THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 4H. FP. PULLEN, Manacine Eprror. {SUBSCRI PTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELgPHONE 98 | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. = DAILY EDITION. usGigger Friday, Sept. 12. 1919. Boat Repair and Building Industries. The increase of the fishing fleet at this point has led to a i great deal of activity among those who do business with the fishermen. Not only are there improved facilities for doing} electrical work and an increase in the number of firms doing but the boat repair firms and machinists are also increasing in number and in the efficiency of their plant. All that is a dock and float where the fishermen can feel secure. by the business along that line, needed now This has been promised | Dominion Gov- ernment and doubtless will be put in next year. It is that there will be a vote for the purpose at the next session of the House. Yesterday was made of a which is to be erected at Shawatlans Passage for the new government dock. It is to be are considered too small for the drydock with the ways will be a fully equipped shop and all facilities for handling fishing boats. Those who have is understood announcement new marine ways alongside the site used for handling such boats as In connectior around the waterfront have new that are being built at this port. Some of them are fine craft. The boat building in- dustry is just in its infancy. There should be many smal! vessels built here especially for the fishing industry. The more boats making Prince Rupert their home port the better for the city This is the jogical centre’and it will not be very long before there is a local fleet as large as the total fleet of the north today. Strike Leaders Treated Like Other Offenders. lt is for a court of justice to decide whether or not the strike leaders who were arrested at Winnipeg are guilty of an offence under the law. They refused bail, a course of action which under present conditions does not seem to have been wise. It will be satisfactory to know that the judges have decided that they can be allowed equal treatment with others and have the opportunity to obtain their liberty. beeu noticed the large number of must boats were Harsh or sup- pressive action usually defeats its own purpose. SEESEEEESEEEEEEEES EE EEBESSEEEEEE GEESE SES< 2 | POOR TIRED FATHER Children, hush! for father’s resting; he is sitting, tired and sore, with his feet upon the table and his hat upon the floor. He wearied and exhausted by the labors of the day; he has talked about the tariff since the dawn was cold and gray; he has lost eight games of checkers, for his luck today was mean, and that luck was stil] against him when he bucked the slot machine; so his nerves are under tension. and his brow is dark with care, ane the burdens laid upon him seem too great for him to be Stop the clock, for it annoys him; throttle that canary bias take the baby to the cellar, where its howling won't be heard: you must speak in Whispers, children, for your father’s tired and sore. and he seems to think the ceiling is some kind of cuspidor. Oh, he's broken down and beaten by the long and busy day; he's been sitting in the feedstore on a bale of prairie hay, telling how the hungry grafters have the country by the throat. how the tariff on dried apples rob« the poor man of his coat, how this nasty polar rumpus might be settled once for all_-and his feet are on the table, and his back’s against the Wall; let him find his home a quiet and a heart-con- soling nest, for the fathers worn and weary, rest—WALT MASON. , is WReReeeee eRe and his spirit SLES EEE EEE EEE EEE Taek Ride in Comfort 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your Service Day or Night STAND ***Asmcrsee.. ROYAL HOTEL DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency Dr. Bayne ‘OFFICE HOURS.— Morning, 9 to 12; Alternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only, Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance. Phone 109 for appointment LMLLUUULLLLILLLLUL ALANNA THE DAILY NEWS a] Andrew | Carnegie | One of the world’s richest men was the son of a poor Scotch weaver. He early learned the advantages of economy. At the age of 10 he eaved a few eshillings— i enough to buy a box of oranges— which he quickly peddiled at a profit of 100 per cent. While yet a young man, he managed through thrift to accumulate $500, which he invested. His first divi- dend inspired the remark- able achievements of later years. But the seed of his proe- perity was sown when he began his first savings. We invite your na account. 3 UNION BANK OF CANADA The Pioneer Bank of Western Canada RINCE ne BRANCH se en —_——_ LAND REGISTRY ACT i234 Sections 36 snd Re Application No 1,044-1 File 6,198 E thal application bas bees made | register Jim fostulu Prince Rupert, B. C., as Owner iM fee Under a Tar Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, Dearing date tix day of December, 1918, of ALI ANI SinUULLAR that certain perce! or waci of land and premises situate, lying and being im the City of Prince Kupert, mort par ticulariy known and described 8 Lut Seven (7), Block twenty-fve (25 Section Seven (7), (Map 923 You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the ser vice of this notice (which may be effected by Publication ip « daily neyspaper). and your altentic m is called to section 36 cf the nd Registry Act” with amendments. and to the ‘following extract therefrom: — and in default of 4 caveat or cer- tifcate of lis pemdens being filed be fore the registration 6s owner of the person entitied under such ‘tax sale, ali persons so served with notice, and those claiming through or under them, and all —_ «lain - ng any interest in the land by virtue f any wuregistered oy and all persons claiming any interest in the land Dy descent whose title is hot registered under the provisions [ tuts Act, shali be for ever es topped and debarred from setting up any claim w or im respect of the and so sold for taxes, and the hegis trar shall register the person ep titled under such tax sale a8 owner f the land so sold for taxes. AND WHEREAS «application has been mace for a Certificate of ladefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name — Jim Pestelu, AND WHEREAS on tithe it appears that prior to the 10th day of October, 1917 (the date on which the said lands were solid for overdue taxes), you were the assessed owner thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time i shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue 4 Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said investigating the lands in the name of Jim Postolu uniess ‘you take and prosecute the proper pr ceedings to estaDlish your claim, if any, © the said lands, or tw prevent such pro posed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry (Office, Prince hupert, B.C., this 19th day of August, A.D... 1919 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Kobert J. Abbott, Esq., Prince Rupert, B. Cc. DYRING & DEVELOPMENT ACT DRAINAGE Notice is bereby given that li is pro posed w forts 4 development district under the nate of the Horse Shoe Dramege District, to ipeclude the following Jands, that is to say:—The fifty-five and one tenia o5.1 acres of Let nine bundreo and ¢jgity-three 983), Group one i), ywhed by Chas. FP. A. Green; Lots twenty five (25) Ww thirty-five (356 Hegistered Map numbered aine thundred and sialy-seven 967) im Let No. three bundred and sixty-two (362), said Group Lots twenty-six (26) to twenty-eighi 420 imciusive of hegisiered Map bumbered une thousend and ainety-seven (1997) in Lo No. nime hundred and seventy-njne (979 said Group; the forty 40) acres in Lot mine bundred and seventy-nine (979, said Group, lying east of Lot twenty-eight (25 {f Kegistered Map numbered one thousand and ninety-seven (1097), said Group; Lots gine 9, w sixteen (16 inclusive of Registered Map numbered naine hundred ana sjxty-five (965) im Lot No. eight hundred and thirty-seven (837), said Group; Lot (A) of Registered Map num- bere nine hundred and sixty-six ¥6o im Lot No. three bundred and sixty-one 361), said Group; Lots ome (1) to zevcn 7) imeclusive and Lots thirteen i3 wo twenty (20) imclusive of Registered Map Gumbered nine hundred and sixty-sjx (966) in Lot No. three hundred and sixty- ome (361), said Group; Lots four (4) and five (5) imelusive and Lots nine (9 to fourteen (14) inclusive of Registered Map muimbered eleven hundred and five im Lot eight hundred and thirty-eighi (838), said Group, aii in Range tive «5 Coast Djstrict, containing approximately G@ve hundred and thirty (530) acres, and to present to the Lieutenant-Governor im Council @ petition pursuant to the Drainage Dyking & Development Act for the appoint ment of J. Kk. Gordon, George Little and 6. 4. Taft as Commissioners to acquir« execute, maintain and operate § drainage and dyking works for the reclaiming and improving of the said lands. A copy of the said petition can be in inclusive of eoree at the office of Geo. Little ai errace, B. C,, and objections thereto may be Sled at the office of the Comptr: of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Dated at Terrace, B. C., the 28th day of August, 1919 4. K. GORDON, GEO. LITTLE, 6. H. TAFT, Above named LAND ACT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT.-DISTRICT COAST, BANGE 4, TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smaby, Ocean Pails, B. C., oceupation logger, tends to apply for permission to following deseribed lands:— Commencing at a poss planted at the west end of a small bay on the south shore of Swindle Island, and directly north of Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence north 40 chains to point of commencement, and containing 160 acres more or MARK SMABY of in ease the MAIL SOHEDULE . eeeeeeeeerenerree* For the East. ° Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. idays at 9:30 a.m. From the Kast. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- idays at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: Saturdays ....++«+++4+s 2 p. m. Sundays .....+-++e+e+5 i0 p. m. Tuesdays .... «+«ee+:s .. 5 Pi Thursdays ......+.++. 40 p.@. From Vancouver Sundays .....- eeseees 10 p. m. Wednesdays ......++ 10:30 a.m. PIGAYS .- ce neeeestereee B > aturdays ..... es ot Oe & m.| For Anyox: Sundays ...... Beboces .10 p.m, Vednesdays ...... 10 p. m Saturdays ......s6se++. 10 p.m.) From Anyox: Tuesdays ...... Soesseces p. m. “‘Duredays o «+ ..02 + secse HM, DURGGGE sos ccc dees decse p- m. Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, MMORGS os ccc ccc cctacs 10 p. m. from Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. Puesday® .ciccescoscosees p. m. For Port Simpson ‘and Naas River points: Pridags «éacar es aess Gs 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and Naas . River Points: oe p. m. Queen Charlotte Isiands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Isiand poiats: Wednesdays ...... ston Se Gm ?rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: Thursdays ......ccceeess p. m. “or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: ‘ortnightly. From Skidegate. Qheen Charlotte City and Lower Island points— Portnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays. From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdiys. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p.m From—Saturdays ...... p. m. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of «a fresh Certificate of Title for all minerais, preciows amd base (save eal and petroleum) under Lots ninetcen 19), “Engimeer No. 1,” twenty (20), Northern Partnership No. 2,” nine hun- jred and eighteen (918), “Northern Part sership No. 1,” one bundred and six (1 Northern Partnership No. 3,” two hun dred end nine (209), “Northern Partner- ship No. 4 Fractional,” nine bundred and sventy-two (972), “Nerthern Partnersiip » &; hibe hundred and sixty-seven 967), “The Mickey nine hundred and sixty-eight (968), iene Plato,” and nine bundred and seventy 970), “The Dai 3 Mineral Claims,” ali in Group One i} Cassiar District. Notice is hereby given that it is my intention to issue after the expiration of me month from the first publication hereof, a fresh certificate of title to tne above mentioned claims in the name of James Alexander, which certificate wf tithe is dated 3rd July, 1918, and is numbered 778-R. H. F. MACLEOD District Registrar of Tyee Land ate try Office, Prince wn” c., his 22nd day of July, 191 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT, RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA, and situate in the vicinity of District Lot 7%2 m Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte isiands TAKE NOTICE t the Wallace Pisher- ies, Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum bla, Occupation canning company, intends to apply for permission to lease the fv lowing described Commencing st 4 post planted at the southwest corner of the northwest quar- ter of Lot 792, Queen Charlotte Islands District, thence West 86 chains; thence vorth 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains more or less to the high water mark of Massett Inlet, thence southeasterly and following the ogid high water mark 3 chains more or s to the point of com hencement and conteining twenty 20 acres more or less. THE WALLACE FISHERIES, LIMITED Per Fred. Nash, B.C. L.S., Agent Mated 3rd day of June, 1919 MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look ul, Mystery, Midas Lake Frac., Pass Frac onal Mineral Clauns, situate in the Port- and Canal Mining Division of Cassiar Dis trict, Where located On the East Salmo fiver Valley. rr TAKE NOTICE that I, A. H Grom, act ‘eg a8 agent for L. Watkins, F No 16349-C; C. D. Carter, P.M. C. No. 9.588 c; A. M. Martin, F.M.C. No. 9,587-: i i, Petter, PF. ». Cc. No, 9,597-C; — i Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,508-C; Martin Welch, F. M. C. No. 9,599-C, intend, sixty jays from the date hereof, to ! Mining Recorder for a Cortifeste of = provements, for the purpose of obtainusx« t Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action der section 85, must be commenced be fore the issuance of such Certificate of lia- provements. Dated this 25th day of Jul 4. D. 1919 A. H. GREEN MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ‘ . . NOTICE. ron Bug, Blue J Joho Bull, ! Bull No. 1, John Bull’ No. 3, and’ son Lummon Fraction Mineral Clams, situate ‘m the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar OMWhete _ located: re joc ate rox! two mites up Falls Creek, Gee by Bey? - TAKE NOTICE that Il, H. N. Clague of the city of Dunean, B. &., acti for the Granby Consolidated Mining see" Mining, Smelt iog and Power Company, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C, ‘inte nd, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of linprovements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action. un ter section 85, must be commenced before Date, July 24th, 1919. ol the tssuance ‘of such certificate of iim eee. Sra fed this Sra day of July. AD 9 H. N. CLAGUE, BCLs " family, to H. ST. G. I These Mone y bank in |} $5 and under | Over $5, not « ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEAR” A Joint Bank Account A Joint Bank Accounts / enables man and wife, or Z two members of the same : Account in common, and make deposits and with- {— drawals individually. EE, Manager, - n Canada (Yukon cities of the United States and are negotiable a Prince Rupert Branch - - have a Savings | —w y THE ROYAL BANK OF CANA RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS As a safe and economical method of remitti: to $50. Orders are payable without charg excepted), in Newfounc Great Britain and Ireland Scents Over $10, not exce: ling $10, 6 cents Over $34, not exce: in xcee . We. Cameron. Mant Prince Rupert Branch Oe ie, DA — ager —x WEDNESDAY Massett, Port THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. Southern Queen Chariotte isiand Ponts, Passenger Monday, Prince George Pdadmonton Chty Ticket — SAILING and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. &. &. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT © STEWART every We dnesday at 2 p.m Clements and Buctiey Bay, Aves: f* Septe mb TRAIN SERVICE W*dnesday «and Saturday a) {' 38 « and Winnies. making direct all points east and south AGENCY ALL Por information and reservations apply Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phont S.S. PRINCE RUPERT S.$. PRINCE GEORGE SWANSON BAY, OCEAN STEAWSHIP LINES —, OCEAN FALLS, 260 ee, oT ao For Seplember September ars 3rd Avenue and 4th Street CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steame and the 6. 6. PRINCESS ALICE 8 PRINCESS MARY Vancouver. Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert 9, 19, 26; Uectober 6, 17, 27. &. 15, 223; October 2, 13, 23 CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Por retes, rerervations and sailings, ap; W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agert. bn For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Proce Rupert Prince Rupert, B.C. —, Booo tdward Lipsett, President Edward Cunningham, Vice-Presid: Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. LIMITED FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARDWAFE Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Harry Lipsett 7 Manager PHONES 1 Phone 37 SPRUCE “THE. SAVOY HC Registered (Office: Prince Kut vo 68 Water Street, Teleph No. 99 Vancouver, B. ©. ; P.O. 1 1695 o —e bn einling cocereneneennn a Georgetown Lumber Co. p. 0. Box 163 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. © FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR Consult Us. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Home Cooking 1 TZ BOWNESS. Maneser Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupe’, B.C. and Cold Running Hot CEDAR 1704 P.O. Box