- kQYAL FAMILY friiiCe Kupcii Duily i ,c, Friday, Augusr 10, 1651 of their London residence, Clarence House, with their two children, Prince Cahrles and Princess Anne. princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh t00k time out from preparations for their Canadian tour to oose informally for Canadian ' photographers a couple of days ago in the garden Buttle Lake Dam Condemned By Sportsmen, Beauty Lovers COURTENAY. Fish and Game Club spokesmen headed a parade of petitioners opposing appli PVW f Salt Lake Ferry Leaves Cow Bay Float , THURSDAY j 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. 1 SUNDAY j Continuous from f 10:30 a.m. Weather permitting cation oi untisn Columbia Fower Commission for water rights on Buttle Lake in public hearings at Courtenay Thursday. ! Roderick HaiK-Brown. well- P"e the trees to wind action i x . ' . , , which they are not iocu.stomed 10 withstand and if they have not taken the necessary precau- I t'ons to protect themselves they ' will be liable to blow over." j The forester also admitted many trees at the water edge nad been there "since the days ' o Christopher Columbus." j Under auestionlne. he describ .1 3 - , t ' , f if 1 V Carson Favors Tulsequah Road Conference of Interested Parties To Be Held In Victoria . j JUNEAU A meeting is to be! htld in Victoria when the sub-1 ject to be discussed will be the ! proposed Tulsequah road up thuj Taku River. This will take place 1 ' soon and be called by Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public works for British Columbia. This is the word brought by Ralph Browne, formerly of Prince Rupeit and now assistant manager of th-.j Alaska Development Board at Juneau. In Victoria recently, he conferred with the minister, and stated that Mr. Carson was setting September 10 ; as a tentative date for jetting together officials of Bi itish Co- lumbia, Alaska, the Canadian government and the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. for j ui-scussiuii of construction. ' lV.i. Cat son is reported to have, declared himself as in favor of ti. road and could see no great obstacle in the way. It would, for example, provide the musing link between Tulsequah and tlin. ; if any part of the work would cause damage the applicant would have to fhow that he had taken necessary precautions. known angler, writer, magistrate and broadcaster, wax first wit- nesg to apeak "under oath." He followed G. B. Capes, Courtenay Fish and Game Club. i ' Speaking for affiliated fish and game clubs, the naturalist e 1 a i m e d recreational values could never be maintained "un- less we have pleasant surround- i ings and get our people interest- ed in their enjoyment not j simply in killing fish." j He claimed development of j Strathcona Park would extend . the tuuiiot Muun ou Vancouver I Island from May to the end of , i October, at least. "May Is nor- maily a drier month than June i in Buttle Lake," he said. , j Presenting the sportsmen's I Pka that other waters be used for power, Mr. Haig-Brown said: ; ,"If, as has by no means been proved to be the case, this al-, not build an efficient dam there ternative site calls for more in Buttle Lake. I would say that ccitly dam construction, it is the there is a very good chance of con-'iderecf opinion of this affili- turning up a first class damsite -ation that the additional cost jt Cainpucll Kiver " u to Set6 " the project 1 He sald the 'ibmy of find-1 tump 11 i.. 1 A V f 7 I.) ROYAL PARENTS WATCH THEIR CHILDREN AT PLAY 4 "V i. --4 'ijifS . ' "if. . i Canadians Aid i Italian Babies i j I TORONTO tfi In Ortona, Ital-i lan babies can receive metiioa 1 attention at a clinic built and equipped with Canadian money, In cvuy village In Curintliia, Austria, children are bearing Canadian cl.thiiig, und in Leb- lanon and Syria. Canadian sup- phes are the main support of child welfare clinics, Ail this is the work of the Canadian Save the Children fund. At a recent meeting the na-j tion a! execuiivc of the fund ao- ;,, u.iU .,lu.wuu,i it loud, clothing, sh-ics, blan t .::o Ui.uy powuer ior ns-eoy iutiuren in jtaiv. Greece, Ans-: tria. Svria and Leuan in Th shipment will Jtiilnrh- $3 000 worth of boys' tiousers and 110 000 worth of slvioi . M:s. R. T Tanner, executive if' Cietary, wlv; has )ust retuVned 1 rem a v.sit to other Save the Children funds in Europe and than the value of the assets UbeVerv .note" very re Asked dammed. These as- , moulhs were formed ne replk.a: tiFA&rj - of ince and it .was the clear lnten- j " K, tion of the Legislative Assembly 1 Dr- T Dullna8e sal(1 tlle proposed that they should be held for the dam at ButUe would not 'public enjoyment iiot for a llkely hold water because of un- ffeneratlon or a century but in 40Und porous foundation, perpetuity. Everything that has' Comptroller of Water Rights happened in the 30 years since E, H. Tredcroft explained the that decision was made confirms type of dam proposed the Am- Ils wisdom." i burson is one with an appar- Mr. Haig-Brown further be- 'cntly thin sloping concrete wall NEXT TIME YOU ENTERTAIN SERVE . . . Corottjition. CANADIAN WHISKY JOHN H. BULGER o, fonufti.it John Bulger Ltd. ' Third Avenue RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC ItANCES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 9'2 C;KOK(j DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone ;r-en 810 . IJai , J a. v bit' . ""fi . j ,t'l ; i. . L i I, You and your quests will enjoy the ditin live, dilfer-rnt flavour of Coronation . . . a line Canadian Whisky of mellow smoothness! GOODtRHAM I WORTS LTD. Established 1132 . Ciaifa't OUest Distillery fp JJ,Vfc,,. If i - - - 81 An f " " " ' -i V. V 5-V tr.v 4j r-i ! tpHkf i I j I j i , l 1 i i I i 1 i ! HOUSE : SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Hie 82-foot freight vessel, Dag-ney, arrived this morning from Ketchikan with a cargo of Panned salmon for rail shipment eastward. Capt. Dave Murdie is skipper of the 133-ton American vessel. I Most of the immense ware house here, built by the Uniti5d States Army on the waterfront during the war and subseqjently sold, has now been taken down, although there are still largo quantities of material left on the site. The work began last spring and is the biggest demolition job ever wen here. CPR steamer Princess Louise docked here at 11 o'clock this morning for Vancouver on her regular scheduled summer cruise to Skagway and return. She had 235 passengers. Tour parties included Kepner Tours, Baltimore, Maryland, with 14 tourists, and Goodwyn Tours, Sun Francisco, with a list of 22. The vessel sailed at 1 p.m. RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes AM. MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh the Mirlrile Fast. v. that tW" ltaviIiB uPlBmiy ed an operation known as ! wedge-cutting" to protect a stream, road or lake from blow-j down- But he admitted that "edge-cuttlng has never been ' PractIccd Ut Bi itisa Columbia ,nat 1 know of " j Dr. Dolmage, consulting geol- ogist, created a scurrying lor maps and graphs as he proposed I an entirely "new" damsite. DOVBTUX OF BAM I Said the geologist: "There is a strone Dos.sibilit thv .rmiiH supported by heavy concrete uuiuesses usually used where 'foundations are not any too reliable.'' Seepage may be waUn- j fc" then. j G. Norrls asked if Dr. Dolma ;e : 'would advise the testing of the suitability of this damsite be-! tore any desecration of a val-1 uame recreational area." an I ! the geologist faid he ciefin.tely would advise testing . ? nd day of the HUiel LaKe hearings wound uu w.tli' assurances liom the water. comptroller that, belore any ii-i cence is Issued, the applicant; win nave to Hie p.an.s. lie .u..l SUE I S FOR . H'Jists, All -Etcjl Dump Dodl;s wincncs all sizes. Heavy a.ia Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Tuke-Offs. All Certified Op.-rators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225- 1st E. Phone Green 884 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan 1947 Hudson Sedan 1947 Austin 8 h.p. Sedan 1950 Austin Countryman KEEP IT RIGHT Inside and Out. DRIVE UP AT Superior Auto Service MMITFD Studebaker and Austin Dealers Third Ave. at Park. Green 217 IN THE GARDEN AT CLARENCE ' v1' 1 f'" This advertisement rs not puollshea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the'C.overnment of British Columbia. Specicii on on Cli ynuui heved a great wrong economic as well as aesthetic and spiritual would be done the province if j this application is granted. He recommended the application be rejected, completely and finally.! Answering T. G. Norris, coun- j sel for the B. C. Natural Re-' sources League, the noted writer explained the beaches are ai- most infinity. There are almost 40 miles of shoreline and the ZLft i.r. L. . . X. ,r . j. lng number 0I beaches." And v,0 ri.rihrt u ,,, ti. . Uiem, Uiem, told told how fishermen de lighted to camp on the mud. Al ERSE EFEECT 1 "II is "bvious that flooding of aI1 beaches and cteen mouths' and the rather limited areas of flat ground would adversely af-j feet it I the recreational areal. It would be necessary to clear S still worse by extensive blow- downs that would inevitably follow. The total would create a grave fire hazard to the whole timbered watershed both during; and after the clearing." I E. G. Oldham, forester In charge of parks and recreation; division. Department of Lands! and Forests, called as a techni-! cal expert, admitted under1 cross-examination by G. Norris, KC. that extensive "blow-down", might be expected if trees were' leoiovea irom me water edae. i 'He explained: "You would ex-I I Paint A Welcome On Your Porch When folks come to your house they we your porch first. If you want the best In hard drying, glossy, weather resisting paint you'll u;e . ... D-H PORCH FLOOR PAINT Stand long hard traffic SH3 vPORCH WE'RE READY TO SERVE YOU WELL McBrlde St. Phone 311 r chatactr of ovor,e. work is imangjiiiC. buch lunds are concentrating mure on helping to irais:? the standard of child wcl-ilaie and to give sunport t ) pro-ijcetr if last ng value in the countries being helped. In Oreec Ihf govenim?nt has i lacked the British Save the Child- lien fund to open and sup.'rvi.se : lam.ng colicgp for nursery i school tiaclvrs. In Italy the jSave the Children funa has Deen . asked to taki charge of a pre-! vt.-i.uui lum near nome ana in aa-" dition is hoping to build a child well are clinic. Mrs. Tannrr says the aim of the funds is to help the people of needy countries to help themselves. LONGER MILE The nautical mile for measuring distance at sea is 6080 feet, compared with the land mile of 5280 feet. EASES BREATHING... ' V.f -V J 1 tc? RELIEF FROM HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Inhale tha toothing herbal aporj of Kellogg'i Asthma Relief Breathing becomes more free and natural. Brings effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fever ufferert. Over 60 yearj in use. Available in cigarette form, if de-aired Apk your nearest dealer, NORTHROP A LYMAN CO. ITD., TORONTO lit. 1854 5K-I L 1 32 66"Piece Dinner Sets $10.50' AND UP - Piece Breakfast Sets $7.95 AND UP . . tWWFm 1 pB" President Fred Scadden presented Mr. Blackaby with a suitably engraved silver serving tray. Appropriate remarks were made by Mr. Scadden, expressing the regret at Mr. Blackaby's dte ALL ENGLISH CHINA NORTHERN B.C.'s LARGEST STOCK OF CHINA GORDON & ANDERSON Third Avenue 'hi m if. ' .r'.'." MOTORISTS . 1 ...i -. iLmii k Sta.. jL. ARMS FULL OF ROYALTY Come in today and see the stunning new PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In the BELVEDERE you may enjoy the breeziness-of a Convertible or the snug comfort of a Coupe. THE PLYMOUTH BELVEDEDE IS THE SMARTEST HARD TOP ON THE ROAD Do you know that the depreciation on Chrysler-built ' cars is less than most other makes? Current Used Car prices prove this to be so. CHKYSLER-Bl'ILT CARS ON DISPLAY AT Rupert Motors Limited rY Honors ving Member f,raiis, at yesterday's lun- nnoreu esteemed mem- S. Blackaby, local! parture and best wishes for the r "I tlio Dl . 1 r t'hr. I "iv m lVlon- I "iui . oeing transfi-rroH I' n,', a Vancouver behalf of the club, Mr. Blackaby replied briefly, speaking in particular npprecia-j tion of Rotary associations. i c . j Comer of Second Ave & 1st St. Phone 866 and 566 1