Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 1, 1951 iUI'H 1 A Jll V, in - 111," HAw,,7T. Dccision Reserved In Assault Case "ntttfn, .. ..'"Ki',l I 7-9 p.m. " i HAWK" New Fish Pact-Winler's Second Ud To CanadajCold Snap Over 1 Prnce Rupert's short-lived; iAMUtl 10LUWTN JLto'lZTi .V.e. A I Aluminum BC j Negotiations Progress' tow ards a power and i j aluminum development in Brit-I ish Columbia was advanced over : the New Year's week-end with I the signing of an agreement be-j tween the Provincial Government j and Aican, says an official statement in the Aluminum Company WE ARE AN Agreement on a new interna-1 second cold snap of the scaauu.j tional halibut fisheries treaty j which brought welcome snow to' now depends on the Canadian j the skiing grounds and ice (o thel Government, according; to George skating ponds, has faded off with i Anderson. Deep Sv-a Fishermen s the end of January and south- ! Union delegate, who returned east winds have brought new I yesterday from the Internationa! gales to offshore waters and the j Halibut Fi:hermen's Commission threat of snow and rain to Prince j conference board session in Rupert. Light snow w as falli:; Seattle. this morning after the mildest I Mi Anderson said the UnKed nlBht. in over a week. States government draft for a Following the winter's low Stiifj,' or tanada magazine Alcan Iiiaot. Since 1948. Alcan has bren conducting engineering studies to Judgment in the case of Clifford Dahl. charged with assau!'-Ing Eric Jackson, was reservi u by Magistrate W. D. Vance this morning. Jackson charged that Dahl had attacked him wli:ie making a complaint in his office Dahl told the court he had .askrd the man to leave the office several times and had finally Uifd force to eject him. The altercation early Sunday morning, according to evidence, arose from Dahl';; refusal to send a car M help Jackson get his car started end the arrangements between the British Columbia Government and Alcan regarding a power and aluminum development took a f tep forward when a statement of the terms and con-diiions uiiiier which the p.a:.' might be built was signed by Hi.-Honorable E. T. Kenney. MinisLr of Lands and Forests. The r.oxt Robert Joyce Dies In South Word is received in Prince Rupert of the death yesterday morning of Robert H. Joyce, formerly manager of Kelly-Douglas Co. Ltd. here. He succumbed to la heart attack in hs offce "n j Vancouver. Mr. Joyce was a salesman at ;Kamloops with Kelly, Douglas before coming to Prince Rupert to take over managership of the local office of that company, rie left here in August 1949 for Courtenay where the branch was soon closed and he was transferred to Vancouver. ' , While in Prince Rupert, Mr. Joyce made many friends. He is survived by his widow and three children. ; While here Mr. Joyce was a 'member of ihe'Gyro Club. I A G E N C Y ADAM j '"4 Hollywood Cafe wouiu ...v . UvU,E "' w new treaiv give auuiuinj to the 'international Halibut Saturday morning, the thermo- Fisherres Commission to stagger meter has been- gradually -going fishing vessel sailings on the "P and last night it was barely basis of a plan to be submitted freezing. determine wnetner potential hy-dre electric sites in the unsettled areas of northern British Columbia would permit the economic expansion of the Canadian Aluminum industry by a new installation on the Pacific Coast. Survevs. estimated to cast approximately $1:000,000. are progressing in the coastal area of HATS We Specialize in DISHES by the Boat Owners Association . and the unions. The plan woald any area (spit season) as often 1 allow a limited number of boats as the commission sees fit d.:r- J to leave port at one time in o.der ing the calendar year but clues' to insure a constant and orderly not make provision for staggar-tlow of fish to the market, Mr. ing sailings. Anderson said. It would also ex- The American-Canadian con-! tend the season a long while ference boards, 'in joint session rather than have all the lish at Seattle, stated they did noi ft: ,y ' i i r ii r n rnrv a . . . i step by the British Columbia Government will be to place th" agreement before the legislature at the approaching session." - WOKLDS IARGFST RETAILER OF MEN'S HATS RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE-v British Columbia. , i FORMAL AGKEEMENT j Meanwhile, negotiations which have been under way between the Government and Alcan have led to a formal agreement. I An official Company release said, ' During the New Year week- tor Outside Onlrrs I'lloCTi I'HONt 11) caught in a very few weeks. want any change in the treaty. Want Ads, Sure Results! Canada's suggested cha.ises unless Canada is willing to ii Ori:N I HOM 7:30 P.M. ( J.3K A M, Want Ads. Sure Results! ; gives the commission the right elude the staggered sailing S to open and close the season in clause. .aaaanEiiaDrfasiiBaaj JOHN H. BUY YOUR drapes NOW LJ BULGER Ojilomctiisi U. i jf j 4 wan u l' i f Y ; 70 John Bulger Ltd. ' Third Avenue - I O 7 ( V DISCOUNT ON ALL DRAFERY MATERIAL! v. s - REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PRKFARED .rrfT T I t .a -a ft I I I Si R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd A.-e. iNrar CFPR) I? it i i-vt hi M 9 Ji fori for 1 1 1 1 cj Ladies and Gentlemen I. m k A W W jfc.-' . J".: ' ? S-f T r "-Alt i., LING the tailor I230 phone 649 Sixth St v.,- Have a SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Sale for One Week Only GORDON & ANDERSON Good Meal! NEW CITY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or '('( j '''ill Ty t'-'i j '" $ Phone Blue 92 J urn t ake: hit nitmiis """" " -tifii. u"''" i.. -:ia mi.ii. i i c Luxury Steamer OF THE NEWEST OF AL ' It s coxl to have all the Mines Jf On rince George in a motor car, and to have then -. 4 .1 .1 . tvtssilltv 1ST -;C, 'J ir i l j found anywhere ' else. Safety-Sight Instrument Panel Safer, more convenient, more tfTtcicnt . having an overhanging tipper crown to eliminate rcflections'in windshield from in- Longer, Lower, Wider Big-Car Look Brilliant new styling . . . featuring entirely new grille, parking lights, fender moldings and rear-end design . . . imparting that longer, lower, wider big-car look which sets n Cxlva CjOOll .YOU CAN GET IT At BULGERS y&'sT & Th't exactly what you'll have M '-rv. you buy a new 19U Chevron' Canada's lrget and finest lowrie car now available proved, completely automatic transmission, PoWEROLlDE! Chevrolet above and apart from all other motor cars in its field, suuimnii ugnu, lower edge ot panel recessed to provide a safe, convenient location for control knobs . . . with plain, easy-to-read irv-truments in two large clusters directly in front of driver. sails ran Vancouver ami Intermediate Tolls Eoch Thursdoy x at 1I:IS p.m. For KETCHIKAN veone:siiy midnight l uxury at Low Cost Kor Reservations Write or Call You'll own the newest car for 'SI rofrln'nirlv new. inside" Even Lovelier Bodies by Fisher With new and even more strikingly beautiful lines, contours and colors . . . with extra sturdy Fisher Unisteel Construction . , . More Powerful Jcimbo-Drum Brakes (with Dub life rivetfess brnke linings) Largest brakes in Chevrolet history! Iixtra-safe, extra-smooth, cxtra-durahle . . . with i)it . . . w ith that longer, lower, wider "luxury look" that stamp as the most beautiful tar in its fiejd. You'll ow n the only car that offers you your choice of the proved no-shijl driving, itr slattdard driving, at lower cost. Aw you choose a Ptwi RGUDF-equipped Chevrolet with its new 105 6' engine, you'll enjoy driving ease you've never dreamed of. Th no clutch pedal! You simply step on the gas to go, step on the In io stop! And that's all, in normal driving! Amazing smooth' saves wear on driver and on car! A ...I Ml i, . . CITY OR DtVOT OFFICE Curved Windshield and Panoramic Visibility ., . the smartest, safest, most comfortable edition of Chevrolet's Famous Bodies by Fisher. both brake shots on each wheel scll-tncr-' gizing for forward and reverse operation of enr . . . providing maximum stopping-power with up it 25 less driver effort. Maybe it's Sterling Silver Tableware! We carry many patterns Improved Centre-Point Steering fond Cenfie-Poinl Design) at well known' prices liliiii Modern-Mode Interiors With upholstery and appointments of outstanding quality, in beautiful two-tone color harmonies . , . with an even more attractive. Makris steering even osier, at low speeds and while parking . . . just rs Chevrolet'' you ii enjoy an t.nevroltt s many advantages at extremely low cost through every month and mile of ownership. Come in ttxlay-see and drive Canada's large! and finest low-price car . . , and you'll understand wiiy more people buy Chevrolet! than any other car. Maybe an extra perfect tamous I nineil Knee-Action Kiilo is comfortable beyond comparison in its price r inc . . . additional reasons why more people buy Chtvr. !:ts than' any other car. steering wheel embodying a new full-circle horn ring (in IX-Luxe models) . . . and with extra generous head, leg and elbow room for driver and all passengers. 'Optional tin De Ijixt miiJils at extra cost, a . ll Engagement Ring! We carry only perfect stones All through our stock you'll find the finest quality ' MORE CANADIANS BUY CHEVROLET THAN ANY OTHER CAR Mnvinc, Packing. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Cuinprele, Reliable and Service. Also Stents lor Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and aU welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE f STORAGE LIMITED '"ir: 2nd and Park Avenues Thones 60 and Gl MOTORS rani Corner 7th and 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert. W..i,-.ISB.-,';,i- ! ' 1