ner Shee . THE DAILY NEWS ; Suse 6 A White of Kdmonton who was Visiting in the city at that time. | He is one of Alberta's chief rugby FOR CALUIES er Local boxing fans are now tak- 4 [NV THE LEAGUE ing great interest in the ap proaching matches to be staged ‘ for the Dempsey-Carpentier fight Many are of the opinion that Scotchmen Beat Trail by Score of i ; ; Carpentier is too cles a fighte Bartlett Pears, Plums and +" 2 “2 Fast and lose - De alia esi ky eer’ i F | ean wonder who seems to have Italian Prunes 24 aes | i neat wi th ; 1| | | Your Last Chance to get EACHES AT $1.75 tl Order this week for Preserving Bake wih ROBIN HOOD FLOUR And win a Prize at the Prince Rupert Exhibition Competition Open to Non-Professionals Only FIRST PRIZE $10.00, SECOND PRIZE $5.00, THIRD PRIZE $2.60. Hach exhibitor must present with entry, grocer’s sales slip for one 49-lb. sack Robin Hood Flour, purchased within thirty days of the opening of the Exhibi- tion. eeorrr For Further Information, Apply Secretary, Exhibition Association. the inborn instinet for landing a tock is very limited on the above fruiis it vast evening's football gamelounch and guarding himself al same time, As for a mateh As ee between the St. Andrew's Society |the | be better to book your order ahead. ‘Then and the oa ‘. ie ap with Beckett, it is thought that THEO COLLART, Notary Public a score of 2 to 0 in favor o 1e the first orders will be filled first. «t iL would be wholesale slaughter bt | Scots. The game was fastien, 7 : FOR SALE Pan for the English pugilist to he set room house and one room cabin, in block 25, On Sale Special - Mclnte Mcintosh Red Anpies | throughout and was one of the jagainst the American winner. section 5, 7th Avene ¥ West, $1,800.00. Cash, $800.00. iiclosest exhibitions of football Lot 7, Block 16, Seciion 5, io ‘ $800.00, half cash. i] a j|since the league commenced, The Lot 59, Block 4, Section 7 ss $200.00, half cash. } ERS, : | } rrail boys only flelded ten men but these played a brilliant game L e pray and particularly noticeable was tores a 44, 45 and 534 P’ ithe good work of their backs, mo seldom did the Callie for “on Jwo ~ + Ny - y\ “= ™ a Or - me defence work of Harry Menzie and| Notice is hereby given that on SPECI AL deena * | defen ae irry Menzie an latid'atter the 15th day of Septem. Phone 586 f 5 Phone 586 MARINE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTAT« Phone Red 69 Westhoime Theatre Block P. O. Box 1 Wooe one eee o an = ae —_ [| The game started off with the a all fishing for salmon Best Fresh GROUND COFFEE a per lb gillenets, purse and drag WA — : azers kicking down the slope. : : Bein ce Rupert Viusic Store at sien ' ay I seines is prohibited in the follow- IMPERIAL TEA, First Quality - = 55c. per Ib vy wind in their pre- ' ed Wat OPPOSITE POST OFFICE lvented the Callies players from|'™® Geseribed waters :- sees wr? 1 r » be aw uD e| All those waters in and adja- ’ WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor leaue” he nook tidecame wi aoe hes to the Islands and Mainland LINZEY S GROCERY ilwent across the half line, as the |Of the Coast of British Columbia lhall seemed to rise in the air and| ying south of the north end of jthen stop just at the feet of the|Porcher Island and extending ‘Everytuing in Music.” PED LATES? POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS Lent N\ AND VICTOR RECORDS 4 Lhd Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Ete. Bows rehaired. cap TB Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted [rail boys who were off at onee|S8outh to a straight line "drawn Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth wane in THE WORE With the Store. lhalf- backs of the thistle defend-|end of Aristabel Island, Se ers, was in the first half that} This order does not include t the National Grocery Co. aie Jack Clapperton made such |Skeena River, Arthur Passage, good showing, for many times |Telegraph Pass, and Queen Char- VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY laid he save the ball from passing |lotte Islands. Tt t Stock of .Pianos and Organs : ‘ i) : Swe Bay tl » Teac’ Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection and kept pounding away at the|frem Swanson Bay to the north North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano lthrough. There was no scose be- JOHN 'T. GC; WILLIAMS, Motor Delivery Prompt Attention Thomas Organs fore the whistle blew for fest. Inspector of Fisheries. A rrade Guaranteed Instruments The second half was character- ; ee ” eal ’ jized by the same gusto amongst ° W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. iéeblies boys. ‘Ther ware Ga -Expert Piano Tuning and Tepairing, jing hard and the Callie forwards E. m VAUGHAN Players a Specialty iseemed to be unable to do much jin spite of the repeated advances Prince Rupert Music Store [}7.\) ors re ae $ abuse Atlin, B.C os ‘scored. A short time after Bill Atlin Assessment District 7 | Murray got another goal on a peiaily and then the game began i HEKEBY GIVE NUTICE Tiai on Titursday, the ninth (¥) day of Ociober, i9i9, at the hour of ten (10) a.m ai ‘ oP * kiek the Court Room, Provincial Government Building, Atlin, B. C., 1 will sell at public auction the lands on the list hereinafte to settie and many erratic ICKS et out, of the persons in said list hereinafter set out, for delinquent taxes unpaid by said persons on the 31st day of } ~“l away thet » The last few December, 1918, and for interest, costs, and expenses, including the costs for advertising said sale, if the total amount jsped away the time. ie la ® ® due for the period ending December 31st, 1917, is not sooner paid iminutes were rather dead and The Collector will be pleased to receive any information respecting the topuwine nee _wheve + oeer is a membre : » wees 4 . € 0 ‘ ‘nefits o Sectio , as Atmmendmen c Q e ar inl ar ec ric 0. jalive but the Callies still pressed| Of the Allied Forces and entitled to the benefits of Section 29 of the “Taxation ¥ : Ito make the score a little surer. LIST OF PROPERTIES. LIMITED | J. Day Bell was referee last|—-~ yen Hectric En ngineers aud Contractors pevening and closely followed the NAMES UF PERSONS ASSESSED SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY [ ail interest ee Toul eZ ' : : xes, Mac! play throughout. rugwell, Th Lot 242, Grp. 1, 147 acres $06 00 , $1400 | $375 | S74 15 | ttric Range is g shines : . 4 ugwell, Os it 242, G , 18 sve, at 37: : line Of Eteotria Ranges, Wa a eee rhe line up for the Callies was]; US\cu' Thos. || Lot 243, Grp. 1, 151 acres ... “| rr ‘3 +. 7a Te. m Gleaner ‘ lates, Grills, Lrons, - Che r . eKa ; }Lot 314, Grp. 4, 350 acres . ; 27 30 * $75 12 im leaners, Hot 1 = s iri ‘ as follows: Clapperton; Bill Mur- w vadelnahel e & .. Lot 72, Grp. 4, 59 acres ... ‘ : eae 2 ee 2 oe ot ze Toasters, and Fixtures. pr’ ray and Jimmie Currie; Mitchell, | punnam, 4, sss ‘ine’ a | 258, [= i ae ecres be as +4 + aa i os =o st tes furnished on House wiring and Motor installation | Bennett and Danny Main; Willis-|o"ern Pioneer Lumber Co : wou, he ATLIN Foumgs i i an ee si > . , s, y ) ; MARINE DEPARTMENT le roft, George Sellar Tomm a ea a ail a ae i nee 0 273 338 Agents for Black, Bobby Wiggins and Bob|jumner, 3. Mo 120222222 222220 ; [Block 6, Lot 7 sees seceesecs eee ssesey ++ 25 85 275 81 40 Atlin Trading Ge. é és . block 9, Lot 4, o* ; 7 ad 3 275 93 65 Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling | McLean. Atlin Trading Co... ...... ‘ Block 9, Lot 5 : , 137 70 oo te 275 } 270 . Caille Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries rail: Winsby; Harry Menzie] piliman, Elizabew W. . . ae 5 Feb b 60 278 29 75 to take off his hat. When thedirving, Jonn ........:- io 2 ‘Lots ry w" i 9 25 4 90 275 16 90 - “emoved his lid| Victoria Yukon Trading Co. meek fe See oe a ee 11 60 6 30 275 20 65 jgame started he removes ' canadian Development Co. . » Lore oe Bes 18 24 (inel ; 20 50 11 20 275 34 45 , . whitney & Pe : . - ae 95 se oor. 5 15 2 30 75 ; crowd whieh eaused a ge sullven & McLeod ‘ ‘ a “ =4 6, Lot a8 grtneerseger tse: +} 30 . 83 : 75 a 10 : }} | sternation. The sturdy ba 07 | burns, Dominick ||. ae : 3 sok 8, Lot i4 sepiongenrtiee Gait oe 17 40 9 60 : 23 rH as e ® siithe Trail builders had a close Merchants Bank < of Halifax | piock 6, Lots 15-16 hao of . = a 3 : 7. 4773 ; hair-eut, and the broad expanse |i oil's . | sek 6, Lots 17 - (inel.) 1470 8 15 2 75 25 60 ‘ om “rt’s jaeaney, M. J . Hock 6, Lots 19 23 Ti ve oe. AS ie 5 BD 275 29 50 as rather sual for uper > Siu Lots 26A, 27-40 (inel ooh : ; was rather unt | nderson, W. A “a k 7 +a +96 275 | ot great baseballer. feaney, MJ. bos Ves sock 7, 7% $ gp PEON eee ee ? 3 00 ” 55 275 | $30 . , . andersun, W. A : : : = 2 $09 689 : : 495 2 20 2 75 0 . ” 7 Hani, Annie .. ses ket siock 8, Lot 2 Br artess : 11 60 6 30 275 | 20 65 Fans are still wondering what! s:racey, Algernon T. H aes 8. ~— seen 495 2 20 275 9° ve eS ™ vam : Christe ous M vk ock 8, Lol S ... ; : 5 aa 275 | sudden impulse seized Mitchell | {i —. “— 4 ; ~~ 434 <9 SF be 20 85 275 | $0 $0 j a k “ke »}suilivan & MeLeod ........ si0ck 9, L008 s 7 ye 28 10 15 75 275 | 16 jlast night when knot oe - Sullivan & McLeod ae : meee fa" Lon ot Tack 050 $3 oe $75 | oe 2 ‘ = -Le Y < 3 275 28 65 ball from Harry Menzies hane sullivan & McLeod Biock 13, Lots 1-26 (imel. eo on 275 60 75 7 > a McLeod ’ : : 7 20 20 80 275 75 m a throw in Jimmy was con- Sulliven é McLeod a ‘ : Biock 14, Lots 2-13 (Incl. 11 00 1740 | 275 51 15 3 “y ae was he Callie bal! sullivan & MeLeod ...... Block 15, Lots 4-13 — . r 6 30 320 275 | 12 25 > G nDaVe a Kodak |iiientet ies the cate tats eS ee tk ae ae} ae | He] oe ibut a frown from the linesman, | suiivan & Mcleod ‘ ; ‘ 12 M 4 eee poe tae ane ' 43 40 23 50 278 : 6@ 3 ” : le »}Suilivan & MecLeo¢ Pr eases » | Bive : J " ’ 2190 225 5 tos it i l i t Doc Clapperton, satisfied the sullivan & MeLeod Binak 93. woe 0.38 foe! ; 59 10 3310 | 2 75 12 25 of > sult your special requirements. eager youth that he was in the } suttivan & McLeod <..... ' poe. $2, tom 90-98 6 30 3 20 278 12 96 ‘ ; . =o ‘ sullivan, Edward M, ee : : 6 70 ay : 4 ” : . ‘ oO lot 24, Lots 20-21 a - : Full range from Vest Pocket to Post Card size. | wrong. A very tense situation] cunivan’ & Meleod ' C = + Lots 22-23 +s sz a ss | e 3s i bs 3 § iwas relieved, as the unwarranted |> os rere ‘ Block 24, Lots 24-50 (Inel, a 83 4 ; 225 an 12 96 : | attack by the Scotchmen’'s half-|Scnarschmiat & Bethune . es e es 2 —_ . gee Ss 9630 | 5400 275 183 08 4 7 + + * . i i 3 renihle sullivan & MeLeod ........- Sick oF. Low 50-77 (inel) 86 80 4855 | } 33 10 ac g have led to terri : ae ct 6 + OH 2 75 ver t ] 8 1S bac k might _ Subtven © ha 4 Block 29, Lots 1-17 (Inel, 58 90 i 46 05 } 275 | 133 60 * y ng Ii 0 a upp lcomplications, if Harry had made | sullivan & Mtteod ool, Divck 31, Lots 98-64. tine) .».. + (340 | 9343 | 978 | <<: 3 r oN ee ee very strenuous objections to the | Sullivan & wokeod eo ; oon By oo i 36 tenet et ee 28 10 8 is | aos } ‘te os * ’ Te , sullivan & McLeoc ge 5 or 34, ‘ 38-3 74 40 75 , Block 35, Lots 2-25 (Incl ‘ ’ 2 75 414.35 8 nd 2 5 ivure sullivan & MeLeod ...... : , 0 Os : 74 Be 40 10 5 5 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 s¢ ee i i Sullivan & McLeod Oe sas [Block 38, Lois 3 as {inch + oe S 40 : 275 3 13 3rd Avenue ond 6th Street Vickets are now selling very |Uilvan & Meteod . 2.002. Block 20° Lose 4: se (hea 30 70 530 | 975 | SO 80 . : cer, which is be-|sullivan & MeLeod ... + | Block 40, Lots 1-26 ay 37 20 2085 | 275 50 80 es well for the smoker, whieh is be-|s sihivam i MME Ca tw | Block 41, Lots 3-14 inel a2 30 ae a3 2 75 69 65 : — a eee 7 ing given on Monday evening Dy | Sullivan & MeLeod ......... pecs +8. ~~ . 4 nl | 91 00 12 25 278 a6 v0 ’ oe ” a . E . > an & McLeod » oc S WOE : - ° 2 15 75 5 } 16 6 a the football association, An ex Suiiven & MeLeod ||... ees oS ot ‘ + «tines ; ‘3 io 9350 | 275 oo oe 3 j yrogram is |sullivan & MeLeod ... , | Block 46, Lo sa” (iesL} i940 | 9350 | 875 | 69 65 ” cellent and on : j sullivan & MeLeod oe ‘3. ag 4 (inet i670 | 2638 275 isis “ ‘ iilival =o . } Block 48, Lots 5 vt.) 4 5 69 65 lpr omised, with a three-round box | Sullivan & webese Broce te ie 4-44 timek) ‘3 ‘0 %8 b0 275 | 69 68 ¥ SURAN ling mateh as a head-liner, Other) Svivih & Mekeod 2. ....... ‘ies oP oe 12. foci.) 37 20 some | Ea. I sis r Cf Lic 1s will be the|suiivan & MeLeod ........ . | Block 51, Lots zt : 3100 17 40 2 75 bit! " nredae phoneanrgay ” — i rin rets, | Sullivan & MeLeod ; ai i 53, Lows ; 10 sae i 21 90 $8 Hh i 278 ; 36 90 * ; ge lk conjuring , sullivan & MeLeod ...,,. ; A OS. saan ; 46 70 6: & * e | mpany, Limited, juggling. ané econ, ‘ i . patoes OS. hams te Vee : | 26 13 76 ' Royal insurance Company, o d singing have aj|suilivan & MeLeod .. : Block 60, Lots 9-46 (incl. 4670 | 2630 oon | ab ke Northern As urance Co., Limited. Dancing an . sullivan & MeLeod .... ; ‘| Block 61, Lots 1-20 (Incl : £3 00 sr | 275 124 00 i ia S London & Lancashire Fire Insurance prominent place for the night Sullives ‘ srenees ons ‘ ‘Teioce 6d’ Lote i-3E (ink) , : 77 70 43 HH : ov oS ? s ive I 4 .s s i 54 10 Oho Limited. MMe sullivan & McLeod .::.... Block 86, Lots 7 ae (inet. ) ; iso0 | 4040 | 3 7 | 33 25 : oa — . ‘ h (; Saneen © Leneathive Guarentee S Voce eding to a despateh me Suitiven : ooreee ; 7 s Block } Lots 1-A-48 (Inel.) . 4 a ae } 3 $8 Boe : 109 05 ‘ ’ si ive CLeoc : -. . ; : eneral K Accident Co. a rom. Cleveland today s ves © ferees saa Block Lots 1-22 (In¢ I. , oes) eee 975 | 65 05 n ved fi illiva Incl.) Pidelity-Phenin Fire tneurence Co. — Kill the featherweight] sullivan & MeLeod . Treg ia oe. test .* 24 00 i7 as ' a oe i sa 2 Johnny ‘Ibane, e fei ‘ ian a aaa oe ots 18+ inel, cavo. | $68 ) 5 : , , = Block , Lots 1-15 (nel . 26 30 975 75 75 Sor. § shi of the world, ill we sullivan & MeLeod , ts 1-48 (inel.) 46 70 3 ci. seond Avenue and Gesend Sirest. a he rin Sullivaa & Meleod | Block Lots 18-40 (incl, st oe ‘7 38 | $48 to tire from the g, Sullivan & MeLeod ‘Taeoee Lots 6-18 (neh, 31 00 ee) ote oe te Saat a auras 2 anes Block Late 4-30 (ae 075 525 | 275 17 75 On Wednesday afternoon thers Sullivan & wel cod Block L = 3 a nel. 12 40 138 ; i a Hy : . — ei® ; 2 Bloc ls 32- set. ; : 914 25 : ——- as a meeting in Calgary of th Sullivan : eapnod Block Lots 18-35 (tnel. . a2 1 aay gee | 75 70 : ubs b Rugby Football Union which went) orivin & MeLeod ' Block 98, Lote | 15 (Ine e710 | 3 us a ° ‘ stisullivan & MeLeod - ae : iiisaelochesasaitiel teed > Cr} e f i h Daily N Ww f existence after the frst)s ' out of ¢ . a . Th L or e e S year of the war. The meeting at : Phe eed di speens ies eee ® ead} alled for Deacon Dated at Atlin, B, C,, Augus M, ; ing Daily i yas specially cule of Northern British Columbia |\