an .it- y I Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 26. 1301 TD,L WATERS CHINESE TRAGEDY ,. of light ralnfull, resi- More than 1000 persons peril)!. Island or Aruba In ished when the Chinese steam-- West Indies subsist ship Hon? Hosg struck a rock ,. distilled sea water. , near S'vatow, China, in 1921 ber of high grade lenses Immediately underlying the overburden. Diesel tractor equipment is stripping the fault zones and according to the latest report from Dr. Beavan, new rich ore occurrences are being uncovered. SHIPMENTS ) Kitwanga Job Agnes De Mi lie Compares Blue Bonnet Likes It Best! Atlin Mine Runs Again Atlin-Ruffner Property Developing and Shipping Atlln-Ruffner mine, former well-known B.C. silver-lcad-zinc producer, is responding favorably to an extensive rehabilita To Local Firm i The magnitude of the current rehabilitation and exploration w I1 XKIVTRP4I I,. I.. MiU TL. i.o I '" avint?s-nnder is ?l I MA inir'Tlllll I OVIfW Sir. ....I... -J I I , i ,' 'A I' Prr.viiKiul forestry department has let a contract to Greer & Bncder Ltd., Ptince Rupert, for the vrectlon of a new office and stores building and residence to be built at Kttwanca. The award is valued at $32.0rju. program will limit to an extent the shipments of high grade ore made trom the property during the current 19il season. However. It Is hoped that between JOtl and 1000 tons of ore will be enroule to the smelter not later 4 B i ... .. u.aur snowed the other day to prove that no iiomnmakfr nei-H mo dcprne Iwwlf of tlie enjoyment of a IVkK ,1 1 )A I P U' Ri . HI I Ci K H ATO H The uVsier ufj' ,ol 1 weekly for food and up cm. a scries of fiiTurei wlii-h show, a. .Uohiu, proof, that a 'frigid., ' rcfriKirator actually sours mm ... .l tion and development program, 1 1 he company reports. i VI-: IWKl ; . . .. :rJ Originally discovered in 1899, The company's tender was the the Atlin-Rllffner nrmvirtt, wis tliatl October of this vpar ti-ith : - . " ,,,. K1j rr,.i..,, Uu weekly or monthly payments. If any of vou h.v. dMim yourwu oi a niw I'niodnno, don't do it any onpr ' ,1 in at your nearest KiKiilmre di aler's and are how today 1 ,.,1,-es make the famous Jj'ngidaue mvioi more important 'I , itirring Summer Day when you're feeling "down and out ior a numuer or years a con- tne ursi snipment scheduled lor '"'"- ."... 1 sistent shipper of hi'h grade ' '"e latter part of August. N'thwest Construction Co. of silver-lead-nc ore to the west-j Whereas the high grade ore for F"nce Rupert has tendered for, era smelters. Average grade of j hich the property is noted has ,ne. construction of a similar smelter shipments during the!110' been cteveioped to a aepth office and stores building for the , years 1922-1927, inclusive, were of more than 90 feet by U,e frestry department at Pendle-; as follows: gold, 0.12 ozs. pitr'uPPei- workings, It is Interest- to" Bay on Babine Lake. Tenders ton; silver, 119 o?.s. per ton;!"' to note that the No. 2 vein for this iob closed yesterday. j j REGULAR CUSTOMEIt of the Well Baby Clinic Prince Rupert is 11-month-old Oarry DcFehr, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. D:'t.:i , Eujjrne Apartments. "Exactly 30 pounds." says PubUc Jifnt! 1-1 Nttr jtfiss Marcarrt Stoves, Bivlng young Oarry his regular weight-check. "He's a fine, healthy baby." Clinic day is teiy Wednesday. airily iinruimorinuie . , , nnu out alioul"irtahle niethod of samLary proteetmn. i . dainty and convemeut TAMI'AX is-i lion it's pmirf-rly in place, mterni'illy, you 1 it11! its preeencct A dortor invented 9 rcmuve many of the monthly ditfumlties bl women. With Tampai there ia no litres Jieliuul ulia iroru Aeries le Mille. (,rntmr Bum Bosnlt Mr-,;"'-I Ksrirm utnl, aheprewl at any price.;? ', Like tlis r-i'-n! -rliiiriNiKrnplier, viiU ut f , love tlie . ifelii-H. KimiiviwiN.t 'aVnmo Si; I?; leaa, it.i per cent; zinc, 5.8 per system was cut by an explora-cent. . I lory adit approximately 1700 1 At the lime these shipmenU feet below the high grade I were made, woiid metal pncs , ifcne. iwcre: silver, 66 cents per oz.; Hie company's immediate pro-1 lead, 7 cents per lb.; zinc, 8 .gram calk for the mining and ARE YOU INTERESTED IN RADIO, TELEVISION AND ELECTRONICS? 4 chaiinn -dac-iinM wont show, no matter how mine or . n.iiuim. Wiat more odour cant form. Tsmpax is made nrhnit cotton thioiiiihout. Easy to use and to chance . . . i-ii's mpply of Tampan in your purse before yon go on .va:ltiliie in three aljsorbeucies at, dnig stores and notion 01 -rywhere. ot siimla hiie-fitiility all vevrt'ihl niarcarine. Ytni'll aiifireniate ""' HoNNir's nutrition. And yim'll welcome . its real enmnmy. ! hllv Hl.rE Honmks , and get "all Havor! Nutrition! r. Kciinoni-e-el Vtv it in cooking, on' - vrftslilHi, as a delicious spread. " rt Bu b Bonnkt marsrarine is sold in two""-tviies rcifular economy package with , toior wafer ami also in the famom cmaiw yt.m bag for last, easy color. s r-ao'' i . Miiniinriiii arr a iiiiuK oaoy s summer Appetite is Part J fallon KM cents per lb; gOid, $2U.ij7 per o..ship ping of the A comparison of ore grade as quant.t.cs of high grade ore estimated on current metal! known to be available. While prices shows that shipments this work is progressing, the 5500 made durinj the early 20 s and j foot length of the two rnajor which gave a return of approxl-' fault zones will be opened up by mately $117 per ton, would now stripping with the diesel Cater-yicld over $249 per ton. In addi-' pillar equipment. Considerable inn oi ll.1 paM. fur iTic me! l That i iim 'a dii nut r-n-a every bit as big as -i 1 yrl lu winter one K t'J thi' !, . Mothers Put Uabies to Test at Local Public Health Unit - fr "J up on H K I VC t t , jut " luctliiLi IfJ Now I Re ! sn jtcrlttt i vis rf I ciiIm with al niv t'ak' lw PR K . (Hmklli I-p- Hon to the incentive created by; additional quantities of high it For action u,.c r.cws classifledi Every ' ' Wednesday "cunr.udy in 111 1 Prince lime Runert jrvupeil is IS "clinic Limit. current , hieh metal prices, the grade shipping ore are expected f t tn ,h tlin-Ruffner area to be develonert tn this manner J K K E A L r) , HKINZ 8TRAIV-EI) BAHYFOODri nml J It V t n u 4 cinif I nmko h SW ANrt 1M)WN CAKE Wouls you bs willing to study la your spars tima to become as eipert ... to have s trade, a profession, perhaps a businets of your own, or a leading, technics! position. NATIONAL SCHOOLS Hn yow Hits opportunity, which hundrtdt t Mien and women hav taken up, with tttcceu that placed them in a condition of lite beyond anything they hod ever blitvtd possible. NATIONAL SCHOOLS f tot Anolc, Csltfomis, wot sloblithcd Is 1905 . . . M bonded under Doporhnents f Labour requirement is Canadian provinces . . , hat thouiands of jaccfutwl graduates and student! in Canada, let us, ithout putting yos under any obligation, tend you illustrated literoturt, wntcfc vou will find matt interesting. SIMPLY MAIL THIS COUPON NATIONAL tCHOOLS. DEPT. B 18 193 E. Hastings St. Vanceueor, It You may send, w:roiit obligating me in ony way, ttie hrr and sample lesson of your course in Rcdio. Television ond Allied Electronics. NAME day When around 30 mothers nut their has been opened ud throunh the 'and will be mined and forward? t day -a Kalito tn tl,o tonf Qnr) finJ nt l ........ construction of the Alaska to the smelter as quickly as pos ii i Imt you re a hist- twtore you no to your ,r an "old hand" in cottar-! Have your husband buy -Swans Down gives them by the com.' It will save JOHN H. BULGER -iiiiikintt mnsiai lion. you Ju worry save Jillliby bother- . r. nuttier, more tender sible. A substantial program of un-! derground development work designed to explore and evaluate the Oi primary ore in the deep workings will be carried out throughout the! . v., .... s...u nuv ..uv cue co- uicjr Vi vfci Highway makes current opera- ing. The place is well-baby clinic, at the Public Health ,t'ons economically attractive. ;tatiVin' V ' Substantial interests in the i .Tiiduuii. Atlin-Ruffner venture are held Weight Is checked and calcu- a miniature school report card, j by the Bobjo and God's Lake lated by the public health nurse At the age of six months the Mines, with both -of these corn-in charge of the clinic. Feeding baby receives Its first "shot," in panies having directorate rep-habits are talked over and moth- inoculation for immunization resentation on the Atlin-Ruff- t . Opt lameltiH winter months, with major Ka;e some extra trms to tlie store this summer . . . for you can be sure hat, after days stunt omdoors. baby will need cases and eors of Hems Hal.y Foods I These rnerav-sivinir fowls are carefully, expert, ly cooked to bahy-rcady digestibility .. . yummy meat products soups, cereals, vegetables and des-serts . . . ni-minml 80 when you're billing for the cottage buy Hems Baby Foods by the case. You nw they re good because they 're lieinsl ; . ,1'-. Ih-i'iiu-t Swrin1' Down i rriji P'Mfteil umil 27 tiirifd j orilin.try flour. And al it ws1 . . . you'll find J raitt-thmn-tlrliriim$ in the btxtlttrt s'l HA l K vonx Wait your rqurtt for Iff. together with your i tuldrrn ami 20c in G' n ral l-'oixlt Limited, Vi '"'ire, Onlnrio. era onen una uiere me answer against diseases of diphtheria, ' ner board. John 'W. McDon- operations anticipated during John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue to t,a.uia, iiiuuiciii wiiim tetanus and whooping cougn. ougn, mining executive, acts m the 1952 season, concerns raising their children. Four shots are given, one each the capacity of general manager Work at the property h is "We are interested In well month for the first three. Dur- for the Atlin-Ruffner Co., with progressed to a point where it babies and how to keep them ing the fourth month following A. P. Leavan as consulting ge- is expected that smelter returns that way," Miss Freda Hilton,! the first shot, however, baby ' ologist and Frank Smith of from high grade ore shiDments t luxury of summer- senior public health nurse, says, gets its vaccination for small- Kirkland Lake fame as resident will add very substantially to Sharing Secrrtg I, Funt And I "If the baby isn't progressing pox, and the next month the 1 engineer. Under the direction of the working funds of the com- the way we think it should, we iinal inoculation. i tnese men, me 14 miles of prl- pany. But Interest of the public ,vate mlne road were opened up Know lots of women who share this wonderful secret of how to hide greying h a i r I Are vou blonde. health unit in the babv doesn't tal " yer oon snow Outstanding quality has made Salada Canada's largest selling tea. give advice as to feeding and other care, and if the case seems at all serious we advise a doctor's attention." end there. conditions permitted. Heavy diesel bulldozer equipment was moved into the property to- f it it s turn ili-iv t . . . n l SB"S ' i, I it r , I .- frf I "t tfl" j' rt !J:, e h 4 -nil en:. I I I Brain Chemical, Blood Pressure Two such ollnics are held eachi,'Ri:"SCHOOL AGE "We have a lot of mothers gether with the necessary corn- Ml.. -awake flavour U NIONS is at v of iced tea I In vs want a supply lornia Teutons in iiniertmie refresh-L'lnoti make Ute CLEVELAND, Ohio The Clove land Clinic Foundation announc coming here with children five pressor units and sundry mln-i and six years of age. We like j ing equipment. A sum in excels them to come and often are able oi na!f a million dollars was to help out in problems con-! expended during the days of cerning behaviour and general 1 low metal prices in the sinking health progress," Is the way Miss ! of shafts and the driving ot Hilton feels about it. t exploratory and working tun es discovery of a key to high blood pressure, a chemical manu-lactured in the brain. So far. this chemical is only partly IHontiflArl Tr nnAn i. .1.. week. Thursday is clinic day at Conrad School, for residents of the east end of the city. Let's follow a baby's course through the clinic. It begins attendance generally at three weeks of age, and up to six months weighing and progre33 cheeks are carefully kept and recorded on a folded card, like .. ".iv- i . . . brunette or redhead? It doesn't matter whu-h you are for mar-yelrua MjJTI.E CtUH'HNT can keep your gn ving hair a secret from everyone! It. hides grey hmr with rich, youthful color makes you Ionic years younger! It lasts through three shainioos, yet lnt hers out when you want it tot More than a rinse but m( a dye Neatlc Coloriint romm in ten enchanting shades 6 capsules1 for just ;)c! And to kwhliukt the beaulv of vmir hair thre's wonderful N F-STUfTT) I ,Oft I K It nnscs in shampoos out gives your hair gorgeous color and shcuss 6 rinses juat 3i'l i.. "".imiltU. w Eur. UIITLLIV lllllll i I- tii'inaoe imaizin-wiiu ler- for they're t . , . plump, sun-:n"i juiciest lemons M.iks niv mouth of their lus-k your droeer for rmv and' be sure t California ,emons nels. Virtually . all of Ilirsor nurwi In Ihe urlnrei vi.wo f. i... i i . ... 1.1 . hler . . . . k. ran he ikpH tn aH- 'w uiuoa siream, ad "u?"r""" and ther nplPs rais Pre. l . oteeves ana oniriey wain, .m.'js J A V ... A j . 'Steeve looks after the he ena "r r Z ;1 " repre Dlll-ii bum. tanm tfcc nitiit, real lemon-4 "out fur iced tea and aunt To Thm Country next wrk-otd ? Jhm hcrrV B.C. Liberals Being Called i while Miss Main Is responsible i generally for the rest of the city. 1 Miss Hilton travels the country, ! to Terrace and to the Queen i Charlotte Islands. Even after children stop at sent one branch of the current year's program. While this work is progressing an additional crew of men Is min ng anil making ready for shipment the high grade ore which has been developed. Fauit zones in which the Atlin-Ruffner ore is found have been prospected over a length iM'int'! lung to rrnumlor when you're making up pimiV Inmh! ...dplj.-mus BM'K 1H)N NET MAKdAlHNE! Nnw that it cnincfl in that new, h.'tii'lv Yillow Quit: bag it's GHttv an A-H-G to "lirtxn il ni" for a pi'-nic (or a fortiml dinner) make it look m lisi'ious m it w. All you do is prejw the ulnar button on the b(r knend the b;ig and in Ah...deep-brpwned! y ,; Ir them ...we guarantee you'll like them! t y:; tending the clinic, the health nurses keep In regular contact with them by school and home visits. VICTORIA. Meeting of the executive committee of the Bril-i lsh Columbia Liberal Associa-' Hon has been called ' for the Vancouver Hotel October 4 by j two minufrit, Blue Iionnct w a templing, Koklt-n of more than 5500 feet. Shallow in tne month or June, for ex- cxd oratirn nf nnnroxlmatelv in m kv y . ,-, . i .' : ' I' 1 f VI , s . k : $4' ! y.V a t - ; . v ' t ' Vv; i ' il'? v V ! -v ;t y Ml)) iffji;' ivy : ff. , V Pti " . "S'f- f: 'Tie 1. .'...? (St ma i 1 1 I vcllow. No dinv nuxitig liowls to wash no funs f it all! Kr.inklv, I don't know what I'd do without country " 0' urn ! fur table use uni! in mv eookina! S good for bul;ing, nd nca.-oning vegetables .. .and so economical! HkiM. IN THE DAfUY ffhWfl BRINOH RF'XIll TS ; H. G. T. Perry, president of the, ample, 89 homes wese visited in I per cent of this length has in-! association. 1 Prince Rupert. More than 100 dicated the existence of a num- I About 180 persons will be ellg- pupils were inspected in schools, ible to attend Including Liberal At the clinic, during June, 111 Members of Parliament and Infants and 101 pre-school chil- Mcmbers of the Legislative As- lren attended. Not a single case CGIISTIFATED GABY icmbly as well as defeated Lib- of communicable disease was! eral candidates at the last fed- reported among Infants. I fc 1 Plastic Curtains IF M Nothing better to help clear out bowels quickly yet gently. No "aleepy" stuff -no dulling effect. Used by Mothers for more than 60 years. Also for relief of teeth ing troubles, stomach up sets and other minor ail-men ts of baby hood. Be cu re Get a package today. oral and provincial elections and of course, the clinic is only presidents of district and local a part of the function of the Liberal associations. Public Health Unit, which Is '" A rPScilutlfmi crimmlttec, which under direction here of Dr. Dun-has been appointed by the prci- can Black. 1 Id ident, will meet the day preceding the executive meeting. ft n'y 30c at drugstores. "But babies are so important. They are our future boys and girls, men and women, and a healthy baby has a much better start in life," is the way the clinic fee's about your baby. Turns Down Job Drapes Yard Goods COLORFUL KITCHEN COTTAGE SETS . . . Dutch Bov and Floral natterns with valance Easy to Clean Guaranteed ' I "" , m PrIpeS TO CHAlJM YOUR WIDOWS. jScc :"!D0N At Port Alberni ! ! I . C. Slevvart. works superintendent for the City of Prince Rupert, has turned down appointment by the City of Poit Albcrn! a, superintendent of work there. City Engineer F. M. Good, for-I nierly of Prince Rupert, recently I reigned to take a position with tin depa: tmjnt of transport In j j connection with construction of air bases for the RCAF. ! rilC & ANDERSON -0 - .." . I V . ij:1. Fooa ww-- fovbu! Only Kellogg't says: "Double your money back if you don't agree these Bran Flakes are fresher!' (Send empty carton to Kellogg t, Dept. 4A, London, Ont.) HoWfoBeain. wnt Third Avenue ft - ntS s-"llS -i wiDoaiig UNs& is what V No other bran flakes tixe and to crispy in trs, bulk to Vl ' ctous way to get help you "keep regular' i VN You'll say that Libby's Deep-Browned Beans (re different . . . that they have a heartier, more delicious flavour. You'll be right, too ... for no one else prepares beans the exclusive Libby way that deep-browns them through and through. No one else smothers them in such a tempting tomato sauce, added so the beans can't fenerously ry out when you heat them. Next time, try Wbby's Deep-Browned Beans. T Dnv.a swr mimrr if vm Vns'l nm tbtit LMv'i Dtep-Bnwnrd art tin iit yn vt rivr tUtd. Mfln... I ..zy. v ''!&i 'iissmiiii" '' msmisi 5 VA INCREASED yy2 whyN. switched to ' Rat e o til ' vayzMjjy' j ww - ProJtyed flavour