ay eae | HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, on Thursday, the Oth day of October, A.D. 1919, -* sell at pubiic of the Provincial Assessor and Collector, in the city of Prince Rupert, B. O., | will list hereinafte? set out, of the persons in said list hereinafter set out, for deljnquent ist day of December, 1918, and for interest, costs, and expenses, including the costs for advertising said sale, if the total Farm Lands amount due for period ending Sist December, 1917, is not sooner paid. The Collector will be pleased to recejve any information respecting the following the Allied Forces and entitled to the benefits of section 20 of the “Taxation Amendment Act NAME OF PERSON ASSESSED Spencer, David 2... ccc cee evevevees Newcomb, C. D. .i.sss sued eats Hardie, Norman .....060ee eevee Sherman, Frank M Dehmeed, C. L. ow wn cee sess acegess e @ean, Hobert K., and Sandford, Ed. F..... rani, Jessie B, os Coens Ormond, J, P., and Deakin, Alt Pemberton, Mary, D. seve Pemberton, F. B. ...... ‘ Pemberton, F. By wc ee eee eee ees Pemberton, F. B ebb oes e wee Pemberton, FPF. B. once eeececes i Seott, Edith ROSE wc cece eee eeeres Wilkerso n, Geo, Ed. ° Pemberton, Mary A. D. ee EE Sone eee tees o8Gs Pemberton, F. B. oi... cece ees ’ Pemberton, F. Bo wc sce reece eaeeee Pemberton, F. B. Pemberton, F. B. ..cvesseees Pemberton, F. B. .....eseeeees Pemberton, F. B. Pemberton, F. B. Finnerty, Jobn 9, ....seeeeeet Pemberton, F. B. ...... Pemberton; F. By. ... 1. ce ee ee teams Pemberton, F. B. 2... cece este eens Pemberton, F. B. .....+++:+ Pemberton, F. B. ...... Pemberton, F. B. .......+-- . Pemberton, FF. B. Pemberton, F. B. .......++- Pemberton, F. B, . ww cccseeess: Lucas, (scar, Exe. & Trustee of the Wil of Chas BE. Revans (deceased . Pemberton & Som .......055- Pemberton & Som ....f.-+555- Pemberton & Som .,......+. s Pemberton & Som ........ Pemberton & Son ..... Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Son Pemberton & Som .......65. Pemberton & SOM .......+s455 neem, Dr.. Tees. B. ..s0+. Mcintosh, Julia ....... Ob eb bien Ce OE + coeds ard 0 GibBons, Patk. G. ......... -_ Pemberton, F. Bi. . cite eee. a) aT rere eee GE nts ve vescvventvcssoeetons Se es. We 06.8 0005 000 ot ge tm base Os 695 Williamson, L., & Allen, Thos, Macfarlane, D. MCV. ....ccceeveeccenes ee i a. ee eer ee eee Lauelie, Retna, Sangstad, Olaf, & Sangstad, Joharma, ’ Erieksen, Louis. ieee Conkey, John A ° MeDonsid, M. P. ..... ee Ree eee TT ETULTT i Far West Investment Co., Ltd., Lowe Inlet Cannery Co., Ltd. ...... John, Catherine BK. .......... eee . i Alberta Land Co., Ltd, hh, ‘sana Oh 6 » 00% 6-« Johnson, H. D., Lines, R. W., & Gruner, Hf, Johnston, J. G. . ene Victoria Canning Co., Ltd. Victoria Canning Co., Ltd. Victoria Canning Co., Ltd. Vietoria Canning Co., Ltd. on Brand Canning Co., Ltd. Clifford, Cc. W. D., Est. of clifford, C. W..D., Est. of Singichurst, 8. A., Est. of Collison, Wm. Ed. , Debbie, 8. o Tweddle, Jos. Dobbie, 8. W. Te ee eT eC CES ee OO, SO in ieee esd b-p thaw Federation Brand @anning Co., Ltda .S Owi'tlim, Prank L. . “* Bell, Win., & Orde, E. ie: Hastings, Dr. C. J. Dunning, Chas.“W. ..... Dunning, Anna M. E. Washorn, Jas. R. fy MeDanieis, Frank ........ Proctor, Pred, Jas. : Ross, Isabella, Margaret Ross, Alex, C. Orde, ft nest D Orde, Ernest D. Kerr, Geo, Coles, G. RB. Bingham, H. tweddle, Jos. Dyer, John BE, . Knott, Frank, & Renz, E. Stephens, Thos. J. Carss & Bennett Corbett, C. W. Bath, Geo, , Munro, Dr. S&S. A Myarald, Andrew Palmer, Albert a thal als die ne Pattullo, T. D., & Driver, Geo Pattullo, T. D, jronsides, Ed. § Stephens, T, J. NE We Me oo ols's chunk Hastings, Dr. C. J. MeFadd x M. Des@br is NOE sai Onn in ti'n g Pairbairn, *taabet Cumnlogiiau Carr, BR Lakelse Valley Fruit Lands. Ltd. Hughes, T. H. Rudge, Geo ‘ Bricker, Sami. W. White, Thoa .. Lind, 4G, , Bearns, 6. B. Sibbald, Wm. Tallerday, Walter L. Seott, Mies K. 8, Scou, Miss K. §, Gruchy, John P. Peterson, Chas, Wilson, W,. R. Smith, Jo PF. Aiferta Land Co,, Ltd, ...... Clarke, - Oe gata et ct Orde, &. Wb sR aes 00% bX cee Gendron, Ha cd olde isd: wea on Riair, RK, J, Wall, R. OH. Hall, R. H, Penny, John L. MeIntOsh, Donald ........ Mann, Donald D. Neneock, Guy : , . ‘ ; Oray, Gladys, R. K., and G. B. Piornfelt Weidgeman and gimapeen hurton, Sidney C, Nurton, Sidney C horton, Sidney C. .. Weston Stanley c Frith, Prnest P. ‘ SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY waa, DISTRICT, RANGE 2. Lot 16, eee Lot 29, & ; Lot 2838, 101 acres Lot 1010, 160 acres COAST DISTRICT, RANGE 3. Lot 11, 453 acres Chas . Lot 34, Undivided % int, 4 acres Los. 006, .@6 Geres Of: .....).-. Lot 138, Undivided % int., 21.5 acres Lot 81s, 3. M%, 160 acres : ° Lot $842 (Except 100 acres) 109 acres Lot 348, 283 acres ° - Lot 344, 389.5 acres ...... Lot 346, 299.6 acres LOt Sas, wev @CPOB ...... i 80 acres .. i 160 i 640 L 640 acres L 320 acres Le 80 acres 1 160 acres . Lot 367-B, 81 acres | Lot 154.2 acres ° ‘ Rol Undiv. % int, 210.6 acres Lot Undiv, \% int., 210.6 acres Lot 74.25 acres > Lot 160 acres ..¢..... Lot s20. acres Lot $20 acres Lot 387, 160 acres ot 388, 320 acres Lot 389, 320 acres Lot 390, 320 acres ....... i 91, Undiv. % int, 160 acres Lot 397, 320 acres Lot 399, 373 acres : Lot 410, 640 @cres ......... Lot 411, 640 acres Lot 431A, 320 acres bot 434A, 320 acres Lot 43 ur, 160 acres oes Lot 43 i a. ae eee Lot 43 38. 64) acres . eee Lot 439 % 160 Cres ..... , ° Lot 4 Lot Let & Lot 587, 550 acres ehewes Lot 545A, 277.5 acres > Lot 1105, 1.87 acres ..... ‘ ‘es |, 3, COAST DISTRICT, TOWN MIF 1. . E. Cor, of N.E. &% (10 acs Of) Sec. 30 w % of N.E. 4 Of N.W. %, See. 30, OU CeerA. + o 6 40 b's wo 6.0 : S.W. 4 of NW. & (Und. 4 Imt.) Sec. 30, (30.825 acres) ens sé ie cas S.W. 4% of N.W. & (Und. 1-4 int.) Sec. se, 10.275 acres coe - - N.E. 4% except 38.14 ac res, Sec. 33 (107. 86 acres s<éu eeWeeer : RANGE 3, COAST DISTRICT, TOWN HIP 2. % of S.W. \, Sec. 1 (80 acres W. \&, Fr. W. \&, Sec. 4 (90 acres “ 4%, Fr. E. %, Sec. 4 (40 acres % of N.E. \%, Sec. 4 (20 acre TALGE 3, COAST DISTRICT, TOWNCHIP 4 rr. W % of Fr. N.W. 4% Und. 1-3 imt., Sec. 10, 19.733 acres a 1 Sec. 26 (136 acres eames 3, COAST rs Tone . &, Sec. 32 (269 acres RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT. Lot 309, Und. 4 int. (31.75 acres Lot 309 Und. %& int. (63.5 acres RANGE 5, COAST DISTRICT. Sec. 11, Bik. 1, Unsubdiv. Portion, 914 acs. ASsi ge a Bik. E of Lot 9, (6 acres) i Assigned Blk. F. of Lot 9, (3 acres Assigned Bik. C. of Lot 9 (3 acres sot 40, 114 acres Lot 63, 122 acres Lot 64, 159 acres ... er PL Lot 66, 157 acres ...... Lot 68, 132 acres ....... Lot 88, 124 acres ... ‘ : os Lot 89, Unplatted Portion (137.8 acres ot 151, 160 acres oe ee Lot 212, 50 acres Lot 301, Except G.T.P. R. of Ww. 5.92 ac. Lot 363, N.E. 4 and N. & ot N % of a: iy OO BOE oh o.0ke ib oui dss ots Lot 371, kxeept G.T.P. RK. of W., 85.61 acs Dee GRRs BO GOD 4 6c's cds cers? one pea ee bat $13, 90 ares ........; Lot 532, Except G.T.P. KR. of W., 417.3 acs Lot 608, Except G. PP. RK. of W., 142.4 acs Lot 614, 121.2 acres cose ‘ Lot 645, Undiv, 1-6 int., Lot 645, Undiv. 1-6 imt., 57.17 acres ot 601, Undiv. 1-9 int., 60.66 acres é ot 691, Undiv. 7-27 imt., 141.56 acres. . OL 691, Undiv 1-9 int, 60.66 acres of 691, Undiv. 5-27 int., 101.11 P Ol 691, Undiv, 2-27 int, 40.44 acres, Ot ¢ , Undiv. & imt., 160 acres... ot 694, Undiv. % int, G.T.P. R. of W. Excepted, 60 acres é ; ‘ Lot 924, 187 acres ; Bik 4 & N.E. 10 ueres of Lot 974, 15 acs Bik. 2 of Lot 974, 5.35/acres .. Assigned Lot 1 of Lot 983, 50.2 acres. bot 993, 155.6 acres ‘ Lot 996, Undiv. % int., 79 acres Lot 1004, und, 1-5 int, 34.2 acres ewe wre twee ~wecV¥ocus . -' ' Vork, David ‘ ; Lot 813 OO ere 20 00 in t e wena, bkather 0” care jot 814, ‘a of y, 44.6 acres + Hobertson, Jom and Susan ++ | HOES : : tf rn : PR. of We Aaa ae O11 jenoit, Leon , ee ; ts v1.6 acres evs 70 Form Lands Investment Co,, Ltd Lot B24, 180 acres 100 RO Farm Lands Investment Co., Ltd ;s08 B28, Fe acres isa rarm Lands Investment Oo,, Lid : Lot 840, 24 ; —_ we , 1540 Burns, Albert 0 316 ny d acres Sequin, Ed, “ ay — Mm, 40 a - ; 600 at the office Craddock, RK, OG To mee eooe wee OF -Milwancout . liver, 186.08 acres 17 00 said a. oh the Farm Lands Investment Co., Ltd Lot 1324, 240 acres 120 aid persons of ‘ investment Co.. Ltd Lot 1879, 655 acres Merrill, Geo, é ° Lot 16 4 iy \ nd , mt, 12 acres 75 a methiber of | Collinson, W. H. Lot 1709, 242 acres 108 90 cCollimeon, W. EB. Lot 1711, 160 acres fio 0 Cox, Sarah pe reed, O40 acres 2 i ep eeerare a eon MeDiarmid, J, A... sees ot 1882, 640 acres 20 00 ; Steadham, J. wscsevsers Lot 1885, 640 acres ’ i | McDiarmid, 8. J. Lot 1584, 640 acres Ou ‘ | Dudgeon, EE. Lot (886, 640 acres : 5 } Uldershaw, D as aaae’ ae Recon 1 00 Simpson, W Lo sas, 640 acres 20 0 | 3 Brown, Mary Lot 1889, N. % & &.h 4, 480 acres a4 2 rult, Geo Lot 1889, 5. W. %, u acres 8 j rhompson, | Lot 18090, 320 acres rT ' Brown, D, Lot 1801, 640 acres | Welsh, Ethel Lok 1802, O40 acres Welsh, H Lot isv3, 320 acres ; 376 $101 94) Weish, J Lot 1894, I _ OF E. %, 160 acres 8 375 208 76] Welsh, | Lot 1804, W. %, 320 acres i 375 19 89) Burns, Margaret be Lot 1894, W of BE. %, 160 acres af 375 5444] Welsh, H. ....... yo Lot 1895, 5. %, 321 acres ; le ! McDiarmid, James . | Lot 1805, N.W. 160 acres 80 00 rult, P. é* Lot 1805, N.f %, 160 acre : 375 | 198 62) Jardine, Jas. Lot 1896, 640 acres 320 0 ‘ 375 | 5 96] McDiarmid, Jas ia Lot 1299, W. %, 160 acres x 275 5 38] Burns, ¢ I bbee o% ee Lot 1897, S.~%, 320 acres 160 00 375 16 05] Moneur, Andrew cveenes Lot 2129, 160 acres e 80 00 375 gb Se a eee Lot 21380, 160 acres 80 oF 375 gh a Oe ae ere ve eey' Lot 2389, 640 acres 320 00 24 375 | 221 24) Northcoast Land Co. Ltd, . Lot 2922, 118 acres , se 6y 375 303 77} Farm Lands Investment Co., Ltd Lot 2¥v3, 332 acres ’ 166 00 375 234 36] Northcoast Land Co. Ltd Lot 2937, 30.3 acres 21 00 375 250 55 375 | 65 45 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DISTRICT. $75 127 15) Queen Chariotte Mining Co., Ltd, Lot t, 1150 acres 621 25 375 497 36|rinee George Townsite, Ltd Lot 7, Unsubdiv, portion, 668 acres 593 37 a3 4 375 497 36) Gore, T. 8. Lot 16, Unsubdiv, portion, 174.3 acres 268 40 ‘2 4 ove | 250 55] Longhurst, Jarvis .. ve Lot 28, EB. 1+3, 114.348 acres 708 3 2D 5} Savannah, J., and Meyers, 3. & Lot 117 76 acres 40352 i 375 Shannon, Wm,., Martin George, and Alex. | 37% sutherland . . Lot 226, 13.72 acres 0 : Shannon, Wm, Martin George, and Alex 375 166 26 Sutherland ..... - Lot 227, 374.37 acres e 187 00 375 117 07] jones, Dr. Thos. J Lot 232, N® \& 20 acres ™ 110 80 3 75 60 83] Laney, Wm. 8. ? Lot 266, 160 acres i8 00 375 127 15|/ Gwiilim, Frank L e% ever : Lot 284, 684.04 acres é 409 50 ‘i 375 250 55] Hafer, L chs oe Lot. 370, 182.8 acres . i28 10 375 2750 55] Robb, Geo. A. .....uees o1- 405, 160 acres 83 27 3 75 127 15] Wormold, Chas. 8. .... Lot 423, N.E. 4, 160 acres 12 00 375 250 55) Robb, Geo. A. . a ee Lot 406, 160 acres 83 2¢ 375 250 55) Cochrane, EB. L. Ot 4ie, 160 acres 14 20 375 250 55] Leary, Wm. J Lot 500, 160 acres 20 00 3 75 127 15) Leary? Wm. J. ‘ ; Lot 501, 124.41 i Collison, Henry A ; Lot 760, 268.7 acr 187 60 { 250 55] Rupe, Rosella Lot 783, 8.W 1¢ 291 43] Donaldson, Wm. ‘H. Lot wezA, 405 acres 240 | 8 » 497 35) Graham, John re Lot 353A, N.W. 4, 160 acres 16 00 ‘ 497 35] Hillier, Geo. Sr. .>..... Lot 886, 327.05 acres 244 02 ' 250 55) Milter, Geo. Sr. Lot 887, N. %, 320 acres 238 80 i4 375 250 55) Hiller, Geo, Jr. Lot 887, 5. %, 0 acres e78 80 ‘4 37 127 15) Hiller, Geo. Jr. .. a ‘ Lot 896, N. % ‘320 acres v38 80 ‘ 375 497 35) Baker, EB. W. ....... 7 : Lot 1007, Pr. N.W % & Lot 1008 Frac 375 497 35 5. W 4, 156 acres 16 00 2 3° 127 15) Henderson, Alex Lot 1417, 550 acres 275 00 275 11 53) Baker, BE. W. Lot 1505, 109 acres ; ‘50 375 173 03 meemeted. B. 8. 5. in. + Lot 1415, 5.W % of S.E. %, 40 acres 20 00 3 75 70 18) ynomas, Evans Lot 1515, 8. EV & of S.E. 4, 40 acres 20 00 375 427 95] Duniop, Louisa A. Lot 151 N.E. 4 of N.W. &, 40 acres 28 $75 217 40] Sundeen, John Lot 1517, 80 acres of N.W. %& a8 per plan 275 » 89 attached to Cert. of Title No. $405-1 56 00 Geduhn, Fred E. bese Lot 1579, 5. %, 280 acres . ¥ 140 00 an Hansen, Birdie M. ‘ ; Loi i08i, SE. % cf SW &, 40 acres 2 375 *©+Tsulton, Joh E. 5.W 4% of Nt %, 40 acres 260 a Sewall, Clara Eliz. NW yor S.E. \& and SJ 375 17 15 S.E , 78.77 acres Tae Nagle, Thos. Ed , WwW. % of N. W. % and N. W 3°75 2857 5. W. \%, 78.7 acres 23 70 on - Henderson, Alex 5. ‘'y, 320 acres . 160 00 a7 1? 73] Henderson, Alex os0 acres : 159 Ekman, John W. % of S.W. \&, 80 acres 40 00 j 87 ’2 89) iienderson, Alex E. %& of 5S.E. %& atid N.E. \ %, 120 acres ( ‘ } Van Desputte Emiel N. % of 5. & of S.W. %& and od ‘i 5S. % or N wy of BLE 4%, 80 acres 40 00 zip 18 45] The Home Estate Corporation Lid Lot 1632, N. % of N.E. \%; 5. % of 8S. 'y 375 2 of NE. %; 8. % Of S.E. %; N. %& Of 375 Pi 73 . S.W. 4%; and N.W. \, 435 acres . g17 ¢ 375 11 89] Henderson, Alex Lot 1636, 617 acres . jienderson, Alex Lot 1637, Except N.E % of KI ly 506 acres 2 ies .,| Allen, Albert E. 8. Lot 1637, N.B. % of N.E. %, 40 acres a 375 1971 Stacey, George Lot 1646, 71 acres 4 Mehay, J : Lot 4, 160 acres x oF liarrison, Eli Lot and S.W. \%, 481.75 acres 174 +75 11! 36) Harrjson, Victor b Lot %, 160.25 acres 72 } DesBrisay, A. C€ ee Lot 2652, 57 acres r 375 3173

; # og 7 00 375 g7 o3 Clifford, €. W D. Estate of -. | Bik. 11, Lots 1 to oa ; 375 20 58 ey gubdiy. of Lot 5, Pt. & 4) of SW. | 375 2 94 \ Sec. 11, Tp. 1, Range 5, Coast District, { 375 61|Mankin, Clint . ; rl Plan 784, ’ $75 86 80 Cereb erevcecs reese P Lot 20 wy ‘ 275 1772 Subdiv. of Lot 194, meses ©, Coast District, ia $75 4411] Pinder, Mrs. c. 4H. > Pian > ; i 875 i'* 9° | Pinder, Mrs, c. i. Py BE. 231 ft. of Lot 42 - ‘ii 375 eet irae, ur. Gm ttt “9 068 E. 231 ft. of Lot 59 ; 97 it $75 2007) Pinder, Mrs. Cl af W. 231 ft. of Lot 61 ? 7 iW 375 95 48) Pinder, Mrs, C. H, .| |" roe PLots 133 to 135 27 7 375 | R474 . Lots 146 to 148 ves pf $75 | 1” B4 Subdiv of Lot 307, R 5, Coast District, ff $75 3) 42] Jackson, Alice H : Plan 816. ; ’ 3°75 14 bt , -+ > Bik. 14, 5.33 serves, Bik. 15. 5.99 acres 14.00 4 $75 | fen Subdiv. of Pt. of Lot 646, mane 6, | , Pa +75 25 27] Mychyk, Wm. Oletrict, Plan } i 97 # $75 5» o) | Olaek, PF, Block 14, Lots 8 140 ' 7 a j Booker, Clarence Hi,’ | | Block 25, Lot 29 7 27 sf | MeCartney, Jos Klock , Lots 14. 45 hi 7 if Peers, H, . ; + | Block $7, Lots 47,’ 18 90 875 | 19 7a . gn Lots 6, 7 i3 . * j ubdivision of Lot 361 n ) is 375 21 69) Willmore, Sidney ; District, Plan Sea” > oe 3 375 54 30 : Lote 5, @©75 aeres 47 18 . ¢ Pubdiv. of Lot 362, Ren @ B, Coast Disir\: , Ht } Lakelse Nurseries, Lta Pla , We 375 | 90 69|Lakelse Nurseries, Lid Bik, 1, 9.90 ons” 11 of . ; { j Lakelse Nurseries) Liq’ , Bik. 2, 10.17 acres 11 38 ' 375 178 Ob - Bik. 4, 11.92 aeres 11 38 " 975 | 4305 ‘ Subdiv. of D. L. 360, Range 6, Coast : # : Hoekwell, Martin ' ] Dietrict, Pian 970. , , 275 1 en ae & 10 aeres 1078 ' ail 975 | 29 On ubdiv. of Lot 1798, ¢ 275 | 70 34) Martin, Isaac Di irl let, Plan woe % Gras, 19 : e $75 | 201 i9| Cook, Jos, : Nik, 5, O5 seres , 5 » 40 ; 4 , g3 Onis ne 9.97 aeres 2 40 lt ’ 19 80 bdiv. oO | “ ' 875 | 94819'Jobms, 3. a. ..,... ee bis strict, Bien nese. > oe {97 om "ROL COHe Popes Bik. 6, 8.09 aeres co enekak eri sa a . 12 58 r THE DAILY NEWS , Krida : . ; SAMI OF PRASUON ASSESSED SHORT DESCRIPTION oF ry ae sapien