; REACTIONS- the port of Prince Rupert Bus fares should have should gain greatly throucil here but the council found Prince Rupert Daily News of retaining t.h being so closely adjacent to the greatest single industry in Thursday, January 4, 1951 Ray Reflects and Reminisces cutting the Hue ' from A.I 1,179 yads. M Aluminium Benefits Seen the country, f7 As ir ee n Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Announcements on Kitimaat Project Received With Enthusiasm Here Unanimous optimism seems to be the reaction in " earner, per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, The News mentioned Mukden, the other evening. The name ap peared in a press despatch and said it was from there that a Russian genera; was supposed to be directing the Communist advance in Korea. Mukden U in Manchuria. A lew years after ths turn of the century, Mukden was $8.00; By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year, $5.00. Published every afternoon except Sundav bv Prince Rupert to recent, announcements from v ictoria that contracts in connection with an aluminum plant at Kitimaat had been signed between the pro- Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. By ELMORE PH1LPOTT OUR NEW BOSS U.S. A. very much on the l.oiu pages of vincial government and the Aluminum Co. of Canada. the world's press. Japan Wis;,, . , . , v,,l... I f ifrh t in w T?iis;in thu P'nr If ruu- some statements oy prominent men appear uciuw. M4VOU O. W. ItrPDEKHAM: If- lumber from the interior. Kitimaat goes ahead, it will make a big stir in the north country. It is bound to help u.s in Prince Rupert. Terrace will benefit most if a rail line goe.s through to Kitimaat. When the 1 1 e e t of boats starts hauling bauxite ore the operators will hunt for cargoes They may load it either here or at Kitimaat. It is bound to help in any case. Some of the construction men are bound to come heie during their time off. Motor traffic will be increased. It will help everyone. I,. M. I M.SENTHAI., President, Prince Rupert Chamber uf i:.mmen-e: Prince Rupert will be the feeding point for .supplies, both in and out. It is the beginning of this THERE IS a fine mat! it. Automobiles were just begin-in Denmark named Peter nJng tot be. kwn-. Radl0- planes, atom bombs, poison gai, Maaniche, who Used to witeless had nut been ducomul. altnauKn Marconi was bu:,y. run run a -a wnruWfnl wonueijui institn- msutu- u is seldom hiitary ijs tion Called the Interna- erally reneuteu, yet the sltu.i- tional Folk High School. " I once travelled with Peter I through rural Ontario where he Around Mukden, Port Arthu. was telling of me wonderful jHamliuug, Pyuuiiysum. Kwuu-ouerative syUem in Denmark' lung mid Seoul sound the tramp and huw It grew up from the .m-1 of armies. The eastern sea culled folk hitih seh.'joU. I swarm with ships. It's war again at just comes back to me hot j an it was fifty years go. a? I wriie these lines that hei said the folks schools themselves ! Half a century bak is niuc.n were started by a wonderful of a lifetime but the Yanks er i.i... T.,t,.v,i.ii U,nh muai-ui in Asia even then, if not earlier Mow s tne lime to lake Stock of Your Investments . 1950's stoik market prices are history. But what may be ahead in 1951 is i rrutter requiring cartful analysis. Prophecy is dan. gcrous. That is why the present is (tht U-si tunc 10 "ukc stock" of your invCiu;.,, ami coiriiier prospects for the year1, .ahuj. A cartful analysis of your holdings1 nule now will place you in a position to esi imaie wild increased confidence what the future holds in store for them. . 1950 Output Ct Minerals , VICTORiA According to government, statistics, the estimated values for the major Items c,f mineral production for the cal tleet at r.run,,B wQ wu-uma whi.-h nt The guns ol Ueweys If you will semi us confidentially a list of your holdings, our Research department will analyse it, forwarj an up-to-date commeri. tary upon each security, and make suj;gcs tions that seem advisable in the light of, 1951 prospects. No obligation is implied' him to mental hospital time after country and the big break we need in addition to Columbia Cellulose Company to get the ball rolling. ISI UNAKI) AI I.KN, (j e n e r a I Manager, I'aiiailiaii Nationil Hallways in B.C.u-The establishment of the plant, in Kitimaat cannot help but have a big ettc-t here, ihe ramification wtil go lar, all over tne area, it is the oiggest tin..,; Manila served as an introduct o.i to the Far East. IJu'-'k In Washington, as they weiglied the future, there were some who spoke against US. inclusion in a policy touching affairs in the involved by asking fof (his analysis. James Richarpson&Sons WTAJh-ISHCO 1M7 time, the grand old malum Inspired and organized a movement which changed the society of Uir whole nation and benefitted the whole earth) . Mr. Maaniuhe's school specialized in the study of different national characteristics. I have heard him convulse farm audiences with laughter in comparing, for Instance, a typical Englishman, Scot, Irishman, Frenchman and German. Pacific Coast Offkesi VICTORIA VANCOUVER Millions today, who fullow the latest of all struggles were noi born when the teas and shorts of China were as bloody an1 tumultous as they are at this moment. Port Arthur fell, and the nations applauded "the gallant little brown men." That's what thev called the Jauanese. Fo British Columbia has hud shite I came here. It Will bring about a situation that will create a flow of traffic through Prince Rupert as well us o.her ports. S-:onil-ary effects will be great, including a ready market for agricultural products from the interior. ('. A. BKKNIJl, Superintendent, ' HI oOo IT IS NOT TRUE that there Aluminum Nearer CONSTITUTING what will be the largest single V industrial unit for British Columbia, the Aluminum. Co. of Canada's plant projected for Kitimaat, down the coast from Prince Rupert, with the big power development project at Kemano River in the interior behind it, is an undertaking of vital interest to this province. It is an important event, that an agreement should have been reached between the provincial government and the company for the furtherance of the undertaking. It all points up to the recognition of the growing importance of this part of the country from the standpoint of industrial development, particularly the water-power possibility which is the factor that brings A.lcan to the site that r.ow appears pretty, definitely to have been chosen. : - Conceivably, tho aluminum development at Kitimaat may mean the setting up of a port rivalling Prince Rupert as a centre of importance on the north coast because it will result in the establishment of a large and self-sufficient community. Nevertheless, we havr. always held the view that what is good for one part of British Columbia from a development standpoint is good for all, so, even if Kitimaat does become a sort of a rival port to Prince Rupert, it cannot help but be beneficial to us even if in an indirect way. Present indications are that, if any community in the immediate hereabouts benefits more than any other from the new aluminum plant at Kitimaat, it may be Terrace which is so convenient from the point of view of a railway junction point. Thereby Kitimaat will be brought close by rail connection to Prince Rupert as well as by water and air transport, and there will be a large amount of new traffic for the railway terminating at Prince Rupert. Ships carrying raw materials into Kitimaat to be used in the manufacture of the aluminum will involve a desire to develop return cargoes. Since Kitimaat can never have a harbor of the excellence and natural advantages of Prince Rupert, this near-by port may well find itself being used as a result of the Kitimaat development. The great new Kitimaat plant with its huge payroll and resultant population should provide a great market for new agricultural development in the central interior. - All British Columbia will welcome the big new aluminum plant providing and persistent fears have been expressed along this . line that there is no serious damage to existing industries or interests as a result thereof. And, in that connection, we have been repeatedly assured that there is due protection. $6 to $H.50 Men's and Young Mcn'i Dress Trousers, from.. endar year in British Columbia total $i37,5O0,QOO compared with $133,012 908 in 1949. Per variety: (with 1949 figures in brackets) Gold, -placer, $!"00,00u ($529,-5241 Gold, lode, $10,600,000 (10- 38X2561 Silver, $6,900,000 ($5,01!) 7G9I Copper, $10,200,000 ($10,956,- 5501 Lead, $38 000 000 (41.B45.T!0i Zinc. A45 000.000 ($36 604.700) Coal. $10.500 000 i12,46- " Structural Materials, $10,600.-000 .$9 955.890) Miscellaneous metals minerals and materials, $5,200,000 ($4 806.-1291 Total. $137.500 000 ($133 012-9G8 1 . Averaw metal nrices used in the estimate with 1049 prices in brackets, are as follows: Gold, fine oz , 38 04 36): Silver, fine oz.. 80.82c (74 25c), Copper lb.. 23 42c (19.97c); Lead, lb., 14 45c (15.80c) ; Zinc, lb., 15.65c (13.24c). the question of peace. But 't didn't begin to have the thorny complications, the endless debates and colcssal costs ih" problem has as 1951 dawns. Looking back it seems to have bepn almost simple. Canadian National KailAav, It will mean new money coming into the cuuii.ry. This part of the province-Terrace ami Prince Rupert in particular are bound to benefit. It is another mark in the era of new development. We Men's Top Coors Quality English S4O.50 Cloth V $3.50 $4.25 Boys' Ail-Wool Wind-brcakerk. from f. u ! i- is something in the blood of en- lnat matter one could not. fin-' tire nations which makes them praise for Russia. That cjuntry. think differently. At least if aR a final gesture, sent a strong there is some such inheritance, fleet half way abound the glob'.-the scientists have not yet been to see about det-royini; the enable to find it, or how it works, my. In the Sea of Japan, Ad-But the scientists have found mn al Togo hoisted no signals to that if vou nut a new born Rus- the effect that Japan expected sian boy in an English home he ivcryone to do his duty but will grow up to eat, drink, think here's betting he di:' some thin and in every way act like anv as effective. The foemen's fleet other Englishman. So all around rU to the bottom and Togo b"-the circle came Japan's Nelson without dy- , He did that years later. I am one of those folks who, believes that every human per-1 Most of us who managed to sonality Is unique, and thai, every survive the days of what's beln, tiny babe has a spirit within it written about, can remember which is the product of all It hatl 'hat as a war, it was reckoned experienced before It came to be a pretty hefty one. Vancouver re-born in a baby body but I ""d Victoria repeaters went to Tokio and even further. A few haven't got time or space to ex- looks at Por. Kood square pand that here and now. , Arthur. In the main, they p.11 ,.r u 4. v, ARE T,r We do know that there hlrned in wortn wnile stories. For $5.95 Comforters Double Bed, Satin covered, from have everything to gum ami nu.hing to lose. I think we are mighty fortunate. (i R. S. P.I.At KAIIY Hank Manager, Past President, Chamber of Commerce: The aluminum industry at Kitimaat cannot but benefit Prince Rupert through contributing to the general prosperity of British Columbia and this area. Obviously there will be a railway SHOP AND SAVE AT and a road from Kitimaat to Under the chairmanship of very cieimue national pauei.i-, rn thine, a little eo-'iDeration of thought and acti.in. For lr- here antj there was never know-i the junction point at Terrace. They will be feeders to the Canadian National Railways and the Skeena River Highway. The central interior and Baby Goods i Theodore Roosevelt, American president, representatives met in a little Nw England town ant talked things over. And that's how the show ended. stance, any society which needs t0 f0 amiss n trpnsitrpr is well ndvised t," With Russia vanquished, aroso Dress Patterns 5HOEFINDINGS - WINTER DRESS Cards, Stationery and Kitchenware " ' " ' ot Reddy Kilowatt Says: ETJTI pick one whose name begins with Mac. French men and worn'-" make good cooks because th" iust can't tolerate bad food. With the Englishman, form counts for more than it does with mo'-.i. folks. The most powerful law in that amazinc land is the unwritten law "it isn't done." ; oOo UNI ESS WE ALL WANT to ret , atomized to kingdom come we lesser fry had better get busy and study our new bosses. Uncle Sam and Uncle Joe, or to be more specific, the Americans and the Russians. As Disraeli said, "We must educate our new masters." If vou study the wavs of th Americans, since earliest days, you see that there is a distinct and unique pattern which rum through their national actions and national attitudes. As a very shrewd Canadian "110 KITCHEN SHOULD V)JAvt BE WITHOUT THESE AIDS!" 4 i BUI'BtnER USED (AR SCRIPTURE PASSAGR FOR TOOAf "Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed." James 5:16. ' LONDON (CP) Two thieves in 'siDDINGTON, England (CP) Euston station have a new tech- When a dog chased a goase in-nique, a smash-and-grab raid to a drainpipe in this Glouees-with no smash. They run into tershire town, it saved the 6 Week-end Special Attention Truckers '47 1 OKI) BUSINESS COl'PE, '48 CIIKVROLKT PICK I P One owner! 10,000 miles New motor. Top shape. the victim's shop crying "A boy goose's life. The goose ventured has broken a window" and while from her hide-out a week later, the storekeeper is investigating too thin to grace the Christmas they loot the till. . dinner table. 4!) PLYMOUTH, fully "quip- '41 I OKI) SKDAN DI-I.IVKRV ped, A-l condition - Lots of miles reft An Electric Kttle The fastest way of boil-ing water! Just plug it in enough boiling water for four cups or tea or coffee in lxx minutes. . It's fast because the element is riht in the water alt the heal goes into the water do current wasted. Can't overheat turns itself off automatically if it should boil dry ... A "must" when there's sickness in the house . . . and handy any time. $2015 $450 Liberal M P. once said to me. the Americans are the most untidy of all peoples in their techniques of government. They are also Impulsiveapt to go trigger-happy on the spur of the moment (such as when they went to war with Spain over the sinking of the U.S.S. "Maine" without waiting to find out that, in cold fact, the Spaniards had had nothing to do with that accident). The Englishman would almost Mm die rather than make a scene over a referee's unpopular decision in a cricket match; the American is schooled to believe that razzin? the umpire is PART of the game. Above all, however, the Am ericans are eiiecuva. In details of big actions, they are about as messy as a thunder tug herd of buffalo. But like that herd, most of them Bet lo whers ff $ v Seagrams fJ Kings Plate ff the herd decides it has to go. . : - If : iJ ivl a y Ufa be health ter, wealthlerund wiser for us all In the New Year Is the hearty wish of " ,r jLi i mM" (dMkuxmtiitiii ,95' Conference Opens Today LONDON. The British Commonwealth prime ministers' conference commenced at No. 10 An Electric Toaster Toast, made right on the dining table or in the kitchen, just to every-body's taste lightly done, golden brown, crisp and piping hot. Saves time . . . prevents waste for you, only make just enough, A handsome piece to grace your tali I e, too ! Toasts both sides at once. An Electric Iron Drop in ar.J feet this electric inin. "Why," you'll say, 'it's so light!" Ys, only three pounds . . . and, because of its big sole-plate, you can cut your ironing time by as much as a third. Finger-tip Fabric Dial "tunes in" correct temperature for every fabric. V.lectrical appliances the most accept ahit presents for weddings, anniversaries or iust becausel Downing Street here today. There are some observers whoj on Wednesday were saying the ; Commonwealth might ask Ca:i- ada to send troops to the Middle East in the possible event of war. They say Canada has never sent! troops to the Middle East in! strength before. This is one of! the defence questions expected' to be brouglit up. I WALLACE PHARMACY 0T Seagram's ' Sure tel This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control board or by the Government of British Columbi.