Here, It oj on a coiuci. "Rpmember what you bought. cused, In the w5 Prince Rupert Daily News As I Sec It liquor sto:es. This one was on a who knows anytiun -rwnir and a brownish color, that in .wo... Well we'll have to ask." ray . . Reflects and Reminisces he will think it' Friday, August 10, 1951 ruiu-e jtupe.t in in, Anotfier advance in cost or !;v- take cae of 75o 3 ' lug. reports Ottawa. Someone . te ': laments less flour 'in doughnuts; It has ccsiiblv v a. more ' ' ' ' Something new is a car weih- But of course, one can always ing in the ninusr fcn Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ' Rupert and Northern and Centra! British Columbia. ' Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 0 A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES; 6y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year, 1 $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 73c; Per Year, $8.00 "sf! ' Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, i Published every afternoon except Sunday by a tiresome than humiied prjduce a hole or lnc easea siz ing less tiramds. craft tt tUa r. ... . For the first tune, the A IX OF IT Ledest.-ian lias a chance to hit in the least, any m .,' Sime may feel th ."' It will be a generation, any back. before Kitimat can be said dull enouth h -mJu way, Who Will Get Her? woeu siwuuir wvi, aij Aiun" itjjLijn, and. tnai , BOOST THE BAND nd lnum Company heads. That's cartoon but tits a mivB : n,mmim spnse as well lis But then. iinb ... " GULL LAKE, Alberta.-Lassie, the year-old col on the railway reserve, . " VC: r. ' ..r .. . . w or- concerts a kick in uii-,i the truth. This settiru a cer Down to Earth tain population within a .spfl test. That's and Monday Sel lie who has lost her owners, is now very much a part of this rapidly growing family at the Alberta School of Religion. There Is friendly rivalry between two minister families as to which will provide the new hon.j for the lovely canine lass. i 1 lie g'.ound has a beautiful view j ' and is situated convenient to the ;veiy heart of tins city. Unk'ss some lion is taken in the way ! ' of enooui agemem an J co-opera- j tiun. it is indeed uncertain Low . much longer these concert will i be held. If Mr. Lien's sulfation ' Is followed, the site made mors attractive ui.i comfortable and I police attention be given luoli- T. 'he bandsmen will have, or should have, little cause to complain about the smallne.s of 1 public attendance. IT IS just as well that some of the extravagant ( anticipatory statements that have been going the rounds about Aluminum Co. of Canada project at Kitimat should be exploded as Mr. Davis and Mr. Powell have done in Victoria. Commenting on the city-of-50,000-people idea, which has been extant, Mr. Davis says it may be a generation before the maximum of employment is reached at Kitimat. Mr. Powell says that some 1200 or 1300 men may be employed when the plant come into production in 1954. OUTSTANDING VALUE IN MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS Double 2 end 3 button style. $u for fall and winter wear, sizes 35 to 42. All woolr rloth. Perfect fit. Soils at Tlvee little girls from Medicine i Hat claim ownership of the front 'lire-quarters of the dog. But "We decided that's the place for it, the way the world's acting! tinv little David, from Wain- - - - Saturday m mm m $55. Now s35 vrieht, clings to Lassie's tail and B.C. MEANS "BOOM COUNTRY" where it will connect with Cana- ,....,,. 1V,. insists- I (Continued rrom pye l. dian National Railways' trans- AHUMUUi.u She's MY dog " ! continental line. It will also be Wild life in the ona will in Incidentally Laie is very 000. mining $135,000,000. agri- extended south to Vancouver at -U likl!hjt)d suiter s.-vcu-ly much the outdoor girl You just culture $131,000,000. and fishing a cast of $12,000,000. from the effect of the foicst can't entice her inside any kind $38,000,000. The John Hart highway reports the mento lor of a building. There's a story Bank clearings were nearly through the northern muskeg to : : ' .. thvrr-surely somebody must $1,000,000,000 greater than ever the Alaska Highway Is scheduled be believed WUde nes, Is MEN'S HOLLYWOOD STYJ have "dene her wrong." before oeiure. , , for completion this fall. It will "J . ;'.' ,,.;, " ",, British Columbia's industrial ... nn ,il f,,m nrucnt BllO DUOS, JUSl as tts ' Seattle to "d dinner tables are to hun.uii road-rail route from GABARDINE TOP COATS Beautiful shades of navy-blue, dark brown. Good ina. double breasted. Fn Flames can be equally empire builders are only DON'T know how even Lassie nina to realise the fabulous po-can remain the outdoor girl tentialities that 'lie within the Alaska through Edmonton. It bp'Bs' will open up British Columbia's Ielt- murh loneer in these parte. Even province's 30 3.255 square miles of h,.,k ... ,ne Peace River. The V f lining. All sizes 35 to these mid-August nights an river. forest and valley. land tnere is rich and under It HEARD ON THIRD bitter cold. We pile on all the Man has hardlv vet looked at , ... ominmmnon tons' ,i..iu ..r r, -iwiiomns l.iki..ff blankets we can get. and sleep that half of the province north f nrist were ln earnest coiivur- C-VW 14. uutstancling value Moke sure thor you ore in the right sto-Look for the Big Siqn! with double layers of clothes on. from the Skeena to the 60th TwelVe new base metals mills Ration Thuiaay forenoon. Tii:s Still w arc cold. Howeve t parallel of latitude. hi h,,m a xhnrtMo of w ..n Third Avenue near S.xJi "eems to have done' most of us Today, men are hacking a road ,ub()r hi'ioped in some Street. wod so far maybe because it through the wilderness on the . ,,r lha mininu industry. ' "I know the lust time I vv.s gives us such sharp appetites. northern coast where a $550.- "1 .. . - ' ' hop and 'ave at . 300.000 aluminum Industry will THE FARMERS are more and rise- , , , . , more coming into the gath-! Recently brought Into produc-erings, with attendance swelling;110" are a W.0O0.0OO eel ulose -verv dav I plant near Prince Rupert; a! . ... $19,000,000 sulphate mill and a I These statements may moderate some of th'i excitement about the great metropolis that is to be established at Kitimat a city that was to be the third in size in British Columbia, presumably leaving Prince Rupert in the background. A payroll of 1200 or 13000 at Kitimat smelter, ' plus the 200 in hydro-electric operation, is very substantialsomething about the same as Columbia Cellulose is providing between Prince Rupert and Terrace. But it will not mean a city of 50,000 people. Of course, that payroll will support possibly twice or more than number in subsidiary business and services so Kitimat can be reasonably expected to develop before long into a city of 10,000 or more. It would be very nice to have a new city of 50,000 at Kitimat at once. However, it is just as well that we should be told now that it is not going to be that big for a long time. We shall not then get so excited about it and become disappointed later. Between now and plant completion time in 1954, there will be a major construction boom when a large number more than the eventual operating-crew will be employed and there wiirbe extreme pressure on transportation and other facilities. But that is to a great extent transient and should not be counted as a stable permanence. We can, of course, make the most of the boom in a sound, thrifty way, realizing that it will not last and that we will in a couple of years or so have to get down to normal, sound operation. We will be' happier and better off in the end if we look at the thing in that light. l nave urrn muu.y muoihb nnn , mill ... ,,, Vancou- $10,000,000 pulp on j Iver Island, and a $1,300,000 ply- , some of these friendly farmers,) ike this: I" wood Dlant a at Quesnel in the; What's the matter with you ,, northern a"L, interior. Another I t $11.- , wiu- nv,i h,,u, mm. ; are not producing enough butter? (0OO'Ot00 V g f"l fR Prmt mlU unean Bjy '1 Whv should there be a butter ,al Vancouver Is.and. shortage even in Alberta? How', ORMES Mine that even you farmers are MOKE LEAD Ol'TPVT 'ating margarine th.'sc' days?" in 11 years, capltai invested Weil, you gpt. many answers. ijn the pulp and paper Industry The main one is that mo'e and m B. C. has risen from $58,000,-more farmers are specializing on;000 to $225,000,000. But the sur- The Pioneer Druqqis i i, homeward bound production. That is, many farm-ltace has barely been scratched. ?rr. now produce only grain. ! B. C. has 27 per cent of Canada's Others produce no grain for sale softwood suitable for pulp. Que-. but only for stock food; But mosc bee, wh!Ch produces more than : of these concentrate on beef, half of Canada's total output of cattle and hegs. More and-more ' 8.000,000 tons annually, has 35 of them have gone out of the per cent. ilotiid milk sale business. I Far in the southern Interior,' Perhaps the . most important Consolidated Mining and Smeit- fact of all Is the swift increase ing Company, biggest lead-zinc-1 ln the production of condensed chemicals producer In the and powdered milk. Right around world, is planning a $'5.000,0U0 here more and moi farmers find expansion. Abandoned mines are it, pays to sell all their milk to being brought back into produc- i PHONE 81 For NEW CONSTRUCTS Nozv ihe wind blozvs hard from the east-tun -cast Our 'ship she fails ten knots at leust Huzza, zoe're honmcarJ bound ! For over a century Lamb's' Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow, it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Dcmcrara rum's. and REPAIR W the "condenseries," as- they call tion and new power projects are , them. Thos? who ship to cream- going ahead. ' ;eri.'S have an arrangement that j A steel industry appears not; Ithey can buy back butter at ajfar off for B. C. Demand for, ! lower rate than stores charge.) steel is growing and the navy Is, , But it is a fact that many farm-j spending millions for new war-: ers are eating margarine, espec-ships being built at Victoria 'and : ; ' ially when tlwy have to provide North Vancouver. The hunt for j food for hired men, threshing iron ore, oil and gas Is being j crews and whatnot ! expanded and quickened.. SEE Education and Discipline PARENTS, on the least excuse,, and sometimes for no obvious reason whatever, are apt to talk about, their children, and from that point of departure it is a short step to modern education. It is a subject on which everyone has theories, even the childless, but it is of more absorbing interest to parents than to others. . Though none of the theorists agrees with any other on all points, there -does appear to be agree GREER & BRIDDEN LTC. 215 1st Avenue West 4, j Construction crews are laying " . 'steel for the northward exten-j t no. u i. t. I ASK the farmers hereabouts. of the Pacific Great East-; f.O.t rhone 90!) Lamb's Navy turn what size of farm is now the1 trn Railway to Prince George, ; .best paying proposition. Most df i ' them say a full section, or hction j and a quarter.' That is, 720 acres STEAMER This Avtnieir.cni wi published ot du played by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govrnimeni of Bnth Columbia. Prince Rupert An eld sea ihanty. SAILS FOR Vancouver The LADIES APPROVE ,. .' of the economical prices, the wide variety the convenience ... of the Variety Store or a bit more. I ask what would that kind of farm represent in i j the way of cash investment. They .say somewhere around $50,000. j They tell me you just can't farm in the modern manner J without at least $15,000 worth of jfarm machinery tand yet the j astonishing thing is that even 'such big farms, with all this (costly equipment, are still family 1 affairs. A father and son work many a farm, with one or two j hired men hired for brief periods each year. I For the MEAL that REFRESHES FINEST OF COOKING BEST OF FOOD and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Come in and see our summer stocks . for ail the family, as well as for the IN THESE parts they build the best looking fireplaces I have ever seen. Instead of stone or brick they use petrified wood, FOR TARE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE hriildVViclldihVMD Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. which is quite plentiful in spots, here. But, reader, do not hop into your car and drive like mad for Alberta, hoping to take home enough such material for your own chimney base. They have a law here, they tell me, which says you can't just ftriffirr. mr. PTC ment on the fact that something is wrong with education. There is also agreement, at least among those who are municipal taxpayers, on the point that education costs are too high. The parent may complain about the high cost of garbage removal, police services or fire protection, but he knows that he. does get some tangible benefits from them. He is often hard put to it to see, on looking over little Seraphita's school report, that he is getting any return of value for the money he spends in school taxes. Moreover while some improvement can be secured through complaints to authorities when other services are not performed, the only way to remedy Seraphita's lack of enthusiasm is by persuasion or punishment of Seraphita herself. Punishments for neglect of school work are unquestionably lighter than in the good old days. Corporal punishment is relatively rare in modem schools, not that the ability of pupils to drive a teacher mad has declined, but because parents generally are apt to raise a fuss about having their child-whipped by a stranger. Punishment by detention is just as hard on the teacher as on the pupil, so detentions are often short. There is no need to advocate return to the tern of severe, punishments in school. Life punishes the ignorant and undisciplined eventually. Witness the old-fashioned chastisements still prepared for nations and persons who refuse to learn the lessons of history. Scripture paSiaeje for JoJatj come and get it, to take away. Mac Jim DINETTE SUITE In Six Pieces, Ook Finish Almon 1 large Buffet with three utility drawers and two sliding glass doors 1 Table, has jack knife leaf and very commodious 4 Chairs, -upholstered in green freize Construct Com pan! 7 TIMES THE WINNER Actual tests prove that IN'GLIS washes clothes WHITER . . . BRIGHTER . . . CLEANER than any of the 7 leading makes of washers. Now available at Rupert Radio & Electric wii i nn vnilR JOB $21500 Priced at TT I hb fc V w - ( 1 y 9 r-.j... Altero'l noormg . . . iuii a Estimates Gladly Given Black 660 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A good place to buy pver a quarter of a century" 327 3rd Avenue , riione 773 whose builder and maker Is "He looked for a city God." Heb. 11:10.