UPROVlNClAl-1 UBTV1 rQr .' r . At V V, 1 ' FROVISCIAL LI33ARY, 1Mk1!!S VICTORIA, E. C. H3 ORMES U1 "2 A? Cp4 Jj BW3GS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rdVVVfrj.S Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Phone v-, AL, Wo. 187 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1S51 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' ' A f I :t? CABS ,.., nisrATCHEO v frac l . . N.-' - . U . ft. -, . ... n n Jfflfo OCT USBSBIDDDd p mum Harvesting Starting Yanks And Tribe Tie Washington Senator Fielder Loose and New York Wins - I fl lady For WINNIPEG Warm weather continued in the three western (invention NEW YORK P Two dropped ' provinces during the past week, fly balls by Oil Coan of Wash-1 Good rains occurred in many Ington let New York Yankees ' districts, including southern move into an exact first place tie j Manitoba where they were most with the idle Cleveland Indians: urgently needed, according to the Halibut Boat Sinks in North The halibut fishing vessel Neptune, operating in Alaskan waters, recently sank In 75 fathoms In Clarence Strait. There was no loss of life and the four survivors were taken to BC Means "Boom Country-North is Playing Big Part B. C. stands for more than British Columbia. Today, it means boom country. So says an article from the Associated Press which is appearing In United States newspapers. Along the far-north coast. - lommumsis jit in Silence-Pyongyang is Attacked by Air ,, l;ilrl IMarils llrlcgatrs , iu (.ft Kcscrvatioii. Thursday In the A m e r i c a n weekly crop report of the depart ion (i,.i"i',i!cs to the an-jnenuun ol the A&soci-.(:(i.s ,.i iiada oi Central toliiiiibi.i. to be held In League race. Juiio Moreno's lird-Jiit effort against the Yanks was ruined by Coan's two errors as New York won the 6-4 game. New York and Cleveland now have identical records: W L Pet. 66 39 .629 m.-nt of agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Crops show further deterioration in southern Saskatchewan and considerable hail damase continued in several districts of Alberta. A few reports of early threshing are noted in southern Mani- KAESONG. The cease-fire talks between the Tt;t.i xi.,: ..j il. , . i Amonff those nn hnarri at time 4 Ri.iRit septemoer a, o where the Coast Range tumbles the rivers steeply Into fjord and sea. on Vancouver T.-ilinH'B tim iduuns auu tne communists nave oeen re being warned w gei of the accident was the owner-master, W. E. Muller, and, ac sumed but, so far, without any sign of a break in f" j berland-clothed slope in the mill i!,ua.s in early . c.mnwualii.n may Oil Slick New Clue cording to his story, the Neptune turn trap and tore a 'the deadlock over the buffer zone Th 9.0th mwtitur struck a bark anrt rhT;r' ' ; toba ut harvesting will not be out. S?leNLkeS niSht lasted for four hours but accomplished were taken off by the u.s. coast ; nothing. Towards the end, the Communists just sat Guard cutter Sweetbrlar. Noth-j- -j . - J iiit.cijur wiieie uie ftocKies tower above the ugly smelters, In the Okanagan where the hot sun Is ripening the fruit, along the banks of the swift Fra-ser, .plunging like a sword through the Cariboo raneeland. in the Yakutat Island Bay Is Being Dragged By Coast Guard The convention com-iijs bun a-s.'Ognod rooms ral local hotels but the c.irils have been slow mi advice of their dele-i;l the committee is now ui-a 1 speed them up. .Lent Convention Chalr- V, Stone reported to in is known as to salvaging. -.i.ni.e. ; The 21st meeting Is about to general for another week or ten days, while in north-ern Saskatchewan and much of Alberta harvesting is still two to three weeks away. Weather was hot and dry in the Okanagan Valley where the movement of apricots has finished. Peaches and pears are beginning to move this weekend NATIONAL LEAGl'E Brooklyn boosted its National League runaway to 12 '2 games by beating New York again 8 to 5 with Clyde King pitching his twelfth win in relief Roy Campanula hit his second quiet, green pastures of the . YAKUTAT-The United States lower Fraser -Valley, men are Coast Ouard Is dragging the bot- d reaming 0f a new empire. torn of a Yakutat Island bay Since the war, it has struck after the flndinu nf ..mall nil 4 u;ne c uih'U meeting oi homer in the seventh Inning to c Kiiiieit Chamber of Split Halibut Season Yield the progress of: v.iuiuuiiufl iuul iney suck. break a 5-5 tie as the Dodgers and get under way. Admiral Turner C Joy, at the opening of last night's session, announced that he had been instructed to resume talks. PYONGYANG ATTACKED There was a vigorous air attack today on the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. Anti-aircraft gun position were trie ob- other crops are moving rapidly. owcpl a mure-game series. Boston snapped the Phillies' five-game winning streak behind eight-hit pitching by Chet Nicholas. Will Not Exceed 4,500,000 Pounds, Commission Says t.,ff w o Z , lnduslrlal , " , , , 11 m:,y tur" "ut to be a clue to TiLlVi B y the missing Canadian Pacific p,mh . r, Air lines Korea airlift DC4, mis- BriUsh Columbia graduates re- and h, wife and daugnlcr on cently, they do not desecrate the board ' lund. ' n n a rangf-mcnta which in lund. ruinam lias been tcnta-i raui-d a.s follows: nber 5 3-8 p m.: regls-7 p m. resolutions corner m-12 a.m. buxl- Ihe vieW nf hsilihnt from . ho 1 iec,'ves- Deciding Soon On More Trains Canadian National Railways have been carefully watching the increasing traffic on the Jasper-Prince Rupert line and within the next week or ten days a decision is sxpected to be made on the matter of increasing the passenger train service. Such Is the answer which the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has received from J. B. McMillan, vice-president in charge of western lines at Winnipeg, who was communicated with in regard to the advisability of Increasing from three to six trains a week In vtther direction two areas one in the south nt ' Aerial reconnalsance indicates "We ask you," he said, to pre iiii. nvie luncheon; 2:30- Heeate StraiUs and the other off slzeable movements enind the the southeastern Alaska coa. Communist lines, more than between Cape Spencei- and) 1400 vehicles being counted. Dixon Entrance during the re-' serve this land to preserve it i;ini;.eis .session; 3 p.m. from the ravenous prodigality Cleared of Red Charge Mterta.nmenl. Smartening up For Princess VICTORIA. Mrs. Clarencs Wallace, wife of the Lieutenant-Governor, is personally directing large scale housecleaning and renovation at Government Hou.se in anticipation of the visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duko of Edinburgh. It will take several weeks. The gardens and lawns are also being specially groomed. Ottawa Girl's Body to South ihe- 7 -2 X, p in. tour to ",r,,afly has gutted a i Ollulo. plant; 6:45 lariC Part oI the American con-r ;li 'iit's (imtiT and Unent, consumed Its forests, , fouled its waters and swept Its ii:e? chairmen have Precioua cargo of lifeslufl, the niiunced as follows: , l0P 8oU- down 10 lne sea." cent "split season" will not ex-cied 4.500.000 pounds, It was intimated yesterday by Njim'in L j Freeman of the International Fisheries Commission. With fifteen American boats' Bulkley Valley Electric Storm Bod of Miss Constance Mc- anon, v H. Unzev. 1 v. was Kfn. 26-vear-old federal no ana lourtcen Canadian still to OTTAWA 0 The Canadian government has exonerated E. H. Norman, its acting chief delegate at the United Nations, of any Communist connection. Investigation into alleeations m and publicity, a. A. "own colony. It was eminent s-mployce at Ottawa less than 50 years since Simon ' .h w f- .u. report their catches, a total of An electric storm which pro- ArZtih I nil rVMmrin tA Knnn riiir.rt Coma nf tha rrxtf cnui. George Mitchell. ra?r made nlf lanUutic , sU,amer Prince 0eonw a. the! counts for n . m, tabular liohim fih. , Special borders of fall flowers Weather concerning Mr. Norman's loyalty ire being arranged i: m,m. Dr. L. M. f'S! Mtn llner steamed towards1 Fryman announced. Of this a." Men in central BC. Is blamed for had been completed before it was name : Kncrlkan Friday morning of 1409,000 had been taken from communication disruptions last reported from Washington today VV vjv , V - i X -1 w . It .1 V " ' ;. J, 'i Ok i. ' $Sit 4,.. ' .'. 'I . ' m ' ; . i li ''( 'V- ;T' t, j ... . V i' H i " lit- , ( k' , t ,., k f i , "II ' s f I. ' . r T 4 4l fr .(ill M if ' ' SvnntKi "" '"" . , .., . ... : last, weeK, was nere aboard the Area za (Hwate StraiUi and night which lasted until 10 a.m. -.vnamment. Mrs. N. 81. there were only 49.- Prlncc RuDrrt w 856 .l:; niht on the rounds fr im Area ar. tocluv The southern coast is having llJa' a -tn,M before the House of REDresentatiVPS .)M persons in B C, 25.000 Of ,av (, Vnnmuvar ru.nea.ure I I Rnul VlMstprn Alokai I Tlnh. tolonrnnV, w .1 j , I lin-Atnprirnn Loggers Climb tt.. 1...J; r in,n ' vvm.ua - ,. . ... v ,.,u tv, .u.v&iauii auu i - l a liV, lliri IUUU:5 QdV Snfl Hi " " y. I " l""efather has com out from Hag-I The Pince Rupert portion r,f dlo network lines were cut offithcueh skies in this nrf. wprs ; committee in Washington nasi ni'.s dinn-r, T M. Chi ia Vi'hH'ii ficuby. "to. scf' i,.ns iill' b: iic Civic Centre. wrr oua, .uu iii me iHAi iu years arsvill . Ontarl o, and will ac- the "split Season" cat-h had 10- more than 12 hours. cloudy this morning the sun was named nlm a member of a 1 fl , ! XWtc th" rema"1S baPk there JmXltr itorWrMUl expected to brkh?ough thfc ! Mnt VWP ulOUll 13111$! G 0 ni ariy j per cent to Its present f,,r Intirmpnt I Dounds from American vessels nirl hia.n H,oUr. in 1939. ,niWUIHUIJiUV 'in' 1940 the ,r, vah.e nf i Thp boriy wa recovered from '' nd 752-000 pounds from Cana- Burns Lake, were received from Some cloud is beginning to de-n.annWetnrino ,a, Mitrlmnii - the wat-r off Cape Caamano the dJb telegraph offices there. velop In the southern interior According to a committee witness, Mr. Norman was named as a man who belonged to a "Com- VANCOUVER. Loggers are climbing a mountain 10 miles north of Tofino after aircraft 'and showers and isolated thun- thi. muni't party student group at i derstorms will develop in searching for the Queen Cteir-: - George p Mill Today It Is around $1,100,000.-'i s"me m"rr-"iB by trao watchmen ooo aItt"r 11 had been sighted by Pete Production in the four basic I Ossnmi, Webber Air Service inditstrles forestry, mining, ag- pilot- and hls, PassPnEer, Cecil rlriiltiirn onH fUhini? thnH Wheat. section of the province during Th. lnfnm tM tv, '""" "oilman, niui- rsNoaSenrstabiished! ssgS tnat Mr. Norman never was at1,.. u ,u the afternoons today and - Saturday. Cold air from the weak Pacific ...u..u.v ....... ,n w,,nvu fan. rnri Macaho "lc u" "Ic '"uuiiiaiiLMue. Chamber Impatient Over Housing; Mass Pressure is Planned disturbance which moved inland life. an lncrea.se last year of some $40,000,000 over the previous year. Forestry topped $400,000,-(Continuvd on Page 2 Surface and aircraft continue search operations but still without trace. ' The water was too rough for a landing so the plane circled to a nearby trap, attracted the attention of the watchmen and signalled them to take out their skiff and follow the plane. The watchmen reovervd the body. The trap patrol boat TIDES - - Hold-up by Mental Case F GEORGE - A $12,000,-'cill is m the offing for ' ' R e. Westminster 11 . manufacturers of "'"'Is .is said to be back' "H'-ct. Timber will be uiiri'T the management! "tern , P will be used by West- ' ':'!cr for its products, j yesterday is giving cloudy skies and a few showers in the central interior and not much change is looked for in this region during the next 48 hours. Forecast North coast region Cloudy and cool today. Variable cloudiness and warmer Saturday. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs Saturday, August 11. 1951 Executive council of the Prince Rupert Chamber Prices Too High For US Tourists Swiftsure came along, was notl- Pacific Standard Time) 9 feet ILedn thrfAndailclitdl(wdJnt0 of Commerce feels that this city is being riven the High 7:39 14 VICTORIA (CP) A 60-year-old ! man tnrmeH Vi (-. -n W I run-around" in the matter of housina- and resolved iV.iO . 1M.U leet the B r . earhori nnlu In her "III UK' ncern obtains Low 1:25 6 2 feet : natamas talon the by !rim Powell River. 13:08 9 1 feet SwifUsure to Ketchikan. at a meeting last night to find out where the trouble lies. It is proposing to the city that a meeting of representatives of interested bodies be called at an early date with a view to "bombarding" the authori- menial VANCOUVER. -American case, tried to orce a bank teller here Thursday to! umts T cu,ttlI1S dw cash a $15,000 check made out toif "" in Canada be-"The King or Kings." jcailse .I hi"h Prlees; Van" The man, armed with an air "uv" Tnf Ac'at" ys. rifle, presented the check . to CT T 7 Priees for teller Marie Beale in the main i .the beJae cr Saturday at Port Hardy, Sand- j spit and Prince Rupert, 52 and 67. ! Sunny today and Saturday, j Warmer. Light winds. Lows to- i night and highs Saturday at' Telegraph Creek, 40 and 75. I r SPECIAL NOTICE - branch of the Royal Bank of j merants Z u . sald b Canada and demanded payment are, in $10 and $1 bills. j m? thelr mark-ups to American When the girl stalled, the man prl("es' fired the gun and a pellet I ' IT'S YOURS ties concerned. j President J. C. Gilker summed i I It up: "Here we have a situa- ition so critical that industries cannot keep the personnel they I need because no proper housing! Is available. Nothing is being ( Fraser River Derby Out . NEW WESTMINSTER The The New WONDERBRITE ! knocked some paint off a sign ! placed a few inches from the j bars of the cage. Prairies Get First Frost EDMONTON. Frost Is hitting A short time after he left the annual Rotary Club Fraser River bank and was arrested. His name the example of the' local syndicate which had taken over the former V. S. Army administration building for conversion into an apartment build-in?. Local citizens who had put up money were now getting it back. Such money might be available for another housing project which Dr. Green brought before the meeting Victoria interests which had a scheme to bund 15 duplex house units here for rental at $50 per month. It was suggested that the sum of $1(W,000 be raised to finance the project. Barrel Derby Is not being held is not disclosed. this year. It has been ruled out ' the prairies. A little frost in this done. Other places have received a-sstsfance and I think we should. I The time has come to take the bull by the horns find out once and for all what is going to be done and when. We should bombard the government from top to bottom. They have let us i down." j W. F. Stone added: "Govern-! ment officials have admitted the 1 need is great. Nothing is being done. Why?" He felt that, the DRY CLEANING METHOD MADE POSSIBLE FOR YOU BY INSTALLATION OF THE ONLY KRASAN Dry Cleaning . PROCESS NORTH OF VANCOUVER iy Attorney-General Gordon! W. D. Chappie and Mr. and area during the night did no Wismer who said he would not i Mrs. Mclnnis were passengers on 1 damage to crops. Medicine Hat allow any illegal undertaking of ; the Princess Louise arriving at : had 37 above and Biggar, Sask- the kind. Frlnce Rupert this morning i atchewan, 34. The meeting wanted to know city had been alive to the situa who was authority for the limit 1 WONDERBRITE qives :- 4t" fv 4 f UL 1, SUPER DRY CLEANING 2, LONGER WEARING 3, SPARKLING COLORS w', 'jr J p- . vl lion and he was wondering what of 12 houses per year in Prince more it, could have done. Rupert under National Hous- Secretary P. H. Llnzey observ- ing. E. T. Applewhaite under-ed that there were dozens of took to try and find out. places in Canada Just as bad As 'or house building projects off as Prince Rupert. What was In Prince Rupert, President J. done here would have to be dohe C. Gilker thought that the plan elsewhere. of building houses here and E. T. Applewhaite. MP, had no there on empty lots around the objection to the strongest of rep- city was wrong. A block, build-resentations being made but '"g scheme, he felt, would be agreed that there were demands more efficacious, from all parts of the country W. F. Stone promised to try which, If met, would run into and get a general meeting on millions of dollars. He did not Hie matter of housing with a think the government knew it- view to bringing mass pressure self what it was going to do. on the authorities. This appear-Dr. L. M. Greene still saw ", according to Mr. Gilker, to STEAM or. WET CLEANING ELIMINATED ONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES T; F avenue anH f FAMi-PQ PRINCE RUPERT be about the only hope of getting anything done. some hope of private enterprise doing something to meet the situation. He pointed to - v. f ' - u ? i. i I . "..-,k-T' r Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. William McComhe, is due in port at 4 o'clock this after noon from Vancouver and way Keep Up with the Jones' PHONE 99 . ,. ,,,-,,, , ,,, i r .Tii iitm; points ana will sali for south Queen Charlotte Island points at 9 p.m. She is due back here Sunday afternoon to sail south NO MARGIN FOR ERROR Pin-point navigation is required as this tank of the Lord Strathconas Horse crosses a dam in Korea on return l:om patrol. The dam is the only roadway to the battle area north of this sector. (CP from National Defence) 1 " ,at 8 p.m. i