Prince Rupert Doiiy News Thursday, February 1, 1951 7 Funeral Of Mrs. Skattebol Are You Planning 1 1 j: and Droma hlrtcf J A hi crested t festival 1 $60 has been realized t v the Prince Rupert and i Mukic and Drama Festi-j ik.m local business fini:s, Big Bail forfeited Funeral services for the late SHIPS AND Mrs. Lena Agnes Skattebol, wife of Harold Skatebol, were held Monday afternoon- from the JLne Jea Venn, 1 WATERFRONT n VANCOUVER Mr. Justice Grenville Court chapel of BC. ew Undertakers, Rev. E. Soliand officiating. Mrs, J. C. Gllkrr was J. V. Clyne yesterday ordered $40,000 bail forfaited In the case C"7 Any Alterations : Or Repairs to Your Hom? - f . ' We are able to offer you our peri.onar attention in' I you with original designs and plans. We vlli ( also eMima4,e 70111- costs at your own home. j! m .11 L ('j J lil A TJ1:3 three !f of John and George . Matlock ens Jot, organist. There was a profusion of flow this morning with did'not' t brolners wno appear in court to face charges of consylr- centre of social interest in Princp Runprt thiv; shipment over cnr lines to east- ers in the chapel In memory of an esteemed friend. The chuoel rulive heard t a meel- ir.g to sell narcotics. Hic Civic Centre last Trial of charges against Wil-; was filled with paying their afternoon is the fine newly-completed Nurses' Home U"lled states markets-of the Prince Rupert General Hosnibil who th.i cnr steamer Prince George liam Carter continued while jast respects. Hymns were "My ;,.nt Mrs. Kan ueeKer, police across Canada sought the, Faith Looks up to Thee" owl "O, tin- firms for their sup- Women 8 Auxiliary of the' hospital is condurtimr ,1 T ,r,,. VIX,,,' m,- Mallocks for whom Carter is al-isale to tht-ttook That.tei(?hcr i.ntioninB individual ap- Or If You Are Planning n In Mrs. George Ilill rv Pluvm for the publlc- leged to have worked. j Than I." , The Mallocks were supposed to j panbearcrs were H. Long, f . have come here from Winnipeg, BlackhaH, A. to face trial. A police check, otter ' they did not arrive .uncovered 110 ' Van Ml'er. H. Basso and V. L. true of them. Hansen. ... . ! nousewarminp; tea in the spacious living-room. This Is not the official open-i ing of the new home but the occasion does give the callers the 11 4 l -r r-l I opportunity of making at least' rlVlL S ( hthm ., contributed towards the i estiva!. ; embarking here were M. Mac-'donaW, H. Allen, f.'apt. and Mrs. ,B. Roald, K. T. Harding, I. .Jo-.hansen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stokes, Miss M. Long, P. Husoy, J. MurLiuu.ini, H. Tnoni, G. F. Pike, Mrs. M. Blake, Miss E. Swanson, Mrs. R. Benoit, F. M. Munson, E. J. Erlckson, H. Han- luuUuu of canon Basil n. MODKKN JIM) ORIGINAL HOME 1 1 ItX'lTl'KF. ; OR FIXTIRKS j f. .: something that is different . . . give us a call! Our experience and our up-to-date shop Is as clusi ' as your telephone. " seconded by Mrs. J. S. Ire secretary, Miss Yvonne was asked to write a letter Social Evening a partial inspection and to observe particularly -what the Women's Auxiliary has teen doing to further enhance the com-ort of the nurses who will make fcreeiatmn to the Civi- In another effort at an ex- 'sen- D Feder.sen, W. M. Martu, tansive recruiliiiR drive tlw 'Miss Marteau, A. Western, B. heir residence there Mrs. Jens Munthe. ni-MirW.of HMC8 Chatham last niahi ICleary, A. Sutherland, R. Puckey, PHONE BLUE 446-or GREEN 232 and we will call on you ' for the recent lmprove-inade to the auditorium, icrship applications for year are in arrears, Miss h Holmes, membership ,, reported. Larson said that many of the auxiliary Is receiving the " hW a social evening instead of A Caster, D. Fooljames. G. Ana-guests. I the regular drill. Each .man was'ron. Mr- and Mrs- Eylleson and Convener of the affair Is Mrs. I rmi . RBp0aUnd'MrM;ndG,.r; L. M. Greene and in charge or I The drill hall, fitted p with f "w' stokes F R rZm C the tea badminton courts, table tennis room are Mrs, C.;H. El-! a ) () n Mrs A W fi uih a w Mr . have come in from the ix.. in, mio. 11. n. Dirril, MIX. I, " . - , o ...n.u mi i(nIIihlttnr T !, r- New- . "A. K . . ' ra,s- , w; er W.Z "v-t, . : uT . "''"V; haven and A. Anderson inquiring on the festival Id May 2, 3 and 4. Appli-rr entry in the festival Penguin Hobby Shop UKSIOKtKS AfiD Bl'II DERS OP' 'MODERN I ITKMTlitE Corner of Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street ' ! in not later than March nm. uuecLing operations in me """iA,aiiiuii miiii ui uo kitchen Is Mrs. L. A. N. Potter- sports, while there was a con-ton, stant flow to and from the bingo Presiding at the pouring tables tabic, which was run by- C P O. are Mrs R O Larsp Mrs i A Stan PMam. ' FINE Dl'.FAUL'l Ef S i REGINA, r Dung 1950. i I total of 179 persons wtjre prose- MaivlonnM Mr w a ir..L,in .. .. ... cnteri untier the Saskatnliewi.i huirman said. . for the festival seem to ,g nicely," said Mrs. in attendance were: Sis-i-rior, Sister Mary Law- 'mow responmble for BClUng H(r7ttali7.ation Act for nnn-nav- ! This advertisemrnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. and Mrs. Duncan Black? out the frames were Fv;ttv Of finer . .1 1 i.i ' .MiiiolNii otiiDAiLY. NrVVS BRINGS KESULT8. Serviteurs are Mrs. C. C. Mills. V- Jn. Z'Z. wm,,uw nos'tal tax !. marun van oooien, Mrs. Wilbur Eastman and Stoker Gcr .,y u , L' Kay Jotin8n' aid Lwufc-.'C.F.O. James Wood r'iD1.Ru'?,"rt..Da"i"W,n' MrS was in charge of refreKhmenl.s, -f- Uirti .' M,-rl. Mr.,whteh coBsteUHl of cakes, Rudolph Olson, Mi.s.5 Larson, Mis.i Elizabeth Mrs. Earl Becker. Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. L. P. Char-. Mrs. George Cook, Mrs. S. Kergin, Mrs. George iion Basil S. Prockter, Jensen and Mrs. J. '8. 'A' "A" s Evans and Mr.i. L. V. T;rtter.;al. , ' Mrs. G. E. 11, Montgomery . iiltn no nn .t mil... a . r;,;?..r , lightning TEnnons ivi. iiui.h 4 iii v.uarm; wi .u nil- 1 ' fie. DDNDALK, ONT. -We ' thought we were ba."k lijine : ' again and being bo..itPd," taid kits. Va'.dcmars Goba. a recent ' II. Uk , CUTS CONVERSATION FOHT William, Out. TcH.- inner phone were silent in 559 homs arrival from . Latvia, after h;r here aft.'r a wc k crew accident- home was shaken bya lightning! IV cut a t"i(!f hone cable. It took fclaxt. A .bull of fi e rushed dowiii 58 horns ti resuire full service, the rhinmey and out of tli st.iV'''. Can! f-arlif 'ink was with Mrs. Wil- f'hweil at the Canadian FISHERMEN . . , ! card party lastnishl inking first prir,e in crib-is. Rothwell won in the a cake donated by Mis. i'tomery. s from tlie elevwi -rani For 'comprpte wverliaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, , see Rupert Motors Ltd. piay -were: Mrs. A. Crox- J Curric. whist: Mrs. II. m m t mm mm, r mmr i mm wr ey, Mrs. G. Krau3e. We have Uie trained mechan Mrs. W. Rothwell, E. ics and specialized equipment to cribbage, perform this work for you elflclently and economically refreshment. comm:t-Mrs W. Uothwell. Fred Burlier, Mis ,7 Mrs. W. Montf'oiiii'rv, To avoid delay this Kpring when the ru: h l. on, let us have that Job now. V. lluniry and Mrs. J. S. vjfffi plenty of syropf butter and' bacon i "1 til" IJai'ie!iiii7 Rupert Motors Limited . IIkth India is iiotH excellent fluvo.- ail 1 here ore iroDy 1 LEFT MVS i Our STOCK REDUCING SALE! ,,fm7,.v? NX . sprKSf5i . x : "XRy- . , to Aunt Jem (T -aO M ' X IX- X ivWf 0 :'XN j HISTORY OF PANCAKE DAY V A V 'J , l X I b nan i tv. Friday & Saturday Only 1 'El' V-V 2J i TU WUVE SUN THESE fD SIZES WOMEN'S SHOES pstly small sizes. fQ few pair left. ; 'DAY and SATURDAY, Only OMEN'S PULL-ON RUBBERS pre are still a few pair of The custom of eating Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday was established hundreds of years ago. Since then it has become a deeply roofed tradition in the lives of millions of people of many faiths. In nearly every Country Pancake Day was, and (till is, a day of great celebration. , Check Your Pancake Day Needs! ! For extra delicious feasting, serve Aunt Jemima Pancakes with all the trimmings. Check this list for the next time you go shopping. 1 Q Aunt Jtmima liady-MlM lor Poncpkn Buckwheat Margarine pe Top Grade Overshoes YHFD Cai r i-m . Bun Maptf Syrup Hw) tacM CaffM O Corn Syrup rrv, IDAY ard SATURDAY of to 7-95 C.n.Syr.p Jam D O Con.d Salmon KM 'If ft . C,' Uft'fJt fT'3 -r : Ss ti&& 1 . I OVs fAMILY STORE LTD. JlWlWbl! JilT:i:i -iHI- HiW !ifeli' -"It h 638 Charlie "Roberts Phone 357 ''l'l7tlninim iiiiiin i Mm i r n it i!!iitfTmwTmffimtimti7iinhtfflm7rwwmmttimmii!iti!itfV'?i!i IWMIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIWIIWIIIIM 'iiililillllllilililllllliiiiiiillllllllllilitU