" MARRIED 65 YEARS Of their wedding.. . seven chiiru,. ."- Jr.- Prince Rupert Daily News -Mr. w.. ana anu onrf j t 10 n "." o l . Jv'n: o. inu. v coming I expect that a small Independent curling rink will be ; built and an important source of revenue for the rink lost. LETTERBOX ailU 19 Prfai ' -om-j Mrs. William Curran of Holyiwl curran i . 8 aiwir celebrated the 65th anniversary on the salmon nvnj Thursday, February 1, 1951 Jim Mitchell Man of Year Your ballot is realistic in its . approach and I feel you should '( VOTE "VKS FOR ARENA Editor. Daily News: be congratulated on the in i Mnv I exnress thanks to vou O As v "J 1 A-g See i! By ELMORE PHILPOTT ' 1 fr,r vmir hein in Kiirvevuie uuUic l of the Question regarding finan T independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince 2 Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, i ir. .00; By MaU, Per Month, 75c; Per Year. $8.00 EjtJ"1 - ' Published every afternoon except Sunday by " .Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. mm mm James R. Mitchell, prominent British Columbia school teacher, son of Mrs. John R. Mitchell, Atlin Avenue. Westvie'. and one time member of the Daily News staff, has been voted West Vancouver's "Man of the Year" in a poll conducted by the West Vancouver Tunes newspaper. For many years, Mr. Mit- rWtf.ll hnc Wpn iilpntlfipd A'ith opinion in this community about cial support. We can't have th'J the need oi adair.unal rerem'oial ' worthwhile addition to our com-faciUUes for ouelves and our munity recreational facilities children in the form of an aril-' unless we are prepared to pay f ;r ficial ice arena. it though the individual pet cap- There are a few points which ita responsibility -would i.ot need I might help to clarify concern-, to be large, ing the proposals .submitted to i hope that you will rceelvv a the recent annual meeting of the veritable flood of favorable ba!-Civic Centre. One is in regard to o,s p.-eferably marked "yes" t: the site. re had in mind the tU! questions. Such a project J acquisition aud tiolding in tm.-.t make our city a better place to INTERVIEW WITH LORD STANSGATE LONDON. Almost as . f BOW soon as I Ot to Britain I! the West Vancouver Hit-h School and 750 pupils there gave of the land adjoiuing the new jjVe in and keep our youn'? peopk- learned that the press cable services had failed Makes gll-lhe tfteia him mass support in the' poll. Legion as the logical spot lor a m0re inclined to make this coin-There were nine other nominees future hockey arena which this munity their future home insteaJ for the honor ' C1U some day undoubtedly of drifting off to fa-away pla:e.i. ... v- .ai, a remand . and has suim rock boi.oiii a Uto much to oiur tnem. imp air. iwi'.t-iiii " - leading part in many commun very important point according rnother recently said to me: "Ti e ity activities at West Vancouver On bread, toast and vegetables . . in pan-frying and baking ... let yemr family enjoy the extra-fine flavor of Blue Bonnet Margarine! ha hen lJ engineers uo wric tuiau.vtu. oil y sport ior ooys in in i and j for twenty Mqr sears na Dte.i wo nhv!mls ,hat nnM , , K,cwth.!i nr,H ihpru to adequately report to North America the strength, width and depth of the "no war with China" movement here. For instance, many people told me of the two remarkable public meetings held in Kingsway Hall. of tne 1 .ivn".1, - iiiMPvuiLr. a - - j master of ceremonies May Day celebration there Fresh, delicate, country- sun t.' Just a delicious when melting-hot as when frenh from the refrigerator! c. . ....... :,... .....I i .,n.r:.. must develop a generation auj.- nothing tor gins, i auinii ui v to use such facilities and equally: may be ovrstating the case bvt obvious that now is not the ideal hockey, curling, figure and pleas- . time to construct structures iii- :ure kaon ith rone- skatins ! volving large Amounts of -true- jn . ne summer would make ; tural steel even if it is Atipropri- !prin?e Ruoi-rt a healthier and ' ate to thir.k about site and luunv . happier place in which to hv?. ! financing. i L. M. GREENE. j ' , By no stretch of the imagination ers eyes. could these be smeared as "Com- : His eyes -are exactly the same munist front" affairs. The large shade of light brown that you hall was filled, on November 27. see if you look closely at a lion s. anrt hnnHroH u,erp turned aw.iv , When I saw them 1 figured he JW I1UII UIW. .Alllllllll. the naiural goodness of I have earned thii ion January 8, when noted speaK- must really list ef decorations that ne !ers from all non-Communist long On Losing 'Denny' Thain DURING his eight years of tenure as city clerk, "Denny" Thain has become pretty much of an 'nstitution at Prince Rupert's City Hall. He assumed the office of city clerk soon after the city was restored to autonomous government following the years of commissionership. An acknowledged expert antL'authority on civic affairs, successive city councils have leaned heavily upon his knowledge and advice. While he may have had his critics as any one so exposed to the public must have, there will be general acknowledgement that he has done a good job. Loss of 'Denny" Thain will, therefore, be a blow at the City Hall and the appointment of a competent and'fUtirjg successor will be a problem that will require f nine careful consideration. Af ter alC,the;chy clerk is the key person in civic affairs, the lthvtn and co-ordinator between the imWic, the cbuiiiji'' and the departments. All-round good city clerkitloHot come at "a dime a dozen." 31r. Thain wllte extended appreciation for the iLle" work he-h'krf'dcfne in Prince Rupert and best wishes in the nfYippointment which he is taking. - . The Halibut Problem A LOT of people all this talk we have been JO hearing about the halibut "split" season and the whys and wherefores may sound rather complicated. t..i- ....11.. I,, r.nr.llfrl-1 onrl .tirt II inl7 ROTTIP (hoice farm products with the V ' 16,000 units of Vitamin A added to every pound! And what a y money saer! (iive your family (, all they want and still stay u ilhin W won as an airman in wunci war Daily Health Hint ; narties teamed up to demand containment of the Korean war One. ouo . to Korea. For present needs the moae-t stj-ucture recommended Rwds no heavy steel nd would be part of the present Civic Centre Building. With tile support tf th-j curlers in town and their financial aid I am convinced tha. it can be built in time for operatl'ir. rexf vea", especially if we reo-iivo the help from the Civic Centre which I feel we are ntitil t.i receive. If sunoort is not fnh- I In industry, medical service : and health, education programs; in some plants have cut dow 1 1 sickness rate$ bv at leust 50 P';r j cent. bmty tt tntmls! and Blue Bonnet Momarinfi knmv , v . www www .w ww -m.w v rr c NA'iV vi W OTLlore Vegetables uu Rich Beef Stock WWmm j I asked newspaper friends for j BEFORE I HAD a chance to their ideas as to the best person ask the old boy anything, he to see about the who's who and played an old trick, to which what's what of this movement, they ay Lloyd George wa.s par-Their answer was, ' See Lord tial that is, to interview the in-Stanpgate he was the chair- terviewer. man." ' When he found out that I I'm not ordinarily keen on in- have lived for many years on terviewing peers, myself. Bu. the Pacific coast, he began U) ' whon I looked up the record and quiz me about the extent of the : found that Viscount Stansgale Russian penetration there haji; is just a new name for the old- a couple of hundred ye.irs aco. itime Liberal later Labor MP, I was able to tell him that Uv; I decided to ask for an inter- Russians had, in fact, establish-view, ' which was readily granted, ed themselves far south of when l o0o Vancouver now Elands had, ;n ' LORD AND LADY Stansgate fact, field a firm foothold near live at 40 Millbank, which is jusi, what is now San Francisro. a lew stone-throws from Parlia- But 1 soon brought the -o..-ment. Their London home over- versation around to the recent looks the Thames and is an un- meetings and to the now-fanwi ; pretentious yellow brink, two- debate In the Oxford "Union, storey affair one of a long, where no less than three of tli" solid row of such. Wedgwood-Benns took part I A cheerful maid opened the Lord Stansgate and his su.i door and, before I had time to David upholding the resolution take off my coat, a friendly oM that British policy should sta Tacked in .C." 'ii Sunny Yellow Margarine In 2 minutes flat1. That's why yu . say this NEW M' to ay wckfui-t Yellow Ouik Bin Urmf Pr th tutlM... I JjUt IKHliy 11 IS Jslllipic iiiuuju mill -. ."-.,t sort of a satisfactory agreement should be reached to meet the desired end. - ' The principal aim is to so time the fishing sea-son4.hat cerUilf.halibut grounds may be fished that lh bog counttrw" rz. it yellow ready k J No maity mixing hwk n dithot la wath . . . no timo or margwiiwl Itw are not neingroijicaj. now Because unuer uie e.ist-ing'arrangement tnere is one grand rush immedi If. Blu Ronrwl in Hi oimim Yellow Quid bag I gentleman called cheerily down being so subservient -to Lijnt of the stairs. Seeing that I am the U.S.A. anc another sort J now physically a bit of an old crock, a Labor MP) arguing on the he diplomatically suggested that other side that Attlee had al-I might prefer not to climb the ready done a fair Job of re-es-stairs. But experience has taught tablishing British independence me that the English rarely heat from U.S. over-domination,;"-more than one room in the The vote, incidentally. was ately after the" opening of the season ana the quota is exhausted and the fishing closed before these fish established-a -a separate run have reached the banks concerned. Now a ejj)fitjenee board at Seattle has come up' VI ! n house, so l plumped lor upstairs, bdoui auu uj -jd uiai i,- j. inere was a bright coal fire split almost exactly even as to glowing in the fireplace and His whether or not Britain was or VEGETABLE SOUP vim : with the suggestion that the object of lengthening ? mrs,m lordship served coffee while we was not loo KuD.servieui,. rv -i rr 1 m4 I the season miahtbe more efficaciously effected by chatted in the plainly but com- . . I i m 4. .1.. Tk.l..f forl.ihlv furnished room On the Thls Is the first oi two artlrif.s covering Elmore Philpott's fcmarvtow with Lord Stansgate.) reverting to tiiviormer curiaimieiit pia". mt-icu t -Arahi .lnnlfir YOUR FAMILY DESERVES AYLMER QUALITY now Alse available in regular style f.itagf uith nUttA trips would be -staggered to lengthen out the season TRAINING FOR LEADERSHIP n it Jinc rut I in a til ornaments, featuring camels. There was a fine Chinese screen in one corner. i I studied Lord Stansgate as he excused himself to read a cable from the Sudan. He is shortish, and around 70 years, of age, I believe, but looks younger. With his close-cropppd hair, baby-pink face, he looks like a rather jolly edition of a clean-shaven Santa Claus till you get a good look at his f ight- egal Printer One advantage of such a curtailment plan over the split season Vofid$e that there would be an orderly landing of f ih during the summer without a gap between two periods when there would be no fish. It would appear that a sensible basis has now been arrived at whereby the governments should be able to give the International Commission the avi; thority to at last settle this long-standing problem from a biological standpoint. The matter is now up to the Canadian government, it is stated. Phone 24 222 Second j A Unique Educational Opportunity For Young Men i Completing High School JoJati Jcl-t'fjfrire J-a5iage for J ' "I bririR you goodtiidinRs of great joy which shall be to all people." Luke. J:10u, BUILD COMMUNICATIONS NECESSARY STEP Expansion of t jmmunicaUons Imunization Is the first line of services in Venszuela involves defence against such diseases as laying 7.000 miles of new over- diphtheria, whooping cough and head and underzround lines. smallpox. Space Maker REFRIGERATOR Th REFRIGERATOR MOST WOMEN WANT MOST : $429-00 w"Love"! NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Power 0 It3 J k Li ait I Keep Posted On YfciJtocks and Bonds If you want to keep up-to-date about Stocks and Bond prices and have a monthly ready reference to compare Stc"' important Prince Rupert Phone 210 ' fluctuations in prices and income trom all Canadian , Government, Municipal, and Corporation Bonds, Industrial Preferred and Common Stocks, and leading Oil and Mining Companies' Irri)k W shares, you will, we believe, be pleased to receive from us each month a copy of our "investment r Securities Review.", tin nWnUitmm M M pWii nptid by fa Uw Coittal twid by tl IBriiih.Celim. ALLACE Tlie Canadian Service College (Royal Military College umi Royal Roads) proviiledueatioii of university stand-ard plug military training that emphasizes aeademio proficiency, cliaracter building, personality and physical deveIotment. It is a combination 'bich helps develop valuable qualities of intier diovipline and leadership. The College provide a four-year course of University; standard in Art and Engineering. Sporte play a large Tole in the activities at Canadian Services Colleges, including intercollegiate competition. Gradual! qualify for a cummixtion in lic Active 1 or HoMTvr forrrt of the Huyal Canadian Navy, Canadian Amy or Unyol Contnlian Air force. . APPLICATIONS for the trim rommmdn Septriigber, 19T.1, r now brine received . . . Candidate! r.nm have panned exafmnatisni Kenerally eeeptalile fo- entry to trienre fafnltiri of Canadian Uaiveraiuea; tave reaehed their inli'enth but not their twentieth birthday on the 6rt of January preceding t.-iranee. Naval applicants exeeit :p the raKe of candidates from Kremh rloirat rolle$;eii,nmat not ve reached their nineteenth hirthbiy on the firat ef January. Each issue also contains a summary of the financial affairs of one or more prominent Canadian Pharn RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE For Yoor Generirt Electric Wetlios Phone Blue !2 PACIFIC ELtCTRIC Companies. Clients tell us that this Review is invaluable to them when investing or "trading" in Stocks and Bonds. When writing foe the current issue, please mention this paper. HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. P H 0 N E 7 9 Our Statistical Department will at any time and without charge supply you with up-to-date information about any security in which you are interested. Don't hesitate to avail yourself of this service. Call in or write to our most convenient office. James Richardson & Sons ESTABLISHED 1857 . Pacific Coast jOfTiceu SUNDAYS: Foi full details .poly to: The Rraittrar, Heyal .toad-i, K..y.l Hoad., I. C to 2 Hie Keaittrbr, Royal Military Collcte, KiiiKHtnn, (hit. FRAMES! FRAMES! Come tn and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We carry a large line of l"p-To-Date Mouldings WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. 12 Noon 9ri to 7 p.m VICTORIA VANCOUVER THE CANADIAN SERVICES COLLEGES STREET AND THIKD AVKslt SIXTH mUlwiC faWOSttMl