Prince Rupert Doily News Monday, July 23, 1951 OUiei wine, the lettuce may Oc come Ump fcnd wilted, Instead of i being criip end attractive. Cuai in LuiuuteiuiM . i I . - j The piuject Wfca ftLat'teO m H't ' ago under the auspices of the Black wood on Extract Wax From Lignite a By Easley Blackwood .Housekeeping... Saskatchewan Research Council with the objjet of finding new uses for lignite found in the southern part of the province. ill Lake Ferry jvcs Cow Bay Float THURSDAY l.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from I 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting Ah you know, Mr. Champion seldom gets the best out of his partners. On the hanrl before this SASKATOON 0 Researchers at the University of Saskatche- COOL SALADS FOR SUMMER j To give a little more character j to the flavor of a vegetable salad, ; rub the salad bowl lightly with ' the cut surface of a piece of gar-i 11c, or let the garlic stand In the 'mayonnaise for Just a few mln-; utes. fiememmber, a little garlic goes a long way. A few leaves of fresh mint f!ive a refreshing flavor to fruit a Priarhiy criticized Mr. Abel for not makintr a lead that province's lignite. WOUld have set Hip mihi.nun tuen ti-inta ir,eU..,A ,.- Professors R. L. Eager and S. j Until the Second World War, Germany supplied mu;h of the world with wax from lignite. The i wax was used in shoe and floor ' polishes, rubber extender, insulators Jn inks and for leather I dressings. I 1 h( wax is dark brown or black, hard and br.iue, and splinters and breaks into uneven pieces. one. ...COOK EARLY IN MORNING j "Keep cool with cool cooking! An Ideal way of serving thm Li' I ' ki id cool eating." Is Uie sound us Stuffed Tomatoes. There Is' dvte Pawl by the home! such a variety of filling that ww; mists, rty UKgest that! may be used for u purine that the way to avoid that mid-day : it would be easy to serve a dif- I heat frustration Is to do the ! f erent stuffed tomato suh.,1 f,! D. Cavers, with graduate-student K. N. Dunne, have been able to extract the wax using a mixture ol . ganie liquids as solvents. talads. South dealer Neither side vulnerable Vnrtta Mr. hampluit) I.HIKt.F. DWVL.S AUCTIONEER rtaw ir (ID Be practical! Usp vour left- -J . 10 8 7 5 : 4 2 They havo been able to get 3''2 I j to four per cen; or wax per weight, of coal. H is not expected that extraction of the wax will lessen j the qualities of the coal for fuel, j Their H-ist tube" research Is ! That verbal barrage was the direct cause of Mr. Abel's faiiuie to make today's hand. The three no trump contract is ke-co;d against any But M. Abel was and he playe.1 carelessly. Mr. Dale opened the queen ,.f diamonds which was won In the closed hand with the ace. No,v liie hand looked so easy that i DISCIPLINE PREVAILS CALGARY 1 The police com- ntl.Ssi''n dM'iflefl f'rilt.4ri m.lloo each day of the week. For ex- overs lor appetizing salads.; ample, a filling of diced celery, Cubed lift-over meat niay be diced cucumber, sliced ladishes mixed with raw carrots, bvets and chopped green onions com-, cabbage, spinach, radishes, cu-! bined with a small amount of cumbers or with cold cooked whipped cream, a little vinegar peas or beans. Serve with your rt 1r. Hale) 8 HI Mil Ka.l 1 Mrt. Krrti) H -y 7 h j a 3 D 8 7 3 C J 8 7 5 2 cuuy in in,; morning beta Ol' Man Sun turns on the U-ut. This is where jellied salads conie Into the picture for lhy may be made In the fiesh-iMfSs ui the early morning and alluwiMl to set In the refrigerator. Thut they will be ready with a mtniimiuin ol last niinulj pre-paiatiim fur supper or dinner. n k 6 10 I it y J now bring advanced on- stage ; rant work in shirtsle-.'vei and lurUier. They must determine ; must wear tunics this summer to whfther it is economically feas-leave expenditure of new shiit-j lulc to extract thv wax from the 'and altering trousers. SKK VH HWl . . . . AU-Stevl Dump Bod!-., rs all sizes. Heavy and Trailer frames anil ;. I'ower Take-Off.1. l; ti anil seasoning to taste and giws. favorite salad dressing in a fresh a saJud which Is sure to .banbh'ctisp lettuce cup. aiiy Monday's blues. For Tues-i I Mr. Abel started banting down I ! his high clubs. Ail he netdeJ ' day the tomatoes may be filled with cottage cheese which h:i Ketteshin Jellied salads mav be j Certified Upmtun i was a 3-3 or a 4-2 break to give For a quick and simple, but him four tricks in the suit; and! appetizing mippvr dish, serve a these, with two diamond'!, one i iruit salad. Cut any desired fruit heart and two spades, would be' South i'lr. AliPl) B--A K 3 6 H-4 li A K 5 K q 10 4 The bldflini!: Kuillh r North 1 C 1 H 2 8 Piua 3 H 3 NT All pass m as xaiicy as anyone i been mixed with dlc.r or-'.-y ul,u lj "lultK Ule"' und nmost chopped parsley and salad dress-any combination of fruits, meats; Inc. This will .rtalnlv h. u,i. in cubes, quarters or halves, top enough for game. However, when Mr. Dale show (ftr hieh pressure and Ijeneral weidilif INDUSTRIAL 'ELDING CO. 41-4 H. I'lioue (irern KK4 ner with any family. Wednes ed out of clubs on (lie second lead, discarding a .suiall .spa.'..', to him. As you see, that wouldn't with a big spoonful of cottage cheese and serve with an appropriate dressing. For special occasions, stuft peach of p.-ar halves with cream cheese, cherries and almonds. day's stuffed tomato salad might boast a filling of dleed chicken, diced hard-cooked tggs and celery and chopped pickle moistened with salad dressing. For or vegetables may be utvd in their making. Tomatoes also make delight-tally cool and appetizing salads. They are plentiful these days and tlie horn ueunomlxt. are sur that everyone wUI want to sti ve them as olten as possible. . . iiaic Any way. i Don't think Mr. Champion I Well, if Mr. uaie had thrj wasn't right In there with one 1 queen of spades there was still ; of his longer and more repeti-ja chance to make the contract, i tlous lectures. All Mr. Abel need-i So at the fourth trick a small ; ed to do was to make sure of spade was led toward dummy's i winning four club tricks. This jack. No good. The jack was; he could have done easily by variety, ham or other meat may be used Instead of chicken. Why With the number of fruits and not try an Italian typj salad for vegetables on the market today, Thursday? The filling would be there is great scope for lnge-pooked left-over macaroni, spas- nulty and originality In prepar-nitti mixed with diced cereal tag salads. jU-tiuee. watercress, and well seasoned tomato pulp. Swiss chard, endive, spinach or I fill fl'ini n.V.t.. L. Kii.ea oy mis. littiis queen. A leading his four of clubs at triccj wua uu. ivc-j u. lwo. m mat, case tne nine or Mr. Abel, bat he had to win tr.e . clubs on the hmrii miM eifho vu" ci.iw, auus lllieiPST- nun mn ii. ing contrast of eolomnrt .,, r " ' T " , '"'0u "n I win the trick or it would for:e p Sney - Chow Men i n 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. may be the eholce for ' v'rl h 'i "Vh , V. uc1w'v-: ' ! rat,-!y he laid aown the ' out the ja-jk, maldivj the other th ,,me!' frulu fililnp ,i,,fV 7, t0t,Ml! cr and vege- ace and kin- of s.-ia.-.u-.s, hriDinj four clubs in the e'esed ha"d fllllnVth t0mat0es' Th le. ay be carefully airanged for a miracle. But no mirW. good a v, u8d e 'MnnW bed of crip greetis. For happened. So he took his eivht , Absolutely right. But Mr. sugges ol : Sad dretin ,Hn,d C! f f texture- flavur a,ld tricKS and P. for down Champion lecture had 3 ef-matn t-tuL 1 T' Ty mixln asuial ftesh one. He didn't even try to throw feet on the score recorded for LLYWOOD CAFE inside Orders Phone 133 The most powerful gasoline your car can use . 'activated' Slicll Premium - ttuiut or vegeiaDies wan canned Mrs. Keen in wrth a heait, hop- this hand. It was still out down ing she would have to lcid cluba as 50 po.nts for the oppjsitio.i. u nunE uwse peiais cut a or frozen ones, tomato In quarters to within one- - JOHN H. ULGER 1 f half inch of the bottom and spread out the quarters to form! petals. j Regardless of the type, anyl salad lias grcaUr eye appeal If attractively garnished. As a gay' bouquet of flowers pinned to the' shoulder lifts the spirits, no a gay garnish brightens the salad'.! Simplicity is the key-note in gar-! nislws and one ruiv to remember j is that all garnishes sh-juld be! edible. j a UBS. 654 MOW AVAILABLE M CANADA ohn Bulger Ltd. 1 1' 'd Avenue Most folks know how to make adish roses, but not everyone; -n has tried tomato roses. This is the way to make them. Cut a i A I i licj across the bottom of a to- A Uqr Cr BmtJ tlx CvnM I mato leaving about 1-inch at-1 tached, then turn the knife : (downward and pare the tomato I round and round, as is peeling : Owner-proved by fens of thousands an appio to get a continuous i peeling. Coil the tomato peeling ! around and ovor the bottom ! slice. The end should drop down naturally into the centre to form now yours for effortless driving in fgfc wes mmDk lii . ; the heart of a rose. ' The home economists suggest j O" "Hospirolity and ' Good Food" TJlut i-. Our First Aim fhone 17 for Orders I To Take Out f nmodore Cafe ; that sprigs of parsley or watcr-; cress, alitv. of cucumbers or to-, maties, green pepper rings, stuf-fei" egf,s or carrot or celery curls may also be usd as other edible garnishes for your favorite salad. DY" ayne ; 1 a id !. Wl am 'at try i-. t,,r Opt ! (Cp yi v.r Jj ! ('. Kt ' IS !', or. 'Otiwr Mt W 3 iuum . iiiiu' 0. Fuiiv .llOfr ii ' hum : ;;h li"mm s ( in j 482. ,'ARS. : u j Ifi TO I KNT : ij-'t uf "f - use sii'iul " ilv Nf WANTI i pnifi lerinif v--a I ir , Sans NTtll r iop l) fr ' if-;: ",e;.m: !'.0 " !. I'll'' it brr I rail" Gth A1' inn.;' ,1 jlsi;i'-L I I 1 L I M" OR Gk ... hiiV Jews n' uionorcuL'f Instead of peeling a cucumber Two Vacationers Have Left Wo now effer: One 19S0 Ford F0RDOR One 19S0 Toid PREFECT LOW MILEAGE Bob Parker Ltd. . HHtll MONARCH DKAI.KHS Prince Itupert, R.C." I I r -1 bclore slicing it, try scoring it lengthwise with the tines of a fork. Then cut in diagonal slices The dark gn en of the skin adds 1 much to the color of this edible fALITY STORE garnish. EAltl) SECRETS U'ETTENUZZO-S) it i. ton stkeet nere are a few secrets for y mti-i, iff late? Tired of cook-Ooi.ig on a Picnic? ve salads, cold meats. lotalkUig in Sijaghettl. Here it is! the newest, most advanced Automatic Transmission of all now offered as optional equipment on all new Ford and Monarch cars. Road-proved and owner-protetl by tens of thousands of satisfied drivers who are now enjoying the extra smoothness, the magically effortless driving pleasure made possible by this latest, hncst Automatic Transmission. The clutch pedal and gear shifting are completely eliminated ! This newest Automatic Transmission combines the smoothness of eil-cmbioned drive with the flexibility and coiitml of automatic operation unmatched by any other type of Automatic Transmission. Until you enjoy a Test-Drive in a Ford or Monarch with Automatic Transmission, you'll never know the extra acceleration the extra "passing power" the extra-siie engine braking downhill that only this newest and finest Automatic Transmission can give. See your Ford-Monarch Dealer for a demonstration . . . and enjoy the driving surprise of your life. 'Automatic Transmission optional at extra cost, tords and Mmiarcbs are also ataiiuhe uitb Standard Transmission or uitb Vverdrii-e. success in making salads. Salads that are moist seem to lack freshness, so dry all groens thoroughly; if using cooked tables, drain, them well. Always niix salads lightly, using two forks, as stirring with the spoon crushes Um ingredients. Do not prepare salads until Just before serving and wait until the last minute to add the salad dressing. Chickens. Phone 47 Imfonl Acc)ratren ou can drive all iliy and never move the Selector from Drtve )L)R) position, but quick puk-up im piiSMiift or climbtnic steep hills, vou siniplv press dtwn oO the accelerator and the closed throttle downshift tatc yu )ut ot hiiih into inttrmeduie autimalnaliy, requiruij noellort on the part o( tie driver. ' PORTRAITS 1 -' ' ' A I v"---:-'v: ITlllll f "I .' 'IT -V-a -? Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 210-4Lh Street Box 045 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert e"?'"P ' "?"Z'mW',''rrr-'"Tttn NO CLUTCH PEDAL ... NO GEARS TO SHIFT Ttist set rhc Drive Selector, which is mounted on the steering wheel, then turm about c!utdmK-toriier aUuit shining , . . nli i'ord and Monatth Automatic lrans-irms'ion! It s mire aniomntic than most other dnes. vet vou have mp.etc comroi unh u-a(er tiexibtiitv. And it can t be touched bv most svMttns tor us tiiicitncy oi operation. i 1 l 1 ()IV'F.R VICTORIA any, a p.m.. Coqultlam "WD uesday, 12 Noon Camosun ARM, STEWART AND Ptrmitt of tngm far broking safety- ou re safer on hills or slipperv roads with the new hrd and Monarch Automatic Mnlting Ixtause the eiuiine actually t)tlp to slow the car down. inu can flip the Selector to Low (Lo at artt h4 with complete salc:y when extra engine braking PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPINO, PRINTING ' ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Greer 13(1 Mox 478 lx r " ... ... is neeueo. Economical 1'ORT SIMPSON ny, Camosun, 11 p.m. ' lit NORTH Ql'F.F.N RI.OTTE ISLANDS I ss. Coqultlam 1.1 uly 20, 9 p.m. HI SOUTH QUEEN AKLOTTE ISI.A.MiS 1 )iiltlam, July 13 and 27 -m v.. . .. . ... Easier "rocking" in snow ot mud-- Stuck in the mud? Simply move the Selector to Low lLo) lor extra traction. V; ant to "rock" your car out ofeuow or a rut.1' Just move the Selettor baik and torth from Keverse to Drive. And you 11 hud it you ever need a push to start, the engine starts at sate, ou speeds with this Automatic Transmission. FtuK4n Octaway-Leave it to ford and Monarch to ier-tect no Ui pit kup in Automatic Slul tmit! I lie outstanding t'Oinbinatton oi a remtrkable torque converter PLl S a hiliy nutornatic geat trausmissioii bring you smooth, surging starts with no need tor racing your engine! Nuly 13 and 27 i 9 p.m. ANK J, SKINNER flnce Rupert Agent see your t?Bt9-lllonorcli mm RJ! Avenue Phone 568 Mac Construction Company ECHI LTD). -JPERT TOBACCO I STORE . Ave. - Opposite Orme. A -I MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS "TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY f -ock Always Moving k and Fresh WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Siding . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Black 660 Blue 182 FORD and MONARCH DEALERS "Home of Friendly Service" ,s of eft'J. AT 0Ff; od scy PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.