euiiuiii(i. tveuiuhiiy tiie Rupert vs Ontari t i ti ive Kut-i'l' LAjily iNtrv?' Ivioi.aa, July 23. lusi Hotel Men In Shutout Miner score the second and last! run of the saraf. Several times the clothiers , Abel & Loser in Ham-nail litim Vestrrday UOIt Will r JIIUVCU IU III- vJU." skirts, about four miles south r,f its present location. j Freight sheds and Industrial j plants alio ill be moved to the i suburbs. Another project tmder way is j the construction df a "bridge j across the Rideau Canal tn the! Honors Even In Softball Although he pitched a better with men on buses, saenncea . game gave up less hits and no fur SCOilng runs, but with only free bases than winning pitch ed Don McDonald, Abel 6c Prince Rupert Softball teams centre of the city. It Is expected Jack Odowes favorite chucker uir u.iuge iii icurve irainc ; yenuay 8U....-U ... y fih.,rn called the laser in ' 1 one error against them, com-; merclals held all attempts from ; the plate. L Don McDonald, who Went the ' whole way for the first time season, still pitched an erratic game but held the clothiers down to six hits, gave up four congesnon arouna the National i m two games witn me . ,r coin- , WriIlt with War Memorial where three Ontario. In the afternoon the a i f" UJ '".,. streets merge Into one, almos t team managed by Rusty Ford ran IllflJlUlEl DUUUH bih..."... It was one of those games when things go wrung for a into one bad inning and went Gown 8 to 5 while, in the evening, s Art Olsen pitched a very steady walks, hit one player, Gloidiano, team and everything happens in directly in front of the Parliament Buildings. BAN COMMERd.U TRAFFIC Commercial traffic will be barred from Wellington Street, a few seconds. The two runs all( wus credited with six stnk.;-wlth which the hotclmen won ouls, i game - and got good support to , gain a 5-3 victory lor me cny. , ... the ,lrst in. :Vk i V directly in front of the Parlia laliway uacKs anu iiiuuiiict Hias; a system of express highways and numerous street improvements; a soning of areas for housing developments: a re- j vision and enlargement of park areas and facilities for recreation; the selection of sites, ar-; chltectural cont rol of design an1 ' erection of Important buildings. THE GREEN BEIT Provision is made for a "Green , Belt" -open spaces and park- i ways around the area. i The Green Belt, three to five ; miles wide, will mark the limits ; of the national capital area, j Anyone building outside the bell j will not receive any of the serv- i ices supplied by the municipal!- j ties n'ithin the capital area. ! Within the Green Belt there j w ill be -room tor 500.000 peopie. i The area's population now Is estimated at close to 300.000. j The belt was devised as a , means of discouraging people ! Irom building homes along provincial highways and then Tore- I ing neighboring municipalities I to extend water, sewage and other services. Establishment of the belt is expected to mean that farms and market gardens will remain within easy reach of the capital to supply the area with food. Work has already started -m the relocation of railway tracKs which now wind through the city to Union Station, a short distance from the Parliament Sharpe, pitching a hitless game after the fourth, allowed live lilts, no free bases ai:J struck out four. Abel & Ortowes committed National Capital Groundwork Laid By Planning Body By D ARCY O DONNE LL ! Cit nudum Press fcStatl Writer OTTAWA (CP) Little by little the groundwork! is being laid for the development of Ottawa and; district into a modern, picturesque national capital area. A numlr of projects have been started, but'it may be 75 to 100 years before work is completed on the development of a 900-square-mile capital area, j The area will include Ottawa, Hull, Que-., and 28 other, neighboring municipalities j The development probably ' ! will cast billions of dollars be- nis w0r was interrupted by the fore it is completed, but many outbreak, of the Second World of the projects are expected to War. be self-liquidating. The plan:: Following the war, the gov-were drafted by Jacquc Grcber, 1 ernmenl decided that instead of , famous French town-planning erecting another monument to expert. His final report wis Canadian war casualties it placed before Parliament at the , would develop the national cap-; . resent session. j ita as a memorial. Mr. Greb-r Mr. Greber was brought hee again was engaged to do the by the Canadian government in : planning, but the idea of dedi-1937 to plan the location of a eating the development of the ' ' national war memorial to the capital ai a memorial soon Yv;i.s fallen of the First World War dropped. He also was asked to draft plans Specifically, Mr. ureber's plans for other government projects, call for a drastic relation nf three errors; Commercials, one In the first game the Navy nlllg 6nfi after that, it was jumped Monk Sundburg for five practically a no-hlt game tor big runs In th. second inning lne clothiers. But the damage with a triple by the leftfielder had been done and they com J Adolphe driving In three of the not get a run In edgewise, rum. Prince Rupert kept chip- I either. ping away at the lead and was i Leading off In the bottom of beginning to hit Navy chucker . rhe first, Bruce Slmundson pelt-Hall but tlij seventh inning ed a grounder through Seconti-came around too soon for them j baseman Tom Pope, who should to catch up. Big hitters of this! have stopped ii. SnoiUlou Gioi-game were for the Ontario, Der- diano picked It up, but the throw ' 'GOODBYE DADDY" year-old Larry l'avne soldier-iuUier ir, , i' brace Gunnvr H W Winnipeg Wj am,, troops who left f ,r ttVi ment Buildings. The bridge, named for the late Rt. Horn. W. L. Mackenzie Kiiv4. former prime minister, is expected to be ready for use lute this year or early next year. Work recently was . suspended because of a shortage of steel. The Federal District Commission, tlie agency carrying out the development program, is buyhi.; up property in various parts i Cun.p fiitiio. Man., (,,? uiuKiog lor Europe i 27th liricatl... ,rp ., ey and Bird, with 2 for 5 and . to first went wild, giving i- CPA Executive to Attend Board's Meet h. B. Main, general traffic munager of Canudlun Pacific Airlii.vs. will come to the Associated B aids of Trade uf Central Britl:.h Columbia convention to be held here early In September. He will represent tn: president of the Airlines, W. G. O. McConuchie, who has sent re- For For mundson mundson two two bases Duses on on a a oouu.v Adolphe with his triple. the district for use later. Some ef the property will be used in Prince Rupert, Larry Matthews , error. Cupt. is.rlst'iphir J-i i . the relocation of the railways had 2 Tor 4 with a double and ; Miner Slmundson, team man-and industrial plants; some will Tiny Carlsen had a long triple, j aner, followed his brother with be used for parks; sume will be j ij-ne evening game was the re- r a single, scoring Bruce for the set aside as sites for new public Lpmp n the first game with first run. Benny Wimtle's hit put tiir vutHMMivt'i' Tuy I I whe Mih'tnlijcd a brcV.-' recent fuvklrnt a. Y yur flown to PriiH'i- buildings. pTmert eettine awav in front and Miner on third and on Joe Davis' ..rets ut being unable to attend, end Hospital, v.u The land now used by th'"!th( Navy almost catching them ; fly-out. a play between first and : laH nlnht on Ihe Ctf railways and by industrial plants i in the laU Innings. Rupert scor- , second put out Wlndle, but let For Action Ad"ertlse! his home in Vaneotivn will be reclaimed and used for en in the top of the first when; " SMALL TALK ABOUT WEDDING PLANS it ; . public buildings, apartments or;iarry LePage walked, took sec-! Pks. j onc) on spring's sacrifice and The plans call for decentrali-! fcored on a single by Chris zatlon of new government and Dallyn. Hits by Dunny Bill, Jerry departmental buildings to avoid , i rd and Ray Spring scored Bill adding to the present downtown iji a 2-0 had at the end of the congestion and to enable civil j second inning. Navy scored one servants to live close to their j in the fifth on Dieroff's single, a : work. j walk to Boyd and a wild pitch A new printing bureau will be Rupert came back with two more established In 'Hull, across the j in the fifth, when Don Scheik; river from Ottawa, where there I led --ff with a triple. Smith waik-ls room for housing develop- I ,d, Bob Loste was on on a field-ments. The Bureau of Statistics ' er choice and Dannv Bill rifled i i J tii ' J VrK YUr nMrb J bf.-JJ"-- B.EGKdrich dealer ; ; $eol-o-mati$do away KtSL gA with puncture trouble rfcJiiwJ XrfU - '" " rou ,;9" Z tif. ftu m... urged ,miinfl M p, FHr W0'iJ3jii: ' -r- j M'Then freedom from puncture you'll se r ; yjLP ifciic'iv fSrJVP- ! ISeol-O-Matic will tnd C4 iHMfS'jt Flot fir.,, my friend, jTIf If PfJJvA J And for this you con thonk B.F.G." SCii f T'lVvJ5'3 ' rm NW llw "'ov ,r,,om "" pnnrlures. Equip your fir, now, ' f2$SlfWSwfflj(f 1 ' ilh B.F.Goodrirh SealMMir Safety Tubn and toUh. Inni milraie Mm$tffl&!?fesla ' Silvenown Tire. That' the way lo mily njoy mutorini. B.F. Cou.lrii h SealnMiet aeal punrturei inntantly. permanently ... oi you ride. No air lo... No Uther. So i-o.lly Mlf0jfl'''illpSfl(, Ajlflj I repair! 10 torn tirea. See these trouble. aavera today, at your neighborhood lit' I T' '' iWl'(&$ 9 ' l fin WW rlltlTTiTE33irf f lilt fsttlliyy a ! and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation are creeling new buildings on the outskirts of Ottawa where there are plenty of open spaces. National Defence headquarters also will build on the outskirts. a dotiuie along me tniru j line, parkins replnred LazaruK on the mound for the Ontario and walked Gerry Ford but got j Olst ii and LePag j to get out of ' trouble. In the bol torn of the j (seventh the Navy had Rupert . I ,ans worrl 'd when Dieroff led I don't care what I Ihe I'm "If you insist on Inviting h-r to the wedding, we may as well call the whoh? thing off!" But thir.k f all ft ytitir I9?! wouM clop 'd, cliur." bridesmaids WcP.r . . not wearing a tux." Mr. Greber's plans provide fo;' the establishment of a new national art gallery, a national theatre with a seating capacity of 2500, an auditorium and convention centre with a seating capacity of 10,000, a national library, a national stadium and .sports centre, botapical and zoological gardens, and a 70,000-acre park In the Gatineau HilU. eff with a double und MacClean fing'ed. Dior ff scored on a flt'der's choice then Perkins :lng'ed to score Adolphe. Deny walked and the tyin!! runs were rn base but Bird f.vw out to Oo y Smith who made a nice lunnvnn catch to retire the side. Di!f fled the Navy swatsmiths (CI.OSl HE TIME 10 a.m. on (lay of piibliralion) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P.cas refrain from telephoning. C'ass& Word p-r insertion, mlnimun. charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards if Tliaiilss, 1?'. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Eni'.agenient Aniiouncenii.nui $-00. . , SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. aiimqeri With a double and a single while j Ai! Iphe hud a double. Leading ! tli1..' rs for liuoert In this game ; er( Danny Bill with a double1 and a single and Don Scherk ; with a triple. j Player.? of the two Prince Ru-peit teams are now asking for a . game against each other to de-i BUA1S (OH iAI.E l-.KV.NAL B. F. GOODRICH Tire Dealers in Prince Rupert I'dK HEM KOH KENT-- liuiiin . Mur V o II II u lultll S win ker iin-ii riiuit ( 172i)i : D.lliv Nrn.i. J. H M V1K At ( llll.M Phone Ureeii 400 To Vancouver (today) Mr.;. B. J. Brldden and two children, C. Ground, Mrs. A. W. Pries,, Mrs. J. Currie, S. H Leslie, S. Hiensch, Mrs. A. Hamburg. ;k'.-' which one is best and there RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Second Ave. at 1st Street Phone 566 FOR SALE 18-lt. cabin ooal Willi iu n.t). eriKine. Hanci alters rf-jb Hani receiver. Hue :si rilie. Piioiie 04a. tlVjin FOR SALE - 30 11. sail bout. : t. ueam. uraws 4S it., duo soouti-11. ot sans. 4 cylinder marine engine, bieeos mice, l.av.aoiv, oil stove arm cooking ulensns. $2siiu Auulv "four Winds." Prince Uuuert Yacht Club. ill) FOR SALE 10 ', It. soeedboat. doubie pianKcd. Phone BiacK U4o alter o (171ui WW ir. a posnmuiy mis game win ue held so-jn, maybe next Friday nl:;ht. Tonight in a regular league game the Columbia Cellulose and Hawks will meet at Oyro Park. First (lame 1IMCS Ontario AB R H f' V- 7 ECIPES R I'OU RENT - 8i Pnone Kt-tl 8'iU. FOR I (FN 1 1.; v cablfi.s on t h-Lake. Terrace. HC wt-eK or mouth ' 1). U Terrace li C. FOR RENT Rinnl fur b.ns. 233 7;h FOR RENT Rtmm lor Kentlenicrt i" ' I-lione Huii K 482. FOR KEN T -- General Electric iiuor poiuhers. $1 per duv. Plitinp Uiuo D'J2. Purine En-elm:, t 111 PHONE 18 vorir Northland Dairy. Hir daily delivi-rv exi-t-Bt fcjtiti-dav. liv looklne alter vour nulK vour milk will ihi alti-r you. Keen ii fool. At! milk ituurantet-d. I til GIVE the folks at home a treat . . . get one of our ili-lli-nm.--cakes or ou-.s. Rupert ' Hkety Ltd. Phone (14:1 tor ordtr. 'til & cl jroc eJMona ti&ine&d an Dei vy, ss 5 12 Bird, 2b 3 i i SIMMER FRl'IT SALAD (Serves 6) Cut 2 honeydew melons In Inch thick slices. Pare and slice 4 iOK SAI.h Langlois. 3b Olson, lb .... FOR SALE -Refrigerator, good SUj.OU. Red 739. 1 17301 i;:al hST.vre 41 U-DRIVE CARS. : It I ( ti elivilit- t;-jnt ' ' ' FOR A NEW Ilfl7 i Div"i. Mil), tills oranges and 6 peaches. Make j Dieroff. c .. watermelon balls. Now fill one j MacLean, rf lv neydew slice for each serving Boyd cf with watermelon balls. Arrange ; Adolphe, If Colussi's Music Store Arceiits for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOn TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 21(1 4th Rt. Ph. BkKit. 389 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING sliced oranges on one side ofi"alt' P HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS GIL BURNERS FO!t SALE Pot burner ranse and healer. Pnone fbti. davs. - . 1 1740) FOR SALE EnulLsh pram, eood conuition. Sln.uu. 1419 mh East. (171PI FOR SALE Oil ranse. w hits plate, peach slices on the other. Garnish peaches with berries. Fill out the plate with little nut 34 AB 4 Prince Rupert 1 L. Matthews, 2-3b bread . sandwiches and ' ' . enamel, wick 4ve: lloat valve, pipes, et;., inclilded: excellent condition. Reasonable price. Red 47i H73UI .$2,800.00 FOR RALE "Wartime Four, one block noin bus. liiiiuediai e Full price S2.HDU.UU. Terms. K- E. MORTIMER Real Estate and Insurance 363 3rd Ave. . Plume 88 j , , Il7ii-J) FOR SALE Two-bed room full concrete basement, tie Inlaid linoleums, interior ni:;e-lv finished, cabinet kitchen, closcls In bedrooms. hail. Bathroom rebuilt Pembroke Rlvle. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Red U83. 1211) 8th Ave. East. ( 171c t FOR SALE Wartime fo.tir on D. Young, c 4 M. Sundburg, p-2b 4 T. Carlsen, If 3 D. Hartwlg, lb - 3 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 and 2nd. WAMID TO I WAN! "ED TO RENT I liiriiisherl h.m-'e ut .).i.-tilv Ncvr. WANTI-:b House ! sleadv iifo'cssiiiiu. Ino lo brin" : familv to rltv ti'f; residence, Dailv 11E1.H WANTI WANTED---TWO ceiif: oressers. Exiienonf but not necessari J neer Laundiv. WANTED - WnJ'r. Auolv M"- RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITOR1) Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 T. Sedgwick, cf 3 0 B. Wagner, 3b 2 0 R. F:)rd, p 1 1 R. Spring, ss 3 0 R. Martin, rf 3 0 FOR SALE Flooring ! Kl-.iss, doors, sash, ba.seboards, I etc. See lor vourself or phone : GOO re: "Ocmoiiiion Kinu Ed-; ward School." and leave information. Boulter and Welter. ttfi; NATIONAL! Y KNfMN NAMKS scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block G03 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. 5 8 Mat- 30 Olson, hits, 1 wo-base SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Ling-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes; Draeliia.i: Adams Road Graders; Lnueford Bros. ' Black Too Maintenance ! Eauiomen' ; Owen Clamshell TO HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 41 h Street Phone S5 Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 thews. Three-bate hits, Adolphe, Carl-im Strikeouts: Hall 4, Sunburn 3, Ford ' Bases on balls: Hall 1, Sundburg 3, Ford 0. Second Game WANTHI WANTED -,- I,rP, PRICES PA1U f'T steel. brns corty Honest cmlim! '.' ment rnaclc Metals Ltd.. 2;t0 coitver. H. C. " B357 Overlook on' 6th Ave. Iin-med'ate uo.ssession. Fiirnih-fl. $3800 unfurnished $321)0. R E MORTIMER Real E-state and Insurance 353 3rd Avenue Phone B8 (171ci WILL SACRIFICE choice business nrooertv In central loea-tlun (In downtown areai for Immediate rsh sale. Write Box 150. Dailv News. 171c FOR RALE- Fifth Ave East near Mi'Britle St. Well built 5 rooms and b.ith. urnlshed or unfurnished. Priive Runer! Realty Co.. over Broadwav Cafe. (172 c I A. P. GARDNER 8 CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Rtxi 879 SFU mot ;itc: Trince Rnjiert 2 AB For Results AD VERTIS1 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING rhone Blue 126. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, BjC. H. LePage, c 2 R. SprlnK, rf 3 C. Dallyn, 3b 4 C-. 8cherk. 2b 4 uucKeis ana KocK Grannies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers' Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelton Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National Rolarv Screens and Conv.-yors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.O (tf) FOR SALE New and used firr nllure and hardware. Bovs' bicycles, new coffee tables, chests of drawers, beds, chesterfields. Mavtae wa.shlne machine, chesterfield beds, scores of other articles at. lowest nricj!. B. C. Furniture Co. Phone Bl-ack 324. (tfc CASH For scran cast. : batteries and rQiit 543 Call C2'J Gin " Citv. J. Smith, cf 2 0 B. Losie, If 3 1 I.AM WttilHTRY ACT TENDERS D. Bill, lb S 1 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1G26 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. iEl'AlUS,.' J. Ford, ss 2 0 WrtlXIM flclent. service A. Olsen, p 3 0 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Salisfafl"1 Jeweller, teed H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Evenings Black 889 26 AB FOR RALE Tenders will be received bv the tindersli'ned mi to noon. Aui' 6th for the nurchase of Block "A" of Lot 752 Oueen Charlotte District, together with Imnrnvemp"': situated therein and contents Terms: Strictlv cash. Highest or an" tender not. neressarilv nccented Oorilon Ffaser Forbes Official Administrator Administrator of the Kstnte of Alex Johnson, de-eased. (173c) IIMCS Ontario FOR SALE 1937 Ford In pond condition. $400. Phone Green 728. (173c) Re: eminent ot Tltl SftOOB-I to Lot Thrr (St. Block Twelve 112). St-ctlon One (l), city ol Prlnr Ruprt, Map 923. WHEHEAS BntlHfHCtory proof of lot of the above Certlilcate of Title Indued fn the name of Ercole CoIuhsI has been Hied In tills orftce. notice 1h hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the (lute of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certlhcute, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In wrltlnts. DATKD at the Land Registry office. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 18lh day ol June, 1U51, A D. , Andrew Thompson, i Deputy Registrar of Titles. I IJO. JU2.9.10.23) Derey, ss 3 0 Bird, 2b 4 0 Langlbis. 3b ?. 3 0 Olson, lb 3 0 Dieroff, c 3 2 Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 4!I0 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store B'OR QUICK SALE Oak dining room suite with china cabinet. In excellent condition. Black 910. (171di TitX sneclnllst -1 Stone BulKliii" TUTION MacLean, rf 3 0 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL JEWELRY ' .- 'i. . (V "I Boyd, cf 2 0 Adolphe, If 3 1 Lazaruk, p 2 0 Perkins, p 1 0 BOYS OR 6'H Cleaner Cutting Saws FIREMEN and Engineers Engineer will Rive tuition and coaching Junior Engineer certificates, if there Is sufficient demand. Replies with phone numbers to Box 154, Dftl'y News. (171c) FOR RENT , ,. hilV ' - upenini;s HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. R0NSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5lh Ave. W. black 503 Tew eew will tut cleaner, truer, fester when filed cm ur p retU.on mmcliine. Quick ervfc ob ell typn uf . SHORES (-RED1T JEWELLERS Gruen, Bulova. Rolex. Cvma. Tavannes. Elain. Waltham and Hamilton watches. Wedeewood dinner sets. Community plate and Roaers silverware, etc. No extra charee for credit. Conflict our local awnt, Henrv Whiteside Red 411 U73c) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 27 3 7 Dieroff, Ad- hits: Two-base Brim your nws in wwr. VM Wri retouuieo. on Daily Nl'",.l various parts of 1 ; APPLY AT 0Ff; Speciol BoihL for Good Sc"V CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Eesncr Block Phone Blue 442 ; FOR SALE Summer cottage. I barcain for Quick sale Best. , uot on Lake Kalhlvn.' Fullv I enulooed readv to en'er. I Phone 389. (tfc) CARS FOR 8AI,K olphc. Bill. Three-base hits: Scherk. Strikeouts: Lazaruk l, Perkins 1, Olsen 9. Bases on balls: Lazaruk 4, Perkins 1, Olsen 2. FOR RENT Five room house, fullv furnished References r"-aulred. Box 157, Dailv News (173Q) ROOMS FOR RENT Phone fed 232. U72D) I PRECISION SAW FILING i:n." ncnoTT tlace B.ix 1011 a'ation B (Agent: Bus Terminal) If you want to sell It, advertise FOR SALE 1940 4 rinor Chev In Rood condition. 1425 lll.h East. (176P)