Prince Rupert Dally News Monday, March 26, 1951 TROPICAL SCENE Ocean Falls Stellarton, N.S., began til Ouatemala, most northerly re- public of central America, has'' an area of 45,450 square miles. ; village when coal was discovered in that district In 1798. CFPR f rsf t I i ) : H III iyML Ji jg, &iMtfteJ Jj jts Calvert ' ' ' v ' 7 CAIVERT DI5THIEM(CANADA) MITP, AMHEHSTBURO, ONT. vi. 1 1 1 1 NEW BRUNSWICK WINTER Snow -covered fields and winding hilly road framed by the covered Fillmore Bridge at Turtle Creek present a typical snow scene of the countryside around Monc-ton,' N. B. , ; (CP PHOTO) ...Housekeeping... SHOULD BE ON NOT ESSENTIAL Tins advertisement rs no: puuiisiica or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. j carrot, cooked green beans or : ! peas marinated in French dressing, served with a topping of onion rings. 1 Shredded cabbage, grated raw turnip, and diced celery blended with mayonnaise. Shredded cabbage, grated raw onion chopped hard-ccoked egss chopped pickies blended boiled salad dressing or mayonnaise. s Shredded cabbage, grated Can- adian Cheddar cheese and cook ed peas combined with French dressing. Diced cooked beets, canned ! Kreen hens nr npasi Bprvorl qo individual mounds in cabbage cups and topped with dressing. Diced cooked beets, diced canned pears served in a cabbage cup and blended with mavon- naise. Diced raw unpeeled apple. shredded cabbage and diced . celery blended with salad dres;- j sing and topped with chopped i nuts. i .Canned peaches, pears and diced apple served with cottage ! cheese or cheese balls. Diced chicken, diced apples I and shredded cabbage blended with salad dressing. Diced meat, diced cooked pota toes, chopped eggs combined with shredded spinach and blended with mayonnaise. It's often said that the dressing "makes" the. salad. The clever homemaker will keen in her retiigerator. in covered jars, mayonnaise, French dressing and 1 boiled dressing. To these may be : added various ingredients such as cnopped pickle, ketchup, chopped onion, cottage cheese or the Rnnnpfnrt. tn tn oHrl variety and flavor to salads. The . " - and of resh ta or cannofl with fruit or a combination of all :tnree If tnere ls any mjmber ffL SEE our jmBm, "'SPLAY vi i i x i )VMANSON'S JEWELLERS A SALAD A DAY MENU; LETTUCE Could there be a more delight- j ful way to serve crisp, juicy tables and luscious fruits than in salads which should appear daily on every family labie.'' lfte tact that a salad; should appear on ; the daily menu is an important one, because they make such a , aelinile COniriOUllOn tO gOOd health. Salad helps to Insure that we meet our daily needs for "uncials unu vibuiiujis. in auui-1 tion some of them furnish energy as well as tissue building mater-1 lal, particularly when made from 1 U Tf,.u ,.L or poultry combined with salad dressing. Good salads make meals more pleasing, tasty and interesting because they furnish crispness, color and added flavor to any menu. Not only have they appetite appeal, but also eye appeal. Variety in salads In summer and fall Is fairly easy to achieve, but salad making in winter and early spring may prove to be a real challenge. Home economists 1 THE HOME OF FRIEND. SERVICE GOX 998 522 3rd Ave W. FRY ALLY NOW!! FRENCH AUTOMATIC with o -1 jW-MASTER j REELS Reduced 2 each fWRATHALL'S photo Finishing r;n Third Ave. w JOHN H. (JLGER frhl 1 John Bulger Ltd. I Thir1 Aver.w Ud'Ol'VER VICTORIA ,uiay, 8 p.m., Chllcotln j Tuesday, 12 Noon I Camosun f. AK, STEWART AND OK t SIMPSOW likiv. CiiiiKwnn. It p.m. fiK NORTH QriEV ilARf.OTTK rsf.ASBS Marrh Chikotln 30 I,, 9 p nv. nil SOCTH Ql'EE! J!i:i.TTl? ISLANDS 1 Chilrotin. March 23 I P m. r"lAN Jt J. SKfNNF.K jMnre Rupert Agent Avenue Phone 588 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX 3 TURNS PREPARED E. MORTIMER 3."3 - 3rd Ave. W. PIIONK GREEN 884 FOR WELDING OF ALL TYPES Justrial j Welding C O M P L Xiito lor in a 1 a ies and Gentlemen JUNG ttne tailor :h St Phone 649 V 5 ieA I uey - Chow Mein jLLYWOOD CAFE f ;side Orders Phone 133 g&Heoting MARCHAND fjCE HEATERS !VRTEX OIL PLUMBING I FlXTllPcc ;pH0NE 174 "alr, and Alteration. ins Ltd. i Box 274 give some helpful suggestions to bage or nice tender crisp leaves help meet this challenge. Too!nf suinach. eabha or even 1 . ir Service Paper Tjwn Now Part of OCA Run - With the opening of a permanent operating base of the Queen Charlotte Airlines at Ocean Falls by Mav 1. all important points between here and Vancouver will be served, according to A. J. SpUsbury. PCA president, after spending several days in tna city. it win be something like a i mill run, but all the points of importance between here and Vancouver will be connected by our nlanes," said Mr. Spilsbury. As toon as the Pacific Mills seaplane float is ready at Oceaa Falls, a Vancouver pilot and engineer will be established there, with a Norseman seaplane, Spiii-bury said. With the acquiring of six new seven passenger Norseman, completing their number to 12, their total aircraft are brought to 26, the manager said. "The Ocean Falls plane will always be on call for chartered or mercy flights, or to supplement the Prince Rupert plane," he added. "But the floats at Seal Cove are deplorable, said the president cf the QCA, who is pres- sing Ottawa for a repair grant. With the expansion of the QCA I flights, fishermen will have I direct connection with the three southern bases from Vancouver i i to Campbell River, Alert Bay and Ocean Falls, continuing to the; other bases of Zeballos, Aliford Bay and Prnce Rupert. Tlw nor-tnern run from Prince Rupert will continue as the demand requires. A 50 per cent increase in volume of business for 1951 over 1950 is expected by the president who flew here last week from Ocean Falls. He was accompanied by Harry Louis, maintenance (Continued on page 6) success of a salad depends great !'y u?)on now 11 is arranged and served. A good salad does not have to be a fussy one, nor an expensive one. ae an artistic housewife and use your ingenu- ity and taste for variety in the next salad plate served to your family or guests. " mm WV if 17V IVU A i i' sign that says to stop for continually being improved to give the virring, npd accc!tr.;:iua, povtu uJ you're always ahead! protection against repau bills with Imperial Esso Specialized lubrication every point carefully serviced by chart according to car manufacturers' specifications. RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle (Subject la Change) MONDAT1 PM. 4:30 Magic Adventures 4:45 Slock Quotations and Int. :5& C'BC News 5:00 International Comty 5:10 Rawhide 5 :3C Dixieland Jazz S:lid Supper Serenade 0:15 Martial Airs 6: 30--Musical Varieties 0:45-r-"Saddle Rocl:ln' Rhythm" 7: 00--CBC lm 7:15 CEO News Roundup 7:30 Songs for Early Evening 7:45 The Island Other Side 8:00 Eric Wild 8:30 Bold Venture 9 :lo National ruin Radio Forum 9:30 Melody fro.u the Sky 0:00 C'BC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs -10:30 CBC Chorister. 11:00 Weather forcant and signoff TVUSOAI AM Musical cloci 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Good 1:14 Mining Sonfi 8:30 Morning Devotions B;4d Liu:e Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary. 9:15 Music lor Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert U.ov Tune Sim.a' 10:00 MorniMG Visit llhlS Morniri- Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz Presents 11:00-Kindergarten of the Ai: 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30"-Weather Reporf 11:31 Messaee Per'.oo 11:33 Recorded Interlude '.:45 Scandinavian Melodies PAL 12:00-Mid-Day Melodlo? U: 15 CBC Nwr 12:25 Program Xeftume 12:30 B.C. Parm Broadcast 12:55 Rec Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour 1 :30 Musical Program 1:46 Allison Grant, Comty. 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Behind the Scenes In Government 3:0O-The Music, Box 3:15 Western Five 2:30 Listeners' Choice mi V. Q f J- SJmw tff ton luw r im save hr him Advertising suvel by creating ih demand that buildi low cost mas production. Ktw way ( 2fmJ tacrtatt Mmu Advertising docs that. Ai 11 InoreMe markets and demand It make! job for everybody. 3 Shew wftat hott will I et ut ol It Advertising docs it this way. . .It tall benenia to you, and you, in a"lf-ir.teresti discover the merita of naur products. 4nn yo't f t4 ttmm worker Advwtiaing. prove! il avery day. W itnesa the advertitementt that lend a Helping hand by influencing us to save, to protect ourselves and faniiiiesv Improve ourselves, keep well, make it last, da it better. Yes, adveitising ia great, a needed fore for good, particular ly in the present emergency. Thai vety tank r H ymiutl ere th rth ef arflilt re rty MtHfT U, mr IwiHiea ia ln'af !a ok. ial This advertisement sponsored by In oo-operatlon with. Advertising necogaltlon Week $345 Just one control to set and your "FRYRYTE" deep-frys any food to perfection. NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Power Co. often homemakers forget about ; salads in winter without reallz - ing that this is one time when ! salads are most necessary. Salads , are mainly divided into four classes. ( The Lijr ht Dinner Salad is served more or less as an appe- tizer to prepare the appetite for the more substantial food which is to follow or as an accompani- ment to the meat course. It usually consists ot a combination of greens, crisp vegetables orj juicy fruit served with a tart, simple dressing. " i The Main Dish Salad is a hearty, substantial salad served as the main dish at luncheon or ' supper. For this salad such food as eggs, cheese, poultry, fish ori meat are combined with the crisp greens or vegetables. The Dessert Salad is, as a rule, FAMILY DINNER Phone 210 Stewart, B.C. Prince Rupert I vaiiGce of ,h(, tumiv who is carefullv wat,ching calories here is an ! an; wer t0 lneir dessert problem, ! this salad may complete the meal I ,lhnnt aHilinn u0 mami oalnria. as the usual richer desserts SUppiy, , . . . . .... , Th Party Sa'ad 15 ad . ,llgnt tempting one. Since it is usual y 5aten bet,een mals' sno"ld refreshing , rather than too satisfying. Frozen or moulded Jellied salads are excellent for the party. The other day in a restaurant a home economist asked for a salad, and the waitress replied that there were no salads that day as they had not been able to obtain lettuce. Canadian home-makers should not consider that they can't make a salad unless they have lettuce. Granted, let tuce has become an integral part 0f most salads, but. shredded cab parsley make a good salad base, iThe idea of not serving a salad just because the usual ingredients aren't handy is a foolish one. Salad Ingredients should be fresh, crisp, clean and cold. As soon as the vegetables or fruits for salads arrive in the kitchen, rinse them in cold" water, but do not soak, clean or scrub those which need it, and store them immediately in a covered container, in a cold place. Recipes for salads are largely guides which can be varied in many respects, according to the ingenuity, imagination and individuality of the homemaker. Though there are no basic recipes for salads, the home economists of the Consumer Section offer some suggested combina tions for spring salads. Shredded cabbage, grated raw IN 30 MINUTES Milk DUTCH STYLE BAKED BEANS 4 slices bacon, cut in Vi-inch pieces 1 small onion, chopped 8 frankfurters, sliced Vi cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 1 20-oz. can oven-baked beans In tomato sauce Add PHARMACY HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m-, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. I i SIXTH STREET II switched fo r.larvclubc for engine protection You get more engine protection under all driving conditions with Marvelube the premium motor oil that meets all car manufacturers' . specifications for correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. It not only lubricates it cleans. A clean engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Isso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. Coal- S $11 51.50 one y : AND THIRD AVENl'E PECIAL ton (Loose, two tons or more) COAL HERE'S a tasty menu which will please every palate and can be prepared in less time than it takes to eat it. The main course-Dutch sty'e baked beans !s economical and provides a deliciously filling dish for a cold night. MENU Dutch Style Baked Beans Buttered Frozen Broccoli or Fresh Spinach Sesame Seed Rolls Sliced Tomatoes Fresh Cucumber Pickles Fresh Fruit Cheese Crackers IMPERIAL the Ssso D Ait a In sacks of one ton or more $14.50 per ton This special applies on our limited stocks of Alberta Blue Flame Egg only Foothills Alberta coal available in all sizes at prevailing prices PHILP0TT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. halanctJ performance from your engine wirh Esso gasoline. Fill your tank uuh "up-to-date" tsso or Hsso Extra. Take your car out on the R)hJ. See for yoursilt its better all-round performance. Coffee PREPARATION STEPS 1. Heat rolls in oven 2. Prepare fruit and cheese for dessert 3. Prepare Dutch Style Beans 4. Cook broccoli or spinach 5. Slice tomatoes; fix pickles ' hs so and hso Lxtra are best balanced conmiimfton nf ft mileage. Switch to Esio Gasolines and guaranteed tire life with the famous Atlas Written Guarantee which covers all road hazards tnd is honored by over 8,otx) dealers in Canada and the United States. PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER Fry bacon, onions and frankfurters together until golden remaining ingredients and simmer 5 to 10 minutes.