' iBasebaii 'lUBf 1ILUIUUI "un.iuj 'i ...... . ern' Motors: t). Ormwe " B ; ij Zacharcill iBi; Fort (Br. D'cU ' rrince Kupei i UOny iNevS Friday, August 10, 1951 Selected For Local Eleven a Rotarian Golfers Beat Gyros; Pills And All-It's Official n Cameron Bi; ParktHMine 8; Ralph Smith (CLi; Bob Armstrong iCLi; Dave Murray (CLi; Alex Gomez iBi; Pat Wilson iOMi; John Wilson 1GM1; Bevr-ham iCLi; Phillips (CL; Sun- Black Prince Rupert !s picking well Cinch For Clothiers acKwood on r . ... ., , :.. of it goctvr talent with a view Kotanans are claiming tne annual cdiiuhuuh!, selei.tillg a strong eleven to By Eoslcy Blackwood berg (CL .... Wyatt (CD. . Fat For man will be referee. mett the fast-moving Kitwanga club tolf championshin from their contemporary Even when vou have a completely established Chop Suey - Chow, Open I m, . j j,. HOLLYWOOD C; For Outside Orrieri Pt,' native outfit which is coming for another of those popular Saturday evening tussles. : Th-j local team will be chosen men, the Gyros, as a result of a hectic nine-holer on the Smithers course, ' " This was the "official" match.1 M .... T Tlie Royal Academy of Arts In London was founded In 17(18 with Sir Joshua Reynolds an Abe! & Odiiwes,' Behind Good Lindsay Pitching, Turn Back Commercials side suit, it sometimes needs to be "protected." Mr. Masters had a tricky little problem to deal with in today's hand, but of course he solved it handily. from: Krause (Canadian say the Rotarians. Earlier in the i9 piM I H 1 1 1 1 1 Legion l ; president. Abel & Odowes 5, Commercials 1 summer, the Gyros had stat;ed J Mr. Champion opened the king victory but. evidently, they al- lowed the Rotarians to persuade WITH A SHOE. SALESMAN Courts Okay all talk Although'pitching may be accounted for 75 per cent responsibility in winning or losing-a game, Manager Miner Simund-son last night wished hard that them, that it didn't count. In a weak moment, they consented to a replay. 1 Si. Doc Mitch '"- " Greene's "c pills the rem ... . j I ( ;! M- aining 25 per cent of his! , 'J,','',: simulated Joe bcott and Gy s relate could I do their r part. , ' nnHptwtrnlrpfl hp Hntnnans fir Commer. R: tary Club Gives Nurt To Pro.frct To Help !!lio:l Hot: jr Canvass Green light for the ot tonus courts at an esti- Only four hits were made by . the flrst hole out .something j tne iioteimen, as popular m must have hupp0ned with the South dealer Both sides vulnerable Nurlli (Mr. link) IS-9 4 H -a 3 11 A Q 5 3 C-A Q J 10 6 Hrl lat (Mr. Champion) (Mr-. Kren) S Q J lu .S 7 3 HK. Q .1 H- -A W 9 7 11 1 8 0 4 2 1 K in it C 8 3 C 9 5 4 2 Smith (Mr. M.W1M-) fc A Kltbl H is(J l 7 (,' K 7 The bidding: & Odowes nsjhthander, jacK of hearts and, after a look at the dummy, shifted to the queen of spades. Without hesitation Mr. Masters ducked, permitting the queen to win. This fine play was the key to the hand. Now jf Mr. Cnampion continued hearts, the dummy had a trump o take care of the third round. Actually Mr. Champion led another spade and Mr. Masters won in Ills hand, cleared the suit and thin ran the clubs. He discarded three hearts on the last three clubs and made five-odd. This Is the kind ot a hand that Mr. Mu;:y might lay on the table. sayin, "Give you a spade and two hearts.' As you w, it's not quite that simple. Let's see what wouid have happened if Mr. Masters had won the first .1 elixir or somebody slipped some-tfd con )( $,1(100 on Rold n)1.k j thing to George Mitchell and , xriv.ltt.r( ciiy pal k pr.'perty on j Kenny MfRae. In any case, the the r AvPnne just beyond j exponents of power, purpose , tiun w. ,,lvt,n by the Prince and poise did a Jot of "bu7rm'l ; Rotary clllu llt Thurs- V tV. aim tnere was no argume.ii ,,irt,,1,.,,n ,,. a POmmlttee Lindsay, hurled his team to a 5-1 victory In seven innings, clinching the team's position as league winners for the season. Ray Zaccarelll, sidearming A & O batters for his utmost, turned erratic after the second inning, issuing six free passes on balls and yielding live hits for us many runs. V it-it wi.-" -- iler! by Robert McKay. The est I-1 about the bacltslippers' victory. 'mute cove's cost of clvanlnf? up; "Lcjk, lady, I've shown you Will I "I "ally didn't taa, . . I )ut wanted to DJn t mind th-a holes In m' f Kks. son . , . I'm the fresh air type." la-t Puss Puss All pas Smith 1 S 2 a a s Nickerson and George Hawkin-J .u,.;, 8S ma Ue necessary.' "ery ah. hi the store-wanna son were witnesses. the pouring of a lioor consistiirg "y on mine. 2 C 3 U 4 S I'USH PllSR Puss And it was a shutout for Lind TV, "tuiilh" lwil of Vliti'VlA ..r i....v..u nf oi-mrol onrl say until the very last inning gun)mer m)dezvous waxed loud 0inder fill with two-lncn asphalt In fact he realized It was abso spade Hueu, iui u i and long into the night as Gyrus ..uri;i( - and a 15-toot fence. He could have taken his second iutely necessary to lose the Linney. hotelmen'.s riphtfielder. ftrived to change the rules prPsent plans do not provide for again and make It the best two a tlilb jous;. out of three while the Rotarians j Th(l sitp has 174.,,Klt frontage cianneu inai u was now oin- , rfimo,,.i,m t. hr. iw.'d eial" and Gyros had really had high spade and men started on pade while there was a trump cP11t. a noi grounder to bring m the clubs. On the tiiird club hs on the bjard to slop the heart ucnny Windle running bases on could discard a heart. But Mr. .suit. , la free trip to first on balls - Champion would trump this Mr: Masters' chief admirer, second one of the game for trick with the queen of spades Mr. New, was kibitzing this Lindsay. and cash two mole hearU, de- hand. He was practiemlly over-, other than that, Lindsay feating the .mitra:-t. : come with awe. "What a play!" d j d n , t have any aiiiieulty Mr. Masters realized he had to he said, "Tell me, how can you . lnruunoul the game. are 110 by 1(H) frvt, providing for two courts. it. i (CI.OSl KE TIME It a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advei Using Is payable In advance. Pitasa refrain from telephoning, daicfe Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 60c. Cards if Thanks, Dn:h Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcimcnta $2uo. Sl'ECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. -1 'c i, if' Baseball Scores lose one spade irlcR no matw.'r mane a piay urc umi so iu Work of cleaning up the site will start almost Immediately, Mi'. McKay stated. IIKI.P BI.OOD CAMPAIGN William Scuby was appointed how the adverse spades were divided. Why not lose It at once? "Oh, It s noiiung, my ooy, replied Mr. Masters shyly, "Merely genius." WANTED TO KENT BIKTII NOTICE cna:rmanoittu..m..r-i,Jl..,- .MruAME8A dauirhter was If you want ti sell it, advertise ft. lews i-lassltietls. House 5 or G Rooms ADULT FAMILY, steadv tenants. Would lease ll required Write Box 130, DallV News, or call ut ol Ike belore 4.30 u.m (tf-nc( vas3 the business sveuon oe- U1)in l0 Ml- unu Mri Kulus Mc-(,.,.en Fulton and Eighth Streets Dames fr'ndav. Auausi a.'in the for donors for the forthcoming leu a.-e Ked Uoss H,i.a. , lt"d tro'3 blood clinic. i,M UlL. umuv ho11i dumi! tine. Ancther of the popular men's. 1 Uul tea'- is being proposvd and a, -OK SALE committee will proceed with ills-' eussion of the matter. !;NATIONALlY KNOWN NAMES I Miner Simundsun grabbod the I first hit of the game in the first inning with a stand-up double I but was left on. Same thing ; happened with Miner's single in : the fourth, and with Desaulnier, i lii-it ba-eman, in the iifth. Real trouble for Commercials j j.arted in the third inning when rthe first run of the game was walked In. Shortstop Giordano : doubled. Slow thinking and poar ! Judgment allowed the runner to gain third when third baseman ted Arney followed with a bun;. P.tcher Zaccarelll fielded the ! ball and threw to third to stop Trom Factory to You Boby Chenille Bedspreads $5.25 Each Lowp.,t price in Canada. Beautiful first qualify, completely tuftt'd, no i.hepting iii i.p w.wm WANTED for Frlii-eh trict Sne,-i,i!tv u, line of liu'h electrical lnim ;., staniiim? miiHirtuw man. Must have Ii acter retereiicps r to lurlii.-ti lidi-ii't -ooired. Aiiuiv Bi Traders Ltd . IU1 Vancouver Be. CHAMBERMAID r dlatelv. Good ' shower and toilet t piled. Siiit'le or t. one choft urrli:! Skeeiia Hotel. Ten WANTED TO RENT Three or four room suite or house re-Quirert us soon as lssible bv reliable tenants. Phone Blue 814 GBHui Llnu-beit Soeedtr Shovels THURSDAY Western Intermediate Tri-City I, Vancouver 6. ' Yakima 4-2, Victoria 5-20. Wenatchee 7, Spokane 2. Tacoma 0, Salem 2. Pacific Coast Las Angeles 5, Hollywood 2. San Diego 1, Seattle 6. Sacramento 5, Portland 6. Oakland 4, San Francisco 11. Yesterday's scores: American Philadelphia 6-3, Boston 5-5 St. Louis 6, Detroit 3 Wa.-h.iigton 4, New York 6 (Only games scheduled.) National Nvw Yo:k 5, Brooklyn 6 Cincinnati 4. Chicago 5 Boston 5, Philadelphia 4 P:ttsburgh 0, St. Louis 4 showing. All colors, double or President Fred Scadden pre- sk; d over the Ritary business! PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVEIjOPING, printing ENLARGING EXPTTSUUR MFTF.na Cranes: Drachms: Adams hoad Graders; LAilcford Bros. Black Top Road Maintenance REWARD - Ursfiitlv rennired for couuie and child, three-rootn suite, furnished. Phone Green hmrhf on. Guests were Ralph : Hi od of Prince Rupert, and Wil- I llsm li. Ingram cf long Island,! single bedstes. New center patterns in Dowered of solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-btick guarantee. Order one. you will order mote. New address: i Giordano who was already sale New York. E. T. Appiewhait", 72'J. (ia2u REAL ESTATK Euiiiomeni ; Owen Uiamsneii Buckets and Hock Granules; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Foiklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel on the bag. Arney was .sale on a fielder's choice. i.f., was welcomed back afler PH1NCE RUPERT U Room Exueae! '.n wanted. 12-8 Ad Lackie. side entiai.. ollowins! a strikeout by Pope his long absence at Parliament in 1 Ottawa. AMATEUR aurPLiKa I'hnne C.reee 130 1ox 478 TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., MARVELLOUS VIEW VciV art' acme live room house in Section 2 Heataiator Ine- Dox H9fi. Pir.cp D'Armrs, Mon- and a remarkable catch by third bareman Harley Lewi.-, of Pavl-hkls' pop-up foul, Zacarelli J treal, Quebec walked UalU to load the bases. I ' 7 Gasoline Hoists; National: Portable Sawmills: National, Rotarv Kcr-ens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. BU (tl) ii urn ii mil i mmm m 'H mwi "i l liun AKi.l uicm alaii ltt-prt t.fl I i Pay Dues or Get no Vote ONE SHEET META1 Steadv wurK a.; 1 hoin Sheet Mi '.a, . 8H4. THE Pr.m-e Rjur lllf Koulll W.li'irJ dlsliwanei H.jjri. to M 0 in Aiwiv side eiitranrt, li WANTED - Waitrni Uiace. heniurone ana snowei. two bedrooms una wasmuom unstairs. Basement cement lounu.inons. Lot ou x luu in laikii. Price SUMtO. easv terms , arranged. Emht rtom seml-buniralow .'lose to McUrlde Five bedrooms. ilreoiaee. corner lot 37W x 100. Price S iOOO Verv ea.sv terms. AKMmttuNU AGfcNClES Phone 342 B!a.'K li7 (eves I U8c 'hill-' in the first run. Lindsay, ! minute? before Commercials, in-inelphiT his team to win his own. the Htld. decided to resume the game with three RBI.;. smglcJ PV an attempt to out-argue to bring in two more runs. j the umpire's decision. Even j In the fifth, Nick Pavilkis sin- i though fans booed the decision I gled and was knocsed in by an-! and Iioteimen shouted it down 'other .sinle from Lindsay's bat. ! umpire in chief Bill Karasas.il nlra Member board; cf the Assi-riat-r! Boards of TrarK of Central B. itisli Columbia who have no; o iid un their dues would he deprived of voting r ghts at the annua' convention under a resolution ' fr.m the Burns Lake (FOR SALE New 11 used t household furniture. Slinhtlvi used Kitchen Rets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' j Bicvcle.s Bedside KU'js, Cr.bs, Studio Couches etc... Milin Ht j the lowest uossib'e or ices B.C.' Furniture Co. Phone Biack ' . 324. (tfi EOYS' WLNDBREAKERS All! kinds to chouse fiom. Best I i tailorin-'. Sizes 6 vears to 14, neat and uiis:: Snack Bar CLERK wanted t Auoiv Mis. Bit! News Stand. The biggest rhubarb of the """ uvvnuic u. m.u,-season sent a base umpire off;"' on second, later scoring on tike field on his ov. n accord in ; 1 avniitu se.onu .suigie. , the sixth inning when he culled , r.MPiRE OVITS ! Board of Trad-j which will b SPECIAL Nice home in choice location. Improved four on Sixth, near chuo..s Modern Kitchen, floor coverings, oil heater.. Fair U. iced tor uuick sale. T NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate and Insurance Pnone 4al-648 UHci Disua'.c.K WANTED Taxr ;baserunner Tom Pope safe at I . h limnir(,. nnt known I effered at the forthcoming con Ihto tdvcrtlionent h not publlihco ot dliplved wNllquof Cmmm I fcOBIi recond on a steal. It was .several by namei' jeft the field durin? ; vent kin here. The lesclulion was referred to the local delvgat vcur.s Regular to $:i aO, now $2 75 to $3 2.1. See B.C. Clo'h-iers. ttfi I no ats for r..i.r. I wi'h instruct ons to support it at the convention. $1,500.00 f I Art Murray voiunteertu to lane j j over the position. cl f-roj-ed&ionat FOR SALE -30 ft, sail boat. 9 ft. For Sale- Fine five roomed float beam, draw? 4' ft.. WK) .square I house. u r n is h e d with oil It of sails. 4 cylinder marine: range Price $150000 ermine. Sleens three. Lavatorv. R. E. MORTIMER Utiete an Jailed for Having Stolen Property A spcctacuiur piay was maue by" a newcomer this season to baseball, Harley Lewis, but one who has thrilled Prince Rupert fans in the past with outstanding fielding and hard-hitting in the clutches. Playing deep to BOARD AND I WANTED--Room s:-vuuim m.i.p riv;i tf town ureferrcd. P ROOM AND HOARP 7th Ave. West, r 828. BOARD and room ' man. Blue M FOR W FOR RKNT-Ruo non-dnnkiue ,f Ave. W. Red 4JS JT)R RENT-T'0 ed suit for cuui 633 8th West. FOR RENT F:; . suite till Air1- 638 after 6l) oil s'ove and co"klii2 uien-i ki-ii csiaie aim insu inc Mis $2500 cash Anolv "Four 3j3 Tiiird Avenue Phone 88 Winds." Prin-e Rupert Yacht , (189ci iub; ! TWO GOOD BUYS CARS FOR SM.E ; Eieht Room In new condition. I -Heal value. t coal stoker. FOR SALE Privately owned Four on Sixth East Priced at For retaining stolen property, a man was sentenced Friday to HANDYMAN wards shortstop position, Lewis came hard after a p.p-up fly by: 15 days in jail by Magistrals W. 1M4H 4 door oeuixe i' vmou n v i"' "'!". . Colossi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 3B9 T NORTON YOUNGS MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ' STONE BUILDING Arnej, taking it near the press-: D. Vance. Thomas PatricK, box. But Lewis couldn't hoM ; Prince Rupert, was charged wit h himself and turned a complete ; possession of a watch belongkn; ?omer.'ault. retaining the ball In to Mrs. Ladra Robinson when he HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS, GIL BURNERS knew it was stolen. lis giove for the out. Real Estate and Insurance Phones 451-643 1 1885 1 FOR SALE Five room house, fullv furnished, with uas range, fridtre, etc Pern, bath and shower Full basement with furnace. Lawns fenced. Near schools. Box 108.. Dailv Patrick scheduled ! Pol?e apprehended Only one more league game Gordon & Ander-H"1? 28, sedan. Low mileage. Complete with seak covers. 2 snare tires, buiil-in heater and defrost. Call Red 411 after a c m -U91pi FOR SALE 1949 Austin A-40 pond condition, low mile,i"e. Phone Green 182. (189d SITI ATIONS WANTED MOTHERLY woman wants babv-slttlna. evenings or afternoons. Phune Black 694, U89i) Also in police court, Relnhart PHONE ' BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Hundelde was sentenced to seven days In j '.'.; for driving a car while intoxicated. News. l1"00 FOR SALE Two-bedroom house, centrally son vs. Abel & Odowes is leri to play, and that next Sunday. A decision will be given tomorrow, however, if the game will be played or not. RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 J. M. Alderson, district pas located. $la00 down Full mice $350 For Inspection phone 57. G P Tinker & Co. Ltd. Eves Red 578. 189cl BOX SCORE senger agent for Canadian Pacific Railways, Vancouver, and ACCOl'NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tux specialist. 8. O. Fork. Stone Buildina. Red 593. 2Umi FOR SALE Five room house FOR FENT-f aw room. 613 3rd ' iT U-DRIVK CAR-711 Grenvlllejtu FOR RENT-' room. 116 8th Avt WASTH W ANTE'c I -nW PRICES PAID I; steel, brass.""', Honest rradmf merit made ' Metals eonver. B. J5357. CASH for scno :); ner. batter ., Phone M3. ta.li W. P. Duggan, district freight anent, are making the round trip aboard the steamer Princess Louise which takes them to scon McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 WANTED SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Conk's Jewellvr. Ph. 212 and bath, close In. Hair cssn. balance easv rental terms. Prince Rupert Realtv Co.. over Broadw av Cafe. U87d FOR SALE Wartime 4 near bus. public and hiirh .school: newlv decorated, larse front parden cement foundation. 673 8th Ave. East ' 189pi refrl"eralnr. Used Skagway and return. Princess WANTED HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branche 204 4th Street Phone 1555 Will oav cash. Phone Red 418. Louise docked h..'re this morning. I lOOO ' PERSONAL West, CUV. FOR SALE Two room house and two lots at bus ston. $141)0. 00 cash. Box Ml. Dailv News. (188UI A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 PHONE 18 vonr Northland Dairy, for dallv delivery excent Bun-dav. Bv lookincr after vour milk vour milk will o"' after vou. Keen it cool. - Ail milk guaranteed itf' SB j Aber & Odowes AB R HE; I Poper, ss ' 3 1 0 0 i Pavllikls, cf 4 12 0, !Dahl, lb 2 1 0 Oj Abel, c 2 0 0 0; Lindsay, p- 4 0 2 0 Mcllardy, If 3 0 0 0 Dell, i f 4 0 0 0 1 Giordano, ss 3.1 1 0 j Arney, 3b 3 1 0 Oj i Totals 28 5 5 01 i Commercials L AB R H E B. Slmundson, ss 3-0 "0 1 ; M. Slmundson, cf 3 0 2 0 Gunn, If 3 0 0 0 Windle, 2b 2 10 0 Hawryluk, c 3 0 0 0 Zaccarelll, p 3 0 . 0 0 Linney, rf 3 0 10 Desaulnler, lb 3 0 10 Lewis, 3D 10 0 0 Totals 25 1 4 1 BOYS OR f MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING rhone Blue 120. P.O. Box 520 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. For Results ADVERTISE FOR SALE Double corner va-1 cant lot. corner Fifth 8treet and Second Avenue. PRINCE i RUPERT REALTY -CO. (187c I for W FOR RENT General Electric OpenlnKs floor noll.shprs Sit ner rtav on Daily New Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec tric, "ii FOR SALF-Two beautiful view lots on Grnliam Avenue all in earden and lands-caued. Phone Black 993 or 234. il8!i RKPAIRS various parts i APPLY AT' Spceiol Bo" for GoodSf' ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1028 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. SAVOY HOTEL ANNEX Prince Rupert's only fully modern hotel unit. AH rooms with bath. Phone 37 FREE scran wood Sunolv vour own cartae Kin? Edward Sf-hool demolition. Boulter mid Welter iif!. GIVE the folks at home a treat . get one of our delicious cake or nie Runert akerv ! Ltd Phone f43 for orders tfl WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 WATCH REPAIRS Prompt efficient se"'i" Georife Cook .Teweller. Satisfaction By CHIC VI Gone With the Wind BLONDIE T OA.O Winning pitcher Jack Lindsay gave up four hits, one earned run, two free bases and struck out six. Losing pitcher Ray Zaccarelll allowed five hits, five runs, six Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. rhone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store xri wAvt QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL HAlB OUT- walks and struck out five. League Standings: W ,L Cleaner Cutting Saws ..Iiv- j DAGwooD qon t Ivouve piGht... ( IT'S HOT IN HEPt ( PACE THE FAN DiPECTLY ) IT'S BEST TO TURN ) . TONlGHT.-THiS . V AT VOU-VOU'LL. IT THE OTHER yS - L FAN WILL FEEt , ( CATCH COLD tPECTlON ,-)5n rl$i f s CJ HOTS. Wp Wir&p4 &c 7Wr "Mylr tefegp" 9 3 7 5 3 9 Abel & Odowes Commercials Gordon Si Anderson CLOSED 'TIL LATER DATE GORDON D. RONS.0N OU Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 Tew mws will eat eleener, truer, fiter when 014 m ur precision machine. Quick Mrvice on ll typee of iwb. Brint your ew f today. Old mws retouUied. CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 YOUTHFUL ARTIST James Drummond. Scottish painter who died in 1877, had his first exhibit in the Scottish Academy at the age of 18. PRECISION SAW FILING 13 IS PIC.GOTT PLACE Box 10! 1 Station B (Aent: Bu Terminal)