PA PRINCE HUftR'i I.NT) t.KD R"'UPUINO Ri'UPUINO DIMTFiCT DIHTFiCT p&bttv iw&f&m jt' " fpt 1 ! UtS'-f,,; MP Attacks rin ice Kuperr Uuily INewS Thursday, July 28, lyoi Black wood on 1 TAKE NOTICE tnnt Collinibm Cfl- n-cutuit, TON a - f- I Inlaw C'r.mpativ. LlnilU'U nf Wuuujii verslty Press rf i. t '' bland. BC. CrtUOwe Mnnufcturr. ...,;. .,.' i unia to ihP'V tur s !! ol 7, y P"Wl.iheii j.) roihwliiK dfrrini?d luiit Brokt-n Barrio' -. Y Misuse Of Oil By Easley Blackwood LONDON CP1- A woman applied the. tiurti itm- Bit r i,.j hv an 1 a. a, free bottle of olive oil m inctH- Bty trf tn j brw 3, t l.ti Playing; the people as well as the cards, Mr. Dale rnran luuttwin ) iiumIiii comt-r of I A 7um. ' Call 36s service and then used It for fry- bt.uimnrv tin of t caiaHiuin Nn- Inu fish naii and chlon. . the House of Honai R.-.nw.y riKfit-oi-way. a. thins 1;Mjj miiy m B g,,,,, Eaatevly omir..ns was toiu. i tf rtlrettrt a m-tnnn irwjmjumntf- Sir Herbert Williams. Causer- : iY fouk tuousam kivr hum- . 1;..,. ,,v f l..rli.imnl for 1 IJBKD f :ET to lnrUf white trlRtmttUir (Prince Rupert) H. McLean, R. L. MarBuniey, Mrs. 1. S. Maekay, Miss M. Steu-strom, H. J. James, J. D. Thor-ner, H. Eggie, K. Malthouse and L Rawson, Vancouver; C. Black, New York; W. Ross, Victoria; H. jumped all the way to four spades when Mr. Meek raised his opening bid to two. Playing with Mr. Masters, he would have bid only three spades on the second round. But Mr. Meek is very cautious. For almost every one of his bids he has a little "left over." ritl.v- wruiur, btaeim fctm t t Non North fiitrunte to InvtT- "-Plonnin; r."s Piutftttp. thcic-e boulh SM" West, j dlvtrtnor- of Til If KB hl'NOHKU AND Hl'TY feet. Tht-iue NorthwetltTly Croydon East, said a doctor In the Midlands told him tl. st jiy. The doctor said he refused to J. Maxwell, Prince George; Alice dialJlonds on thrQw ong Qf Davis and Eleanor VoKel, Hono prescribe the 11, so the pautni ; strny mtrt-mity at Htuiein U- transferred to another dorter who gave her Uw necessary form. The second doctor didn't find lunrt Thence Nunhenv ditHttPt if mo t'liN'HfTl VtTT. Tteme 11 the South Wei comer uf Lot 7:i:tB 11 distance of iipuroxluniteiv KI.KVKK the fourth round of the suit In dummy. There was another important consideration, however. The clubs had to be set up without giving the lead to Miss Brasn,: lulu; Mrs. T. Duncan and children. Pender Harbor; Miss B. Schmid and Mr. and Mrs. Sod-e.quist, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Pentlund, Sheep Cnvk. "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Plume 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe out untl' later what uie woman mmr;HM rrxr. tummv North 41- ..,.,, ,i, f,,r law Kust B IHl;ince ol TWO HUN- DREO and NINETY TWO KKET 8IX INf-tl1.-4 tt ttt.. iti.lnt lit ri imitMHt't . "That soit of (rung Is V'"- "i thereby preventing a lead j Inhabitants of through the king of diamonds, j The Aztecs, Herb"rt ; rnmt. The v.touv rohtiinini! MHTV on a laree scale," SI Mex;20, befxe the Spaniards arrived, had elaborate systems of Irrigation and studied So at trick four Mr. Dale led ' heart to dummy's ace and j South dealer Both sides vulnerable Nnrtl. (Mr. Meek) fi-K J 3 2 H A 5 U 7 3 CK 7 4 3 .( Knvl ( Mr. Champlint) I VHvt Hriili) S b 5 " S - 10 8 H J 10 9 4 :l H- Q7i l 13 a j o i y j in a C J 9 8 C-J 6 i St'tllll (Mr. Ilillf) S A U 1 H -K H D- K 8 4 O -A 10 a Til bidding: Stiulll Hesl North 1 S Cnas 'A :i 4 S Ail pii'A itt-res liioit or less, to ! ired for stortuY vl logs In transit to WutMtxi I-shtncl. T'hv purpose for which lh lt-U: 1, rt ,i.iri-d a lor lotf stfji'iiwe. I jt.UUI!l CtLI.UKJHB COMPANY, LIMITKI). If you want to sell It, advertise I HESBYTERIAN MODERATOR Rev. Norman Kennedy, minister of the First Fresby-tovian Church. Regina, is new moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Holder of the Military Cross for gallant-i In the Fiist World War, Mr. K. nm-dy succeeds Rev. Frank Kcolt MucKenzic of the Pres-byt!.riaa College of Montreal. 'CP PHOTO I nvd. "Masses of people tcxl:y a r ubusinir their rishls under the health service and stealint! ..vr.' the pubhctlll." L.r. Charles Hill. Biuaius "Radio Doctor" and a Nuti.mul The opening lead by Mr. Per T A V. TKKMULAY UATKU M11U Jun, l:i3l. J il-Ju i u iu -U, ; fl'n It i Libera! - Cunse: vatlve member. ! to'd the that five pie-i script Ions a year are wntti for l n, Mi, MITCH! & CUB 1 if f - I I list t'Mii BANFF 0 A national pm-fs j (onu" for the planned National IJ'jraiy at Ottawa was .-ii'.'i'-sl-ed ' u. the ltrinit rotivenllo 1 of the Canadian Auth ' A oeititioii. ' I Ml IH , rtiilhli it w , (vrry m,in woman and child in ten was played from the closed Br tain hand. Mr. Champion winning The House was debuting a mo- ' with the queen. tl'Hi to reduce health serv'tv A heart return at this point -estimates. It was deleated by would be ruffed in dummy while 257 to 233. Mr. Dale threw a losing diamond Champion was the Jack of hearts SMALL TALK WHEN PLANNING A VACAtI j and Mr. Dale won his own hand '' with the king. He extracted the 1 opponents' trumps in two leads , and then paused to look the slt-' uat.on over. j Clearly the hand was easily , makable If Muss Brash had the ace of diamonds.. That was a 1 rji-'sn ehsincp Mr. Dale likes !o from his hand. A diamond lead would make Mr. Dale's king a winner. Mr. Champion apparently knew these things beciu : he returned the nine of clubs. Mr. Dale won with the ace and led to the king of clubs on do better than that evenever he the board. When the clubs - i '..-.-a can. l Mm, n lit .vi M SERVE f 5 ,; l - 1 VICKERSf Jggf If ' M!! p famous since N IK 1 1750 4 1 t . t.'- : DroKe 3-3. the mirieentn ciuu was led and Mr. Dale discarded the four of diamonds. It was well that the diamond lead was postponed until now because Mr. Champion turned up with the ace and the defenders cash two tricks In that suit. But Mr. Dale made his game,!iR only the two diamonds .. V' 1 He turned his attention to the jelub suit In which the defend-' ers held six cards. Now, a little more than one third of the time, six cards of a suit in the op-; ponents' hands will be divided 3-3. Well, if the clubs were di-i vided 3-3 here, it wouldn't make i mi-..-h difference who had the v.. 1 . i f a.. i ace of diamonds. Mr. Dale could and a club. "Do they hjve iu j K ntleme:i at tab I hiar the lish are b'ting like mad at Lake Cliowd.T. h.)n . . ." "How ccins th:1 Murphys cun afford to go there and we can't?" ! came back with a low club. M''.s Brash played the deuce and the Fur Action Ad- crtlse! Hi All pi vs mmmi 3M)ondry(Tin7 ;pnl in J ny I .4 VJ S k ' (C'l.OSl ItE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P! refrain from telephoning Class.' Word per insertion, nilnlmum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cui-ds if Tluutu. be. Funeral Notices, Marriage and EnaEement AnnouncemtnU) $3. .J OH nit 1 JOSKPII B .lOttMVtt-Ht RB l,Cflll 8 IMlMttiH IhtLMttiMiy . . Ft-lnata Filnaia UUolt LUMOM 1 ; K mi SPECIAL, DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. VICKEtS' 10NDON DRY GIN h listilltl It CiiiIi tnd (istnlitii "Eli ftRvJNAl. 1 AHI u Hllt l ll NOTIt K I Calvert OISTIUEHS (CANADA) LIMITED ir .ii.ii.ii. rvjn, oaix - iiu t MtUUilcK bom to Mr. ana koR RENT General KUtm I'uiiuiwu " i Mia. m. j. ivicUuiie in Hit- frm ' 3525? " . , ..W ill V i.oor uotu.nei.-i. i per uav. rnoiie oiue vui. ruciuc t.eo-tric. ti) Kuuc.L oniciu, tau.jUiiai. JUiV u son, aViiJi.aei. Mutiier uuJ T 3-. 'rl.3 KOH 8ALE-1S51 ...o.o w.-i. i lro. laaJfeteiaaiaa-iii-alfcaMi f itfftiia- iaa'aaatiaijaltaaayaail convei iiuie. riwn li.No.iviKMKNT NOTICE PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy 'llns .iilveitisfinent is not published or displayed by the Licjuor Control lioarJor by the Government of Britiilt Columbia, lor uailv ueiiveiv utrn uav. r)v iuo&uiK your mnk vour mult will iu'.4 auer M)H A Mr. and Mr. Dona.d Uani MacAUiav oi f miner unnouncM -ne timiinneiit oi their oitiv! auunmer. k. i . z a o e i n Mat V j ueiwi. to timer Arthur Wuik- FOR KENT-Fi.-I caoiiui I'll Hi' " Luke, lenai-r. e you. Keen 11 cool. All milK kuui ameeU. n." FREE scran wood. Suouiv vour own canaue Kuik fcdwaid tx nooi uenioiition. Boulter and Vieiier. (tie) weeK or munui D. L i en ace BC. entine. eide-t son oi .vii. unj Mrs. A, H. Warkentine of Ab-Dotsford B.C. ne weodilia will "ike o.a.e October U. at Prince Rupert. iiii n FOR A NEW 8' i pnone 5ju, tia ' ! and id. ENJOY a bite-free vacation! Use D-Ter 448 insect Repellent to avoid iiio uuiio ai.d blak ti v Ones. A lew dious yra RENT T-r wnl protect lor hours, o.a. , ea tuUn,, hw! i i navy rorniuia. one ai n stores. (11) - - I al il-UKlVk t)AK GIVE the folks at home a trcui , cuvuie Cm . . . iset one ol our iieiUiou.' i... -cakes or pies. K'jueri iker j l)R RENT LIU. Phone 4. lor urdti. 'II' j suitaoir lor t BOATS HJK ALfc FOR SALE 18-ft. cabin boat with lo n.u. engine, llalicralt-ers 8-38 "Ham' re.'eivcr One it i'.i U'. Pliune 648. Il7bui FOR SALE 30 ft. sail boat. 9.'t. oeam. draws 11.. 500 sauare U. of .sails. 4 cylinder marine cnuine. Siccus three. I.avatoiv, oil stove and cookhu utensils. $JiUu caiii. Anolv "Four Winds." l'rince Ruuert Va:'ht Club. (tl) Colussi's Music Store Agents fur the finert In Musical Instruments ' IMANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 310 4th St. Ph. Blue.: 389 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING 0? Seagram's Sure Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ut.hi. t.M lr. FOR RENT Red il. f FOR BALE Furnlfhed houe trailer. Aoolv Midland )'nu . Auio Court. (17oui HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE O EN F.SAL CONTRACTOitS Building and Repairs of all kinds ' It OOFS C11IMNEY3 OH. BURNERS I'!IONE3: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1(170 m.t.r mit SALK WANTED - Man launuiv. Pioneer r FOR SALE -- Chicken ranh Ooou lrame buildinus. 200 pullets, ail eouiuineiH. School stores on uiace Puce SJtiOO.uO Box 422. Kilwanua. bC. ukji VYAVILD ru PHONE . BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 AUCTION SALE R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 136 WANTED TO KEN" lurmshed huu lDii. Danv M's. FOR SALE Summer cottaae. ft:ire!iiM Irtr niilr-lr nl fi-.l. NATIONAL! V KNOAM NAMES - -LuiK-beit Snetdir Shovels; Cranes; Drauliiu; Ada ma Hoad Graders; LftUcferd Bros. Black Too Hoad Maintenance Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Ontoole.s; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers-Clark Forkllft Truckx: Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National DraKline Scrapers and Buckets-. National All Steel soul on Lake Kathlvn." Fuhv ! WANTED TO REj (oulpped ready to enter spectable busitifv (tic) I Phone 3j9. scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 808 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. two small elm" , to rent t wo or u-nished hw '.. Biack 54 mm - WANTED - steadv'e-W'""1 hi., to brum ,-; lamllv to citv residence. UaM.' FOR SALE One-room float-house. minnw-idV lurnishej. .See at Co-ou Flouts. Pnone Blak 232. (174'ii FOR SALE Attractive modern home in Sccuon 2. Loveiv hir-bor view. Phone Blue 272. itfi SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Conk's-Jeweller. Ph. 212 Oasollne Hoi.sU; National Portable Sawmills; National kntary Sei-ens and Conv'.-yors Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street Phnne 655 Phone 317 P.O. Box 37 Vancouver. B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Cabin at Tavlor voW vvavtfd A WAN J feU A , Furnished V 'iirnttiheH Blue lll.i., I1-1U 939 , Lake. vin:ill rli11 FOR SALE Flooring hot -house (174c) j Biuss. doors, ba.;eboard'i. j etc. See for vourself or nhone FOR an aiiiiiti'i''1; ent Mrs. If M ' erul Delivery. t. SALE - Industrial lots 4!1 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. Iv Bell. C A. 325-4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 anil 49, block 14. .seel ion 1 0(10 re: "Demolition Kins Kit-ward School. " and leavo information. Boulter and Welter (tf) Next Imperial Machine Works, i Lots are cleared and lliled.' lANTE" For Results ADVERTISE New end 'scd Hotiseho'd Goods and Furniture SATURDAY, JULY 28th, a 2:15 p.m. To tn held in Smith's Warehouse (Opposite Naval D ill Hall) Corner 1st Avenue and Millriile) CoiisiRiKd to us for imni'diale ?:aU. as folljw.': e 0-ple.j Dining Room Suito (Walnuti t Bt"alty Washer- like new Spin-D;y Wa.shcr (Noi thoin EUctric) e Spin-Dry Wu.dier i Savage i S i-buniei Fawctl Oil Ranee (cri am enamel i excellent coi.diticn. e 3-piece Chest;rflcld Suite medium Eze e Two Double Beds comph te e Baby Pram e Baby Stroller -folding e Lai'B J Air-cool Ice Box, 100-lb. tapa?lty, white enamel e Mahogany Hall Table Occasional Aim Chair (Walnut) green upholstered Remington Typewriter a Mission Oak Uufl'.-t, with mirror ti Several Coal and Wood Heaters e Crosley Cabintt Radio 1 year. old R cord Player 9 lieadle Sewing Machine used ti Chest of D. awers, with rnirrcr e Vanity and E.nch MATTS0N S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 120. P.O. Box 526 234 -3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. Aoplv Standard Machine - '., shl,D . . (H. ! w a n r r. n 'j; irr.H RAitr nm rv vu, , , PRICES siri-l liniv. . - ' HiM.est nil'. ''- . nenle ' Metals Ltd '50 i eonver H ' Edward Schrol. With two fivf-I'oomed mites each with llv-in. d nin kitchen, rrilh and two bedrooms liiunedla'e po,' -se'-ion une 'iiite other rente.) .4iion Der month. Full piicc $11)00 00 Easv terms. H IT H,l"li't-i ttA L'ti ELKCTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Rlue D70 Box 1628 ?or genuine part s' and service phone of 'write above. M.'i7 - 1 ..,u WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPUEHHOR3, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 i! -hi r.N. in unu insurance h- H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 ....a, u.u jive. I'liiiiif . ii pill .v in i oid r'-. t (178 -. , hli'terles n . i, ..--in ciri i FOR SALE RCA Victor combination radio and nhono"ra'h. 30 records, price $200 00. Phone Green 163. (174:i FOR RALE Pot burner rame and heater. Phone 908. duvs. (174n) FOR SALE 19f.f) OHV Firleo Davidson motorcvcle. Fullv de luxe with rubber cushion nrocket and h"di i-'lide forks Will sell for $700 below iht wire. 09 Taxi. (173ni FOR SALE New and re el household furniture. Sl'htlv . used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Ruitei. Chesterfields Sewm-; Machine- Bedside Ru"s Crib' Studio Couchrs etc.. selling ,"t the lowest posslh'e prices H C Fernlturo Co. Phone Bleif' 324. tr FOR SAI KBo"s' Snort Shirts" nice ries)"ns size" 2 In T)c il- $1 45. now 95c. See P 1 Clothiers. (tfl FT)R RAI.E - Two-bedroom h"tise! on 9th Ave .Wes Km id-'-e t ( (;itv fr unfurnished. Phone 'n ",,,r 397. (178p) : Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 4f0 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store PUBLIC A"'; HOUSES WANTED TO Bl'Y T en'"1 ,M ' Wit WE HAVE pviral hnvers for QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL houses and butualows. For Qiilclt service see ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Black 197 (eves) (178c) BOYS OR G- Cleaner Cutting Saws e- Single Bed and Mattress e Dinette Suite (jacknlfe table, 4 chairs with red leatherette seatslperfect condition e End Tabids, Coffee Tables, Magazine Racks, Desk, Book Shelvei, Radiator, two Oil Ranges, Drapes, Pillows, Pictures, Books, Mirrors, Odd Tables, Chairs and a varied selection of household furniture, etc. Terms: Cash or Cheques Phone Blue V2fl or Phone Blue 904 THOMAS M. CHRISTIE, Auctioneer HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantes of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONS0N Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W- Black 503 Tear wwi will cat cleaner, truer, f n.Ur when fi led oa tur precision machine. ahJtek service on ell types uf saw D r in t( you r w i a todty. Oid aawt retuulhed. NI"FA1.'N Openlng-t to' " .1 n Daily N-';. u! ' various paits j APPI,y AT0r4 SpeciolB BI'SINF.SS )PPORTI'NITIi:S FOR SALE - Profitable earlv clo'iii" coffee shop Easr to operate and will pav for Itself in ten months. Present, owner has other interest. In the east and must return Low down i 0ii"mnt ind easv term (Oi reliable person. Substantial reduction for rush Hnrrv fori his bargain. Box 158. Dnilvi - v'"vt ,-i,.. : CHIROPRACTOR ' JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 PRECISION SAW FILING WATCH RKPATRS KromDt ft- ftetent sevlfp rii-nrup Cnnk ! .teweller Satisf action miarati j poH ' OIL BITRNRK HF'KniAr.IS'l -' Htnve service nnH repairs n ' .n..Hnnr,n Piack S0! . cfi for Gooa j;l. PIGCOTT PLACE Box 10! 1 Station B (Anent: Bn Terminal) y 175