SAYS POTATO BEST KENTVTLLE, N.S. The oiJ Unit ,.; ' Pota said by adding a cream or butter to food combinatlor Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 4, 1951 Depiores Increase Irish diet of salt and potatoes Sport Shots . . . o..., Wit' provide e cry eler.,. . Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood were not oaa, saia . c. Wu.., lrlbuting to , , l -"""' l of the Ontario Agriculture De-, -Jl,! e''w In Juvenile Crime HALIFAX W After 25 vears as Want Ads, Sure Result n-n.V, Vn n .M,15W Bv1e nil W own The Percent ln a s"pppn hwe Jll The first game of the new crier at the Halifax countv court. National Hockey Association was style is that she nearly always bids. This is a very J dangerous practice but has a few good points along ( , I James Granville savs one of the J-lavea 81 Mumreai i years ago. jas the best In the world, ,M found h,g cnanges in the" court in rP Canadlens defeated the Cobait nll,i Kiluap Ci hit 1 Tho M A 'Not So Jolly" frtiio-V. . -C. m.-jio mc KuinB icoi.jr .uubii. I cent, years has been the nerens- "J y, .".- , i , Pi I C A" all-England team failed to!, n'umber of youn people enlarged -shortly after that by wlth the bad. KveryOiK KnOWS JV11S8 Ul'asn Will uve:- BritlSh jDOrt!ffwyortrtort TtA S& call on practically nothing. But sometimes she has , , f i and the fiasco . was made de com: com.j j "Every avery year year the me boys Doys appear- appear- was was not not fomed f0rmed until untu 1917. 1917. lotvnnnr Vmnrl T-fpv iiavlnor never knows for sure, but - --- -- .-m..s r , l,l-,n, rl.. Yiav nnnnnPiHG I plete by a loss to the United 'ng seem to become younger and stntes . they are charged with mora Her 1 Tex Rickard who lifted the ,,c''," . "u ' ' " At Low Ebb West dealer. 1 The soccer situation got worse, ions crimes, says the crier, win; fight game from the "ham aivi The press had pointed out that is retiring at me age 01 bo. vulnerable. ! Niiilll ( Mlsh IIiHSh) ts- k j 5 4 a I n - 7 6 D 1(1 9 7 4 I despite the Brazilian flop, a na- j Mr. Granville's solution to the tlonal professional team from increase in juvenile delinquency England or Scotland had never ajms at the hme. failed to beat a European team UJ beeve more MipmW(m lU Many Reverses During Last Year Always Hopeful By BEN PHLEGAR eggs" cla into the ranks of bi ; bu iness, Hied at Miami Bcn -h 22 years ago. Rickard stu'ted lii; sports promoting career In l;lil;i at Goldficlrls, Nov., and nm.nii! other chamuiens he manuged Jack Dcinpsey and Gene Tunney. C A B Krt-t oti. ( iiioin'1""' sa H K 9 3a 1 Q J c k ij 10 a 4 carefully reviewed for him twi':e with, apparently, a minimum of enlightenment. Finally lie achieved the brilliant idea that maybe Mr. Champion's bidding was psychic and the opponents were laying some sort of a trap for him. With a cagey, knowing look that said, "thought you had me, didn't you?" he pa-s-sed. So three spades became the contract and as you see Miss Brash made it with ease, losing only two hearts, a diamond ana a club The East-West cards pre cold for either five hearts or five diamonds. Don't feel too sorry for Mr. Muzi'y. Better players than he are sometimes talked out of contracts that are ice-cold. But if U)NDON AP,--Briti,h sports- " mn u,e w""u "B, home is needed," he says. -Too men look forward U better "u'"' 'many of these young boys are mh-rs in 19M -forward beta", 1 Before the year ended this allowed t0 run the sUu aild about the only direction they record had been broken. . I lhrn they end un ln the prhon-can Yugoslavia held England to a tan look iuur uiiri after m.i, ,.u year I 1 followed ers d Austrla 1 Things got so bad in 1950 that hl, ,.imm,MD. mi-scotland 1 The crier says another thins: (Mr. Mimy) K-10 U H A Q K 4 I) A K 5 3 2 f'-J 7 Joe Lcuis Is Winner he's noticed in recent years is even Britons goL tired of beius j leam ,n Glasgow i0. cheerful losers. Th niiprn nnntiniied virtu- the large increase in the number The country's sportswriters 1 any unbroken through other f criminal cases, Siilllll (Mr. )illl) s A y h 7 a H J 10 0 8 C 0 8 3 2 The bidding: Went Nrt ii Kuvl ID IS 2 C Pass Pass 3 D Scores Technical Knockout In Fourth Round Over l'reililie Beshore went so far as to suggest that Sp0rts. I the traditional cries of "Jolly (;olF AND TENNIS also produced the colts that won well done" be saved until some- Pnnk Kirnnnhan of the Unit- the Derby and the St. Leger. Smith a h 3 S DETROIT. Joe Louis, former. eri States won the British ama- rreeoooier. irora me wiong am Pass Pass Pans world's heavyweight champion, teur golf championship. Bobby of the Irish border ta the Br,t- C When Miss Brash overcalled you try the tacticsAised by M, body did "jolly well. The difficulties started early and they're not "cr yet. In January, Freddie Mais lost Dale beware. Have reason- Locke of South Africa won tne ,.., u,,u when he slaDDed Freddie Beshore ' with one spade on today's hanoi-"'- - a " 'Uar And an neVJL.iPP safe Place t t0 run- olner nvlt.ish nnennnd the Vicomtesse National steeplechase. nnrtner Mr Dale, susnected atJ'y France American colt William Wood- 01 i i" urg, r L . .t C.,. Vwhw Cn Vc Inr n, A the hiH mmpf l ltp V Hut. hll rt. w"'-' -rw..- De Saint Sauveur of lllWII III LUC 1UU1 Lil IUUIIU ui V ........v. .J .j . . - . . I fVinir topfi tUtixr mnu hPU.' V.lll ward's Prince Simon was ac- ..I..- t-i..i I,r ciinh fina cnada Eimimrr. II r tv-w v.., y x... j his world light-heavyweight tilt to the United Slates' Joey Max lm Briton4 fought for four mor won the British women's tournament. The British women's Cur- claimed the horse of the year. tr.i-iuu.mei. o. me J' T "P into small bits. afford to .et m, ,, i-j! i, ., u, had his nose broken and his left decided he could altora to get "That takes care of Aunt Hattie, Cousin Tillie, Aunt Muthild; and, oh, yes now o get something for you!" world crowns during the year. Us Cup team was Deaien oy - were America, owned and one e bat"y cut before tne referoe a little fancy ln an eff0rt t0 r?heT!woSrcoTl t In the fourth, keep the enemy off balance , round on a Ivice of ringside doc- So Mr. Dale bid two nearts is American bred. 1 tors like he nad it. As he had They ended up owning none. united (States. For the first time England lost in tennis the British Davia a cricket series on home soil to Cup team lost in the first round Effective Living New School Class ine one major excepuo.i m .. figured, this was too much bid the West Indies, three matches of the European zone. The wom- to oe. en's Wightman Cup team was the X f?r Mr' ,fhen all the United States and tne excellent untisn snowing ai , i four players are bidding, Mr. The leading racehorse owner, Deaten oeaten bv by lninK on,! rin "RritUh nrv HHtnn onl at fir AC the last me uuropean tracK ana neiu - - --'-"- .. " '' Muzzy is likely to forget who I VICTORIA (CPi A class in tatc .r Prpnr-hmenlhe 1R at. wimhledon widelv re- championships at Brussels in , " ,, . . ",'lbid what. Unable to find any "effective living" has been start- I It was at 2 minutes 4 48 seconds , u' A k .h n.....,u r-,.i.....i J 41V r K first foreign grand slam since -jaroed as the world champion- August. Henry 11 opened the first Eng- ships or tennLs. The British team won eight track in 1174. Besides furnishing the leading events to six for the vaunted British soccer, long regarded men In British racing, France Russians. vf. PP hmeH r?hUd that ,in? PaMed- 1 partment of Education, Mr chaml,lon made Sudsing desiraoie family and anotherl ba tie to save the bloodied ore!m furtner pu."fl'ment -'ionships the Exnerts were vi. t uallv imam- ",ouUs ft.nd. ?l thu Po!nt. Ml' 1, course al, ineludes material for- in mous in the belief that t,,, ' Mu.zy asKea lor a review 01 the merly handled handled separately separately DKioing. Me was torn ne coma guidance, -health and alcohol review only when it was his turn ; education programs, to bid. Mr. Dale promply made,. For pupils in el-udes K,.Ven to it Muzzy's turn with a bid of nine the aims are to Hm,pt three spades. duties and responsibilities as .showed remarkable improvement in disposing of Beshore in su.-ii workmanlike fashion. Beshore, ten years younger than Louis and nearly 19 pounds lighter at 191V2 pounds, was nearly cut to pieces by the Brown Bomber, By this time there was a look ,.,n .. :..: .... ! -"';'r"" " family living muw.jr a uux. aiic uiuumg WU.t 1 Teachers are enllui.siai.stic over ! the possibilities of the course. Olive Herridge, a school vice-principal, said: "We don't want students to feel that their family is 'wrong' or that they are not getting a square deal at home. classified Advertising la payable ln advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per ord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth N itices 50c. Card of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Ladies' league Bowls Schedule Danes To Probe Pacific Depths We want them to have an oppor- REAL ESTATE FUNERAL NOTICE FOR SALE HI-POWERED Sporting Rifles Jan. 9 Rockettes vs Big Sisters; Black Cats vs Mansons; Wallace Pharmacy vs Shentons; FOUR-ROOM home in good condition; concrete foundations; fnnprt- Innl chpH' npw electric vs Gingersnaps; stove; 'moderately priced. Also Skeena Groc Battlers vs B C.G.E.A.: Savoys vs two revenue homes and other listings. See Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.). l8c' LISTINGS WANTED MURPHY In the city Monday. January 1. 1951. Jeremiah Joseph age 63 years, of Miller Bav. Mass will be sune bv Rev. Father O. P. Mohan at Church of the Annunciation at 9 a.m. Frldav. January 5. Interment to follow at Fairview Cemetery where pravers will be said bv Rev Father F. J. Rayner. Friends kindlv assemble for orave-- n 8 o'clock this evening at Gren-ville Court, Chapel. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) . "Hey, als this ruv'r Rood!" LONDON (CP) A party of tunity to look at themselves and distinguished Danish scientists, see what they can do to make with a selected crew, has set sail things better." on a two-year cruise of modern j While some pupils do not take discovery. Their goal is an un-,a part in the general open dir,-known world the hitherto un- j cussions, one teacher said, "At explored regions of the ocean least, they're hearing about ex-depths. periences of others and can see Organizer of the expedition Is that others-liave ttreir problem., Haakon Mielche, Danish author, t00-" who conceived the idea of the otner toPics touched In the trip while his country was under course include family budgeting, German occupation during the home planning, vocational plan-last war. He succeeded in Inter-, nln8 and course selection, use of csting some of Denmark's lead- eisure. Including after schoo.l ine scientists, includine Prof. jbs- SELLING voir home? List with Commercial; Brownwoods vs C.B of C; Stars vs Luckv Strikes; Wrathalls vs Rosa Lee: Annettes vs McMeekins: Toilers vs G. & A.; Lvons vs Belmont. Jan. 1G Stars vs G & A; Lyons vs C.B. of C: Brownwoods vs McMeekins; Toilers vs Rosa Lee: Belmont vs Luckv Strikes; Annettes s Wrathalls: Black Cat.s vs B.C.G.E.A.; Savoys vs Big Sis an experienced realtor, roi prompt inspection see Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves.). ( 14c 1 .303 Brlttsh Entields. Also bsa. From $33.95 up. Excellent values. Send name with address for free folders illustrated, with prices and detailed soeci-fications. No obligation. Dealers enquiries invited. TARGET SALES COMPANY. 154 Mac-Laren St., Ottawa, Ontario. . (T.F.S-H) CLEARANCE SALE .303 Rifles Hi-Powered Long Range En-fields Model P14 with built-in 6 shot magazine, only $19.95. SMLE Model (Mark) III with 10 shot detachable magazine. $24.95 Blade foresights. Adjustable rearsights. Ranges to 1600 yards. 26 inch barrels. F u 1 1 v guaranteed. Box 48 rounds ammunition with rifle order $2.95 Prompt shinmeni COD. HUNTERS SUPPLY COMPANY 193 Sparks St.. Ottawa. Ontario. (T.F.S-Hl Business and Profession HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Retail sales ters; Rockettes vs Gingersnaps: Battlers vs Mansons: Comm"- Niels Bohr, the atomic specialist! SLATTA In the ritv Tuesdav January 3. 1951 Knut. age 64 vears, beloved husband of Mis. Julie Slatta. 1901 7th Avenue East. Rev. E. Soi'and will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel at 2 D.m. Frid.iv Janu-nrv 5. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. UU oTn v. Wall Pharm Tskecita Anton Bruun, of Copen- ... . hagen s zoological museum. uroc. vs ibiienions. clerks permanent woik. ni)-ply Box 858 for interview giving lull particulars as to experience, etc. tu WANTED Truck driver for local deliveries, one capable of helping in store. Apply to Box 3. News Office. (7pi In the naval frigate "Gala- Jan. 23 Savovs vs Wallace thea," the Danes stopped off at Til . DnlrnMn. nr- CliontnnD' V a British port just long enougn SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTA James Block 608 3rd Ave Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Boj A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. P. GARDNER, C.A. A. L. BELL, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 JANUARY 4, 1910 Miss Ruth -Nelson, who has been spending the Ch istmas and New Year season ln Victoria, returned on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. IN MEMOR1AM meicial vs B.C.G.E.A.: B:g Sis- "".. ters vs Gineersnaos: Black Cas anu sclal equip mem; ior meir In fond and loving memory of our denrlv beloved and only son FOR SALE 1948 Hvdramatic Pontiac sedan. Under seat heaters, clock, radio and cigarette lighter. Good mechanical condition. Phone Green 977 after 5. P FOR SALE I have good turnips fur snip nhout three tons. Pte David J Edlund died of BOYS WANTED A good opportunity for voting lads with bicycles delivering; Daily News routes. Phone 748 or call at the Daily News office and leave your name, age and phone number. (tfi .wounds near Ravena. Ilalv. Jan . uarv 4. 1945. "Love's Greatest, gift Remembrance." vs Mansons; Lyons vs Lucky ueep-sea expiorauons. Strikes: Brownwoods vs Wrath- Then they headed in the gen-all's: Annettes vs Toilers: Bi'l- cral direction of the Pacific monts vs O o A; McMeeKlns vs Ocean, where they will concen-C.B. of C; Stars vs Rosa Lee. trate their operations in the un-Jan.-30 Brownwoods vs Toil- probed depths east of the Phillp-ers; Belmont vs Rosa Lee: Luckv pines. The ocean bed in parts cf Strikes vs G. & A.; Wrathalls vs these regions is reported to lie What do vou offer me for RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDIT Lieut. A. S. Bonnallie and some 51 Irish Fusiliers, who have bee'i spending Christmas leave in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Mom, Dad. sisters and famr them? J, A. Johnson. Cedar-vale. B.C. (tP BOY WANTED Dailv Ne'- HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all lta branches ' 204 4th Street Phone 655 iu (ltd FOR SALE Besner 81ork'; ,Fhonf3f route in west end of city available for reliable bov. Apply Oll'ice. (tfi P.O. Box 130 PERSONAL NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES C.b of C; Annettes vs Stars; as deep as 33,000 feet. Lyons vs McMeekins; Big Sisters ; -re party hopes to return with vs Shentons; Commercial vs a fund of valuable scientific in-Mansons; Wallace Pharm. vs B.C. formaUon and specimens of BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS Line-belt Sneeder Shovels: Cranes- Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. BUY YOUR New Year cakes and cookies at the Rupert Bakery Ltd Home-baked French The opening of the year 1941 sees the run of herring ln seining quantities around Prince Rupert still failing to materialize. PLUMBING and HEATING Blac! Too Road Maintenance Eauioment: Owen Clamshell G.E.A.; uingersnaph ys 5.". Vnarine life never previously seen bread, fresh daily. Phone 643 (M2l Buy the Best Buy Wor Famous ELECTROLUX SKeena uroc. v . i by the human eye. Rockettes vs Battlers. , , . ..,,,,-. . , Hue sets and Rock Granules: T Ij Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Feb. 6 Savoys VS B.C.G.E.A.', Tn Hs.slst them In their Investl- Sheet metal woi'K. lar a"u gravel roofing. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons: (tf) lODERN Painting and Decorating Suence and Matuik. Phone Black 215 evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-ner batteries and radiators. Phone 543 call 629 6th W , City. (tf QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave Cleaner and Air Purlfif Bucket oaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal PuniDs; Na Skeena Groc. vs Commercial; gations the scientists included in Gingersnaps "vs Shentons; Rock: tne,r carg0 a ,arge assortment JANUARY 4, 1925 With unemployment ln the city among family men high. euesVSCiacKaLS, nf snpetnllv-rlevised Instrnmenta tional Dragline Scraners ana Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 24c per ouart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for dailv delivery service. (M-291 LOST macy vs Mansons; Big Sisters vs &nd Am thMe Js Aid. Casey announced last night nettes ?LhyZZZ?-&Z vs Belmont; McMeekins Pab.y the world's longest : f P ia- V Small supply now on hat R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer PHONE 451 Contact above for all SERVICE & SUPPLI Rotary Screens and Conveyors " ,"-': """ 6'"- v"-"-'"'" ' "ffihin(r ne a ripp! hmsw 'nil intormation from Na- innal Mnehinprv Cn Limited ried men in city jobs. BEER BOTTLES collected. 20c per dozen. Phone 678. (7pt vs Wrathalls: Brownwoods vs Slars; Lucky Strikes vs Rosa Lee; C.B. of C. vs Toilers. ancouvsr. B.U ' 46,000 feet in length. The 'ine will be used to lower LOST Strayed or stolen, on Dec. 24. from Telegraph Point-Brown Irish retriever. Anyone having information as to whereabouts phone Black 877. (4pi WT. ' The largest single Darcel of - .. FOR RENT SINGER sewing machines for rent, hv the week or month. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest ln Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 888 WANTED Phone 864. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 639 3rd Ave. West. WANTED TOP MARKET MARGARET McLECl FOR SALE Mew chesterfield beds: beds comnlete: un minted chest of drawers; sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters: hardware; coffee tables end tables: bedroom suites; ' brand new carpets. Axminster. sizes 2' x 4V: scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture Black 324. tn FOR SALE 1950 Studebaker sedan Northern Eoiiipinent, Air Condition onlv iust broken in. Your chance lor a new car at a verv real .saving Superior Anto Service Lid. Phone Ureen 217. 3cl OPTOMETRIST Room 10 into tne netner aentns a nnn- : raw furs to be sent from this dU-magnetic bronze sphere, design- . ict t0 the United States this ed to measure the earth's mag- year was shipped by the B.C. netism. Fur Company yesterday via Can- The scientists are anxious toladian National Express. The find out if the earth's magne- shipment was valued at over t.ism is increasing or diminishing. $5,000. They believe the deep-water test , will provide the answer. ' Mrs. John Watson, who has The sphere, specially construe- been visiting here for the past ted to withstand terrific pressure, few w with her daughter, is equipped to carry the delicate , Ml's- William McLeod, is sailing instruments which will record by tne Prlnce George tonight on whatever scientific data exists ner return to Vancouver. PRICES PAID lor scrap iron, si eel, brass copper, lead, etc. Honest Blading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. H. C. Phone Pacific 6357. , (tf) i op 1 FOR RENT Room and board for wiirkin men in privaie home. Phone Red 140 or call 1333 Glh Ave. Ea-st. (6pi FOR RENT Furnished ' house-keepiin' room Quiet business girls. Phone Blue 638 after G D.m. 4pi STONE B U I L Pi"1 WANTED Housekeeping room Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCK Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. or small suite ior learner. Preferably vicinity Booth High: School. Phone School Board office. Red 442. (4p) i ROOMS for rent. Phone Red 232. (7pl PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 1 miles below the ocean's surface. fcL . ; , WANTED TO RENT Bv young ROOM FOR RENT-221 5lh East. (5cl FOR SALE 1950 Meteor custom sedan in showroom condition, low mileage. 405 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 305. - (6p) It also contains underwater cameras to film coral reefs and the I ' weird life believed to abound in the inky depths below 13,000 feet, i 41 U-DRIVE. Phone 41. 711 Grenville Court. Fraser St. (HM FOR SALE Coal and wood! FOR RENT Larre sleeping room close in. Black 232. 4p) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Dr. Brunn said there was no point in speculating on what the expedition might discover. He married couple with no children, two or three room apartment in town. Apply Box 2, Daily News. (ltp WANTED Room or room and br irri Widow with family preferred. Good pay. Box 4. Daiiy News. (5pl WANTED Junior stenographer bv Northern B. C. Power Co Apply Room 15. Besner Block un MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. heater. Wartime house front room style. Phone Blue 165. Ua FOR SALE Firewood kindling. ; - 1 m a a t ACCOUNTANTS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 5()c per sack Get vour winter j PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Transfer. Red 9H2. ' (7p I Stone' Building Red 593 Building and Repairs of 0 kinds recalled, however, that 12 years ago a strange specimen of fish had been caught off the east coast of Africa. Its nearest relation, he said, had only been known as fossils about 80,000.000 years ago. "It is only reasonable." he FOR SALE Enterprise oil range. unoPH-CHIMNt1! 654 REPAIRS pot burner witn mower. 141 J WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef OIL BURNERS PWrtNES ficient service George Cook WANTED Furnished house or anartment at the earliest. Phone 410. (3c) FURNISHED or unfurnished Twine onarters with bathroom. Red 852. (7p) First Overlook. (308p) ' TOR SALE 1949 ,-ton Fargo. What oilers? Phone Red 232. (7p) i SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran SSc pm iotm pi4 lt Mptii PImm kw Ami i4f lk 4riv uXtt. 1 added, "to expect that we will teed. tn m Ret1 81 n,,. u -.J.1..1..J j i net some strange creature dnr. This uaveiLisu.ei.t ia noi, puuiushml k. u.m. CU l,4ik. Qm.,Z ' ing a two-year job of specially , hVL!l"" J1"0.1 P.O. Box 187" FOR SA1J5 One used furnace, OIL BURNER SPECIALIST as is, $15. Thorn Sheet Metai i Stove service and repairs. G. Ltd. tltc) I V. Ronson, Black 503. (tf) -Furnished (5p) WANTED TO RENT-house. Blue 756. 1 gHMili Colibl. I British Columbia. oe. fishing for them."