CIVIC HONOR (Continued from page 1) TODAY to WEDNESDAY Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, July 23, 1951 RADIO D1A1 1240 Kilocycle WALLACE'S El GFPR V iovabklen-oj ' 0 0Vrtiat Great benefit was bound to accrue from the Aluminum Co. of Canada development. One could only guess the extent of (Subject u Cbngt) Merry Uproar In "Dear Brat" Starring Mona Freeman, Billy De Wolfe, Edward Arnold and Lyle BettRer, "Dear Brat," an hilarious film this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Capitol Theatre traces the explosive re DEAR RUTH and TERRACE I OPICS ' and prosperity growth MONDAY P M P'-acetime 4:30-Dick Trimble and the Sea, that was to ensue But. with the 4:43-Stock Quotations and Int.: good things. His Honor reminded tlie EatlHring. woind come tne j:00 International Conity. )f FASHION 5:10 Alberta Pipeline mm problems that would have to be ! met. j PRESENTATION I "Prince Rupert is no longer Mr. and Mis. J. H. Smith and daughters drove Into town on Tuesday afternoon on their return frcm a three weeks' holiday percussions following the attempt Was Here During World War Two Marion Freeman, who will be remembered in Prince Rupert, died in Vancouver late last week, burial being In Everett, Washington. In the second great war. Mi. Freeman supervised, for the B.C. B:ilp,e Co., installations for the U.S. Army at Prince Rupert. Other projects on which he wo krd in B.C. included pulp mills at Fort Albcrni, Powell River and Nanaimo. companying them was Mr. Cruik-shank. Sr. of a teen-age schoolgirl io appiy a course in social science to the spent In the southern part of the piovlncc, the northwestern unpredictable world bryond the ' 'r r ,4y-. school walls. The film Dicks ui) tne "biat" as , Paramount presents she is hiring a paroled Kidnapprr lor a family gardener and man- , about-the-house. Her Intention States, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Mrs. William Richmond and children of Burns Lake arrived , in town on Thursday's train to vis't with relatives here. ! Mrs. James Lever and young j daughter have returned from a adoescent. it has reached its" baid J. C. Gilker in making the presentation to Mr. Wallace. ' The north, Indeed, is coming intD Its own and it has n'uch to contribute to the total welfare if British Columbia." The Chamber of Commerce president reviewed briefly the significance of the Eagle Crest totem of which he made presentation. Mr. Wallace promised that the gilt would always .be greatly treasured. He also promised that 5 30 Songs and Singers 5:45 Young Man with a son1; 5 55 -CBC News b.iiii- iupier .sereiiadi 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musitul Varieties 7 M)- CT;C t.ews 7:15 -CP'; News Roundup 7:33 Pacific Pianoforte 8:00 The Choristers 8:30 Overture, Please 9:0 Summer Fallow 9:30 Dixieland Jazz 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 Don't Destroy 10:45 Ed McCurdy 11:00 Weather lorcca.-t arr! Fish Arrivals TUESDAY A M. 7 r , Musical Clocu 8:00- CBC New 8:10-Here's Bill Gooa 1:1a M'..ning Sonii 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:i)0 BBC News and INFANTS WEAR visit to Telkwa. i Mr. and Mrs. John Hagen, daughter Barbara and Mr. Hagen, Sr., left on Saturday by car for a month's holiday trip in the south. is to convert him into a pillar of society. But when her father, who Is runnning for re-election, gets wind of the scheme, he reacts violently. Though he has publiely spoken in favor of criminal rehabilitation, he doesn't want the reform staged In his own garden. With the town in an uproar over the presence of a violent felon in their midst, the Senator desperately looks for a situation that will please both his constituents and his conscience. The Patrons at the Tuesday and Wednesday show at the Tillicum he intended to be back in Prince j Rupert at the first opportunity. I TIIF r.TFSTS Diapers Blankets Dresses Sweaters Rompers Vests Socks Shawls Theatre were most interested to see on the Pathe News, pictures M,. and Mrs o. a. irunter, of the T-rraee lugging operations aCconipani d by their daughter, for the Columbia Cellulose as well: Miss Audrey Hunter, R.N.. and as the operations of the Celanese : Mjss Lillian Randall, R.N, of In attendance, besides guests TODAY to WEDNESDAY of honor, were Rev. and Mrs Basil S. Prockter. Rev. and Mix. plant at Watson Island. j Vancouver, spent a short while in Terrace on Tuesday. Fred Antrobus, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Black, Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Woodside, Mrs. Nora Arnold, Fred Conrad, Sgt. and Mrs. L A. N. Potterton, Mr. and Mrs brat's boy friend isn't pleased at all. He thinks that her designs on the young parolee are more sentimental than experimental, 1 "The Place to Go For the Brands You Know" 5 Wallace's i Dept. Store 5 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Webb i left last Monday by car for Chil- liwack, having been called south by the serious Illness of Mr. Webb's mother, who passed away late on Monday afternoon. Mis. I Webb, Si., was a sister of Mr. W. C. Osborne. AIIDKU FKATUI 7 p.m. and It p i RANDOLPH SCOrf NANCY KElil j "FRoina MARSHAll' Dudley Little returned on Tuesday from Vancouver where he has been on business, coming by the air from the south to Piince Rupert. (Vcar Smith, Capt. and Mis. William H. Kougham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Feero, Mr. and Mm. and the confusion reaches an uproarious high when the police, the parole board and the town 7M txiiii unman mug DictuiDT mdtcci inuniriu viwiiinni tiuniitin lunuiunn 'j HOUSE ON U HBIBIBBHBhl N. A. Beketov, Mr. and Mis. Doug Soutar, Mr. and Mrs. Neely Moore, Mr. and Mrs. William Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, banker all try to settle live proo-lem to their own satisfaction. This merry mlxup is resolved in a howling climax that approximately restores peace. TELEGRAPH HILL Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hayter of Salmon Arm drove into Terrace on Monday afternoon on a business trip from the south. RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE CAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC riuine Blue 992 1 Mrs. M. Simpson left with Mrs. ! Lemon and young son, Michael, j on Wednesday's bus to reside in 1 Prince Rupert. Her home here 1 will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. 1 Nichols. Mr. Nichols is the CNR lumber and pole inspector. 9:15 - Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your music appointment a u - 1 line Suut 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Mornln Melodies 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup lime 11:38 Weatner Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude V 45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00- Mid-Day Melodlw 12:15 CBC Newf !2:25 Program iter.ume Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Mr. and Mrs. William Long, Mr. and Mrs. A B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lien. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Youngs, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick-shanK, Dr and Mrs. R. O. Large, Mr. TWO FEATl KES Last Complete Shuw Starls at 8:'!0 i (SI Miss O. Andros and M ss M. Mundlo, after a visit to the city, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroutc back to their home in California. Miss Andros is a niece of Peter Cravetto of this city. Di . and Mrs. Gerald May were entertained by the staff of the home for the Aged at a large farewell party on Saturday evening In the recreation room of the Home. and Mrs. A. S. Nickerson, Mr. land Mrs. W. D. Vance, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cruik-shank, who were married the previous Saturday in Vancouver, arrived in town last week to stay with Mr. Cruikshank's brother-in-law, Dr. Ken MacPherson. Ac- i Fred Baker is spending the week at Kalum Lake in the em i Mrs. P. H. Linzey, Mr. and Mrs ploy of Joe Hart. BAPCO FLOOR ENAMI Jaiforing for Ladies and Gentlemen LING Supplied in ! Pierre LeRoss, Fred Sradden, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Saville, Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, Mr. and Mrs Ray Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cuthbertson, Lt. and Mrs. N. Langham, RCN. Mr. and Mis. Pat Forman. Aid. and Mrs. T. B Black, Aid. and Mrs. Don t Y "' ' '1 ' i --av. irJ'A .- T " Ten attractive colors Dries in 4 hours the tcVi lor K? . iMxwix - ----V- j Thompson Hardware Co. It Fitch, Aid. and Mrs. Darrow Gomez. Aid. H. M. Daggett, Aid. and Mr. Harold Whalen. Miss Audrey Wrathall, J. T. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Ray, Mr. and MvS. Don Darling, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. s. Blackaby and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boulter. Dependable Auto Service Tires, batti ry, radiator Civic Centre DINING ROOM wis!ic'j to advise their patrons that they will be closed for staff holidays, ccmmcncinn Monday. July 23 for two wee RE-OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 4 and crankcase . . . they need constant service, and they get that service here every time you drive up for gas! Be wise. Drive up here for expert service today and everyday! SHIPS AND WATERFRONT With a passenger list 301 of whom practically ait KEEP IT RIGHT were round-trip tourists, CPU steamer Princess Kathleen, Capt. Graham Hughes, arrived i in port at 9 o'clock this morn- Inside and Out. I ins: from Vancouver and sailed at 11 for Skagway and other DRIVE UP AT Alaska points whence she )s due here next Sunday morning southbound. The vessel had no passengers for disembarkation STAMPEDE WEATHER Calgary sujways and basements were flooded when heavy rain proved too much for the city's sewers. This bus was stalled in one of the subways and 40 passengers had to wait for this makeshift bridge before getting back to dry land. Sgt. Bob Moffat of the Calgary traffic squad helps passengers along the plank. (CP PHOTO) rMk Every WjSjES Occasic Birthdoy . . . Anniversary ... ' Shower and Wedding t! i Cards and Wrappings t! j All under one roof J at Prince Rupert. MODERN PLUMBING ' Is a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Coll Blue 846 PLUMBING S AANICH HEATING Union steamer CoqulUani Capt. William McCombe, arriv ed in port at 2:30 yesterday afternoon following her regular Superior Auto Service LIMIT! I THEY PAY OFF voyage to Ma-sset Inlet point: and sailed at 8 p.m. for Van IT'S PROFITABLE couver and waypoints. IT'S EASY To Use Union steamer Camosun, Cap, John Boden, with good-sized lis of passengers and full frelgh". cargo, arrived in port at 5:30 Studebaker and Austin yesterday afternoon from Van DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form Dealers couver and waypoints, sailing at 11 p.m. for Alice Arm, Stewart I NEW TRUCKS TRUCKS IN IN STOCK STOCKS Call 363 FOR I'.ETTEK . . . Planning Building or Repairing Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 and other northern points. She is due back here tomorrow morning to sail south at 12 noon. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 I ARfiO 3-TON SPECIAL Hvavy Duty equip 152" wheelbase. 1 l AUdO ' .-TON KXPKKSS I 1AK(.) ' j-TON KXPRKSS with Fluid Driw SPECIAL tne U14!t FAROO '4-TON KXI'RKSS with IV1M1 OWW 1"" h:;. Excellent condition. $ 1375 I.ii'v niileiifo . . Rupert Motors ...... Limitei .nitrnBf CHIiySLER, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTOP v Ihk dvtrtliment It not publlriwo er dltplaytd by t Liquor CmmI Boa or W 6nmwl 4 BrtB CoiuU ! . - E ' MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITKI) Builders & l onlrariim By CHIC YUW"to BLONDIc -Muffle That Growl, Dogwood! i I ' 1 " '1 f ; ': Number of Times Enclosed Picnic find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) GP SCOTT-IT GETS M frjOOPBEULCCXILCWT V U f" A I S ycXJ WAKJT vl WAPOEP EVEPV NNEEK flV S tU0 s,v' t f ping AT A TIME Vl 'I (toBUVA POPP. X ( TO CATCM THESE DCX5S T" i LIKE THIS '-V '1 V? SlfiTEl? ? S i s5br mzr 1?ft r pS mS.,, SljK. ifFw.1 Moving, Parkins, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and a'.l welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd arid Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones fid and 68 Name j Address Phone No !