ft Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, July 28, 1951 . ONE TOR THE ROAD VANCOUVER r John Boyies awoke in his hotel room to find an intruder placidly drinking his whisky. Tne thief fled with li0 from tht- wal-vt. of his re-tuctant host. Letter From . M . I I Flying Established Here, Aero Club Would Expand Activities Has Turned Out Three Pilots and 16 Are Now Training "Well done, Pat just keep her no?e up a little more when coming in on the rough." The whirring stopped with a cough or two and tV,f. ilr.rA, Kith. Tntl . 1 I 3Tsr With BARRET ASPHALT PERSONAL ; '(ion, two pianes and two ln-utructorsi, gtudentj get a "kickback" of $100 on their tuition fees and the elub gets a similar reimbursement. I The Aero Club feels it U get-, ting , to the point where such j expansion may be warranted and a membership- drive for more students aoon will be launched. J "There must be quite a few young fellows H frinee R- , pert who want to learn to fly," said Jay Burns, who has had J'j hours in the air now and is delighted with the aew experience. "I don't see any I reason why Prince Rupert ! shouldn't be a flying town." dims"' cacAai . SHI EAGLES How about joining the wor!: brigade in Annunciation School tonight at 8? Many hunds.need- ed for the inflation job. moci jes n.idd.-n of Mussett is a' uusine :s :s visitor visitor in in me me cuy. cuy. ne tie "' "'n au.yiun.iuui, puiiLuun plant? WUS qUICKiy tied to the float. That was Boh Kelsey talking to Pat Dean. I?oh is president and part-time instructor ct" For detailed information, phone Albert & .McCaffery Ltd. arrived from tha Queen Charlotte while Pat is taking his last few Islands by air Tuesday after- hours In solo flying before tak-' ;n. - , jini; his private pilot's exam next 116 Since the c i u b originated, some five years ago, It ha.sn't been "ahy great .shakes" but "at lea.st we'vt kept going," savs President Bob. "We've started stow and ea.sy. with one plarie and part-time Instruction to keep cort drtwn Fxp-.insioa should be In line with our Island City Builders Supplies The president agreed. Secretary Bob- Davis, who wasn't there, will be starting on a publicity scheme, said Bob, to see how "Ruperites" feel about flying. "We feel flying has been pieHy wed established he-e now," he said. ' Don't you think so, Pat?" 111 J Blue fDld it 40,50,60?" 5 Maitj You're Crazy fct rntif ur t 'nimiwnrt ar tPP? M 7a Itf ttn :nf tic ' w"H tmuiiM, i., 1,1, lur wI, Ki,.,n It-Hm do w.lly l buil, !,- wf ir,.a fci. uiitiy Ri.ti ti Won, t'.ll "i.lii " lif r TuW 'I .bltiH (ur imp yoiigrr faeitiif ll,u W 't"'ii-, aim MHf out. til ifus Miulm v.r MiMc. f 4 classified will buy. noil or : id it. ' help prevent it rFor NEW CONSTRUCTION it- .. -ii and SEE U7 . i 20 CIVIC ri.NTRR KITrHKNETTK i Newest facility to be added to' til" l'nn.-e Rupert Civic Centre will be a small kitchenette for whkh the exemtive is making tinai plans. It.i location will be lr the l.iiiiur locker room on the main floor and will prow a wel- et me t mi for small social af.a i:. W V. Btone Is chairman of tlw committee in charge of ai ruiineiuent.-,. i REPAIR WORK P.O. Mm the rhone. 210 SUwsrt. BC GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. 215 1st Avenue West I'hinir Mill) See the the Prince Himert Aern ninh month. Pat also is navigation instructor at the club's ground si-hool. He's an ex-navigator of the KCAF. And with Tat, taking the U13 stride In August, will be Norm Skognio and Bill Strahl, both ot whom have completed their 35 hours of flying and the cross country hop. 1 Hut. learning to fly Isn't Jm.t a matter of knowing how o handle the controls of un air- ,B"C: . lne. instruc- the aircraft. "We'd better get over to th ; school, Pat. It's near 8:lfl now and the boys should be there." A .hort drive around the quay brought Bob and Pat to u low, lamuiuig ouuuing wnere several cars already were parked. As the pair entered, voices ii- sued from the classroom. Abo-JL 10 young men inside were d 5-cuislnj seriously a point In airmanship. They are men who ate learning to fly j plane, and they come from all walks of life. Lome, fu instance, Is a switchman on the raiiroad. Chris Is a rulphite worker: lav. grocer with his own bus.nesj, and 8ig is a shipwright. And Oo on. The.se men have wanted to learn to fly for a long time, oat "we just never had the chance." "It takes quite a bit of mon"y to 8 to a regular flying school. 1 Besides, you have to 20 out of town alld tnat increases the cost. But n0w tnat e have the club, we ear' ,ake our lessons at our convenience and when we have the money to spare," is the ay mosl ' 1116111 'iPeaK ln lne brou"1' school clase. 1 " 5uuJeci.s as meteorology, "av'SaLIU", air regulations ana a 1 r m a 11 s n 1 p are morougniy tht ashed, out. Between Kelsey and Dean, difficult points me presented ill iiaif-a-dozen dit-, lerent ways until thev oe:orae! clear to tiie lait man. "When you know the theory ! of why you should make thisj ' more or tnat, watch out tor one Uiinj or another, it's so much 1 caslc when it comes to practi- I cal flying,-' says lne club presi- Hunt .1 fikt-mr. D f A E .1 i S;ruct0V"""' a"u i 1 . I For the MEAL BEST , OF FOOD i , a s " -a .v- - Loca n d Mr.i. W. F. KoU-rtson Ls sailing t might in the prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Meeting of International i Union of ' Operating Kiiplne Friday, Ju!y 27. Carpenter.-)' Hail, 8 p.m. (175.' I Prince Rupert Shrine Hand open air concert, Court House lawns. Thursday, July 23, at 8:00 p.m. All welcome. tl74i: hi.: and Mis. C. II. Klklns returned to the city en Tu tiday idi'ht from n motor trip which included visits at Terrace. fimlth-crs and tin ns Lake. and Mi s. 11. O. Smith .sail ed 'luesday r.ieht by the Prince Oeoriie c.n ttii'lr return to thrir heme In Van-Oliver after a two weekr' vls't In tl.v nly with relatives! See adve rti-ement of Auction Sale to be held th's Saturday, July 28, in Smith's warehouse, corner 1st Ave. and Mi-Bride --opposite N.ival Drill Hall by Tom Christie.. (175ci tw. . anj Mrs. Jai k McKae will tc Terra e on Buiiday for iff visit at i.ukc.'se I ake with and Mrs. K T. K-nney v.'iiile K K. Howell, piesldent of Aluminum Co. ut Canada, and his pai ty are the.e. W.illam C. Stump, Ketchikan attorney, and J. T. Notman, general agiiit of the Canadian Pacific Hallway at Prince Huert, have sent aer-eptances to attend thf annual coiivenllon of the Associated Ikiaitls irf Trade of C'eiitral Uiitish Columbia to be held in Prince Hur.-ri early In .September. , Do a el tit rale Mr. and Mrs. W. Creeo and family of Port Edward have left by car tor Vancouver where they will be joined by Mrs. Crego's octogenarian parents, Mr. and Mis. c. Musto. who were recent 1 visitors here. After the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. MustoV 2olden wedding anniversary In ' Vancouver, tiie elderly couple; will procewl to Detroit for a! v.sit before continuing bv air to I tl:eir hunie In V crula lollowin 5 u ttCiletu tour. Alcan Head on ; Way West Now j It E. Powell, president of the Aluminum Co. of Canada, has acknowledged an Invitation of the Pr'nce Rupert Chamber of Commerce to niLvt the executive council at luncheon on the occasion of his vl;it to the city dur-tnr? the coming week-end. However, as the length of his stay at Pi ince Rupert is &o far uncertain, Mi. Powell is unable to make a definite appointment but will communicate further from Terrace. Mi. Powell lelt Montreal with his paity by Canadian National Hallways Tuesday night. The Alcan thief, who is a-comanled by his wife and fil'Tids, 1." due at Terrace 8 o'clock Sunday morning and will Lj enter-ta ned at a buffet luncheon by the Terrace and District' Board of Trade that day at th miiii-mer home of Hon. and Mrs. E. T. Kenncy at Lakelse Lake. LaUr in the day. they will continue on to Prince Rupert. Here they will be met by tlw ya."ht Sonoia which will take them to Klti- mat. j England Praises 1 Emerald Oil - Says "I am now in KiiKlanti and cannot get Emfraut Oil hen-. XI you have an a ent. Jet me know by return bu ad-tlrn. as thin ta wry urgent . "I tind Emerald Oil the best -era-cdy I have pvw vrswi Tor. all; kynts ot r Skin Irritation." Mr. J. S., Jtkiciiord-nUrv, England. If you or any rvlative or frk-nd nrs mUferlos from the ltchhn? imtntton of many common forms of tskm Ji-.-c-ascR. ??t a bottle of MoireJj Enifruid lll Y'mj'H maki no mistake. Tftern'a a t h i n v Wnr r fr,'fin.nnn Sutltiiesa Orea.9e.ess -Economical, a miiuII txrttle instil a Itjii time. On VAt wher-evpr droiM ar ioid. WALLACE PHARMACY u 1 HE YEARS AHEAD! terine Antiseptic make this same formula readily available to you and to your family. Use Listerine Amnioniated Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and night and right after eating. Lambert Phar-macalCo. (Cainla)Ltd.,Toronto. ZMachflnical action clan sur-0 fu.-es as teeth are bruKhed helix bnak up and remove decay -breeding deposit, - LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! SPECIALS Salt Lake Peiry running' every Sunday and Thursday, weather permltt.ng. Gren 931 or Blflck 928. Itf) Dr. Ma.k Pluiiduiun uf Suiumit, New Jersey, Ilea, of the pulp s -t on of the Celanese Corporation oi America t-.-ntral lesearch lalJoiatory, kit by plane yester day alterno in for Vancouver fol lowing a ten day- visit to the Columbia Cellulose Co. plant here. Dr. Plunguian will proceed fcast alter visiting visiting oth.-r oth.-r pi plants in Washington and Oregon. The Public Library Is closinj for tlw summer vacation, July 21, re-opening Tuesday. September 4. Any persons wishing to return books during Ihe cio.:eJ period may k'ttve ihem in .:lot in library door. . U7-.i l Large Coho Run Is On . f.uch a substantial run of fine ci ho has developed alo.ig the coast duuiig the past ten days llat tne Pack-'rs have been taxed fi tting th fish Into the canner- le", according to of ficial reports. Ihe run has been particularly heavy In the Queen Charlotte ls'and arid Mllbank Sound areas. II- is thv biggest run in five or six years. Trollers have been making up for lost lime after a lather poor start. Oilhvtte.s on. the Skeena River havt been doing only "ialrly" well, avera Inp about ''a li-sr a day. Tills is better than last year. About 5(10 hoats are cperating on the Skeena. Naas River fl.sliing Is ruiming about the san.j as last year. An excep tionally good run of sockeye In the Smith's and Rivers Inlet a.eas Is now tapeiing off. ' As for seining. Indications are fr a fair run of chums which are now being caught at about 3M) fish ner day by seiners In Whale Chaim-jl near Butedale. A catch of 2000 pinks by one seiner ln the Naas Hiver area has been 1 eported. All varlrtles of salmon, with the exception of pinks, liar been running considerably earlier than usual this sea;;o:i. otumnu Fort Edward W.A. Bazaar, August 6, 1 pm., at Community Hall. i pi Women's Coor.-lnatlng Tea Sept. 2tl. C'athu.ic Fa'.l P.a.'.aar. Octohe: 3 and 4 Ke'lHi'Hil -i;l' (I I, il. it ;i LOB.A. Fa.l Bazaar, 0:t' ber 28. '01 ) t u izaar, November 2. Levlon Auxiiiaiy hai'.aar, No-vemhpc 7. IOUE Fall Bazaar November 22 St. Peter's Hajaa", No vember 29 Fiii. & sat. . DURING CHILDHOOD ... f OR Mother! Give your children the benefit of this premiting new method of attacking tooth decay. In preliminary tests conducted with this famous formula at the . University of Illinois Foundation, caie after caie of reduction in the incidence of tooth decay was reported. No wonder it has caused such interest in dental circles! Now the manufacturers of Lis- Chtmlcal ctln rduct 1. mouth aridity. Mould and- fSy7 Ity pncouragpfi decay. GAIMABAY CONVERTIBLE 53 50.95 WAr,HFS DISHES . . . WASHES CLOTHES f KE THIS If KMARK AM.E WAftHER AT Northern B.C. Power Co. Three members of the elub so far have received their priva'e pilot's licences here. There are ltt now taking Instruction and there are nearly 100 nnn-flyinv members of the club. Now tiie executive is looking forward to expanding. Under a Dominion government plan, in an "approved flying s"hool" (minimum guaiiii.-a- 1 'SAUSAGEb Better with miii . n -1 ir-v .... ' VANCorVF.lt VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p m.. Coqultlam Tuesday, 12 Noon CamiMun ALICE ARM, KVV.W ART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosuii, li p.m . FOR NORTH QI KKN CHARI.OITE ISLANDS ss. Cuqiiltlam July 20, 9 pm. FOR SOI'TTI O.I'FF.N CHAKLOTTE ISI.ANIIS ss. Cuqul lam, July 13 and 27 July 13 and 27 9 p in. FRANK J. SKINNHR Prince Rupert Atieiit Third Avenue Phone 5SS that REFRESHES FINEST-COOKINfi & "Indian Head" 4 -r V i 4 ,'. f km WW m .. .1 I .A t',15 '"t Hw 'it" hi le.. " 1 . - , ' ., r-s"t. . t.i ;, ' -. i V i ' " ism tl'V,:, v.' HV-'-' WW llrsner Itlmk Prince liiiprrt, ltd. The SALE OF July Chemical acHen chvcki J forming bacteria cause of decay. AMM ONI ate d LISTERINE TOO 1PJW,SJR.! Mad I Canada F1M TAKE OIT OH III Its 'lnK Jlln BROADWAY CAFE SHOES HANDBAGS LUGGAGE CONTINUES AT 'ashion footwear PAYME finish linen-like fabric. Guaranteed Ideal for sports clothes. Shades of Pink, Red, White, Mauve. $. wide YARD . YOUNG MEN'S Gabardine Panls Cize- 28 to 32. Self-mat.-hinj belt. Pleated front.; Grey, Fawn, Teal, B.ov.n.. $M ftff' V.-ll tailortd PAIR '', MEN'S jTRiPCD ! Worsted Trousers i f fiimly woven all-wool Englir.h woisted ln Blue,: U ten and Hi own. Good .value. -t M ftr? Clzes 30 to 'A PAIR X F RA SUES A permanent fast color. Maize, 36 inches Soft layon Turquoise, 40 inches In a line Ladies' Nylon Hose EVENING SHEER ... 51 GUAOE Full fashioned nylon ho e. Subs from a leading hosiery manufacturer. Slenderlz.ng $ Q pencil seams. New shades PAIR jLu LADIES' All-Wool Pullovers Fn.j botany wool with lound neckline. Lattice weave hont. Long sleees. Sizes 18-18 $ Aff and 2t; Regular $4 95. C1.EAR1NO AT Jr"'' Ladies' Ankle Socks Raycn knit with la&tex cuffs. Assorted plain shades. Sues 92 tj U. 4 T '1-09 Ladies' Briefs Slim fitting, sniouth knit rayon. Fastel shades t $-f AA Sizes: S-M-L Li for J."" Figured Silk Jersey jersey in pleasing shades cf Navy, Blue, Mauve. $Cb QA wii'.v YARD aW Ladies' T-Shirts The familiar red and white Carnation label is your assurance of finest quality. Rigid standards from raw milk to finished product . . . over 50 years' experience, make Carnation Milk the beffer evaporated milk. 0"ly good milk is accepted at the Carnation condenseries. Evaporated to doube-rich goodness, homogenized and heat-refined, Carnation Milk is creamier, smoother, richer-flavored. Compart it w.!h any evaporated milk. "from Confenfecf Cows" Let Carnation, undiluted, replace more costly cream In coffee, on cereals, in cream recipes and for whipping. Use Carnation, diluted 50-50 with water, for all whole milk uses. MEN'S "HOLEPROOF" Nylon Socks Fust qual.ty ankhtj with lastex tnps. Smart plain shades. $. AH sizes . pair X' Kiddies' T-Shirts ' rattemed knitted string shirts In shades of! Champagne and Blue. abj Clearing at 1 EACH 51 quality inter-lock knit cotton. V - neck 1.49 with contrasting collar. Plain shades. Regular $2.35 for . It' plain and diagonal stripes. Regular $3.50 f or srvrl T