. But though it is presumptuous nieht to Fnoch Masonic Lodce for an, outside well-wisher to! there in his capacity as district say so, I doubt that the Congress ; d?pwty grand master. He Is bc-Party as a whole is aware of j irig accomnanieH by .7 n h n the desperate nature of Its own 1 Thompson and Dr. o. F H race against time. They have, Montgomery. Thev will return as I figure it, one brief moment 'to the citv tomorrow mnrnina. ' Here is what you look For !n shoes . . . Top comfort, quality and value! ... We have a wide selection of business and casual styles. Drop in Today! Seek Ye the Living Among the 1 of a regular service. In both Dead V were also shown. A j evening and morning servlcet special quartette of W. D. Smith, 1 an organ and piano duet was Jack Anderson, Rev. Fred An-; rendered by Miss Mardell Soi- trobus and John Antrobus sang ; land, pianist, and Mrs. E. Soi- "The Lord Is Risen." Accom-) land during the offertory. Again panied on. the organ by Mrs. J. good attendance was noted, with C. Gilker, the choir sang "Al- extra chairs being placed in the leluia" and other Easter an- aisles. theme. Organist in the morning ' FULL GOSPEL was Mrs. W. D. Smith. A Sun-1 After the regular morning in history to use all the powers - You may not realize it, but as much as one-fifth of your gas may be going out of your car's exhaust pipe UNBURNED when spark plugs need attention. Let our attendants check, e'ean, re-gap and replace spark plugs as needed, while you wait. Drive up! Superior Auto Service Ltd. STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue at Park Green 217 of democracy to end landlordism once and for all. For what hits you like a hot blast In Hydera day School attendance 01 iu service in the Full Gospel Tab- ernacle, with an address on ileged positions by means which would bear examination ThPV charged grossly extortionate rents to begin with, then compounded the debts at interest rates running from 12 to 35 percent per year. They had literal powers of life and death over their tenants. They are lucky to escape with their lives. Fashion Foot Wear children meeting in three separate departments was recorded In te morning. FIRST UNTIED "He Is Risen Indeed" was the Easter Sunday morning sermon at the First United Church fam- bad is that the peasants do not concede the morality of the landlords' claims to ANY compensation. Call the landlords zamindars, Jagidars or what not, few if any of them secured their priv "Easter" by Pastor C. Fawcett, a special evening program, was presented. An edifying discourse entitled "Power of the Resurrection", was (Continued on page 3)