Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, March 26, 1951 oca Job's Daughters -. Job's Daughters Tea Nets $500 jDER and PERSONAL Misses Claire Ritchie, LueUa'w. Doumont and Mrs. A. Burn-MacDonald, Barbara Doumont, lp, Beverly Parkin, Diane Giske and i 6eVeral of the daughters were Margit MacArthur. on hand to talce o babiM Supervising the fancywork wnile tneir mothers attended and novelty booth were Mrs. R. lne sale unencumbered. Strachan, Mrs. T. Wilford and i Mrs. Stuarts Final Rites Members of the ImpeJal Order, Daughters of the Empire, in a body, joined with old friends Saturday afternoon to pay final tributes to the late Mrs. D. C. (Joan Isabella) Stuart, pioneer leader in women's work in the city, whose death occurred last week. The serv'ce took place in First Presbyterian Church, where deceased had worshipped from' the beginnings, with Interment Dr. R. W. Ball, of Columbia Cellulose Company, left today by plane for Vancouver on business. More than $500 was realized Thursday afternoon at Job's Daughters' Easter tea and sale held at the Masonic Hall. Two Mrs. T. Gowan. CANONIZED JESUIT Noel Chabanel, French Jesuit SO N. meeting cancelled until further notice. (71c) Francis Leask returned to the city last week from a trip to Ketchikan. City fire brigade answered a fire call to 243 Eighth Avenue West last Thursday where an oil burner had flooded. COAL NOW! Candy booth: Mrs. N. Mac-Kay, Mrs. A. McAra and Mrs. White. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skidmore, hundred people attended the following a visit to Ketchikan, i event and- according to Guard-...,, ian Mrs. Alex Mitchell, was one t .i, i. , iu returned to the city from the , of ..mQst successful w(,vc missionary slain by an apostate Apron booth: Mrs. Harry Cal- Huron Indian in 1849, was can- north last week. derwood and Mrs. Thomas Me- ; onized in 1930. ever had." The hall was decorated in a Meekin, senior. Dr. J. F. L. Hughes, local chiro- ;gay Easter theme and the vri following in Fairview Cemetery. Home-cooking booth: Mrs. S. D. Donaldson. Mrs. W. Eastwood, QUICK Relief for praetor, who has been spending I ous stalls, arranged artistically After coming here to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright extolled around the floor, were stacked Mrs. Don Ritchie, Mrs. C. Giske RHEUMATIC PAIM me past, lew months in the south, returned to the city on the memory of deceased as Roi Barnes. Mrs Al Shlnn and family woman, devoted church Mrs. Olive McDowell returned to after- ECIAL the Camosun yesterday noon. uwiuiuaik (to i ana Mrs. Jacit r.vaus. i cSrk' aprons and home" wwte eiepnam booth: m "wiwS'is and T 5nUtaWI 0,rg'Snenton Thefancvork booth atal dis- worker and leader In work tor the welfare and betterment of "... , ., . nnstOII. tuffw tnP-r w m ' pr m ran Panarilan T ptrinn i j 'ai" V:s'on ! Played novelties, such .nihil, In char. ot fIowers were Mr, WhrrthT-B.tVMJlJ5. 5' cellulola ooiis, aressea in mi- I Until stocks are cleared we offer the ; following Alberta Coals at bargain ' prices: al 0 P-m- Annual nute, hand-sewn regalia, general meeting with in the centre of the floor, fcAAj? election of officers Wed- ; decorated with daffodils and March 28, at 8 p.m. I pussy-willows, stood the serving (73c) table. A highlight of the afternoon John Curne, pioneer city con- was drawing of a raffle. Main tractor, who now makes his!prize, a iamp donated by Mrs. home in Victoria, arrived in the Robert Gordon, was won by Ed-city on the Camosun yesterday , die Dawes, holding 'ticket num- Vancouver on Saturday's plane. United Fishermen Allied Workers Union Women's Auxiliary West end cribbage at Met-ropole Hall, 3rd Ave., Wednesday March 28, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. (72c) J. I. Sweet, teletype Inspector for Canadian National Telegraphs, returned to Vancouver last night after one of his periodical visits to the local office Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee were passengers from Vancouver to Butedale at the end of the week after a trip south. Mr. Lee is identified with logging in the Butedale district, being the operator of a camp. community and nation. She was a "good woman" and there could b-e no higher tribute than that. The hymns were "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go" and "Abide With Me." Organist was Mrs. E. J. Smith. As the cortege left the church and again at the cemetery It passed through an IODE standard bearers' guard. Honorary pallbearers were Dr. J. P. Clark, A. C. Clark, W. H. Wilson-Murray, W. J. Raymond, James Simpson, Robert -Wilson and W. W. Wrathall. Active pallbearers were H. A. Breen, S. C. Elkins, S. J. Hunter, Arthur Ogllvle, R. R. Strachan and J. A. Teng. There were many beautiful floral offerings Including the fol ber 73. Others winners were: afternoon from the south, being here on business in connection navi&u!'i h fir I T Seam Lump jiat Egg jiat Nut Briquettes' 16.75 per ton 15.75 per ton 13.75 per ton 21.75 per ton Mae Welter, a lace cloth do-! m i i t m i i i tm nated by Mrs. Bruce Love. John Orvick, nylon stockings. Mrs. G. A. Hunter and Bill with his local interests. Having suffered a chill while attending the funeral of the late Mrs. D. C. Stuart Saturday afternoon, W. J. Raymond, pioneer Hunter, each a box of homemade candy. Mrs. C. Giske 8i angel-food cake donated by Mrs. T. Wilford. Miss Ada Smith, a cutwork tea cloth, donated by Mrs. George Frizzell. Mrs. L. Doll of Terrace, who has been on a trip to Vancouver for medical treatment, arrived city newspaperman and member of the Daily News staff, was admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning, Angelo Bugnella, prominently HONE 116 -117 or 50 y PEAS & CARROTS I CANNED FOODS (A lowing: Dad, Sheila and Bruce. Maureen and Jimmy (Vancouver,, Municipal Chapter IODE, Cam-bral Chapter IODE, Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter IODE, Queen Mary Chapter IODE; Ladies' Aid, First Presbyterian Church; Worn-men's Missionary Society, First Presbyterian Church; Burning Bush Guild, First Presbyterian in the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from the south, being on her way back to her home In the Interior. Charles L .Shaw, veteran newspaperman of Vancouver and Victoria, arrived In the city on the Camosun yestc-day afternoon. He Is he-e under the auspices of the British Columbir. Women's Press Club and will be returning south tomorrow. ert & McCaffery Mrs. Jimmy Clough, hamper of groceries. Mrs. L. C. Eby, 3-piece buffet set. donated by Mrs. P. W. Anderson. The raffles were conducted by Mrs. J. A. leng and Mrs. Robert Gordon. General convener was Mrs. J. P. MacDonald. Miss Diane Kennedy, honored queen, received, assisted by her mother, Mrs. N. LIMITED interested in the development of the Big Four mining properly In the Portland Canal area, was a passence- aboard the Camosun last evening goina through frcm Vancouver to Stewart. Operations will be resumed on the Big Four this spring. Al Shipp, regional administrator for the Social Welfare branch with headquarters in Prince George, Is returning to the interior on this evening's train after Church; Prince Rupert Conservative Association, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite. Mrs. Lillian J, Anderson (Vancouver), Mr. and l nnoutuemen REMODELLING? EASTfcR IS CELEBRATED (Continued from page 2) III JoJil Kennedy. Pourers were Mrs. L. W. Ker-gin, Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Mra. C. A. Berner and Mrs. Robert Gordon. Serviteurs were Mrs. Ray Jones, Mrs. Ray . Johnston, Mrs. Orange Ladles' tea and sale. Mrs. C. P. Balagno, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown (Vernon), Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Johnny Comadlna, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daggett. Mr. and lib Phone spending the past few days in the city. During the war, Mr. Shipp was stationed here for a time with YMCA Canadian War J ikrtte March 28. Canadian Legion card party, March 28. Martin, Mrs. T. R. Lloyd, Mrs.! M. Macarthur, Mrs. W. F. Stone, i Services. Students' recital, violin and Um 909 given by Pastor Fawcett. Special musical numbers, "Take Up Thy Cross," a duet sung by Miss A. Y. Boutllller and Mrs. W. Beck, and a trio by Mrs. C. Fawcett, Mrs. K. Laird and Mrs. W. Beck, "The Saviour for Me," were presented. Miss Dorothy Laird was piano accompanist. SALVATION. ARMY Very good attendance, with WirriaRe ftirli on Misses Donna Macarthur, Aud- ... rey Hunter, Agnes Smith and FOUNDED INSTITUTE Noon Webster. John Qulncy Adams, sixth Cashiers were Mrs. Sam Hau- klay Mrs. S. C. Elkins, Peter Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Field, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foote. Mrs. D. McD Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunter, Mr, and Mrs. O. A. Hunter and family, the Hybers, Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large, Mr. and Mrs. piano, Common Lounge, Civic Centre, March 28, 8 p.m. Cathedral spring sale, March 29. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 4. YOUR BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Greer & Bridden Ltd. (Hiding of two president of the U.S., was responsible for founding the famous Smithsonian Institute. gan and Mrs. James Simpson. The tea-room was looked after by Mrs. M. Lemon and the V .. ttox 731 Prince Itjperi, B.C. Card party. Catholic Hall, many natives from outside vil W. J. Lineham, Mr. and Mrs. C. S people was sol-naistn Memorial nuver on St. Pat-11 Stuart O. Furk iy Todd exchang- lages worshipping, made it a oiand (Bowser), Mr. and Mrs. happy Easter at the Salvation Gordon McKay, Mr. and Mr. Army service, said Capt. W. C. Alex MacKenzie and Hugh, Mrs. i iJEO Rov. Mr. Gorwlll poulton who spoke on the Res- A. D. Macdonald and family, Mr, morning talk was well-known as a ,tlon- and Mrs. J. A. McRae, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. f anl Past Pre" 1 Garden of Gathesemane, "Arise, Jens Munthe, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. April 5. Presbyterian spring sale, April 12. The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E, homecooking" sale, April 14, Gordon Anderson. Conrad Street School P.T.A. White Elephant sale and tea April 14 at 2 p.m. W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar, April 20. St. Peter's Spring Sale. Aprli 28. United W. A. Spring sale. May 3. punior inamoer or j Let tjs &e oo;ng." The evening Prince Rupert. He address dealt with Paul's chal- iHTEEKJATIOlM DOG 8EEIBV DINS pr. and Mrs. Frank I lenge to the Corinthians "If Imo. Christ Be Not Risen." Miss Joyce Scherk was pianisttH he daughter of the llrs. J. H. Todd of r, was a popular Wilson-Murray, Mr. and' Mrs. William Murrav. Mrs. Murray sr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ogilvie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peddle (Burnaby), W. J. Raymond. Miss Evy Rivett, Mr. and Mis. David Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng, Maurice and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Whldden and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall and family. "Dogs Well Conditioned" Says World Champion Sonja tea. May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 18. 'the Canadian Pa-s f rince Rupert run. y pride was radiant 1 fc gown of coffee-lace, fashioned r'S$h ballerina style, tip taffeta, with a PORT EDWARi) A record attendance of 60 attended Port Edward's Sunday School conducted by Capt. Poulton. Also at Port Edward Canon Basil S. Prockter baptised five native Infants Sunday afternoon after he had held at Miller Bay Hospital service. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL In the St. Andrew's Anglican cathedral for the morning Easter service, the Junior-senior Sat to match. A Pnquet of orchitis. s and white car choir read from the setting of ,- rf" THE BEST 1 fcCTiffll QUALITY K :'rpd with orchid , Vulplus's "The Strife Is O'er, the rt(.d perfectly with Battle Done." In the evening or- " My wonderful dogs deserve all the credit for their victory in the International Dog Derby in Ottawa. I only drove them. But I trained my dogs all year, and I brought them up to tip-top running condition for the race using Dr. Ballard's Meal Formula. In all my years of raising dogs, and racing them, I have never used a food that compares with it. This meal seemed to give my dogs more energy and endurance and really on the final day, I think they could have gone another thirty miles'. " 1w her gown. ganlst Peter Lien played from n In marriage by Handel's 'Allelluia Chorus" from i-fc-law Vri J The Messiah, with the congre- L.,j,i'.'J'iii'' L,, I ,n -, 4 " 4 V ii 1 iii u 1 iw"t ,! . , . , .... . a ... - . . ' ... : torn TUT fidlmlnAim : ' '1 4 Norma Reynolds ' 8ation standing. Suitable dis- ......... . . . i r.. n!.,. L. Dnu MlOllor vuui ara wcic lvcu vy wic im... t: 4 Moose Whist- j Drive Dance Winners at whist at the weekly Moose whist drive and entertainment held Saturday ntght in the Moose Temple wei Mrs. Betty Blair and Mrs. Helen Tweed for the ladies. Ole Stegavlg and Joe Slaggard for the men. Following the playing of cards, refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent dancing. Members of the committee in charge were Malcolm Blair, M. Budinlch, Magnus Hal-vorsen and H. Whlf fin. , , uanon uasii o. rrocKier. 'm.netwaschos-'ri,,;,,, or annunciation cynolris for heri Rotween three and five hun- .... - - - - v. . v. v.. pcioviio a.wuubu . . v. JJ0 . 'iHrmented by a morning Easter masses in the ?! bouquet of pink ' Annunciation Church, decorates and white hya-ecl ln flowers by the Sisters of I ! St. Joseph. High mass was cele- kvis in,,,, brated bv Most Rev. Anthony Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK CHOICE OF Pick the Winner For Your Pet Am ' T 9 , . I piscourses were given by nilPly couple Father W Mnrrlssnv t the two W Hotel Devon. -n- . n. -.t The Skeena River in' Britloh tremiinv tii uikh r u naiarmn o r,,l-ai- rn. Cniiimhia Is navlBable bv steam- l freshments were 1 dition of "St. Cecilia Solemn ' ers for nearly 100 of its 325 i Nancy Soda, Miss Mass" by Gounod was sung. The miles. DR. BALLARD 5 MEAL FORMULA fa Miss Marjorie children also sang. Benediction took place In the afternoon. r4tn lne groom. Mrs. 1 STARTS TO W0RKlPjp William Willis I S ?'"ns. A toast to Proposed by M.-.l JJolc( -Jlrriva li fn old friend of fiiiy. If you use dry food for your pet pick th winner right now-Dr. Ballard's Meal Formula. This New Wonder Meat will keep your dog in tip-top cond Call 363 K)R BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing (Prince Rupert) ''iir to Seattle and l;mrl iu. . . because it's packed with proteins (guaranteed more than 25 energized with body building vitamins; and contains all the essential ingredients for a balanced diet. Easy to prepare just add a little water. Economical because iess frt suit of beige f accessorled with f s of spice and a I rwnd-brlmmert P of orchids was rllsky brown m..-. Mrs. G. Nix, Hydaburg, Alaska; William Bolton, Watson Island; Frank Clatk, Prince George; William McKinnon, Sandspit; Mr. and Mrs. A. Muhetm, Smithers; H. Ferguson, T e 1 k w a; Helen Kuzyk, Topley; J. C. Buller, Houston; W. R. Lennon, New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. Colbourne, Watson Island; John Gillett, Sandspit; Mrs. J. Brown, Port Dr. Ballard's Meal Formula is needed to feed your dog scientifically, Feed olone or mix with Dr. Ballard's tinned foods, kibbleor biscuits. firt of the groom. P'tl to prinee n. rs' pU'-k will re- This amazing new Meal is completely odourless, to humans yet has a meaty, satisfying aroma that All dogs love! """8. Esslngton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds, St. Joseph, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kerr, Terrace; I. Neilson ib r7t ii . i. .7al. . , ...... I, XT' J ....... W Tin. Available ot your favourite store in two-pound packages, or the economical 25 and 50 pound bulk bags. To keep your dog full of energy, vitality and endurance, feed him THE MEAL OF CHAMPIONS DR. BALLARD'S MEAL FORMULA. SPRING COATS - CORDUROY SILK WOOL Sizes months 6 years THE STORK SHOPPE MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders Si Contractor f and e Bnv. 'lorby and L. Dsrksen. Hazelton; ? H from T George Martin, Charles L. Shaw ' iilnri rac atiand O. E. Thomas, Vancouver; . a l ( wre unable Mr and Mrg Rude and famiiyi flwunt of a slide Terrace; Miss M. L. S. Monckton, are fhjppi Kltkatla. . V'erCiS0B!nl A' DRi-hie is sailing to-tiuri.f morrow on the Camosun for a I Irom there, trip to Vancohver. mmt& mrm c?m mmfr mm J i ip mi .. .!! iiujiimnira