r 1 t TD 1 HUMULE Pounce f Former Prenilrr b., i Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, July 26. 1951 ' 1 . REOINA For the frlst time In 20 years a woman Miss Ahex-annra E. Oraham has been ap-poliilcd prlclpal of a Reglna public school. i:iiai 1 ui Manias usfri l, own nomospun clothe, b'pins ! L - ' i 1 cup salad oil; one tvaspunn sugar; dash of 'pepper; "He-half tiisporn salt; onr-lialf tcun'on or carrot salads. Add thier tablespoons o( grated cheese and serve with vegetable salads. . ANOTHER RECIPE Carrot salad Is a lavorlte with thosj who like' bright dishes. Ingredients: one bunch of carrots cooked and diced; one can pea?, drained; one teaspoon chopped onion, celery diced In small pieces; dash of lemon tuicc: salt and pepper to taste morning. tlr.'l; STRIK1NO TxiER I Some 2u0 Anicrh an, iM t I THE EXPERTS iS . . . x;. -k - - -- -mi TP TIT . . . i muMaia. CO 1 had been added. Thirty-one pre- ferred . peas packed in their natural state, without sugar. Four expressed no preference. fi lethal rviU ,. "fcUU l'ghtni,,g If! - a. f. , - I Place ail lngrcdionts In a jiir .tl". a tipht-fitt ng lid. Shake until thick and creamy looking, si lire in a cold place. Shake hvll vpr -1 I By KAY REX Canadian Press Stan Writer 1 b fore using. EALAD WEEK This Is Na-. FOR VARIETY Add two , two ha;d-bolled eggs; salad dres- . - - j. - ... ;w. .. ..... - - i' x tional Salad Week, seven days tablespoons chopped parsley, one sinB. set aside to point up the value thopprd hard-cocked eg? and Line a salad bowl with lettuce, of crisp, colorful uncooked dish- one-quarter cup chopp"d cooked Fill in centre with salad. Slice es. 1 brcts Use this dressing with a Cgus and put on top. Sponsored by the Canadian plain lettuce salad. Recent tests have proved that Horticultural Co u n c 1 1, Salad A()d one-quarter cup tomatc most persons like frozen peas Week was founded to promote .,tsn unH sprve nn moat salads, w.th sugar. At the California i' 5fv BFmi ? 190 Institute the use of farm and garden pro-j 'ijh onp teaspoon of meat Foods Research ducts. uuce and serve with vegetable There arj three types of per- anc P(,g salads. women each were given two paper cups of peas. Of this flg-ir 155 preferred those to which three percent sugar (by weight! Add three tablespoons of pea : sons those who eat salads be-i cause they like them; those who eat salads to be healthy; those nut butter and use on cabbage 10DON DRYCIX j who won't eat salads at all. I For a wifj faced with a non i salad-eating husband, the dc X&i cin count Every Occasion . f J v - ' - ' ; partment suggests a subtle ap- ; proach. ! t Does he like cheese? Then try : 'a salad In which chees-o is the dominant Ingredient. Is salmon a favorite Stress salmon. ! I "Many a man . . . has been oni ' because . . . A.. ..: 1 i shore of ORIGINAL CAPITAL Fort York, original site m CniHUt s capital, located on the Birthday Anniversary . . . . . . Shower and Wedding Cards and Wrappings All under on roof Our Millar Diftilltf mat only Ilia Hnait hoyarlad Watialcili in dlitlllina thia London . Pry Gla, traly a ' Lake? 'Ontario in the western section of Toronto, has fallen into a state of decay in recent years. Crumbling pa:apets aie unable to support the ol cannon on display at the 158-year-old fortification. Broken windows dot the blockhouses a .d a junk-yard clutters the view of the historical rite trcm the south. The fort fell to United Sta e- invaders in the War of 1812; was rebuilt to become the main defence of Upper Canada and was restored in 1934 as part of Toronto's cr ntenary celebrations. It hasn't been touched ince. The tip phcto shows the cannon leaning against the parapets. The bottom photo shows t ;c blockhou cs with the junk-yard in the fore- weaned away from less nutritious ' food to a liking for salads by j such wiles," advises the depart- 1 rr.jnt. "But don't expect him to ever admit It." j SALAD DRESSINGS Home economists have a few tips on dr essings which may prove valuable to the salad-conscious j housewife. j French dressing: I Ingredients: One-quarter cup j cider vinegar; three-quarters Ikaaf h Ida Botttt A yariaty of dtllhul racipaa. ''! I ANOTHFR fINC PRODUCT OF DISTILLERS . h.ui'jt. f L I M l!!tr,"i (CP PHOTO 1 giound. ALBERTA jic k r-.trm null' ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lie! fmttn" in.nri -nnF ... I k Control Board or by the Government of British Colurat If" If v 'U want t. --ii it. advertise t. News classii'lcits. RADIO D1AI 1240 Kilocycles CFPR HI Labor Inquiry Date Here Set iMihjeit h. Chance) ink' if n it AfovAfxn MSA Special committee of the Legislature cn the Industrial Conciliation Act. in the course of a tour of the province for the conducting of hearings, will be in Prince Rupvrt September 27 and 28 and in Prince George Sep THURSDAY P.M. 3:30-Step Lightly. . -jiuu-i'iu Sunshine Society 4:3J- -2i).uu0 Leagues tinder the Sea . 4:45 Stock Quotation and Int a:0d Int. Cuinty. 5:10-The Weston's 5:30 Intimate Revue 5:45 Young Man with tember 29, according to notifica-! tion received by J. D. McRuc, a Song MLA for Prince Rupert, who is I a member of the committor. Chairman of the cemmittee is CONTINUES SHOE 3rd Ave. Brown woods) SALE AT 506 . (Formerly , : 5:55 CBC News 6:00 "Canada at Work" 6:15 Vaughan Monroe and Orchestra fi:30 Mutual Varieties " :00 CBC News ,:15--CBC News Roundup 7.30 Eventide 8:0C Radio Cartoons R: 15 Points cf View 8:30 Tales of the 7 Seas 9:00 Guestin's with Kestin S:30 Vancouver Concert Orch !U:lIII- CBC News 10: !0 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 Winnipeg Dram.i 1 1 :0U - Wi iner Ifrpuri anj -Fish Arrivals f MEN'S OXFORDS rbni 3.95 Arthur Ash. MLA for Saanich. The committee will start out trcm Victoria August 21 and will tour Vancouver Island, the Ok-anaga-n and Kootenay before coming to Prince Rupert and Prints George. Travelling through the Cariboo it will be back for sessions in Vancouver October 9. The committee's report on possible overhaul of the Industrial , Conciliation Act, on certain j pnases 01 which there has been ; r rridorable discontent on the part of oiganiz"d labor, is to be 1 presented to the Legislature at its nr :t L.ssion. I The Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council is among local organizations preparing to make representations here. i tl fcnou; WOMEN'S OXFORDS .. ...from 2.95 CHILDREN'S 50c to 3.95 IMMORTALIZED SKULL Indian Head, Sask., is said to have been named when railway surveyors found an Indian's skull on a rock at the site of tho town. FRIDAY-AM 7.00 - Musical Cloi K 8:00 CBC News 11:10 Here's Bill Go.m B:15 Morning Song H:30 Morning Devotions 8:43 Little Concert H:00 BBC News and C.niy II 15 Music for Modems 9:?0 Surtrihe Serenade 0:45 Your Music Appointment U:5h Time Signal in:in-MorniiiT vtu 11:15 Morning Mebdlcs li) ?nTht': Wrk's fni.' 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and His Music 11 : 15 --Roundup T:me 11 30 Weather Forecast EVERYTHING MUST GO - PRICES SLASHED MISHAP RECALLED A British geologist was kicked I by his horse while crossing tli"' Rockies in 1358 and his party ; rared tr" s-" -f the mi.';l.; ; Kicking Horse Pass. i ' ' . - , i 11 :?1 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11 :45 -Scandinavian Vrlotlies FF.IDAY F.IvT. i 12:00-MW-Dhv l:.-i: . 12:15 CBC News ; 12:25 Prorram Resume 1 .RC. Farm BiiK.nrsi'!! 1 12:55 Ree. Int. 1:00 The Conceit Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Rccorus at Rannnm 2:45 Do what you like; C 111'v 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Mesfvr and His Islanders 3:3C-Stcp Lightly STARTLING FACT E.':ven people in Cannda di" from tuberculosis caili day i'l V.I Piece riiealifnsl $ r ( Sets 32 -Piece Bieakfa.!. $" .a0 S U 21 -Piece Bone $ ft fT fhina Tea Set i '' nitmer Rets, fi oin $Cf? fit? r,c, p-nr.es a! .. m i v" (Inclmling beniiliful Wclt: wo'id and Cniildon King's Plat e I SPECIAL English B 'lie China CI PS AMI SAt TFlIS at G9c3d97c fl'NClll'.'OVl. SI-TS 7.95 MANSON'S