1 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, August 10, 1951 Loca a n d Oblate" Head Visits Here Provincial of the Oblate Fathers of St. Peter's Province which Includes the English PERSONAL 'Board Fails to Get Together I A scheduled park board meet-j ing did not take place last night because Aid George Casey, man, and parks commissioners Pat Forman and Art Murray, could not agree on a time lor the meeting. Aid. Casey advised the commissioners by telephone-that he &r SON. nirnlr Diirhv Island BARRET ASPHALT Sunday, August 12. Boats, leavu? fathers of the Order throughout ; imperial uu dock 10 o clock. Sonja Ladies Invited. (187cl Support the Museum by buying a 1 membership which gives you free admission at any Ume- (196c) NfiKS Francis Partridge reaves on J.he Coquitlam tonight for a wacation trin tn Tioii -i,. canacia. Rev. Father John Birch of Ottawa sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver after a four--day visit to vicariate headquarters here. On his way to Prince Rupert he had toured the missions In the interior nor- Bav. Vancouver Island arrived SHINGLES For detailed information,, phone Ibert & McCaffery Ltd. - (UCC1I Charlotte Islands. wouia call the meeting, saying: "You boys aren't running this show." Commlsloners had earlier called the meeting for 5 p.m. Aid. tion of the vicariate. A mission! Rt. Rev. Jampt n nihn ' Anglican Bishop of Caledonia! was held at Lejac. Going to Vancouver with Father Birch is Most PpV Anthnnn T,-.J ,,(.,.... 116 - 117 - 58 in the city on the Coquitlam this afternoon from the south far a visit with her sisters, Mrs. Alex McRae and Mrs. O. A. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Freeman and sons, who have been in the city for the past couple of weeks, left by car today on their return to Seattle. Mr. Freeman had been here on btiKineas tn Casey said he couln't make it Sport Jackets for casual good fools Now is the time to get into a sport jacket. They're casual and easy for getting around ... and save your suits too. Tweeds, Coverts, Checks and Plains. $27.50 to $45.00 FINE PURE WOOL Gabardine Pants Expertly tailored and styled for comfort and good appearance. $14.oo tb $25.oo WATTS & NICKER SON. sailed last nieht on the Prtn- " . ...... - . . . u j MU1UUI, VlLiHI- Kupert for a trip to Ocean Falls apostolic for Prince Rupert, who or on ecclesiastical duties. had met the visiting ecclesiasti unm 7:30 p.m. Meanwhile, Parks Superintendent Norton Youngs told commissioners work on. lockers for baseball equipment at Roosevelt Park was nearly completed. cal administrator at Lejac. Mrs. Bessie Anderson, after a land City Builders Supplies months visit here as the guest connction with the International of Mrs. George Orosvenor sailed E' T APPlewhai(. M. P. for o, by the Prin RiTf; tf,K. Bk- represent the Prince! lasneries Commission. Blue 820 Dr. Bede Harrison. New West $ntique 7ali on her return to her home In 'j1 Chamber of Commerce at 1 Victoria I the annual meeting of the Can- j adian Chamber of Commerce ini Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McRae, I Quebec City October 30 A he ' who have been on a month's w111 be back In Ottawa by that minster radiologist, sailed by the Prince RuDert last niirht. on his U D ft. . , f -I Eoj ai m return south after spendng a few Prince Rupert Chamber of Commence -iU havc 1U opell;n4 fall dinner meeting following the summer vacation usneni:i 'uieum aJJvntjerS uays ai ine rnnce Rupert General ITnital tn ,1 ..l. An Indian cnief's vacation trip to the Xariboo, i lun attending the adjourned Okanagan and Vancouver Island .'se'i5ion of Parliament, Mr. Apple-are expected back In the city at was named by the local tha firef ..f .. . i. , chamber chamber At. at an an 4VAiiitivA executive meet Lincouver (today I J. H. ...... ui, unci . food IWU bowl, OOW1,! wjji,CM i.i VUIllltTULlUIl Willi several hundred years old. Is on ! thp Plar to open a radiology de- AVhthft at U T,.i n ,,, . ra rtmnnf p p 1 1 1;irauari(l. Mrs. ! on August 27. it was decided by the Chamber executive meeting last night. It will be a nre- ing last night to act as delegate. jrs, Miss L. AnKley, J- Hall, uiuuiDia Museum in Prince Ru- Blood donors in the city continue to be canvassed." hoium tn A. Alan, J. BcnerK, Mrs. lude to the annual meeting of the . Associated Boards of Trade r.iihals. J. Patterson, B. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith are leaving by car tomorrow afternoon for a month's vacation trip to Eastern Canada and the United States. Mr. Smith recently house visitors being active. It is said that, wherever it is possible, support of the blood banks keeps favorable. genual ormsn Columbia convention to be held here the week following. (today) Miss 8. Sindspit J, Ooolorup. sold out his Messenger business Pert. It is a gift to F. E. Anfleld, Indian Agent, from the Kitwin-shllq chiefs of Canyon City. The huge stone bowl weighs about 100 pounds and Is nearly perfect in dimensional design. It was presented to Mr. Anfleld when the Canyon City chiefs admitted him Into the Wolf crest. Mr. Anficld's crest hag been painted on the bowl. Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte, who has been visltine In Van,,.,., nere to Edward Dawes and Sid Alexander. Misses Maiy and Polly Astoria -Mnnouncemvnll Women's Coordinating Tea, Sept. 20. Catholic Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 28. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. '' Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No-vernber 7. ' The Women of the Moose Fa'l and elsewhere in the south of the J 3f nY 0 are taking their vacation at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, leaving on the Coquitlam tonight. R. Reid. Well-lcnnum BalAtmnn J here, leaves tonight on the Coquitlam on a business trip to Skidegate, Port Clementa ana Ma&iit. . Bazaar, November 16. province following her return from Ottawa, arrived back on the Coquitlam this afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Mccormick sailed last night for Vancouver enroute back to Edmonton after having been here for the past few weeks while Dr. McCormlck who corner from Charles Camsell Hospital rh Edmonton, was relieving as medical superintendent of Miller Bay Hospital during the absence of Dr. J. D. Galbraith on vacation. A round trip to Ketchikan aboard the steamer Prince Ru C. Gordon O'Brien, of Ottawa. . I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November St. Peters Fall Bazaar, November 29, I manager of the F'ushertes Coun-I wm 'Hospitality and ( cil of Canada, making a tour of ; the fisheries of the Pacific Coast, i arrived in the city on the Coqut-j lam this afternoon from Vancouver, accompanied by Francis Millerd of Vancouver, president : cf the council, and Jack McDonald, secretary of the British Col-j umbia Salmon Canners' Operating Committee. . They are vlsit-lng local fisheries plants durinc ithelr stay and this evening a ; dinner will be tendered Mr. O'-iBrien. The party will return 1 soul h by tomorrow's plane. Good Food That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out . Commodore Cafe hr the perfect CQlhns w I Distilled In Cunadx 1 x3&mgZfc . pert having followed their mar-riase Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cartmell left by car today for Edmonton where they will make their home. The bride was formerly Miss Mary Huddleston R. N., of Miller Bay Hospital nursing staff. 4i(lvrrlisrm-.nt is nut published or displayed hy the Liquor rfcirol Hoard or by Hie Government of British Columbia. ' 2 ft .V . P rAn cCH QUALITyW . V rJ Si "V Craftsmanship In Type... let Us Solre Your Printing Problems ; PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNKR BLOCK ICHwptor ngmmH aAmart af ttht KTlnCT nompany of CnU. Mil tv . 1 m For cooking perfection.... become Commissioned Officers in the Canadian Army Active Force Armour Artillery Infantry jfr . , i N&y - -a v SJJLS f fc-f t-QHilCB-4 Young men recently graduated from High Schoo with a minimum educational standard of Junior Matriculation, may become officers in the Canadian Army Active Force. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service ; You Know PHONE Fer Repairs and Alterations I f If accepted you begin training at Camp Borden as an officer cadet to qualify as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Force, mi will receive Second Lieutenant's pay while in training. Jim training will consist of three courses totalling a period of twemy-eight wecks. When you are granted a commission yu win then serve or periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose unuer the Short Service Commission Plan. At the end of t us service you may apply for a permanent commission. 1 h"i is a chance to serve Canada at a time when defence stands as a iw y V'.i: Jj ' iVyT 5 ' 5,?,,?H Smiths. ElkinsLtd. P.O. Box 274 important national concern. The training and experience MOFFAT 5748 C.P.C. VACATION CARS - - One 1950 Ford FORDOR -"..,," win tie invaluable assets to any young man throughout his whole life. . TO QUALIFY YOU MUST BE: Single Pkysicolly Fit Befwesn 18 and 25 years. of agt A Junior Matriculation Gradual f: - , One 1950 Ford PREFECT "LlY TODAY in rioiTIrV i 4,h Avenue, Vancouver 1 1 Personnel Deoot, 4050 West Your mealj will have that "cook-book" look, and your family will enjoy the extra-delicious taste and goodness of food cooked on this new Moffat Gas Range. This superb Moffat Range gives you automatic clock-controlled oven cooking and many more convenience features for easier cooking and added leisure:" big three-in-one oven . . . large warming compartment . . . automatic lighting of all burners . . . minute minder . . . automatic oven heat control. See this beautiful, fully automatic Moffat gas range in our showrooms today! AAeBAE BROS. Army Recruiting n..- RCSA tCST AA), Wo Point Barrack,, . One 1949 PLYMOUTH A-l shape, ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS ( Prince Rupert, B.C. Trained United Strength is needed to prevent Aggression I